
teleport into a beast world with a system: Me? a female!? No!

Attam a dancer/writer with very feminine looks was transformed into a new world of beastmen! not only that but he now was suck with a system and two Weirdos calling him a female! HE.IS.NOT.A.DAMN.FEMALE! God dammit!, he may like girly shit and time to time wear girly help tone down his urges but he is by no means a female! a couple months later.... "baby~ I can wait to have pups with you~" "what is this shit?? some mpreg shit??? am not a girl I can't get pregnant!" "who said that?" "me and my non-existent womb!" "host its kinda possible if you bu-" "no go suck yourself" "...." _ *Ai generated photos old book name: A female!? No!

lilac_the_lazy_one · LGBT+
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14 Chs

My mate [2]

It's been a couple of minutes and Attam decided to dance, he moved his legs in a beautiful motion, his movement was smooth and gentle very eye catching..

His movements made his soft inky hair flow with his every move and his rosey cheeks turned even more rosey as sweat run down his face

He dance and dance till he forgot, he felt free and relaxed in his own little space

But the sound of his system broke his peace

[Host~ your dance skills are beautiful]

"I know dummy~ and I would have even been doing my biggest event of my life if your big ass didn't tp me here!"


Attam pouted and stopped dancing, he weant to his new bed and started kicking his legs in frustration as he kicked he complained to his system about how it ruined his life!

Soon drowsiness hit him and he soon fell asleep

Neolithic walked into the house with two rabbits in his mouth, he was in his beast form

As he got into the home he freezed, he looked at his once partially empty home that was thick with dust new clean and fulled to the brem with weird things..

"...." Neolithic frowned

Where did that female- he means... where did Attam get this things from..? He was certainly confused about these stuff and he will ask the fem- Attam when he sees him

He carefully walked into the house and casually closed the door

"...?" He looked around the place that was now very unfamiliar to him

Soon he reached the bedroom to find it look completely different too!

Grass bed he made was now gone! Replaced by... a.. what is that? He observed the thing to find his soon to be mate on it sleeping he than soon assume it was a bed

The bed it self looked soft really soft to the point he assumed it was from the upper tribe

His frown deepened, he has to question Attam about it

He soon want into his human form before carefully going onto the bed and gently pinning the male down


Attam didn't stir

"Mate.." he called out louder this time

He still didn't stir

Neolithic got really worried now so he gently at first then harder pinched Attam side

"Ow-!" Attam groaned in a house voice

"Awoke now..? Attam what is all this?"

"E-eh?" Attam looked confused, he soft pink eyes were bright and watery with sleepiness to it from the pinch at his side

"Who-!? Oh!..." Attam seemed was going to say something but soon seem to remember something

His eyes narrowed and he asked again

"Attam tell me where did you get all this? You will be my mate soon so I don't Condon lies... so tell me the truth"

Attam was screwed! And his damn system instead of helping him was laughing his donkey ass off!

'Can you fucking shut up!?'

[Nah you damn loser!]

Attam grumbled in his heart as he put his attention to the male in front of him

"Right I am going to be your- wait oh Right yes I am going to be your mate I will tell you everything but let goooo!"

Neolithic quietly let him go

Attam took a breath, he knows in his world males can only get mark once in their life so Neolithic wanting to mark him is a big commitment because unlike Neolithic he was set in the system as a 'female' he so he can get any amount of males he wants and have a damn fucking haram if he wants to!

But in his opinion one wants more than one lover are creepy unless the party is constanting to a poly relationship which from what he reads the fl in the story never really got the content of the another party

If Neolithic mates with him Neolithic would be suck with him forever life! Unless he dies but he's not planning on dieing so it should be OK to will.. tell him about the system because will he's stuck with him now!

"Ok.. so.. Neolithic don't tell anyone but I have a system"

"....a system? What's that?"

Attam didn't want to explain so he just skipped to the important bits

"That doesn't matter"

System may thinking of ways to kill Attam : (^^)

Attam took a another deep breath and continued explaining, after explaining Attam watched his expressions

He face was blank you a few seconds but soon a soft smile spread on his handsome face

"So you are agreeing to be my mate?"

Attam was blank he thought about it and blushed a bit

"Yes.. I am"

Neolithic's smile widen and he cupping and caressed Attam's cheek

Attam's cheeks became a bright shade of rosey red in a instant


'Go away! Your ruining my mood!'

[Fine fine!]

Neolithic watched Attam's expression and felt the urge to kiss him, his lips was rosey pink and plump, Attam licked his lips awkwardly and he felt his heart skipped a beat

Seeing the tip of his pink tongue moistening his lips Neolithic gulped

He suddenly kissed Attam tentatively and gently, the kiss was soft very sweet too

Attam was shock but didn't pull away, he needs to get use to this after all this guy will be his for life partner

Soon Neolithic pulled away a bit from the kiss, he smiled happily and said gently to Attam

"Thank you for trusting me and telling me"

Attam heart was beating in his chest and he couldn't say anything

"I...fuck why is romance so hard!!!" Attam pulled out of the man's hold and bury his face onto the pillow

[Hehehe~ of course it's damn hard your a virgin with zero romance and you said that out loud]

"Ahhhh!" Bury himself deeper into the pillow

"...? Heh.." Neolithic was confused for a while before smiling softly and climbing on top of Attam and started to pepper him with kisses on his head back

"Attam can I mate with you?" He tentatively asked and Attam paused before nodding his blushes spreading from his face to his neck

Neolithic eyes soften and kissed his head

I forgot about this story Honestly, I was just running away from this story. But here I am cause of a comment.!

Anyways, I forgot most of the things. I was gonna write in this thread. I remember it then slowly but I forgot the personality of the main characters. I'm gonna make up a new one!

sweet foul mouth bottom mc x doting, sweetheart, silent ml

so! the ml is silent man but isn't afraid to speak his opinion to the mc!

lilac_the_lazy_onecreators' thoughts