
Chapter 3

"So is this it?" Kira asks her parents as the pull up in front of the two story house in Beacon Hills. She is still pretty annoyed at having to move again but the town seems nice if a bit small.

"Yes. The movers will be here tomorrow, but I thought you might want to see the house and select your room" Noshiko answers absently as they approach the door. She and Ken have talked and he has agreed to take Kira to the school to finalize her paperwork when he goes to meet with the school staff.

After a few minutes in the house, Kira has selected her bedroom and is happy with it as it has a great view of their backyard and she can even see the woods from her window. Coming down the stairs she sees her father grabbing his briefcase as her mother gathers her purse. "We are leaving already?" Kira asks in confusion. They just got here!

"We need to get your school registration finished and I need to get my paperwork done. No time like the present" Ken says happily.

"So where's mom going?" Kira asks looking at the older woman.

"We need groceries, so I will pick up some to tide us over" Noshiko says with a smile. The family heads out and they drop off Kira's mother at a nearby store after she assures them she can walk the short distance back.

Ken smiles and heads out for the school as he asks Kira about her class interests. A glance in the mirror shows Noshiko heading for the woods, not the store, but Kira is too excited about her answer to notice.

"Welcome to Beacon Hills Mr. Yukimura" Natalie Martin said with a smile as they shook hands. "And you must be Kira?" she smiles at the blushing teen.

"Thank you so much for meeting us" Ken tells her and she smiles as she walks them back to her temporary office.

"Well I am sorry to say that things have been a bit crazy around here. Our Principal for the last few years left suddenly without notice and a new principal was appointed only to have him leave also without notice. Left between one day and the next" she said as they sat down. "I was on the school board and since I had taught before, I was asked to step in until we find someone, so I hope you are not too disappointed. I know I was very happy that you applied, you are truly a godsend for us" she says happily.

"Thank you" Ken replies looking embarrassed.

"I must admit I am surprised that you were even interested in the job. Your credentials are incredible. I am surprised that you are not teaching at a college" Natalie tells him.

"Well, my wife's family business requires us to travel extensively so I found it is better to teach at the high school level" he answers happily.

"Well, we are very lucky to have you. Now Kira" she says turning to the teen "let's get you figured out and then I can show you both around" Natalie Martin says smiling. There was a great deal of things that Gerard Argent ignored during his time at the school that she was still trying to fix but hiring Ken Yukimura had been a definite lucky stroke.

Noshiko moved into the woods, moving easily and quickly as she headed for the old tree where she had imprisoned the Nogitsune. Ever since that night a few days ago when she was awoken from a fear drenched nightmare, she knew something was wrong. She had called in several favors and had the family moving in no time thanks to her husband's cooperation, even if he didn't totally understand. Her failure so many years ago had caused too much death and she would not let that evil back into the world again.

She was surprised how easily she moved through the woods but she remembered the power that the great oak tree held, the nexus of ley lines in the area and a source of supernatural power. Noshiko thought about that night, when in her rage and grief she had summoned and unleashed the nogitsune upon those men. She had regretted it almost immediately and ultimately, with the help of her friend, the werewolf Satomi, they expelled it from Rhys' body and captured it. Rhys died in the effort and Noshiko had moved on, but the pain was still there.

Moving silently through the trees, Noshiko noticed how lush and green everything was in the Preserve. The trees were vibrant with new buds and she noticed that the grasses, ferns, and flowers looked almost impossibly healthy. She paused to listen and heard a litany of birds, insects, and small animals, thriving and happy. It was as if they entire woods had been supercharged and not threatening which meant that maybe the beast was still caged. Shaking her head, she continued towards the clearing, hoping to confirm the security of the prison and put her fears to rest.

Finally recognizing her location, she sped up. It was only a short distance now that she had found the creek and boulder that she remembered. Moments later she stepped into the clearing and froze in shock. First the tree was gone. There was nothing there, just a field of green grasses and an abundance of wildflowers. The most shocking thing however was the circle of stone monoliths in the clearing that looked ancient even though she knew they couldn't be. Noshiko had been to England and seen the circles there and this place reeked of that ancient magic.

Moving around the circle she spotted the spot where she was certain the Nemeton once stood but there was nothing there. Just more flowers and grass and she felt her heartbeat accelerating. She could not sense any trace of the nogitsune. Taking a calming breath, the kitsune extended her senses around her. As a celestial kitsune, Noshiko could see the nature of magic and when she opened her eyes she was nearly overwhelmed.

First, the Nemeton was gone! The nexus that once met at the tree centered in the stone circle like she expected, but it was moving slightly, like trees in the wind. Shifting back and forth like a boat tied to the dock, wanting to move away but held in place by some magic she did not understand. Second, there were signs of a terrible battle in this place. She could feel the darkness and the blood and her senses showed her that there were at least two werewolves buried here. There were also traces of a very dark power that had been defeated. In fact she could sense a considerable power laying over the clearing, declaring this place protected. Her eyes widening in shock she looked around and saw the aura of peace on this place. Blood would not be spilled here again.

Looking deeper she saw traces of other powers, several very old, far older than herself and one that was newborn. Something incredible had happened here and changed everything. The problem was she didn't know what had happened to the void fox that she had left here. It was a thousand years old, crafty and powerful and Noshiko could only figure that during the battle, it had escaped and was now free. She needed help.

Shaking off her heavenly vision, Noshiko turned towards home. She would have to pick up some food to keep Kira from getting suspicious and then she needed to get help. She could summon the Oni, but before that, there was one other who could help her. Her old ally Satomi.

"Do you have to go?" Stiles asked with a guilty expression when he could hear the whine in his own voice.

Lizzie smiled. "I do have my own responsibilities that I need to get back to Stiles" she responded with a fond smile. "Besides, you have come far in the last few days and I am always just a call away." Lizzie had given the teen both hers and Arthur's cell numbers and email so that he could stay in contact.

Stiles frowned "But I can't visit" he said with his best impression of Scott's puppy dog eyes before he looked betrayed by the snort that came from his father at his efforts. "Traitor" he muttered looking at the highly amused man.

Lizzie laughed. "Stiles this isn't goodbye. We still have things to show you, but you have enough to help you as you make some decisions" she reminded him and Stiles groaned. Lizzie had helped create a seemingly endless list of tasks that he needed to take care of, each apparently more important than the next.

The last few days had been hectic in their own way for Stiles and Lizzie. She had been serious about dominating his time and he hadn't actually seen or talked to anyone except his dad since she had showed up at his door. He was up before dawn to trudge out to the circle with Lizzie to meditate and reflect until the dawn when she guided him in observing the forest awakening and the birth of a new day's magic. Druidic magic was the green-gold magic of life itself and it was so much more than he ever suspected. Deaton, and even Morrell, had explained druidic magic as rituals and the properties of plants, herbs, rocks, and wood. The truth was that was just the beginning of true druidic magic.

Stiles learned of the natural energy that all life emitted, almost as a by-product of life itself. This magical energy flowed like water, collecting together and adding that energy until it became a river of power that flowed invisibly along the land. Originally he thought the ley lines were some structure, but in truth they were these power collections of the life energy of everything from the smallest plant and insect all the way up to animals and people. As this energy flowed across the land, it was available to those with the power to sense and direct it. It manifested in as many ways as practitioners could imagine.

Normal druids accepted the limits and inherent properties of the magic of nature without looking behind those assumptions. Mountain ash or Rowan had a magic of its own that users could easily call forth to create barriers against the supernatural but Lizzie showed him that he can expand on it so much more. By pulling the magic of the lines to draw on, Stiles was able to use mountain ash in ways he never imagined. Barriers using the energy of the lines could block anything almost like a magical force field. Lizzie had created a circle and it had repelled Stiles' fireballs, wind gusts, even a blast of water. She had sit calmly inside while Stiles pounded at her barrier but he was not able to get through. Of course when he tried to sneak in a bit of sorcery she had magically "whacked" him upside the head and he looked guilty but not exactly chastised.

After a busy morning, they would return to Stiles' house for a quick meal accompanied by discussions over some of the books that Deaton and Morrell had loaned him before their afternoon nap. Then it was time to study his territory and push his senses. He was able to sense magical and supernatural presences but he still had a long way to go. He had kept getting distracted by the pack and had zoomed in on Derek usually several times a session, the Alpha's energies naturally drawing his attention. Lizzie had despaired ever getting him past it but on their last day he had finally managed to recognize the pack bonds and was able to filter them out. He was surprised by the number of supernatural and magical beings in Beacon Hills, not to mention in his full territory.

After dinner with his dad, Lizzie dragged him back to the Preserve to spend time with the energies of the night and they would stay out until midnight before heading home for a few hours' sleep to start all over again. Truthfully, as much as he will miss her, he isn't going to miss her crazy schedule for training. "Well, I suppose getting a full night's sleep will definitely be a relief" he says with a heavy sigh.

Lizzie laughs. "I will send you those books I mentioned and I will also reach out to the others to let them know about you, though I am sure they felt your ascension." They both snicker at that remembering Arthur's furious phone call the day after when he lit into both of them for not telling him what was going on. "Not to mention, I bet that at least one or two may actually know about you from their own magic" she smiles.

A few more goodbye hugs with both Stilinski men and a promise to visit again soon and Lizzie gathers up her small set of belongings. Stiles straightens up and using his sling ring, opens a portal to her house and she steps through with a jaunty wave. Stiles watches for a moment before closing the fiery portal with a sigh. "Well…I have to admit I am going to miss her" Noah Stilinski says with a sad sigh.

"You mean you are going to miss her keeping me so busy I couldn't keep track of all your runs to Claire's bakery and the diner" Stiles replied with a snort at his father's innocent protest. "It's not just the supernatural I can sense, if I know someone well enough, I can sense them. I spotted you at Claire's, Rocco's pizzeria, and the diner at least twice a day. Now that I know how to use mountain ash better, maybe I will circle their businesses with a barrier that will only keep you out" he said with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Noah frowned at the threat but then smiled. He had Lizzie and Arthur's numbers and he was sure they would help. He hoped.

Derek froze when he heard it. The distinctive rattle of the jeep's engine as it approached. Moving towards the window he quickly spotted the familiar blue jeep approaching the building. For the last few days he had been able to stay distracted for two reasons: first, Stiles was wrapped up with Lizzie in a cram course in druidic magic but she was due to leave this morning so that was apparently done and second, he had been keeping the pack running and moving. So he hadn't had time to think about what he was going to say or do the next time he saw the teen but that didn't matter anymore because he was on the way and Derek knew that Stiles was going to want to talk…endlessly.

A small quirk came to his lips as he thought that. The teen was incapable of silence and babbled more than enough for the two of them but he was certain that he was going to have to participate this time. Luckily the others were out so it would be just them. Derek spent a brief moment wondering if they were here whether or not that would delay things but in all likelihood the pack would scatter the moment Stiles asked. He groaned. The text that Erica got an hour ago! She had come into the room demanding that Isaac and Boyd come with her to go shopping. He should have known it was a ploy to leave Derek alone for Stiles.

Derek listened as the jeep came to a stop and as Stiles got out and headed for the loft. He heard the main door open and listened to his mate's heartbeat as he walked the floor until reaching the elevator and he could still hear the nervous heartbeat over the sound of the elevator. He considered opening the door but decided against it, remaining by the large windows overlooking the town. A few moments later he heard Stiles pause outside the door and take several deep breaths before opening the door with a shove and stepping inside.

He didn't know what he was expecting. He guessed it was foolish to think the teen would look any different than he had a week ago or even the morning after, but he was simply Stiles. It was like nothing had changed. Derek could see the tension in his face and would have laughed if not for the sudden impact of his scent. It hit Derek like a palpable force as he inhaled the intoxicating scent: mate, home, mine! The Alpha staggered at the force of the sensation never knowing it would be like this. "Derek?" Stiles tentative voice helped him regain focus. He was staring at Derek worriedly.

"Sorry" Derek muttered shaking his head and taking a step towards the teen almost involuntarily. "Did Lizzie get home okay?" he asks after an awkward pause.

Stiles nodded. "She had breakfast with me and dad before I opened a portal for her to go home" he smiles ruefully and Derek is hit with a quick blast of resentment and loss. "She offered to visit again if I want." Derek could tell what the young man was not saying…that he couldn't visit her anymore.

"I'm sorry…I know you didn't want to be trapped here…" Derek says softly and sees the quick look of appreciation in Stiles' eyes before it's gone.

"Hey, not dead and really powerful, guess that's a fair trade for being stuck here for the rest of my life" Stiles says with a shrug.

Derek took a deep breath "Stiles, we don't have to do anything you don't want to. I know you said you were okay with what I did but that was when things were crazy…" he faltered as he looked at the narrowed eyes on Stiles' face.

Stiles let him sweat for a second before he spoke. "Derek. Nothing has changed. I know what the mate bite means. You can't go back and I am not sure I can either" he sighs and moves to sit down on the couch. Derek remains standing looking guarded. "Our bond is part of my power. Lizzie and I talked about it a lot and the fact that we are not really…together yet, well it's making it hard for me."

Derek frowns in confusion and moves closer almost unconsciously, wanting to comfort and protect. "Hard how?" he asks instead.

Stiles looks mutinous but finally gives up. "I keep getting distracted by you. I will be meditating, trying to 'feel' my territory, and all of a sudden I'm locked in on you. I finally learned to dampen it a bit, but Lizzie was pretty sure as long as things were unsettled between us, my senses would be messed up."

Derek finally sits down and sighs. "So how do we fix it?" he asks with a mix of apprehension and concern.

Stiles smirks and raises his eyebrows in a terrible attempt at what he probably believes is somehow seductive. Despite the absolute failure of the attempt, Derek still blushes a bit when he gets the point. Stiles snickers. "Yeah. Not quite an easy fix…well, I suppose it could be, but knowing us, I don't think it would be that easy."

"So…what do we do?" Derek finally asks after a minute. "We went from allies and friends to mates without having any chance to figure things out."

Stiles' head snaps up with a look of inspiration. "That's it!" he crows and Derek looks wary at the glee in his eyes. "We just need to do the stuff you would normally do before you decided to mate someone!"

Derek raises a single eyebrow and stares for a moment as he watches Stiles process what he just said and manages to hold back the laugh at the sudden flush on his mate's face. "I don't mean that!" he exclaims flushing even more. "I meant dating. You know? Going out, spending time together, getting to know each other better. That kind of thing."

Swallowing down his amusement Derek nods in agreement. "I think we can do that, but we have something else we have to do as well" he says in a somber voice. Stiles looks confused at the change in tone but before he can ask Derek continues "You dad invited me to dinner tomorrow at your house."

Stiles pales and gulps nervously. Dinner with Derek and his dad? Oh…this was not going to go over well. Stiles had managed to avoid any conversations with his father about Derek over the last few days and it now appears it wasn't Stiles' ninja-like verbal skills, the old man was playing the waiting game and outmaneuvered him. Oh lord!

Noshiko steps out of her car and sees her old friend standing outside her pack house. Satomi has definitely aged since the last time she saw the alpha. Of course forty years will do that, even to a werewolf. She herself started showing age signs when she got pregnant with Kira, but she still looked young enough to be the werewolf's daughter instead of being over 800 years older than she was. Walking up to Satomi she gave a terse smile and the woman turned and walked inside sure that the kitsune would follow.

Neither talked during the time that Satomi prepared tea for her visitor and herself. The ritual was both calming and familiar and Noshiko could see that the werewolf was also disconcerted, her normal serenity absent and instead a tight control that barely held in her emotions. Taking the first sip Noshiko smiled at the familiar taste. It had been too long.

"What has brought you to my home old friend" Satomi finally asks the other woman as she sets her cup down. "I was not expecting you."

"I sensed a great disturbance in Beacon Hills several days ago and came back to investigate. I feared that our old adversary might have gotten free and I needed to know" she tells the woman. Satomi waits for her to continue, sure in the knowledge that the kitsune would tell all eventually. "We arrived yesterday and I went to the Nemeton, but…" she pauses as she seeks to put her words in order.

"But…?" Satomi asks with nervous tension in her voice. "I have felt something off these last few days and it feels as though it is coming from Beacon Hills, but I was uncertain of the cause."

Noshiko looks surprised. She would not have expected the woman to sense anything about the nogitsune. Wolves, while powerful, were not in touch with the more subtle magics of nature and the universe. "The Nemeton was destroyed" she answers simply.

Satomi's serene countenance breaks and the woman leans forward "What do you mean it was destroyed?" she demands, a hint of a growl in her voice and the barest flicker of crimson in her eyes.

"It was gone…entirely. There was no trace of the stump or the cellar beneath it. Instead there was a circle of stone monoliths in the clearing. I could not detect the nogitsune or find any trace of where it might have gone but what I did find…" she trails off.

"What? If the beast is free, we must understand what happened in that place to free it" Satomi says with certainty.

Noshiko pauses but then she starts. Satomi doesn't interrupt her old friend as the kitsune describes finding the signs of a battle, the dead wolves, and the presence of ancient, powerful magics. She listens as Noshiko describes the aura of peace on the clearing and her certainty that blood would not be spilled there again. She suspects non-human magic.

"The only wolves in Beacon Hills that I know of were the Hale Pack" Satomi finally says. "I haven't spoken to the boy or his new wolves, but I did hear that Peter Hale, once the Left Hand of the Hale Pack, was alive and had returned. They may be young, but the Hale name still has respect among many of our kind. Perhaps it was omegas who trespassed?" she suggests.

"The power that was there…no, it had to be an alpha" Noshiko reasons "or even more than one" she adds in a concerned tone.

Satomi pulls back with a touch of fear. If Alphas were killed, it could be that young Derek had been taken down. Laura's death last year had touched Satomi who knew the woman as a child. She remembered Derek, but he was younger than Laura and not in line to be alpha the last time she had seen him. If he died, then perhaps the omega that killed him was defeated by his pack allowing another to rise. She knows it is possible that a foreign Alpha could have decided to attempt to wrestle the territory away from the young man, but she thinks she would have heard about it…unless it was Deucalion! That man was a menace and a danger to everyone. He had surrounded himself with defective, crazed alphas and if they set their targets on Beacon Hills then the once proud Hale Pack were most likely no more. Deucalion killed and destroyed wherever he went, a poison on the very land. She would need to find out immediately or else her small pack might be in danger from them.

"Will you help me?" Noshiko's question caught her slightly off guard but Satomi nodded. She might not be as strong in a fight as she once was, but her wolves were young and eager to test themselves. They were up to a scouting mission and she could reach out to several contacts that she knew. There was an older witch, nearly her own age, who had retired in Beacon Hills that she could contact for more information. Besides, it will give her the chance to investigate her own feelings.

Noshiko had shared when she sensed the disruption and that aligned with the night she was woken abruptly. She had woken feeling disoriented and confused but it didn't last for too long. She would have written it off except for the nagging feeling of wrongness that seemed to grow over the days since. She felt like she was in another's wolf's territory which made no sense. She had been here for decades but she couldn't deny it. Something had changed and all signs pointed to Beacon Hills.