
Chapter 45

He shut his door and Olivia leaned her head against his shoulder as she slid her hand down his forearm to intertwine her fingers with his. He picked her hand up to press a gentle kiss to the back of it with a warm smile. "So, Madame Martin. How does it feel to be my wife?"

"Amazing..." Olivia softly giggled as she peered up at him and captured his lips.

"Good." Noah laughed as she broke the kiss to peer out the tinted windows.

"I'm nervous though." Olivia worried her bottom lip for a moment and Noah reached over to touch the diamond necklace around her neck.

"How come?" Noah untangled some of the pendants with his slender fingers as he slowly peered up to meet her gaze.

"What if, when we dance..." Olivia was having an issue getting the question out, but Noah finished it for her.