
Teen wolf: The Apex Predator

Michael, is killed and sent to another universe, specifically the teen wolf universe, and becomes Alexander Nicholas Faust Van Hellsing

Zariakuno · Ti vi
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1 Chs

Chapter:1, New beginings.

Darkness... It's all I could see, I was swimming? No, floating. I couldn't feel anything, that's what I thought, until a burning sensation was all I could feel, It burned hotter and hotter until I was screaming out in pain, the heat was emitting a bright light, and as that bright light dimmed, the heat dissipated and once again I couldn't feel anything.

"Hello!?" was all I could ask the glowing white figure, "Who are you!?" I shouted.

"Worry not, child, you are safe," claimed the figure, "I am Yahweh, I am Adonai, I am El, Elohim, Shaddai, I am Tzevot, Ehyah, I am God. And you my child are dead, your life has come to a standstill, but has not ended yet." God explained. I answered with the only way could.

"My lord?"

"Just call me father my child,"

"Father, what do you mean my life 'has not ended yet'?" I asked.

" You and your species, my children, are the prime beings I created and were the first, You all are given another life in any world imaginable, in fact all the tv shows you watch are universes too, You will get three wishes and can change your appearances. Now I ask you child where does your new life begin." Explained God.

'So I am given a chance to be transmigrated to another world, with three wishes, and my preferred appearance' I thought. "Alright then I wish to have the bloodline and abilities of The true Dragon, the first true werewolf, the Vampire Alucard, and all the equipment of Van Hellsing." I wished.

"Your wish has been granted."

"I wish for the ability to have familiars that can be stored as tattoo's,"

"Wish granted,"

"And last I wish for an infinite amount of money,"

"Wish Granted," he stated.

"Alright I want to be Six foot fife inches, Black and white hair, and naturally red eyes."

"It is done."

"And finally I wish to be in the teen wolf universe on the day Scott gets bitten."

"Alright my child, Farewell, Alexander Nicholas Faust Van Hellsing."

And with that my sight disappeared once again but this time I was on the street near a car dealership at night sitting in front of a wallet, I checked inside and found a credit card with an infinity symbol on it along with what looked like never ending Hundred dollar bills. I looked up and thought, 'Guess my first purchase is a Lamborghini'. I walked in wearing a red Tee-shirt, black leather jacket, and jeans with Combat boots, and a pair of designer glasses.


"Hello sir how may I help you?" asked the car dealer politely.

"Hello, I was just wondering if you had a black Lamborghini Aventador in stock?" I asked.

"We have a selection of cars that I think you would like including what you are asking for-"

"Just a black Lamborghini Aventador, please." I interrupted "I'm new in town and need a new car."

"I understand, I'll get the paperwork and we can get through this immediately." I nodded and followed the car dealer.


Later that night I went to a free-real-estate owner and explained that I wanted to buy a house fully furnished, I filled out the paperwork and bought the entire house land included all at once. After that I drove to Sinema and talked to the manager and asked him how much he would sell the club for and said "300 Million" I told him I would double it if he sold it to me, and although he was skeptical, we agreed and now he was rich and I was richer. Finally I made my way home to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and stared at the mirror and checked my body, and it was akin to a Greek God, 'Thanks, Dad' I thought. I walked out of my room fully dressed and locked up the mansion I bought.


I finally made it to Beacon Hills Highschool, I Got out of my car and walked towards the entrance of school to see the principal and Allison Argent, I walked up to them and activated my Alucard eyes and said "Hey Mr. Thorn It's me Alexander!" I exclaimed and as he went to ask who I was his glowed briefly enough that Allison couldn't notice and he answered "Ahh, Mr. Faust, So good you could of you to come, I'll introduce you to each other during class," And with that we walked to class and got introduced to class, "Class, these are your newest classmates, Allison Argent and Alexander Nicholas Faust. Take a free seat anywhere" I simply sat behind Stiles as Scott handed Allison his pen, and class continued.

The bell rung and the students started filling the halls and I claimed an empty locker that seemed to be two lockers away from Allison, then the Lydia walked up to us and expressed her like of mine and Allison's jackets "Those jackets you two have are killer, where'd you get them?"

Allison answered with " My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Fransisco."

I simply said "I own a branch of Loui Vuitton and Gucci" and started walking away out of their earshot and when I saw Scott's face it was hysterical, I walked to styles and asked him "Stiles right?"

"Yep, that's me, You are... Alexander, right?"

"Just Alex is fine, you happen to know where the field is?" Although I did not plan to try out for the team I wanted to watch.

"Sure man follow us" he said, and everything went as canon.

After school Stiles, Scott, and I walked out to the parking lot and Stiles ran up to my car and spoke

"Holy crap, man, this is a Lamborghini Aventador! Who has this much money," I walked up to the car and said "I don't know but whoever has this much money must be rich," while opening the door and starting the car, I drove off watching the dumbfounded faces of Scott and Stiles.

Later on I was cruising in my car until I was coming up on Scott's work place and figured I got enough money and that I would stop by and try to donate. I parked my car and saw Allison, 'This must be when Allison hit a dog'. She started banging on the door hard and I played dumb. "Allison ,you alright?!" I asked while shouting, She started talking super fast and I calmed her down and kicked the door open, "Scott, get out here! Where is it Allison?" I yelled. "In my car!" she answered. I walked to her trunk and she opened it I grabbed the animal while calming it and walked to Scott who was in the entrance gave it to him and after he said it would be ok I left.

The next day I was heading to class and overheard Scott and Jackson talking. "Alright little man, How bout you tell me where you're getting your juice."


"Where. Are you, getting your juice"

"My mom does all the grocery shopping"

"Now listen McCall, You're going to tell me exactly what it is, and who you're buying it from, Is it that new kid Faust? Because there is no way in hell you're out there kicking ass on the field like that with out some chemical boost" I got bored of there bickering and just went to class and waited till the after school party at Lydia's.

I dressed up pretty good I wore a pair of dress shoes, a pair of slacks, and a black formal shirt with buttons undone to make it look like a V-neck.


I hoped in my car and drove to Lydia's. Me and Stiles were talking until Scott seemed to be having a migraine. "Stiles, get in my car it's faster!" I told him, "Stiles, the supernatural is real Scott was bitten by an alpha," I explained, but before he could answer we stopped and I got out of the car and into his house, Stiles knocked on the door and Scott yelled, "Go away!"

"Scott its me" he said, after a few short moments Scott opened the door slightly. "Let me in Scott! I can help."

"No! Listen you got to find Allison."

"She's fine I saw her get a ride from the party, she she's totally fine alright."

"No! I think I know who it is!"

"Who- Just let me in we can try-."

"It's Derek. Derek Hale is the werewolf. he's the one that bit me. He's the one that killed that girl in the woods" Stiles had a look of realization.

"Scott Derek's the one who drove Allison home. "Scott the slammed the door and I pulled Stiles to tell him to take my car and to go to Allison's house. as I followed Scott as an Alucard Bat.

We made it to Allison's shirt and he growled, "Where is she?!"

Derek's voice replied "She's safe... from you." And shoved Scott aside, then I transformed and turned into a replica of Alucard.


"What did you do with her" he yelled

"SHHHH... Too late they're already here, Run!" he said running in the opposite direction. Scott too tried to run in the same direction but was blinded by a phosphorus grenade and shot in the arm and screamed, and as the Hunters were rounding the corners I came running and I ripped off the legs of the two back hunters and left Chris Argent alive, I bolted and ripped off the arrow pinning Scott to a tree and started running until Scott collapsed, Derek asked "Who are you?" I replied by turning into mist and turning into my normal form looking at Derek, "A friend of Scott."

"Who were they?" Scott asked.

"Hunters" Derek and I said

Derek continued with, "The kind that have been hunting us for centuries,"

"Us? You mean you! You did this to me!" He said While I helped him up.

"Is it really so bad Scott, hear better, see more clearly, move faster than any human could ever hope?... You've been given something most people would kill for... The bit is a Gift."

"I don't want it."

"You will, And you're gonna need me if you want to control it... So you and me Scott, We're brothers now." He said and disappeared after glaring at me.

We were walking on the road until my car came up behind us and Stiles was driving.

"I'm driving" I said as Stiles moaned and climbed into the back.

"You know what actually worries me the most." Stated Scott

"Don't say Allison" I replied

"She probably hates me now" He said

Stiles sighed and spoke up "I doubt that. But you might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology. Or you know, You could tell her the truth and revel in the awesomeness that you're a fricken werewolf... Ok bad idea... Hey we'll get through this, if I have to I'll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you live mice I had a boa once I could do it." This earned a snicker from Scott. 'Fuck me".