
Chapter 2 - Drama and teenagers

The Next day, Friday, dawn arrived, before the sun could rise Jacob was up, dressed in black sweat pants and a grey singlet and white track shoes, he was out for a morning jog, it was abit foggy but with he's eyesight Jacob could see clearly.

About 15 minutes into his jog, the sun started shining, and he saw someone jump out of the backyard fence of a house and was soaking wet, tryna hide and make his way home, it was Scott. Jacob paid no mind to him and continued his jog, he said good morning to a couple postmen and early joggers like him, the fresh morning air filled he's lungs making him feel relaxed, then all of a sudden, he picked up it's scent,

Peter's alpha scent, it was different, hungry, violent, hateful and filled with rage, not like his old scent, no this scent had bloodlust to it, Jacob could feel himself getting angry, could feel he was losing his calm and rage was creeping in, he sat down on the curb and took deep breaths to calm himself down, 'Not yet, keep it cool, it's not yet time, just gotta be patient, after Kate arrives i'll rip them both apart for what they did." Jacob thought as he calmed down, after a couple minutes and he could sniff Peter's scent getting weaker which meant he had already passed through the woods nearby and left, Jacob got up and headed for his apartment to get ready for school.

In Chemistry class, Mr. Harris had the students form groups of 3 to study for an upcoming test, Jacob was in a group with Stiles and Danny. As Jacob was reading the text book Stiles leaned closer to him and introduced himself and Danny

"Hey Jacob, hi man, i'm Stiles, and you already met Danny" he also pushed his hand over the table for a handshake which Jacob took, "Nice to meet you" he said as he also shook Danny's hand, "So your surname's Hale right? Any relation to Derek Hale?" Stiles asked with a curious look, Jacob could tell Stiles and Scott must have met Derek yesterday when they left to look for Scott's inhaler like in the series,

"Yeah he's my brother, why? Did you meet him? Is he here in Beacon Hills?" Jacob asked feigning shock and the expression on his face made Stiles confused, "Yeah me and Scott met him yesterday near the Hale house, shouldn't you have known since he's your brother?" Stiles remarked confused, "Oh! Well i haven't seen my brother since before the fire that killed our family happened, i've been searching for him ever since, if he's back at the house, think i'll go check it out after practice." Jacob stated (Lying to Stiles because he wasn't gonna show himself to Derek yet)

"Oh.. ah.. sorry dude didn't mean to bring up memories about your family." said Stiles and he had an apologetic smile on his face while scratching the back of his head, "Not cool dude" interjected Danny on the side as he looked at both of them, "It's fine, no harm done, by the way, you both got any place i could by some good lacrosse gear? don't wanna keep using the school's extra gear you know, it kinda smells like sweaty pits" asked Jacob as he looked at them,

Stiles and Danny were more than happy to help out a fellow team mate and told him where to buy his gear, they also talked about cars and bikes, where the best garage was to tune their rides and how much it cost, by the end of the day Jacob had become more than an acquaintance to both of them.

After all the classes, in the afternoon, Jacob got to he's locker and was removing books from it when Allison arrived next to him, "Hey Jacob, you gonna go to practice?" she asked with her beautiful smile that made Jacob's heart skip a beat,

"Yeah, i'm gonna head to the locker room to change, before heading to the field, you coming to watch?" he replied, "Yep, gonna be there" Allison answered with a slight nod, "By the way, you still not coming to Lydia's party?" Jacob asked knowing Scott probably asked her yesterday at the animal clinic, "Oh, um... i am gonna be there, someone kinda asked me out" she said kinda embarrassed,

"Oh! Well that was..... fast" Jacob said sporting a dejected look that was clear for Allison to see as he looked down while packing he's books, he could see Allison had a concerned look when she saw him act like that, "What do you mean fast?" She asked him while looking him directly in the eyes, "Well i was gonna ask you to go with me as friends since we both just got here but...." Jacob again made a disappointed look and looked directly into Allison's eyes as he said "It's fine" Allison looked abit flustered as she hurriedly stated

"I didn't say yes to going out with him, i just... i just said i'd be there" Jacob just took his bag and carried it one strap style as he ignored the anxious look Allison was giving him as he walked past her "Nah you should go with him, see you around" Jacob stated coldly, no emotion in he's voice, he could hear Allison's heart rate rise as he heard her reply as he walked to the changing rooms

"You know what yeah, i think i'll go with him than....." she said and turned to walk the other direction, Jacob felt his heart crack but ignored it, 'It seems fixing a dog's leg and helping a wet girl out the rain gets the girl', Jacob heard Allison slam her locker shut hard, and could feel her eyes on his back, but completelty ignored it, he was not gonna be a simp, no way.

As Jacob got closer to the changing room, he could hear two people inside so he leaned against the wall outside the door and listened in on them, *SLAM* someone slammed a locker door shut then came voices, "Alright little man, how about you tell me where your getting your juice.." it was Jackson's voice Jacob heard, 'Ah so it's those two' Jacob thought as he knew it was probably Jackson and Scott inside the room,

"What?" he heard Scott ask, "Where.Are.You.Getting your juice?" Jackson asked, "My mom does all the grocery shopping" stated Scott, Jacob had to stifle a laugh as he heard him, 'Just how damn socially awkward is this kid, how'd a dumbass like this become a true alpha?' thought Jacob as he shook he's head, "Now listen McCall, your gonna tell me exactly what it is and who your buying it from, because, there's no way in hell your out there kicking ass in the field like that without some sort of chemical boost." stated Jackson a little forcefully Jacob could tell he was annoyed at Scott's answer,

"Oh! you mean steroids.. Are you on steroids?" asked Scott with realisation, *SLAM* "What the hell is going on with you McCall?" Jacob could hear anger in Jackson's voice at Scott's question as he slammed Scott against the lockers, it was pretty clear Jackson was probably on steroids or something similar because of all the aggression, arrogance and short fuse, than he heard Scott yell, "What the hell's going on with me!? You really wanna know?! Well so would i because i can see, hear and smell things that i shouldn't be able to see, hear and smell, i do things that should be impossible, i'm sleep walking 3 miles into the middle of the woods and i'm convinced i'm totally out of my freaking mind"

*Breathes in deep* thinking that was enough Jacob walked in making both of them turn to him, "Well now, didn't know you two were a thing, don't mind me just gonna get into gear, you two love birds get back to making out" Jacob said teasingly as he winked at them, he could see Scott had a very confused look probably not understanding what Jacob meant, Jackson on the other hand was pissed "Fuck you say jerkoff!" Jacob ignored him as he went to change "Mind your business new guy!" Jackson shouted as he left, not before telling Scott he was gonna find out what he was using.

On the field, Jacob told Danny about what he saw Jackson and Scott doing in the locker room, some of the guys on the team just laughed it off as did Danny saying it wasn't true, that he probably walked in on them talking about something, Jacob just shrugged and joked about it with everyone as the coach came over blowing his whistle,

*PHeeew* "Let's go gather round, bring it in, come on" said the coach, as they went over, Jacob saw Allison walk over to the benches, she turned to look and they locked eyes, her face showed anger as she looked away only to look at Scott and she faked smiled at him and waved before she turned to look at Jacob with scorn, Jacob felt a tinge of anger as he saw her do this 'Is she tryna make me jealous?'Jacob shook his head 'Nice try missy, but i'm gonna make you feel like you don't exist in my eyes, than we see who get's pissed and jealous the most before loosing it' Jacob thought to him self as he smirked inwardly, he turned to see coach questioning Scott about raising his hand which he did to wave at Allison, coach Finstock made his speech to get the boys fired up as they split into two teams to play.

As the game started it was slow, Scott's team passed the ball around, and it ended up in Scott's lacrosse stick net, he made a run but was still alittle distracted which Jacob thought could be because of Allison, and just as Scott turned to get around a defender he got blindsided by a pissed off Jackson who bumped him laying him down on his back,

as this happened everyone clearly heard "ooh, what a hit, take it easy on your boyfriend there, a lover's spat should be worked out in private" Jacob said sarcastically, everyone on field couldn't hold in their laughter as they laughed loudly, Danny was just smiling as he went up to a confused Scott who was getting up and a pissed of Jackson as he told them the underlying meaning of the joke, Scott just smiled as he scratched his head, and Jackson looked like he wanted to punch Jacob as he looked at him, "Yo don't look at me like that cap, i ain't into guys" Jacob joked which made everyone laugh again,

Jackson turned to start the game again with hate filled eyes, by now everyone who was watching knew about the little altercation Scott and Jackson had in th Changing room and how Jacob had walked in on them and thought they were making out, that's why Jacob was teasing them, Allison had to try to not laugh as she heard it, controlling herself.

The game restarted as Jackson and Scott got in the middle to fight for the ball, and as in the series, Scott won the scrimmage and made a run for their goal, he sidestepped and did a soccer rulette spin around a defender as Jackson got up and ran after him, he did another sidestep jump as he moved the lacrosse stick from one hand to the other behind he's back while running,

another step spin again and he was confronted by three defenders that came at him creating a wall with their bodies trying to stop or knock him down together, instead Scott made a front sideways flip over them and scored right between the goalies legs, the crowd cheered for him, Jackson who was running from behind stopped and was bewildered, Jacob could sense Scott's realisation and feeling of arrogance start emerging, Jacob just smirked, 'hehe good, let's see how you react when i knock you on your ass,

how will Allison react when you can't get past me' he thought and smirked evilly to himself, he could see Allison stand on the bench and clapped with a big smile on her face, she than turned to Jacob and smirked, Jacob saw this, and just smiled 'Yeah keep doing that, let's see if you can still do that when i completely ignore you', Stiles was up and jumping as the coach called Scott over to tell him he made first line, Jacob could see the stupid look on Scott's face but just ignored it, because he was gonna wipe it of his face in a moment.

The game started again, Scott won the ball again, with Jackson angrily chasing him, than as Scott sidestepped a defender Jacob came out of no where shoulder charging Scott *CRUNCH* as he stole the ball that flew out of Scott's netted stick into his,

while Scott's legs went above he's head and he landed heavily on his back wheezing for air, Jacob took one big step forward as he swung he's netted stick with the ball in it towards Scott's teams goal, he twisted his hips as he pushed of he's back foot generating power but nullifying most of the power generated with his arms as he didn't want everyone to know his true strenght, he shot at the goal from the middle of the lacrosse field,

the ball made a spiral cone curve as it went in the goal, dumbfounding everyone watching, for 2 seconds it was complete silence, than Danny cheered first making everyone cheer much louder than when Scott scored, Jacob just rested the lacrosse stick on he's left shoulder as he reached his right hand out to help Scott stand "You good mate?" asked Jacob faking concern on his face, "yeah..... thanks... just... alittle.. out of ... breath" replied Scott breathlessly,

'Blame yourself mate, dumbass' thought Jacob as he felt good after seeing Allison's eyes widen and her slightly blush as she saw him look right into her eyes as he scored from the middle of the field, that's right Jacob scored a no look goal, the coach called jacob praised him and told him he was also on first line, Jacob didn't stay long after that, he told coach to put Stiles in to take his place as he was heading home early,

coach agreed as Stiles came up and fist bumped Jacob "Thanks dude, i owe you one" said Stiles gratefully, "Nah man, don't mention it, just get out their and show em what you got, i'll see you guys at Lydia's party right?" jacob asked at which Stiles nodded, Jacob got he's bag and left, he could feel Allison's eyes looking at him but he ignored her and left, tonight was the full moon, it was gonna be fun.

Just to clarify yes the mc does feel the pain and loss of his family, remember he has had 10 years to deal with his pain, and with Laura's death he is beyond enraged but is keeping his emotions I check, but be aware he will lose control soon, especially if he sees Peter

Mr_Fruitlesscreators' thoughts