
Chapter 17

Her heart ached all over again and she wandered into the kitchen, taking out the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies.

She mixed it all together after setting the oven to the right temperature. The oven beeped as she was scooping rolls of cookie dough onto a baking sheet. Olivia picked up the baking tray to load it into the oven when she heard a bar stool pull out along the tile.

Olivia jumped and burned her arm on the top of the stove. She let out a squeak as she yanked her arm back, centering the tray, and closing the oven. She hissed in pain and examined the red line along her forearm. A pair of soft hands were suddenly on her arms and leading her over to the sink.

"You okay?" Noah turned the water on at a lukewarm temperature. He put her burn under the water, and she relaxed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you." Olivia was quiet as he pressed his bare chest against her back.