
Chapter 1

Police station in Madhya Pradesh –

An old woman and a middle-aged man go inside the police station.

woman to a constable

Son, do you know that FIR has to be filed.

Constable pointing his finger towrds the officals

Look, that sir in front should write to him.

after going there

A middle aged man intense voice "Sir,"

Inspector looking towards them humbly "Please sit ".

(after both are seated)

Inspector looking to them in humble voice

"What is your problem?"

Man with a sad voice

"we have to file a missing FIR."

Inspector "ok ,who is the person "

Man" Yes, my brother Kamal did not return home yesterday even though he was two minutes away from home."

Inspector with a suspicious voice "Where did he go missing?"

Man "Sir, from Ganesh Nagar "

Inspector "his age"

Male " 29 years"

Inspector " Okey, we will start the investigation and if we find out anything, we will let you know."

Woman in a sad voice

"Sir, when will I get my son?"

Inspector looking towards old women

Inspector "Look, it is difficult to say, it depends on which gang is involved. Before your arrival, I had written about the case of missing 9 young men and women.

And all of them went missing yesterday itself and not from this police station.

Same is the situation in every city of Madhya Pradesh."

See ,

The inspector picks up the remote and points it up towards the TV, removing the mute and turning it to full volume.

Breaking news is being shown where a female news reporter is present.

"Last night again 58 people went missing, out of which 30 are boys and men and 28 are girls and women. Some of these people are such that they went missing just 2 minutes away from home. Sources have revealed that these people are said to be in the age group of 3 to 35 years and this crime has been committed against people of this age group.

The police are still investigating but no news has been received."

At another place, in a government office, breaking news is being shown on a TV.

"At least 8 to 10 hours have passed since this incident but there has been no news of anyone's death. Fear and anger can be clearly seen among the people at this time."

Government Officer in a serious tone

"At home, Isha should be strictly prohibited from going anywhere."

the other side other goverment officals by looking towards him

"Hey, the government should impose "lock down" again."

Third Officer"My mind has wandered."

First Officer"Okey is saying, look at what a big matter this is. I don't know how big this gang can be.

I will have to file a petition to a higher authority regarding this"

Anchor –You can see that at some places people are blaming the failure of the government and administration and at some places political parties are also taking advantage of it.

Higher officials mute the sound with their remote.

Second officer "This..boy

Hey Babu, bring the file"

A voice comes from behind

" brought sir"

A young pioan comes a file

" Were you preparing a file?"


"Sir, many files were not kept properly and it took some time to find them."

"How many times did you say keep all the files of Shanta bhai in check?"

Shanta bhai swiftly

" I keep everything in check in the morning itself, but all the workers working under you keep the size files here and there."

....to be continued...