
Teen Wolf: The head of the Spider

The Phantom Troupe has entered an ancient ruin in The Dark Continent. Just as they begin to move deeper, violent whispers violate Chrollo's mind and he falls unconscious. After he wakes up, he finds himself in the middle of a forest. Where is he? Where are his friends? What will he do? ..... I am doing something like this for the first time, so go easy on me. English is my second language and if i make grammar mistakes, please correct me. The cover is NOT mine and if the owner recognizes it, contact me. Happy reading!!! No romance and no harem. If you want to support the novel, follow me on p.a.t.r.e.o.n: patreon.com/SENYSONAMEN

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15 Chs

Chapter 13

Peter couldn't believe what he said "Would you like a pizza with it? Perhaps something for desert too? No, no way!"

"Why not? Not only I won't join the Argents, your ally will grow more powerful. Not to mention, it is only a matter of time before I continue to absorb the powers from werewolves. You will only delay the inevitable." Chrollo rebuked.

Peter laughed "And they will welcome you with open arms and big smiles on their faces? Most of the hunter Families hate your Familiy, with Argents on top."

"Agree to the proposal." Derek finally spoke "It's far better to have him as an ally than an enemy."

The older Hale looked at the two of them "I didn't know you two were such great friends."

Derek snorted "If you were so concerned about me, why didn't you tell me sooner that you were fine?"

"I was going to, but that doesn't matter now, does it? The family reunion arrived a little earlier...Surprise!" Peter performed a gesture.

A few seconds of silence followed, after which Peter broke it "Do you trust him?"

"I trust in his skills." Derek reassured "And I don't trust you"

Peter sighed "Derek, I didn't have any control over my own body. I was like a puppet for the beast within me. When I became conscious and realized my actions I was overcome by anger, regret and grieve. I know that I haven't been the best uncle, but please give me a chance to redeem myself."

Derek deeply looked at him "Fine, I believe you. But if I find out that you've been lying to me, I will kill you myself."

"Thank you." Peter was relieved "Now, about the blood..I can give you 500 milliliters per month. If I lose such a big amount, I will be weakened."

"1 liter per week. You have an Alpha's regeneration, you won't even notice. Not to mention, It is nothing in comparison to your life." Chrollo negotiated.

"Like that's gonna happen. Here is my counteroffer- 500 milliliters per week, for 3 months. After that, I won't give you anymore, but you will still help us. Keep in mind that I'm being EXTREMELY generous. My blood is of better quality because I'm stronger than other Alphas." Peter proposed.

Chrollo agreed '3 months are enough to find another pack.'

"What about the guy in the store?" Derek asked.

"It doesn't matter whether he lives or dies. He doesn't know anything, even if he does and tells the Argents, they already know that I'm with Derek." Chrollo reasoned.

Peter sighed "You shouldn't talk like that about your classmates. He looks like a good kid and talking about murdering him is depressing."

Derek rolled his eyes "You don't want to talk about murdering someone, and yet you are ready to hunt an entire Family of them."

Peter became angry "Did you forget the part where they killed our family? In that house were innocent people and they didn't even bat an eye! They deserve everything that's gonna happen to them and you know it, too!"

Chrollo interrupted the argument "I will come back in a few minutes."


Some time later, Chrollo returned to the Hale house. In his hand was an empty 500 milliliter bottle.

"You don't waste any time, do you?" Peter pointed out the obvious.

In return, Chrollo merely handed over the bottle. The Alpha transformed his finger into a claw, cut the palm on his other hand and let the blood flow into bottle. 

While he was upholding his part of the deal, Chrollo asked what he had been wondering for some time "Peter, I have been searching for information regarding your werewolf form. It differs from the other Alphas'. The only information I could find is the name- demon wolf. How do you possess it and does it have any advantages that others don't?"

"Yeah, I'm curious, too. It's different from our other transformation." Derek joined.

"Are you talking about the wolf form?" Chrollo asked.

Derek nodded "It's an extremely rare phenomenon. My mother was capable of doing it and I haven't heard of anyone being able to do it outside our family."

Peter clarified "No, my transformation is special. It stems from my six years of absolute agony and pain. The desire for revenge also plays a miniscule role."

The Alpha closed the bottle filled with blood and warned Chrollo "Be careful, okay? This is my precious blood and I don't want you to spill it on the ground."

Chrollo smiled and drank it. After a few seconds Chrollo threw the empty bottle and focused on the changes in his body. Peter and Derek crossed arms waiting for the show to unfold, unfortunately for them, no such thing came.

Chrollo felt a very slight increase in overall strength "It is working."

Peter was disappointed "Honestly, I expected something like the strike of thunder or the summoning of a strong wind, not anything so...anticlimactic."

Derek, who has seen many supernatural species and has a rich experience, couldn't believe that someone could become stronger just like that "No wonder everyone feared the vampires. With such an ability every single one of them could become a disaster."

"Good thing they were wiped out by none other than young Chrollo's ancestor." Peter asked Chrollo "I assume you've heard about vampires, no?"

The Blessed responded "Yes, I have read about them. While it is true our abilities had a similar nature, the vampires' weren't as proficient as mine. The only way for them to become stronger is by drinking blood. However, not only was the speed of their strength increase was slower, but also the maximum amount of power they could gain from the same species is lower than mine, approximately 60 percent. They were also unable to age, making them pseudo-immortal."

Peter smiled "It's reassuring that someone from the younger generation is so knowledgeable. But, alas, nature is always fair. In exchange for their immense strength, their birth rate was negligible. Thank God for that, otherwise they would be rulers of the world. Of course, some more powerful bloodsuckers reigned as kings and queens over certain regions."

Derek continued "Since Elijah Caddel finally killed them during the Second Blood War, the seat of the strongest supernatural species is empty."

The older Hale revealed "Among those who are aware of the existence of Blessed, half think that this seat belongs to you, the other half hold the opinion that you should be eliminated, since your danger surpasses that of vampires."

Chrollo understood their opinions. On one hand, some they hope that he would bring peace among them, on the other, they were afraid of him. Such were humans and non-humans, apparently.