

It was dark out and the pack, not including Issac, were in the woods following Lydia's scent. Stiles was adamant that the Argents were hunting Lydia believing her to be a dangerous werewolf since she'd been bitten by Peter.

After running for 20 minutes or so they eventually stumbled across the Argents surroundings a strung up Werewolf, it was the Omega from before. Derek and Scott hid behind a tree whilst Stiles and Elizabeth hid behind another. The pack watched in silence as Gerard denounced the code. He wanted to kill all werewolves for what had happened to his daughter Kate.

Chris Argent stepped up to the Omega with an intimidating look. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The Werewolf whimpered pitifully. "Nothing. Nothing, I swear."

"You're not from here, are you? Are you?!" Chris shouted impatiently.

The Omega looked like he would soil his pants in fear. "No. No, I came - I came looking for the Alpha. I heard they was here. That's all. Look, I didn't do anything. I didn't hurt anyone. No one living. He wasn't alive in the ambulance. He wasn't, I swear."

Before Chris could respond Gerard stepped forward with a large smile. "Gentlemen! Take a look at a rare sight. You wanna tell them what we've caught?" He asked his son.

"An Omega."

"The lone wolf! Possibly kicked out of his own pack. Or the survivor of a pack that was hunted down. Maybe even murdered. And possibly alone by his own choice. Certainly not a wise choice. Because, as I am about to demonstrate - an Omega rarely survives - On his own." Gerard lifted up his broad sword with a gleeful look.

In the show Chris tried to stop Gerard claiming that they had a code, but shockingly he didn't this time. Something had changed.

Derek turned to Scott with a grim look on his face. "Look. Look. Look at them. You see what they do? This is why we need each other. The only way to fight them is together." Scott nodded his head in silence seemingly calm, but the two Alphas could smell his anger. And his fear.

"What are they doing?" Stiles asked Elizabeth. He wasn't as angry as Scott since he didn't trust the Argent family as much. What he felt most was sympathy for the Omega.

"Declaring war."

Just as Gerard was going to kill the Omega, a random hunter stepped forward. She had bright blonde hair and stood at a average height. "We have a code." Her voice wasn't loud, but everyone heard it. Elizabeth was further shocked by this. She hadn't seen this hunter in the series meaning that she was probably some background character, but she stood forward when Chris didn't.

Gerard turned to her and narrowed his eyes menacingly. Taking a step back he made sure everybody could see and hear him. "Not when they murder my daughter! No code! Not anymore! From now on, these things are just bodies waiting to be cut in half! Are you listening? Because I don't care if they're wounded and weak. Or seemingly harmless - begging for their life with the promise that they will never, ever hurt anyone. Or some desperate, lost soul with no idea what they're getting into. We find them! We kill them! We kill them all!"


Whilst all of this was taking place Issac was at home having dinner with his father. As much as he hated the man Issac had never killed anyone. This alone was enough to make him nervous. It's not that he didn't want him dead, just that he struggled to be the one to do it.

The dinner went just as it did in the show. Issac was asked about his grades, which were good, but when he told his father that he got a 'D' in chemistry Mr Lahey overreacted. After being cut with a piece of glass and realising his father saw his werewolf healing Issac ran out of the house.

Mr Lahey followed him in a car whilst calling his name. Eventually Issac was found in a different dark alley than the one in the show. "Isaac! Isaac! Isaac. Isaac? Isaac? Okay, that's enough. Let's go! That's it, grab your bike and let's go! Isaac? Holy - ! Aah! No! No! No! Aah! No! Aah! No! No! No! No!" By now Issac was lost on his rage and had fully transformed.

Mr Lahey ran for his dear life, yet he didn't even make it out of the alley before he was caught by Issac and torn to shreds.

After slashing at his father for minutes to the point of making him unrecognisable Issac had calmed down and managed to form a coherent thought. It wasn't long till he broke down into tears and dropped onto his back in exhaustion. He laid there covered in blood, dirt and rain, not noticing Elizabeth approach from behind.

When Issac finally saw her he didn't even react and just closed his eyes in tiredness. Elizabeth took of her coat and covered him with it, she picked him up princess style and walked back home. 'Shouldn't be the other way around' she thought for a second time.


Back at her Apartment Elizabeth had placed Issac on the couch since the second bedroom didn't even have a bed yet. "Issac" she said whilst shaking him.

He slowly awoke and sat up. "What-what happened?" He asked in confusion. Looking down he saw that his hands and clothes were soaked in blood, these allowed him to remember exactly what happened.

Before he could panic Elizabeth grabbed both one of his hands and shoulders. "Calm down Issac. I know this isn't easy to deal with, however panicking wont help. You need to understand that nobody is angry with what you did. I'm proud. Derek will be proud when he hears. We'll handle the backlash so all you need to do is come to terms with what happened and accept it. Accept it as the right thing." She spoke softly.

Issac heaved a sigh of relief and unclenched his fists. "Now go find the bathroom and take a shower. Oh also give me your clothes after so I can burn them, don't worry Derek will take you shopping tomorrow." Issac nodded with a dazed expression, still bewildered by how fast things had progressed.

He stood up and went to the shower as Elizabeth left the house and returned to where Mr Lahey had died. Once she had arrived Elizabeth noticed his body hadn't been found yet.

She pulled out her phone and dialled 911. "Hello. Yes. I've found a dead body" Elizabeth played the hysterical damsel act perfectly. She also claimed to have saw some kind of animal that ran off before she could get a good look.

Eventually sheriff Stilinski arrived with a large squad of police officers and sectioned of the area. The sheriff began to question Elizabeth on what she was doing here, what the animal looked like, what time she had arrived. The normal question you would expect in a situation like this.

She answered everything perfectly without garnering any suspicion. This way Issac wouldn't be arrested on a full moon like in the show and a whole lot of trouble was saved. They wouldn't be able to identify the body for a while so her beta would have some time to rest before the cops came knocking to ask him questions. Elizabeth was escorted to the station to write up a statement before being driven home on her own request.


It was the next morning and Elizabeth took Issac back to his fathers house. Together they cleaned up the mess from yesterday and Issac called the police to fill in a missing persons report for Mr Lahey after Elizabeth left. The police arrived after identifying the body and questioned Issac. Nobody suspected him to have played a part in his fathers death since the body clearly had the wounds of an animal attack not to mention a witness saying they saw an animal.

The questions were quick and Issac was given a date to read his fathers will. It was later that Elizabeth expressed interest in wanting to take in the newly orphaned Issac as she was the one to find the body.


We're back bitches. I know it was a little longer than a week so please forgive this irresponsible senpai. Expect a usual update schedule again. Xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxooxoxo