
Teen Wolf: The Vampire Lord [Dropped]

Silver was a murderer. He had murdered over 100 people in his life, all of those people being very evil. Rapists, pedophiles, etc. However, when he was caught, instead of getting some sort of praise for wiping the Earth of such filth; his death sentence was celebrated. In the last few months of his life, he sat in a cell, in complete darkness, regretting his life. He spent his whole life killing filth, yet, he wasn't see as a hero but a devil. He was seen as more evil than those he killed. So, before his death, he decided to murder one more person; himself. He didn't want to give them the satisfaction of killing him, so, he took his own life. And, when he awoke, he wasn't in hell; instead, he was in a new world with the powers of a vampire. This began his rise as the vampire lord. In this life, he wont try and be a hero, instead, he will live for himself; and if that means turning into a monster, so be it. [Warning! - Edgy Author]

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Chapter 5

'Sigh, this really is tiring huh?' Throwing a woman's corpse to the ground, Silver mockingly wiped imaginary sweat from his forehead.

'Killing is fun and all, but, getting rid of all these bodies is really annoying...' Looking at the 12 corpses on the ground, stacked on top of each other, Silver couldn't help but shake his head.

'Maybe I should Compel some thugs to do this?'

'Eh, who cares, I'll just leave the bodies here and compel some people to confess to their murders. As for the bite marks? Kek,' Crouching down, Silver put his hand on one of the corpses neck,'... now you see it....', then, he ripped the corpses neck off.

'..... now you don't.' Chuckling, Silver ripped the rest of the corpses necks off, then he walked away, disappearing into the night.

- 1 Week Later -

- Silver Pov -

I've been debating over something for the past few days, the thing being; whether or not I should enrol into Beacon Hills High School.

At first it didn't even cross my mind to do such a thing; however, one day as I was walking around, exploring Beacon Hills, I saw a family.

They were moving into their new home. Of course, that wasn't the thing that caught my attention, but, instead a girl.

I recognized her to be Allison Argent; the daughter of a very prominent family of hunters.

When I saw her, I wanted to kill her; after all; her family is a massive threat to me, but, I realized I didn't stand a chance.

I was fast, however, by the time I would rip her head off, her father would have already shot me.

And sure, the bullet wouldn't kill me, but, it would attract the attention of everyone on this street, then, my identity would be exposed.

So, instead, I continued to walk around Beacon Hills for a couple more minutes before heading home.

'Enrolling wouldn't be too bad, right? At least life would get a little more interesting if I did...' Thinking this; I decided I would enrol.

'But not yet, maybe in a couple of weeks; for now; I still need to get a handle on my urge to drink blood.' This was a massive problem for him right now.

Whenever he would see blood; he couldn't stop himself from wanting to feed.

So, he needs to get control over this urge, by limiting the amount of blood he drinks daily and then slowly increasing it until he has complete control.

'But before that, I need to test something out.' Getting out of the chair he was sitting on; Silver began to walk through his house, down into his basement.

Once he got to the basement, he turned on the light, to reveal a man.

The man was around 30 years old, with a buzz cut, a handsome face, and a broad build.

The man was tied up to a chair and was covered in blood.

"Well then; thanks to you, I now know my blood can indeed heal those who drink it. But, there's still one more thing I want to test..." Hearing Silver, the man began to beg for his life, "No! Please! I have a family, please don't! I promise I won't tell anyone about what happened here! P-Please, j-just stop..." The man seemed to run out of energy as his voice got quieter and quieter.

And this wasn't due to any injuries, as Silver had healed all of them.

It was due to the mans mental state; which had been completely destroyed after he was tortured by Silver.

Silver had cut off his fingers, ripped off his nails, and took out all of his teeth.

He even made the man bite his tongue off.

Repeatedly, everyday, for the past 6 days. So Silver could see how much blood it took to heal in a specific amount of time.

By this point; Silver was surprised the man still had a will to live.

"You must really love your family huh." Crouching down, Silver lifted the man's lifeless head and looked at his eyes, which held a small amount of hope.

Hope for survival, hope that Silver would let him go.

Seeing the urge to survive in the man's eyes surprised Silver.

It reminded him of his past life, where he was forced to struggle for survival every second of his life.

However, Silver just scoffed and snapped the mans neck, then, he got up, walked to a nearby chair that was placed directly in front of the man, and sat down.

"Well, if you're lucky, you will awake and be a vampire, if you aren't, then, you'll die.." With a curious expression, Silver rested his head on his hand and observed the man with a small smile on his face.

Silver sat there, still, for around 10 minutes, when he suddenly saw the man in front of him, who was previously dead, wake up.

"I-I-I'm alive?" Realizing he was still alive, the man began to shed tears of happiness while thanking Silver.

But, Silver didn't pay attention to that and instead began to untie the man from the chair.

"Y-You're letting me go?" Looking at Silver, who had just untied him, the man couldn't help but open his eyes in shock.


Knowing he would finally be free, the man began to cry harder while thanking Silver.

Even though Silver had tortured him; the man didn't care anymore.

He just wanted to get back home, to his daughter and mother.

"I swear I will never speak of this to anyone!" And this was true; the man was too scared of Silver to tell anyone of what happened here. He just wanted to go back home and try to forget all of this.

Hearing the man, Silver smiled and began to walk over to the other side of the basement, under the confused gaze of the man.

Once Silver was at the other side of the basement, he pressed a button on the wooden wall, which caused it to open up.

This wall was a special edition to the house.

It was basically a secret door that led to a secret room.

"Stay here, I'll be right back...oh right, and if you try and run; I will kill you." Silver was confident the man wouldn't run.

After all, the man had already witnessed his speed, so, he knows, if he ran, he would definitely be killed.

- Man Pov -

I'm free.

I've been locked in this dark room for almost a week and I'm finally free.

I don't know how that boy did the things he did, and frankly, I don't care.

Maybe I deserved this? Clenching my hands, I began to think of my past.

I was a thug; I did drugs, got in fights and barely went home.

This all changed when my girlfriend who I had been with for a month, got pregnant.

At first I didn't care about the child, until 5 years later.

When my ex, her mother died and I was forced to raise her.

It was difficult, especially since my daughter had autism, but, with some help from my mother, I took care of her.

I took her to school, did her hair and even let her play with my hair and put make-up on my face.

However, I once again fell into a life of crime.

I went back to doing drugs, fighting, and barely returning home.

I left my daughter in my moms care; my mom, who was 62 and was already suffering herself!

Thinking of this, I wiped the tears from my eyes and clenched my fists even harder.

'I will never abandon her again! I will get a job, change my ways and take care of my family!' As I was thinking this, I heard the boy making his way out of the room he went into.

'Bibi, daddy will be home soon...' This thought was the last thing that went through my mind, before my entire mind went blank.


I will upload an extra chapter every 50 powerstones!

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