
Teen Mage in Teen Wolf

A teenage boy moves into a relatively small Californian town alongside his mom and younger sister. His name is very unique: Myrddin Wyllt. Moving around from place to place isn’t anything new to the Wyllt family. Spending anywhere from a week to a year in a single place. Myrddin arrives at his new home at the age of 15, the end of summer 2010. This will be the start of his first year of highschool. And he might be able to finish a year of school at a single school for a change, but neither he nor his sister are holding their breath. They both attended 5 schools in different states to finish a grade in the past. He has a good relationship with his mom. An ok relationship with his dad. And a decent relationship to his sister. Decent being an extremely nice and exaggerated way of putting it. He is just a normal kid wanting to have something break the mundaneness of his life. Moving doesn’t help, it only makes it worse. At least his name is very unique, but it causes more trouble than it’s worth. What happens when his mundane life gets cast to the wind? How will he adapt to his ever-changing view of the world? Will he finally be able to make some true friends? And how will he shape the future for not only himself, but possibly the entirety of Beacon Hills or the whole world? —————— This will start a bit slow as I try and get the story started and get certain events sprinkled in before the main plot starts. The timeline for Teen Wolf is an absolute mess, so there will be some changes to how things go in sequence. I’ll try to stick to how events went in the original, but there just isn’t information on some. An example would be that Laura Hale will still be dead, but it’s not said how long she was dead until her body was found. Or how long it took Derek to get back to Beacon Hill. Obviously things will change with an OC in the mix, but certain events will still happen and some won’t happen. It’s hard to explain this, so just enjoy reading it. Along with Teen Wolfs supernatural creatures there will be others added in as well. Some examples that may or may not be included are: phoenix, dragon, unicorn, centaur, fairy, devil, demon, angel, etc… As a heads up: Myrdinn won’t know anything magic related at the start. He would only have an average person’s knowledge of it and only believe it to be fiction. He also doesn’t even know about the supernatural side of the world. Another Heads Up: Myrddin will start weak and become stronger. He will start relatively small but there will be something later on that will change him so we can get our 6’ athletic man. I’ll do my best to make it not seem forced but I haven’t written that far yet. (Think of Captain America how he went from weak to absolutely buff, but our MC won’t be looking that buff) The romance partner has not been decided upon at the moment of writing this terrible synopsis. (I promise this fanfic will be written better than this random thing) —————— Everyone knows I don’t own anything related to Teen Wolf or MTV related. And if I did I likely wouldn’t be writing this. I hope you can turn your brain off and enjoy reading this fanfic! Please comment! And point out any plot inconsistencies for me, I’m human so there’s bound to be something I’ll forget! Or tell me what you enjoy and don’t enjoy so I know what everyone is reading this for!

Quade_The_Unknown · Ti vi
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40 Chs

Ch. 14 Monday

Myrddin exits the counseling office.

He just spent an hour after school talking with Ms. Martin and Ms. Morrel about how he feels and other questions. It was very repetitive and very boring. They didn't even tell him who the 5 suspect kids are. But maybe he was expecting too much from them. And Ms. Morrel had some weird questions, but Ms. Martin didn't stop her at any point so maybe it was some crazy cop and crazier cop sort of deal.

Sunday was mostly spent researching various things and doing detective work. He also got a new phone as well.

They haven't told him or his mom what that red liquid was, but at this point it isn't a cause for concern. His hair is red and he's fine health wise.

He's narrowed his suspects down a great deal, basically just limiting the list down to one person from Gwen's list and even his mom's list. So there is that, and the fact the guy didn't show up today as well. Which means he is probably his guy that got in trouble for calling him Velma or something else. Either way that's where he will start.

But as for Monday, today? It was alright. There were just more eyes on him than he expected.

Scott and Stiles talked with him, but Myrddin mostly kept brief. They didn't know anything important and Scott was looking at him with his eyes that screamed 'I need to help my little brother' or something similar. And Stiles kept going on about a random topic. He apparently took too much Adderal.

In the end nothing spectacular happened. Which is exactly how he wanted it to go.


"Sorry about being late Dr. Deaton" Myrddin apologizes as he walks into the clinic.

It's empty and Deaton is just doing some paperwork at the reception.

"Nothing to be sorry about. And it really is red isn't it?" Deaton looks up and sees Myrddin's hair.

"Hear the gossip from the owners?" Myrddin asks as he begins to walk towards the back to put his backpack away.

"Actually, I heard about this myself this time. You were trending" Deaton puts his pencil down and leans against the reception desk and crosses his arms.

Myrddin rolls his eyes. "Of course I am"

"You know, more people are rallying behind you than you may expect" Deaton comments as Myrddin sets his bag down.

Myrddin walks back to the reception. "Guess that's better than just being laughed at"

"They're doing plenty of that too though I'm afraid" Deaton remembers reading some of the comments. It was not a very pleasant experience.

"Didn't expect anything different in that regard" Myrddin looks at the room filled with animals. "Did you feed them already?"

Deaton smiles. "Figured they could wait an hour today. I also think they might help lift your mood, if only a smidge"

"Thank you doctor" Myrddin returns the smile and goes to the animal room filled with cages.

As Deaton watches Myrddin begin greeting and feeding the animals he hopes things work out for the kid. He's got some words of wisdom, but sometimes it's hard to find the right moments to give them. But when he does, it makes him happy to be able to help relieve some of Myrddin and Scott's worries. They're both great kids.


Myrddin has the twig from the stump in his back pocket as he walks through the Preserve.

He didn't grab any food for Caval, but that's more about him not wanting to continue his bad luck and get attacked by an animal out here.

Along his walk he gets jump scared by the one and only Caval that seems to have enjoyed it. The damn stealthy coyote also seemed to enjoy his new hair color. Although it felt more like he was being made fun of. Either way, he enjoyed having the time in the woods without needing to worry about any animals attacking.

661 words

Just a short one.

Didn’t know how to continue, and just wanted to wrap up a few things.

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts