
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Tranh châm biếm
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As Tec arrived at His new World And Body he quickly Checked his new Body to see his situation...

" Hmm..? Coins..? " Said Tec to Himself as he heard some Coins Touching the ground as soon as he merged with his new Body...

" Get down on your Knees and pick them up Then I'll Forgive you... " Said a Blonde Girl to Tec who have his hands behind his back

"...." Hearing this Of course Made Tec Quite Intrigue as he Looked at the Blonde Girl with his Eyes

" Pick It Up. " Said the Blonde Girl again as she also Looked at Tec's Eyes

"... Monster... " Said Tec Uncontrollably which totally Confuses Tec since he didn't say that...

* Slap! * A Hard Hand Came kissing his Cheeks as the Blonde Girl Slapped Him!

" Did I just got slapped?! " Said Tec inside his head as he couldn't believe someone beside his Father and Wife actually slapped him!

" H-Hey! you can't hit people willy-Nilly! " Said by a Pink hair girl on track suit


" Hey! you! Hurry up and Beg!!! " Said the Pink hair Gal To Tec


" Use this for the Medical Treatment! Take it and Piss off! " Said the Blonde girl as she tossed a Paper to Tec as she stormed of while the Pink hair Gal Followed


" I Can't Believe it! Someone actually slapped me! Oh my God! " Said Tec to himself as he haven't been slapped for Years! Much Less A random Nobody!


"... The Mission said to Bully People Right? I think I might have found my Target! " Said Tec as He quickly used His Origin Eyes to Gather Information about the New world he's in and also about his New Body...

One Information Gathering later...

" Korean Again... What's up with the old man kept sending me to this place... " Said Tec as he let out a sigh...

" Seems Like I'm the Only male Student in this School that's specialize in MMA... This body name is Jae Gu Song Age 17 Have Two Younger Siblings Father Passed away Mother Left them... What a shitty Mother Leaving His Kids Just because his husband Died People Like should be instantly killed... " Said Tec to His self as He picked Up the Paper that The Blonde girl threw at him...


" A million Won Cheque Huh... though it's gonna be something else... " Said Tec as He went into his head Leaving the school to his Now Part time job at some Car Wash Shop which quickly ended as he returned home only to see his now Siblings Sleeping Peacefully


" Two Kids Leaving in Slums... If their Mother Dare to come back I'll Cut her head off! " Said Tec to himself as he stares at his Body Siblings Sleaping on the Ground...

The next Day...

" I'll Treat you guys to some food Later so now so just behave okay? I'll Buy you as much sausage you want! " Said Tec to His Siblings which he immediately stared Treating like his Kids...

"" Promise?! "" Asked The little Boy sibling named Song Jae Hyung while the Little Girl Sibling named Song Jae Som Just Look at him

" Promise! Now Get in the bus and behave at school! " Said Tec as The Two Kids Rode the bus to their Daycare Leaving Tec alone


Hours Later at The school where Tec is being stared at by his girl Classmates since he's the only male Student in the school

" Newcomers!! Stop what you are doing! Ans Give us some attention!! " Said by a Girl with glasses that seems to be a upperclassmen


" This is Wild's High Fencing Captain, Lee seub Seul! i trust you have all heard about our Kendo club Reputation by now! " Said the Glasses girl...


" we only accept three new members with past experience at fencing! Come and Join The best Club at Wild's High, The Kendo Club! " Said The Glasses Girl when suddenly a Short Girl with some kind of animal ears Appears

" What Kind of Non sense is this..? You missed out on the national championship last year~ " Said the Short Animal Ear girl

" Choi Dal Dal! You! " called The Glasses Girl

" Newcomer! Watch Carefully! " Said The Animal Ear Girl named Choi Dal Dal as she snapped his fingers and Two Identical twins cameout of nowhere with a Cement Brick on their Hands

"HA!" yelled Choi Dal Dal as She Splits The Cement Brick in half Using only her Foot Which Made Tec's Classmate cheer

" We Only Pick Two Members Through a Tournament! What represents our nation martial arts?! We are the Seven Year Running Champions! Wild's Taekwondo Club!! That is the Truth! " Sais Choi Dal Dal with a Smile on her face

"..." Seing This Tec couldn't help but Yawn since martial Arts for him is as easy as Breathing

" What are you Creating a Mess for, You stupid Girl! " Said By the Pink Hard Red Track Suit Girl which Tec met Yesterday

" Ah!! LEE MOON YOUNG!!! YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? " Screamed Choi Dal Dal

" God~ There's Dust Everywhere! you're putting a lot of effort for these Freshmen~ Move Aside Little Bell! " Said The Pink Hair Girl who's name seems to be Lee Moon Young who started walking into the Black Board


" Yo~ How are you all Freshmen Doing~? I'm Boxing Club's Lee Moon Young! You Know me, Right? I doesn't really matter if you don't... " Said Lee Moon Young...


" I won't talk Long! I don't need need I lot Either! I only need one Member! The girl with the Strongest Fist, Come out! Or... I'm Fine with a 'Guy' With No strength and has a Hard time Adjusting... Who wants protection from this School... " Said Lee Moon Young as She looked Looked The Bored Tec that's not even listening...

" Cuse me! " Said Tec as He stood Up and slowly Walked Towards Lee Moon Young...


" Are you Perhaps talking about me? " Said Tec as He stared Down to Lee Moon Young who's Starting to feel some kind of Pressure from Tec

" G-Got a Problem with that?! " Replied Lee Moon Young

"... Nothing Really... But can You give this your Blonde Friend? I don't have a use for this... " Said Tec as He pulled out the Cheque he picked Up from Yesterday and Gave it to Lee Moon Young...

" Tell Her to stop acting childish... " Said Tec as he returned to his seat...

Thus, Time passed By Tec already made His New Kids I suppose Life Better By renovating their house into a better one feeding them Better and Such Everything is going smoothly with Tec's Life Currently Nothing is Bothering Him or so he Thought...

" Cuse me... is the Queen Here? " Said Tec as He entered a classroom we're he see The Blonde Girl and Lee Young Moon talking to Each Other...


"... Did i do something to you for you to keep destroying my Peace? " Asked Tec as he walked towards the Blonde Girl


" For a girl who's supposed to be the strongest in the school fighting a Harmless guy like me... What could be the Reason for it? " Said Tec But the Blonde Girl Didn't answered


" If A Fight is what You want I'll Fight you Right now, Queen... " Said Tec as He Looked The Blonde Girl Dead In the Eyes with a Serious Tone on his Voice


" Leave me alone and don't Meddle in my Life because I might make yours miserable " Said Tec as He walked Away from the shocked Lee Moon Young and Queen who didn't know what to do...

Literally the Next Day a New Pain in the Ass Approach Tec!

" ARE YOU THE FIRST YEAR SONG JAE GU?! " Yelled by a Red Hair Gal

" Hmm? What about it? " Replied Tec casually

" I Just came to see Who Queen Choose as her Opponent in the League... And it's you?! I thought it was someone amazing But to Think she'd Pick a Weak Looking Little First Year!! " Said The Red Hair Gal

"... You done? " Said Tec Which Made the Red Hair Girl Angry


* SLAP! *


" Shut the Fuck Up it's 6 In the Morning and you Keep Yapping your Fucking Mouth like some Goddam Goat! " Said Tec

" Y-YOU FUCKE- " Before the Red Hair Gal could Speak again Tec Slapped Her again

* SLAP! *

" Don't you fucking yell at me Bitch I'll Fuck you up! " Threatened Tec But that didn't stopped The girl who Quickly Tried to Punch Tec Only to Get sent Flying up in the sky with a single use of Aiki

" BAAM! " As The Red Hair Gal Hit the Ground As Tec is about to Deal the Finishing Blow a Woman in Black Appeared and Block His Foot


" That's Enough The school Forbid Fight outside of Matches and Sparring... " Said the Woman in Black


" Know your Place " Said Tec as He proceeds to walk into the crowd which splits magically as The Girls are now afraid of him...

Thus, School ended With Tec's 'Siblings Visiting His school because someone Made fun of them for having parents and it seems today isn't a Good day for Tec as some Bullies from the Body's Old School Tried to made fun of him

" Hey, You Asshole! You see a Serial Killer of something?! Why The Hell are you Treating me Like Shit!? " Said The Red Hair Guy Bully to Tec


" Get your hands off of me... " Said Tec

" Huh?! WHY YOU- " Before the Red haired Bully even have the time to Blink Tec Broke His Nose In a single Punch!

" GAHHH!!! " Scream The Bully in Pain

" Hyung, Som Close your Eyes And Cover your Ears for a Bit... " Said Tec

"" Kay~ "" Replied Both of his siblings

"... You came at the Right Time Friend... I was about to Explode due to anger you see... " Said Tec as He begun Kicking The Bully's Broken Nose but of course the Other Bullies got enough of Tec as They Tried to Overwhelm him with Numbers But since It's Tec where's Talking about All 3 other Bullies got their Shit Broken...


Tec Kept Kicking and Punching their Now Unrecognizable Faces to the Point that he have to revived them form Death since Couple of them died couple of times already

" Phew~! Stop Screaming like a Little Bitch! It's a Face! That can Heal! " Said Tec as He Kicked the Red Haired Bully's Head One More Time making His Head Brust Like a Balloon full of water but of course Tec Revived them and even healed Them Back to Full Health!

" S-S-Stop!!! P-P-Please!! s-Stop!!!! " Cried one of the Bullies

" of course i'll stop! I got enough already and beside it's turning Dark But I'm not a Good Person so i'll Take your Ability to Talk and move~ " Said Tec as He destroy their Vocal Cords and nervous System Via Magic so they'll Definitely not able to Talk Nor do anything which means Tec is CLEAN form anything...

" Hyung, Som~ Let's go eat some Cake shall we? " Said Tec as he patted his 'Siblings'

" Eh?! really!! " Asked Hyung who immediately started Jumping!

" Big Bro! What happen to them? " Asked The little sister Som

" Dunno~ they suddenly went to sleep after talking to me! " Said Tec as they started walking back to their House...

The Next Day Tec have been Called into the Principal Office about the Ruckus he made by teaching the Red Haired Gal some Lesson...

" Song Jae Gu... Do you know what Crime you committed? " Asked By the Golden Haired Principal...

" If we're talking about me disciplining a Spoiled Red Hair Gal then No... " Replied Tec Casually which Made the Red Haired Girl pissed

" YOU BASTARD!!! YOU DID SOMETHING TO MY BROTHER DIDN'T YOU!!! " Screamed the Red Haired Girl...

" Brother..? The hell are you talking about? " Replied Tec

" YOU! FUCKER!!! " Said the Red Haired Gal as she Quickly tried to Punched Tec's Face only to be Dodged

"... Mr. Principal I think we're done here... I don't speak with Animals who just attack people because they're angry... " Said Tec as He stood Up

" Student! sit down we're not done Talking Yet... " Said The Principal But Tec didn't care as he continued to leave the Principal's Office only to be Blocked By the same Woman in Black who Blocked Him from finishing The Red Haired Gal...

" Move " Said Tec but that didn't faced the Woman in Black as she tried to Put her hand on Tec's Shoulder Only to Found out that's she's almost Kissing the Ground

"!!!" with a Little Maneuver the Woman in Black Manage to Land heels First avoid the Ground...

"..." Seeing this Everyone in the Office are shocked!

" Stop Bothering with useless Things! Do that One More time And I'll Break your Neck! " Said Tec as he Released some of His Killing intent making everyone imagine their own Death's as Tec slammed the door close!




[ Tsk! Tsk! ]

What an inpatient Kid! Just Chill Down! Your Pop's still doing some Minor Adjustments over the world! But since you're already Bored to this world! Let's START!


" Giving me Siblings ain't gonna do it! I've been a single Child since forever! I don't know the feeling of having Siblings! And before you send me! Give the Real Owner of this Body some Money and Martial Arts! " Said Tec


[ Fine! Fine! ]

Just enjoy the world My Boy! You can't enjoy Little Things Like this In the future you know! As for the Real owner of the Body Leave it to your Pops!


"... Calling yourself Pops is weird and all But thanks! " Said Tec as Once Again his soul got separated from Song Jae Gu Body as a Poral Swallows him!

In a World We're the Strong Rules and The Weak Obeys There is Tec who's now a Newborn Baby abandoned in the Middle of the Forest...


"... Really? A Newborn? Couldn't just let me be a 6 Years Old Kid that already know how to speak and walk? " Said Tec inside His head...


"... Sigh... Complaining won't really do much... Guess I'll try to survive... " Said Tec as He Immediately started Gathering whatever Energy that surrounds him which is Mostly KI To of course Start Using His Otherworldly Technique and Skills for his own Survival...

One KI Gathering Later...

" Tsk! This world Energy is super Thin! " Said Tec as The Amount Of KI that He already Gathered is enough to Make every Martial Arts Expert Die In shame...

" Ah Shit I'm Getting Sleepy... " Said Tec as His Body come into Sleep since he did just tried to absorb An Insane amounts of Ki while being a Baby...

Meanwhile a Little Girl That's Carrying a Basket full of Medical Plants Approached the Knocked Out Tec

" Eh?! A Baby in the Forrest?! Who could do something Like this! " Said The Little Girl as she Quickly Picked Up Tec up and Returned to Her Home where Her Sick Mother was Waiting


" Mother! Look! I found a Baby in the Forest! " Said The Little Girl as she quickly showed Tec to Her Mother

" A Baby?! Quickly Give it to me! " Said The Mother as Carefully Carried Tec on Her skinny Arms

" Poor Thing! Your Parents just Left you in the forest for Beast to Eat! Luckily Liya Found you before Dark! " Said The Mother as she Looked at Tec with eyes full of Love and Affection to a Random Baby...

" Mother! Can we keep him?! I always wanted a Sibling! " Said The Little Girl named Liya

"... O-Of course! We'll keep him! We can't just leave a Defenseless Child after all... " Said The Mother who's Obviously having a Hard Time due to some Sickness

" Really?! Thank you Mother! I'll Be sure to Take care of him..! Oh and I found some of that Medicine you want! " Said the Little Girl as She unpack the Medical Plants she gathered in the Forest for her Mother to Look...

A Month Later... Tec have Been Named Tec for some reason as He already Knew how to walk and Talk that made People Grant Him the Title of a Prodigy among the Younger Kids in their Village... The Village is quiet small Only having 5 Families which amount to 26 People...

" Tec! It's time for Bath! " Said His New Mother

"... Coming! " Replied Tec who waddles around to the back of their house

" Good! Once we're finished we'll go make you something to eat okay? " Said The Mother

" Kay! " Said Tec who's Of course just Playing around to blend into his age

One Bath Time Later...

" Liya! Go Get Tec's Clothes Please! " Called The Mom which is Named Rena


" Here! " Said Liya as she Gave the self woven Clothes of Tec that Rena Made Weeks ago...

" ... "

" Right, Mother Didn't you say People can Learn Martial arts and become Rich People? " Asked Tec as Rena Dried and Clothe him up

" That's Right! But people Like us don't have that Privilege of Learning Martial Arts Only People from Powerful and Rich Family can Learn... " Said Rena

" Humm... But why did the Kid From Next Door can Learn Martial Arts? " Asked Tec

" That's because some people scouted him and He have a Talent for learning martial Arts! But I'm sure my little Baby will also get pick and Learn Martial Arts In the Future! " Said Rena as she finished Clothing Tec

" Mmm... How about Sis? Can she learn? " Asked Tec

"... Hopefully she can so she can Protect herself and you... " Said The Mother as she Started Coughing

* Cough* *Cough* *Cough*


" Mother, You'll only Live for about 2 Weeks if this continues to happen... " Said Tec as He looked at His Mother

"... I-I know But that's how life work... " Replied Rena with a Smile On her Face while Liya the Daughter just Looked down trying to hide her sadness

"... I can help you to prolong your Life... " Said Tec

"... Hahahah You're just a Baby! What can you possibly do! " Laughed Rena as she smile

"... I'm a Baby that can Talk and walk isn't That Quite Weird? Plus I'm holding a Proper Conversation with you... This is something not a Baby Could do... " Said Tec Making Rena Look at Him

"... I knew from the Start you're not a Normal Child... " Said Rena

" True, but Right Now I'm a Child, Your Child and it's my Responsibility to Help my Mother who took care of me " Said Tec


" I'll Help You Get better and Have a Better Life This is at least i could do for you... " Said Tec as Rena's Skinny Arms Hugged Tec's Small Body full of Love and Affection

"... Fine! Whatever my Baby Said! But first Let's Eat! " Said Rena as the Family of Three Begun Eating...

The Next Day Tec begins with His Mother Treatment using The Worldly Ki Around them to make His Mother Body healthy again and Slowly Curing the Disease that seems to be some sort of Cancer...

" Done! You shouldn't feel sick again for as long as you Live... " Said Tec Hearing This Liya and Rena Burst Into Tears as They Hugged and Thank Tec

" Thank you! Thank you! My Baby! Thank You! " Said Rena as her Tears Of Happiness falls while Liya Just continued to Cry while Hugging Tec

" S-Stop! D-Don't Hug me too much! M-My body Can't Handle it!! " Said Tec who's almost died because of His sister and Mother Hugging him

" S-Sorry Lil Bro! " Said Liya as she quickly stopped Hugging him...

"... It's fine... And Don't tell anyone about me healing Mother or it would be Troublesome... Anyways I'm Getting sleepy... " Said Tec as His Body slowly falls into sleep

"... Mother! Are you Really Okay Now? " Asked Liya

"... Yes I feel Like i'm okay... My Chest Isn't hurting anymore... " Said Rena as she quickly prepared Tec for A quick nap...

"!! then I'll Go to the Forest to Find some Fruits! We'll have a Feast tonight! " Said Liya as she quickly Runs away from their Little Straw Shed

Thus, Several Months Passed By and The story of a Child Prodigy Living in a Small Village Quickly Spreads from City to City that People Decided to Find this Child Prodigy and Have a Look for themselves and Tec's Mother Rena also Turned to be a Beautiful Young Lady after Gaining weight...

"... Sis Ain't there any School here? " Asked Tec as he watches His sister Wash their Clothes in a nearby River...

" School? Ah! There's one In a Nearby City! Do you want to go to school, Lil Bro? " Asked Liya

" Not Really... do you? " Asked Tec

" I want to but we don't have money for it and That would mean I have to Leave you and Mother..." Replied Liya

" Mmm How about i Teach you? " Said Tec which made Liya Look at Him

" You? Teach Me? " Asked The confused Liya

" Yeah... i can Teach you some stuff Like Counting numbers " Said Tec

" But I already know how to count Numbers... " Replied Liya

" Hmm... Then About I teach you Martial Arts? " Asked Tec

" Eh? Lil Bro you Know Martial Arts? " Asked Liya In surprise

" Yeah! I Learned watching Pobi From Next door! I can Teach it to you if you want... " Said Tec

" Really?! Then Teach me! I can Learn that To protect you and Mother! " Said Liya

" I'll Teach you But In one Condition! " Said Tec


" You can't tell anyone I Teach you Martial Arts! Even if Mother ask You! " Said Tec

" Deal! I Promise to Not Tell anybody! But before that Let me Finish this! " Said Liya as she continued washing their Clothes...

A Week Passed Since Then, Tec Also Began Teaching Liya a Martial Arts that He Created a Long time ago But of course It's That Broken as Tec Created it For Human Use Not for some Monster... The Martial Arts is Named [Body Focus] which what Tec would Give a Martial Art That He Created Out of Boredom. it have a Simple Mechanism Just Focus Your Energy In one Spot and Wallah! You got a Powerful Weapon! Oh and It also Have 10 Set of Move! One Being [Focus Punch], [ Focus Kick ], [ Focus Rush ], [ Focus Blast ], [ Focus Dash ], [ Sky Hop ], [ Blink ], [ Barrier ], And [ Limit Break ]... The naming isn't the Best but It's alright Since it's straight to the Point... oh and The main Thing of This Martial art is the Usage of Ki since It's a Ki base Martial Arts...

" Lil Bro will this really help me? " Asked Liya who's Sitting On top of a Rock they found in the Middle of the Forest...

" I guess... Just Try to Imagine Energy gathering inside of you... so you can Finally Feel the Ki around us... " Said Tec

" eh... But we're doing this for a Week now! And i can't feel a thing! " Said Liya

"... Well, I didn't think you we're this bad But i Guess we'll do the alternative way... " Said Tec Making His Sister Mad

" Hey! I'm not bad! Uncle Sun Said that there's some martial Artist that Can't even Sense Ki! And I'm still young! I can Probably do this when I'm Older!, HMMP! " Replied Liya...

" No Those Martial Artist are just as bad as you are if they can't even sense KI after Practicing Martial Arts For so Long... " Said Tec as a Ball Of Ki Gathered In his Small Hand


" Woah! So Pretty! " Said Liya as she Looked at the Pure Ball of Ki in Tec's Baby Hand

" ...This is KI... You'll have to Learn How to Gather it by yourself or else you can't Learn Martial Arts... This Might Hurt a Little bit so Bear with it " Said Tec as He forced the Pure Ball Of Ki In Liya's Chest Which Immediately made Her Scream In Pain!


" ARGGHH!!!!! " Screamed Liya as Tec Immediately Used His own Ki to Lessen Liya's Pain


Minutes Later Liya Finally Stopped Screaming as She falls Unconscious...

"... Was it too Much..? " Said Tec to Himself as he Checked Liya's Body which is Thankfully unharmed...

" With This she should be able to absorb KI much Easier... " Said Tec as he Lifted Liya's Body Using Ki as he also Lifted His own Body for them to Go Home Faster since His Little Legs will probably take Days before they can Go Home...

Literally the Next Day A ton of People Arrived at Their Small Village and it seems like almost all of them are Martial Artists

" Is this The Village? " Said By a Rather Old Bulky Old man who's Hair is already Turning White

" Yes My Lord... " Said By a Young Lady that seems to be at the Age of 18-20...

" Go! Search Of the Ki- " Before the Old man Could Finish His Words Tec Appeared In front of them Levitating...


" Who are you People? " Asked Tec with his Baby Voice which Made The Outsiders Turned Heads and Look at Him...

"!!!" Socked To see a Kid who's not even a Year Old Appeared to them Muchless Speak and float in Mid air!


" Are you people Deaf or something? I'm Asking you a Que- " As was Tec is speaking Liya Came out and Pulled Him and Covered His Mouth as Liya Bown Down

" M-My Lord! E-Excuse my Little Child for Speaking So Highly In front of you! " Said Rena who also Came and Bow down to the Outsider...


" Is this boy your son? " Asked the Old Man

" Y-Yes My Lord... " Replied Rena When Suddenly Tec Break Free from Liya's Embraced

" Stand Up Liya! Mother! " Said Tec which Immediately made His Sister And Mother Stood Up against their own Will


" Never Kneel to someone as Long as I'm Alive! Even if it's a God! " Said Tec as His Ki Flared Up Shaking the Entire Village


" T-This is!!! " Shocked By what he's seeing and Feeling the Old man Quickly flared Up his own Ki Only to he Swallowed by Tec's Own Ki as he Once again Flared his Ki even Stronger than Before to the Point that Every Outsider Kneeled down due to Pressure!

" Answer! My Question! Who are you People! " Said Tec as he once again made The Pressure around the Outsider Stronger making Them Stared Coughing Blood and even Breaking Bones...

" W-We're F-From the Dragon Emperor S-Sect! " Uttered the Old man as The Pressure Suddenly Disappeared

"... Dragon? Emperor? What a Lame sounding Sect... " Said Tec while letting a Sigh...


" Sis Take Mom and Go home... I'll Take with this Guys... " Said Tec as Liya Quickly Left with Rena

" Be careful Lil Bro! " Said Liya while Rena Just Looked at Him as they Left the Scene...


" State your Business coming to a Remote area Like this... " Said Tec

" We Come to Look for the Prodigy Child that Everyone have been talking about... Seems Like it's not a Rumor at all... " Said The Old man...

" Prodigy Child? There's no such Thing as a Prodigy Child Here! Go back! People are scared because of you lot! Carrying Swords as Of you're Going at a War! " Said Tec as He Started to Flew Back to Their House Only to be stopped By the Old man Voice

" W-Wait! I Want to Propose something to you! " Said The Old man


" Speak " Replied Tec

" Become my Discipline! " Said the Old man Which Tec Immediately Declined

" No! " Replied Tec

" Wah! Why! " said The Old man

" why would i Be your discipline when you can't even withstand my Ki! You dumb or something? " Said Tec

" I'll Give you Everything! I'll Even let you have my Granddaughter!!! " Said the Old man as he Presented the Young Lady Beside Him

"... I'm a Toddler i Only Need Food and Shelter which My Mother and sister already Provide... as for your Granddaughter... No Thanks " Said Tec

" W-Why You! FINE! I'LL GIVE YOU THE ENTIRE DRAGON EMPEROR SECT ALONG WITH MY LIFE JUST JOIN MY SECT! " Screamed the Old man as he Kneel down to the Ground


"... Why do you want me to join your Sect anyway?! " Asked Tec

" You're an one a Billion Genius! A Kid Who's Not even a Year Old can Overpowered me the White Dragon Emperor! Who wouldn't want you! We're Lucky to even be the first one to find you! " Said The Old man...


"... Fine! I'll Join! But i'm not Leaving this Place! Move your Sect or something if you still want me to Join you... " Said Tec

" GOO- " as the Old man About to Hug Tec he got sent away By a Powerful wave of Ki sending him quite Far...

" No Hugging! All of you Go back! You're disturbing people! " Said Tec as he also sent everyone Else away...

Days Later The White Dragon Emperor along with Ten or so People Returned to the Village

" I thought so... Who would want to move their Entire Sect for a Toddler like me... Promising your Entire sect when you're not even the Sect Leader... where do you get that confidence, Old man... " Said Tec to The Old man who's Kneeling in Front of him along with 4 Women and 6 Men...

" Those Old Timers is Missing out! Losing a talent Like you is the Biggest Mistake they will ever make! " Said the Old man...

" ... So you Left your Sect Along with these People because you still insisted to for me to join you but... You don't have a Sect Right Now Old man... " Said Tec

" That Might be The Case right now But i'm- No! We're planing on Creating Our own Sect! " Said The Old man

"... Well Fine do as you wish go make a Sect or whatever you want just don't disturb people in my Village they're living peacefully here... " Said Tec

" Hahaha! Of course! " Said the Old man as they all Stood Up


" Well then! You shall be the Sect Leader of Our Sect! Since You're already stronger than me! " Said the Old man...

" ... I'm a Toddler Old man and do you think your people will approve of that? " Said Tec as He Looked at the People behind the Old man...

" They will! These Children's don't dare to disobey my Words! " Said the Old man


" Then Go talk to Uncle Ro Over there... He's the Village Chief and he Knows how to Build Houses... " Said Tec as he Pointed towards a Middle Age Man who's seems to be at the age of 30-40 Years Old

" Oh! "

" Pay Him Money if his work or else forget about settling down here! " Said Tec as He Left The Old man and his ten people as he go back to his home where his Mother and Sister are preparing food...


" My Lord Are you sure about this..? " Asked By a Guy to the Old man

" Or course! I am! Or else why would I leave the sect! " Said the Old man

"... Still it's unbelievable to see a Kid as small as him speaking and Walking... " Said By another Guy...

" If you Joined us last week you'll be shocked to see that Little Kid can Overwhelm Grandfather With Ki Alone... " Said By the Old man Granddaughter

"... A Kid who's not even a Year Old can Overwhelm one of Murim's Masters?! "...

" Unbelievable! "

A week Later The Old man and his people have finally settled down in the small Village with the Help of the Other Villagers that welcomed them quite well

" Lil Bro! Old man Raja is Looking for you! " Said His Sister Liya

"... Kay! I'm Coming! " Said Tec who's munching Fruits Liya found in the forest...

Little Walking later...

" You're finally here! " Said the Old Man who's named Raja

" Yeah... You need me for something? " Asked Tec while Taking a bit to a apple looking fruit in his hand...

" I do! We've been Staying at this Place for a Week now but you still don't know our name so we'll introduce ourselves! " Said The Old man...

" Go On... but make it Quick I still need to take bath... " Said Tec

" Then i shall Go first..! " Said the Old man

" I'm Raja... "




One Introduction Later...

"... Nice to meet you all the name's Tec " Said Tec


" We'll talk later after I took a Afternoon Nap " Said Tec as Liya Carried Tec to their Home...

A Year Passed since then Tec have been appointed as the Sect Leader of the new Sect called Origin Sect which have 37 People which also means the Whole Village is now Under the Sect Protection and During this Time Tec also Thought His Mother a Martial Art called [ Moonlight Illusionary Hand Technique ] Which made her now able to perform martial arts and also have the power to protect herself as for Liya she at the Later stages of her own Body Focus Martial Arts...

" Young Lord, Loyi Wants to have an Audience to you... " Said buy a Guy who's at the age of 25-30 named Rego

"... For what? " Asked Tec who's reading about a martial Arts Book that The Old man Raja Brought a Year ago

" seems like she wanted to ask for permission to leave the Village... " Said Rego

" Then there's no need to have an audience just tell her she's free to leave... " said Tec as he continued Reading His book

" Understood... " Said Rego as he vanished Leaving Tec alone in the Huge Sect Leader Room that The Whole Village helped To Build...


"... I've been doing nothing but Reading Books... what a great life... " Said Tec to Himself when suddenly his Sister Came out of Nowhere!

" LIL BRO!!! Did you miss Big Sis?! " Said Liya as he Hugged Tec's Body

"... Sis No Hugging! " Said Tec as He Slightly Flicked Liya's foreHead making her let go of Tec

" Che~ it's just Hugging! " Said Liya while Rubbing her Forehead

"... So what might be the Reason my Sister decided to visit her Brother who's peacefully reading a Book? " Said Tec

" Look! I finally Found out why this Technique is called Body Focus! " Said Liya as she coated her entire Body with Her Purplish Ki enhancing Her Body's Strength and speed!

" Congrats~ you're one stop closer Mastering it... " Said Tec casually

" HumHum! I told you! I can Do it! " Said Liya as the Ki around her slowly disappeared

"... How's Mother's Training? " Asked Tec

" Well Big Sis Reya is Teaching Mother how to Gather Ki as usual and it seems Mother is enjoying it! but she still can't sense Ki after months of doing it... " Said Liya...

" It's understandable since mother is past the Prime Learn Time for Martian Arts... but if she continues doing as it is it she will definitely success its only a matter of time before it happens... " Said Tec

" Well Okay! Anyway I'll Go Meet the Others! So Later! " Said Liya as she left the Room leaving Tec alone again...

" This Baby Body... Can't just get used it to... " Said Tec while Closing and Opening his Little Baby Hands

" Well Let's try that... " Said Tec as He started Circulating his Own Ki All Over His Body Forcing His Cells to Grow Faster which Means His Body will also Start Grew...! from His Baby Self Into a 6'8 Adult!

"... Hmmm... Well Would You Look at that... i got an 10 Pack Abs... " Said Tec as He Quickly Noticed His Abs which looked like it been carved by The Gods! His Defining Body is Too Perfect for a Human Being!

" ... Got a Big Dick Too... " Said Tec nonchalantly as his massive 7 Inch Soft Cock dangling around between in Legs...

"... Filo! You there?! " Called Tec as a Woman in his Mid Twenties appeared in front of Him

" Wha- W-WHO ARE YOU!!! " Said the Girl Named Filo as she quickly Tried to Fight Tec

" Calm down it's me! Tec! Just Feel my Ki! " Said Tec as Fill did as she heard


" F-Forgive me My Lord But! How! " Asked Filo

" It's a Technique i Created... " Said Tec

" Eh?! " Said Filo as she begun Looking at Tec's Body only to Blush when she see That Mega Cock between Tec's Legs

"... Go Get me some clothes... i wanna Try using this Body... " Said Tec

" U-Understood " Said Filo she quickly get Some Clothes for Tec...

One Clothe change later...

" Go Call The Old man and Tell him to see me... " Said Tec as He started Tying Up his Waist Long Hair

After While...

" WHAT THE!!! WHO IS THIS MAN IN THE SECT LEADER ROOM!! " Screamed Raja when Tec suddenly Released His KI

" Who do you think! " Said Tec


" H-How?! How could a Kid grow into a Man in a single day?!! " Said Raja In confusion

" it's a Technique i Created to see how would my body Look like when i Grew Older... " Answered Tec

" A Technique!?! U-Unbelievable!! If you can Create such Miraculous Technique like this Our Sect Would definitely become the World's Best! " Said Raja as he started Observing tec's Body

" Unfortunately This Technique won't work on Other People since I specifically Created it for myself... " Said Tec as he started walking out of the Room while Filo and Raja Follows...

" Still! If the world Knew such Mystical Technique is Created By a One Year Old Child! The world will go Crazy! " Said Raja

" If that's the Case then Better not Let the World Knew about this... " Said Tec as they arrived at The Sect Training Ground which is just a Large Flat Space...


" I can Only Last about An Hour in this form of mine before I returned into a Baby So Let's not waste Time... " Said Tec as He Gestures for Raja to sit down

" What are you about to do, Young Sect Master? " Asked Raja

" I'll Make your Body Younger and Stronger so you can Handle the Sect's Affair... " Said Tec as he started Gathering the Surrounding Ki in this Palm

" Is that Even Possible? " Asked Old ma Raja

"... Whether it's possible or not just Sit down and Don't Do a thing... " Said Tec as Punched the Ball of Pure Ki into Old man Raja's Body which Of course Immediately send him into the Afterlife for a split second As His Body Begun Levitating Absorbing the Pure Ball of Ki that Tec Forced into his Body... Of course such Methods isn't possible if anyone beside Tec Do it since it will instantly Kill and Made their Body Explode but since it's Tec such Things can be Ignored...

"... I'm Going Back... I'm Tired already... " Said Tec as His Body slowly Turned into a Body of a Child as he Levitated back to his Room But before he did all of that he Looked back at Filo and Said

" He'll Probably Stay Like this for days so make sure nobody disturb him... " Said Tec as He continues to Leave the Training Area


A Week Later...

" Young Sect Master! I cannot Thank you Enough for Giving this Old man a New Life! I shall Serve you as long as i Live! " Said Old man Raja who's Not Looking Old at All as Ever since he Absorbed all that Pure Ki made His Body turned Younger again!

"... Hmm Quite handsome are we? " Said Tec as he looked over Raja's Defined Face

" Hohohoho! Not to Brag But I was the Most Handsome Guy in the whole City Back in my Younger age that Lady from different parts of the City will try to marry me! " Said Raja with confidence...

" I can see that... Anyway Pick me Up and let's go to the Training Area I'll have to see how much you improve... " Said Tec as Raja Carefully Picked Him up...

After awhile...

" Go Flare up ur KI for me... " Said Tec as Raja Nodded as His Whitish Ki Burst out of His Body making the Entire Village Shake!

"... Okay That's enough... " Said Tec as Raja Stopped

" How is it Young Sect Master? " Asked Raja

" You're 10-15 Times Stronger than Before... that should Be enough to protect this Village from anything Right? " said Tec

" Of course! No one can Defeat me with this newfound Power in my hands! Except you Young Sect Master! " Said Raja

" Yeah... Yeah... it's been a Year since the sect have been Created But We barely have any People... " Said Tec

" Hmm... How about we Recruit Young Talents In the Long City? " Suggest Raja

" That could work But I won't be accepting people that Easily You know... They should be at least as Talented as my Sister... " Said Tec

"... That's Quiet a Problem, Young Sect Master... The Young Miss is a Genius Herself we might not even find one Close to her Talents... " Said Raja as he once Spar with Liya only to be closely Beaten up with her [ Focus Body ] Martial Arts

" Well We don't need much People anyway Just 3 People that can be your discipline... Just Find People that can Learn Pretty Fast and hardworking Talents isn't everything you'll need for Martial Arts after all... " Said Tec


" Then we shall do that! " Said Raja

" Good! I'll Join you Guys to the City! Since I haven't seen it Yet! " Said Tec

" Oh!! then we'll Prepare for it at this instant! " Said Raja as He quickly Runs off Leaving Tec alone in the Training field...

"... At Least return me to my Room... " Said Tec as he just Levitated himself using Ki as he slowly Flew back to his Room...

The Next Day Old man Raja, Liya, Rena and Tec Are ready to leave the Village...

" Old man! Where's the Horse ? " Asked Tec as he didn't see anything beside their carriage

" About that YounG Sect Master... We don't have one... " Said Raja

"... Then are you Planning on Pulling this Carriage throughout the Way? " Asked Tec

" That's the Plan! " Replied Raja...

"... Mmm No!, sis! Can you Fetch that Tiger we tamed on the forest? That Little Cat is quite fast... " Said Tec

" Eh? Lil Yong? Okay! I'll be right Back! " Said Liya as she Quickly runs away towards the forest


" You Tamed a Tiger? " Asked His Mother Rena

" Yeah... a Longtime ago... He's wounded After fighting a Bear so I healed Him... " Replied Tec

" Hmm... You Little man can stop Doing Dangerous Things " Said Rena as she picked Up Tec and Carried him to his Arms

" It's not Dangerous that Tiger can't even Move and woulda Die if I didn't save it... " Said Tec

" Yes, Yes Whatever you say~ " Said Rena while Kissing Tec's Chubby Face

After a while Liya Returned with a Hulking White Tiger that have A Large Scar on it's face only Adding more Fear Factors...

" A-A Mountain God?! " said Raja in Surprise As the Tiger Liya Brought Back is a 20 Feet Long Tiger that Over a Thousand Pounds!

" Yong! Don't do anything Crazy! Behave and pull the carriage " Ordered Tec to the Tiger who Approached him and his Mother only to Lick His Face and Proceeded to stand In front of the Carriage


" He can Understand Human Language so just tell him what he needs to do... " Said Tec to Raja as they Entered the Carriage