
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Tranh châm biếm
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Literally the Next Day Pengo and Rayleigh started Training at 4 A.M which Made Tec start his own Morning Routine of Meditation... which ended at 8 A.M in the morning which mean Tec meditated for 4 Hours in Total...

" Morning Shakky-san... " Said Tec as he Greeted Shakky who's Preparing their Breakfast

" Morning, Did you have a Good sleep? " Asked Shakky

" Yeah... it's pretty Good compare to me living alone for 5 years " Said Tec

" 5 Years? How old are you anyway... " Asked Shakky

" Turning 18 This year! " Replied Tec

" Heh... So you've been living alone since you're 12 years old? Aren't you a capable man... " Said Shakky

" Well I suppose so... " Said Tec as shakky gave him a cup of coffie


" Thanks... "

" Won't you tell me your name already? You've slept in my place already~ " Said Shakky

" Oh! Right I haven't introduced myself yet!... Well I'm Tec Godking just a Guy trying to build a Pirate Crew to Roam the world! " Said Tec as he finally introduced himself

" Tec-Chan huh~ and a Pirate Crew... " Said Shakky

" Yeah my Old man Told me to Gather some Crew to roam the world so i did just that but i need a little more than one so I need to scout more people! " Said Tec

" I can help you find people~for a price Of course~ " Said Shakky

" nah it's okay I'd like to find them my own... " Replied Tec

" Anyway Thanks for the Coffee! I'll join Rayleigh and Pengo now! " Said Tec as he left Shakky's Bar to go to Rayleigh and Pengo which couple walks away from the Bar...


" Morning Rayleigh! " Said Tec as he saw Rayleigh Working out Pengo who's on the verge of passing out

" Oh, Morning... You're quite an early bird... " Said Rayleigh as he looked over Tec

" Yeah... Anyway how's pengo? " Asked Tec

" As you can see He's dying with just a little exercise but he's quite gifted in terms of using Haki... " Said Rayleigh

" oh! I expected him to be quiet a genius when it comes to Haki since he's pretty much not affected by My Conqueror's " Said Tec

" Genius indeed but his body needs a little more work before he can start using his Genius in Haki... " Said Rayleigh as Pengo Finished A set of 200 Hundred Push ups...

" Haa... Haa... Um Rayleigh-san! C-Can we rest for a second?! I've been doing this for hours now! " Said Pengo as he tries to catchup to his breath

" 10 Minutes! " Said Rayleigh as Pengo Fully Let his Body flopped down as Tec approached him

" Having a hard time? " Asked Tec

" What do you think?! " Said Pengo Sarcasticly

" My My Don't be so mad! Aren't you Glad that The Dark King Himself the Pirate King Right Hand Man is Training you? Normal people don't get this chance you know! " Said Tec making Pengo Face Crump up

" Tsk! You forcefully dragged me out to some unknown Place!! Why wouldn't i be Mad Huh?! " Said Pengo

" well Calm down! This is for your own good after all~ I wouldn't want you dead when we set sail to New world and you wouldn't want that right? " Said Tec

" Y-You! Just wait till i get strong enough and I'll definitely punch you in the Face!!! " Said Pengo as Tec walked Away to find his own spot to train...


As Pengo is about to Go back and Train a suddenly burst of Fighting intent coming from Tec Made his whole Body tremble as he quickly looked Over Tec who's Holding his Katana on his right Hand even Rayleigh got surprised as His eyes widens...

" Hoh... What a Terrifying battle Intent... " Said Rayleigh as Tec battle intent grew stronger

" HAAAP! "

*SHIIINGG* A Sharp sound cuts through the air as Tec Swing his Katana which got followed up by a Sudden Burst of Conqueror's Haki from Tec who's currently fighting his Imaginary self

" HAAAA! " The sudden Burst of Conqueror's Haki made Pengo complete Blocked out due to not being able to withstand while Rayleigh used his own conqueror's haki to defend himself from Tec's Conqueror's Haki... Soon Tec begun Exchanging Blows with his Imaginary Self making The Ground bellow them Tremble as Tec's Conqueror's Haki grows stronger to the point that Rayleigh have to Move The Unconscious Pengo away But Tec Suddenly Puked Blood as He stopped using his Conqueror's haki as a huge Cut on his Chest appeared

* Cough * * Cough *

" Bergh... To think i would lose to my own Imagination... How pathetic... Bergh... " Said Tec as he kept puking blood all over this made Rayleigh quickly come to his aid

" Kid! You okay?! " Asked Rayleigh

" Y-Yeah I'm Fine... Just got little overboard with Traing... " Said Tec

"... Come let's go back... shakky can patch this Cut... " Said Rayleigh as he's shocked to see a Huge Cut on Tec's Chest even though he didn't see anything that cuts him...

Soon Rayleigh arrived carrying At Shakky's Bar and when Shakky saw The Huge Cut in Tec's Chest she quickly rushed to him

" Ray-san! What happen! " Asked The Concerned Shakky

" The kid Pushed himself Traning... " Replied Rayleigh as he layed Tec's Body down while shakky quicky tend Tec's Cut

" H-Hahaha Don't worry too much! I-I'm not gonna die with just a small cut... " Said Tec

" Small? I could see your Lungs with this small Cut kid... i'm surprised you can still talk at this point... " Said Rayleigh

" H-Hahaha... Well I've been through a lot so this isn't that bad... " Said Tec as Shakky removed his bloodied Shirt reviling his body full of Scars from Battle he did in the island from Claw Marks to bite marks Tec's body have it All...


" Kid what kind of training are you doing anyway... " Asked Rayleigh

" S-Something that can push my body to it's limits but i kinda got cocky and got myself like this... " Replied Tec as Shakky Finished Cleaning the blood from his Cut


" It's a form of Shadow Training it just that Mine's pretty realistic since my Imaginary Opponent can definitely kill me... " Said Tec as he noticed Rayleigh quite confused...

" Is it a Devil Fruit ability? " Asked Shakky

" N-No I haven't and will not eat any Devil fruit since i Like to swim around the sea... " Replied Tec

" Oh Then what is it? " Asked Shakky again

" Well Think of it as my Will Power manifesting to the real world... It's a pretty complicated stuff and I'm bad at Explaining so that's about what i can tell you... " Said Tec

" Well stop talking now It's kinda Weird seeing your lungs move when your breath... " Said Shakky as she begun Warping Tec's Chest with some Clothes to stop it form bleeding


" We'll go see some doctor around to get you fixed... " Said Shakky

" ah no need for that... My body can heal this in one day flat i just need some rest... " Said Tec as he stood up

" ... Well fine go lay down over there... and Ray-san go buy some Medicine for Tec-chan Wounds would you... " Said Shakky as Tec walked over to a Sofa laying down his body while Rayleigh just looked at him as he left the Bar...

Soon The Day Ended with Pengo Waking Up with a massive headache but that only motivated him to train even more when Rayleigh Told him what happened that his Future captain is so capable that he's definitely gonna become a big figure in the future... Literally the Next Day Tec's Huge Cut already healed only leaving a huge Scar on his Chest as he's already Traing his body back but this time he didn't dare to fight his Imaginary Self again but only choose to polished his Sword Skills and Other Martial Arts skill such as his foot work that he called [Flash Point] for some reason since using his footwork makes him faster than Sound itself and almost nearing the speed of light but since his Bodily strength isn't enough he have to train more for him to achieve Light speed...

A Week passed by since then Pengo's Body goes to a Tremendous Changes his once skinny Body is now even bigger than Tec's Lean Body he also grew several centimeters from his once 5'4 To 6'3 He's now even taller than Tec but that didn't change anything as Tec can still demolish him in seconds

"... To think you'll grow this big in just a week... Rayleigh- san what kind of food did you feed to this guy? " Asked Tec as he looked over the Towering Pengo that Grew taller than him in just a week while Tec Himself used 5 years just to grow several centimeters

" I didn't feed him anything... his body is just perfect for fighting... " Said Rayleigh as he's also quite shock that his student grew so much...

" Hehehe! What do you think? Aren't i awesome captain? " Said Pengo as after living for a week Pengo accepted his fate to be Tec's Crew mate as Tec have been giving pengo Thousand of beli to buy anything he wants

" awesome indeed but you'll still die in the new world without haki so Train harder! " Said Tec

" Of course! Count on my Captain! " Said Pengo as he begun working his body again while Rayleigh just smiled

Thus, months passed by since Then Pengo Height Stopped Growing at 6'8 His once bulky muscles are no where to be seen as Tec Thought him how to compress them and make them harder just like his own muscles are and during this months Pengo Learned how to use Two types of Haki such as Armament Haki and Observation Haki and thanks to Rayleigh Teaching. Pengo is now efficient enough to Coat his entire body with armament and use Observation for couple meters away this is also thanks to his Talent of course as for Conqueror's Haki Pengo show's no signs of it...

" This place is getting crowded don't you think Shakky-san? " Asked Tec

" Indeed... there's couple famous people in the island after all... " Said Shakky

" what they are called again? Great Rookies? Or something? " Said Pengo

" Super Rookies... They're pirates that have over a hundred million bounty on their heads without even reaching The New world... " Said Tec

" Oh... i used to think a hundred million is a lot but Rayleigh-san bounty is even higher than that... " Said Pengo making Rayleigh smile

" Well it's in the past beside no one's gonna remember an old person like me from the old Era... " Said Rayleigh

" Meh I doubt they can even take your bounty since you're still young enough to fight against Emperors and Admirals... " Said Tec

" Hahahahaha I wouldn't last long against those monster you know! My age is slowly catching up to me after all... " Said Rayleigh

" But then again master your the Pirate King Right Hand man! So You can still definitely fight against Admirals and Emperors" Said Pengo trying to cheer up Rayleigh...

" ... We won't know unless we try! " Said Rayleigh as he walked away from Tec and Pengo going somewhere...

"... Anyway Here some Money... " Said Tec as he gave a thick sack of Money to Pengo who gladly accepted it...

" Don't go fighting anyone since it's not time for our debut yet... " Said Tec

" Of Course Captain! Anyway See you later! " Said Pengo as he disappeared using his fastest speed leaving Tec alone outside Shakky's Bar


" So it's Luffy and Others are here now huh... Well good timing since i wanna punch those Celestial Pigs for a month now... " Said Tec


" Well Let's wait for them here... " Said Tec as he entered Shakky's bar where he found Shakky's just smoking Cigarettes and reading newspapers...

" Done Training? " Asked Shakky

" Yeah... " Said Tec

" Well Rest i'll make you some Snacks " Said Shakky as she begun making food for Tec

One snack time later... and One Rude costumer that Shakky Beat half Death because he wont pay Later...

" Told you man You shoulda Pay~ " Said Tec as He watched Shakky beat the man half death while eating his snacks...

" S-Stop! P-Please Stop! I'll Pay! " Said The man But Shakky Continued beating him only to stopped when the door opened

" Rayleigh, Shakky! Are you here?! " Said the Octopus fisherman that opened the door

" welcome! What would it be- Oh my~ Hacchan-?! " Said Shakky excitedly as she quickly let the man Go

" nyu~ it's been too long, Shakky! " Said the Octopus named Hatchan

" How Long has it been?! 10 Years!? " Said Shakky as she quickly tend Hatchan Company when Tec suddenly saw Luffy walking in

" Eh? luffy? " Called Tec making Luffy Look over Tec

" OH!! TEC!!! " Said Luffy Excitedly as he tried to hug Tec which only got denied by Tec's finger Flick

" Don't hug me man I'm still sweaty... " Said Tec

" Hahahah! I haven't seen you for awhile! How have you been?! " Asked Luffy


" You know each Other Tec-chan? " Asked Shakky

" Well Kinda this Guy invited me to join his Crew but i declined... " Said Tec when Luffy suddenly started eating food on Shakky's Refrigerator

" He~ he actually tried to recruit Tec-chan huh~ I'm surprised he's even alive after that~ " Said Shakky Jokingly as After Living around Tec for couple Months she Knew Tec have a Short fuse and will definitely kill said Person if he wanted to...

" Cmon Shakky-san I'm not that mad that i will kill someone just because they invited me to join their crew... " Said Tec

" Telling me that after you demolish that one Pirate crew without even someone noticing it... " Said Shakky


" Anyway, Just take a seat you guys i was just extracting some outrageous amounts of money from these guys... " Said Shakky's as she begun picking up the People she beat up and proceeded to beat them up before taking them out of the bar to proceed beating them until they give all their money

" Nyu~ Take your time... " Said Hatchan as he sat beside Tec

" I'm Hatchan! A fish-man! Nice to meet you! " Introduce Hatchan

" Tec Godking a Human... " Introduce Tec back...


" so luffy got any interesting stories for me? " Asked Tec

" Stories..? Well we find two giant in some island... " Said Luffy as he kept munching the food in Shakky's Refrigerator

" Giants? Mmm I kinda want to invite a giants in my crew now... " Said Tec making Luffy Stopped eating a Looked at him

" Crew?! You're making your own Crew? " Asked Luffy as Shakky Came back

" That's right Monkey-chan~ Tec-chan here is making his own Crew to set sail in the new world... " Said Shakky as she magically pulled a Cotton candy and gave it to Chopper One of Luffy Crew mates

" Ehhh! But i wanted you to join me! " Said Luffy

" You'll be easily killed in that place since you don't know anything about Haki... " Replied Tec

" Ha-Haki? What's that? Can i eat that? " Asked Luffy

"... Right aren't you quite famous now Luffy? How big was your bounty again? " Asked Tec

" It's around 300 Million Tec-chan~ Monkey-Chan is pretty notorious around these days... " replied Shakky

" You know about me Lady and how do you know chopper's favorite food? " Asked Luffy as Shakky sat beside Tec

" you're Monkey-chan the Captain of the Straw hats Pirates right?... you guys are pretty famous around these seas... " Said Shakky

" Oh! "

" I'm quite an Informed person so i knew your Crew pretty well but I don't think you'll have a skeleton as your crew mate... " Said Shakky as she looked over the skeleton that's sitting on the bar stool

" ... "

" I read about the enies Lobby Incident. how much of it is true?... Did you really start a fight with the world government? " Asked Shakky as she stood up and walked towards Luffy

" Man... I don't really wanna talk about it since it's a pain in the ass... " Said The trouble luffy

" Ahahahaha No Boasting huh? What a Big shot~ " Said Shakky

" Anyway you got the same name as Garp from the marines are you two related? " Asked Shakky

" Yeah! He's my grandpa " Replied luffy

" I knew it~... You know Garp's Come after me before... " Said Shakky

" Why? " Asked Luffy

" shakky used to be a pirate " Said Hatchan

" it's been over forty years since i sailed the sea, though " Said Shakky

" Lady, Hold old are you? " Asked Luffy as Shakky definitely face and body doesn't represent her age very well since she looked like a women just in her middle 30's

" ... Right now i'm looking forward to cheering on you Rookies... " Said Shakky

" By the way Shakky- " Before Hatchan could finish his words Shakky cut him off

" Oh, There's no need to stay it i already get it " Shakky


" The Reason why you and Camie came here by land is to help Monkey-chan and His Crew get their ship coated Right? " Said Shakky

" Nyu~ that's about it... " Said Hatchan

" In other words you want Rayleigh to do the coating for you... Well, he's not here right now... " Said Shakky


" There's no way he would leave the Archipelago since he's Training Tec-chan Crew mate for a billion Beli so you should look for him in some Gambling houses and bars since Tec-chan Like to give them money to play around... " Said Shakky as she sharply looked over Tec

" C-Cmon Shakky~ i just want them to have a Good time~ and beside didn't i gave you several Millions already? " Said Tec

"... You should Really manage how you spend money Tec-chan " Said Shakky while letting out a sigh since She received almost a billion Beli's from Tec already just for letting them stay and feeding them

" ... "

" if we wait here, he'll come back won't he? " Asked Luffy

" I suppose so... But I haven't seen him for quiet for a month now since Tec-chan gave him all that money to play around... " Said Shakky

" A Month?! "

" he's probably been meeting women and shacking up here and there... so I'm not worried about his health or anything i guess picking up and leaving for long periods of time is just what former pirates do... " Said Shakky

" This Craftsman is a Pirate too?! " Said the surprised luffy making Tec laughed a little since the craftsman that they're calling is once the Pirate King's Right hand man...


" That's a Problem... Shall we start Looking for him then? " Asked the Skeleton named Brook

" Let me see... I think he would be around grove 1-29... He's pretty notorious himself so he's not going to relax where the marines are... " Said Shakky as she lights up a Cigarette

" Other than that he does like "Sabaody Park" " Said Shakky


" ... "

" Look Wherever you go... You gotta be careful, My source tell me that with you guys now here. There are 11 pirates on Sabaody Archipelago with Bounty's Over 100 Million " Said Shakky with a serious tone

" T-THAT MANY?! " Said the Reindeer Beside luffy named Chopper

" That's 9 People other than Monkey-chan and roronoa-chan... " Said Shakky

" When you entered the Grand Line there were seven different routes you could have taken. You picked one route followed the log to this point " Said Shakky

" O-Okay... " Replied Luffy seemingly listening to Shakky's words

" so Of course the pirates who chose one of the other six routes went through the same difficulty as you and some of them made it here... no matter what route you take you'll run into the Red line and so everyone gathers here to cross the wall get it? " Said Shakky as she puff some smoke out


" all the world's rookies Have gathered here at the same time that's not something that happened everyday... Kidd,Luffy,Hawkins,Drake,Law... Those names have been all over the newspaper lately " Said Shakky

" I Don't read newspaper... " Replied Luffy


" Fufufufu Information is a Weapon Monkey-chan~ you should at least know the name of your rivals right?... Speaking of Bounties among the Rookies you're only number two... " Said Shakky while Puffing out smoke again...


" That's Right~ there were mountain of Pirates who entered Grand Line But Now Only Few are Left... The Grand Line really is a Gigantic Survival Tournament... The Surviving Pirates from Each Group have Proven them selves to be the fittest of the elites... One of them might even become the person who inspired the next generation of Pirates... At the Very Least all the Rookies who Entered the New World Won't get unnoticed... " Said Shakky...


" As for the Reason why Kidd have a Higher bounty than you is because they cause huge amount of damage to normal Citizens... Not Cute At all, Right? " Said Shakky puffing one last Smoke as she finished her cigarette

" ... "

" So I'm Definitely Rooting for you Guys Monkey-chan~ " Said Shakky while Smiling

" well, I'm just going to have fun But all these pirates making me worried about the craftsman Guy! " Said Luffy while Grinning

" Oh, He'll be fine... " Said Shakky


" He's About 100 Times Stronger than you boys after all~ " Said Shakky shocking Luffy and Others

" EHH?! REALLY?! " Said Chopper

" indeed~ And Tec-Chan Right here is Stronger Than Ray-san~ " Said Shakky Teasing Tec

" You're over estimating me Shakky-san~ I'm not that strong~ " Said Tec

" Sure Sure~ after you beat Ray-san on Sword Fight~ " Said Shakky

"... well i have the advantage of being young so it's not really fair fight for Rayleigh " Said Tec even though he won without using all of his strength

" ... Hahaha what ever you say Tec-chan~ " Said Shakky while Laughing while Luffy just looked at Tec with the intent to fight him but quickly forget about it since he can't really so anything to Tec right now...

" Luffy-san shall we go find Mr. Craftman now? " Asked Brook

" Yeah! Let's go! " Said Luffy as he stood up and gets ready to leave the bar

" well then take care~ at the very least, the marines know that Big-named Rookies are on Archipelago " Said Shakky

" Th-That's not good... we won't know when will they attack... " Said Brook

" it's all right it looks like you rookies have gotten lucky Right now, the marines headquarters is Occupied with another matter they should be busy for now... " Shakky


" So as long as no Major problem arises the marines won't come in force so, just be careful not to cause too much of a mess... " Said Shakky as she escorted luffy and Group out of the Bar along with Tec

" Okay, Got it! Thanks we're off! We'll go looking for the coating craftsman guy! " Said luffy as they complete left the bar leaving Tec and Shakky alone...


" Want me to follow them? " Asked Tec

" they should be fine without you~ but if you want you can... " Said Shakky

" Well This is gonna be the day I'm officially going to get my bounty so I'll Punch people of that Bubbles head Pigs since they're pretty much the fastest way to get bounties... " Said Tec making Shakky Giggle

" You're talking about the celestial Dragons huh~ well do your best... " Said Shakky as Tec disappeared beside her...

Soon Tec followed Luffy and Others going to the Sabaody Park Doing their Thing Just Like in the Anime And Mange riding Rides over and Over again At this time Tec also Ride Couple Rides and Tec actually enjoyed some of them for some reason and just like in the anime the Mermaid Girl that Luffy and company have got kidnapped and is going to be sold at some Slave auction House...

" It's time huh~ i kinda enjoyed riding this ferris Wheel... " Said Tec as He jumped out of the ferris wheel that's couple hundred meters high only to

Land soundless in the ground

" Well time to go to that auction house~ " Said Tec as people looked at him with amazement

Soon Tec arrived at the Auction house where tons of people gathered with the Celestial dragons and some of the Super Rookies Shakky is talking about but of course Tec payed no attention to them as he makes his way trough an empty seat...

soon the auction Quickly started with Humans slaves getting sold for as low as 500,000 Beli's to couple millions from Fighters to Young Beautiful lady...


" WITHOUT FUTHER ADO! OUR SUPER SPECIAL ITEM!! " Said The Auction Announcer as a Big bowl of something covered with white cloth got pulled in the stage

" PLEASE LOOK AT THE SILHOUETTE!! COUNTLESS MAN HAVE SOUGHT AFTER THIS ITEM!! I WONT SAY ANYMORE JUST SEE IT FOR YOURSELVES!! " Said the Auction Announcer as he pulled the white cloth covering the huge bowl revealing The Capture Camie inside the bowl

" ALL THE WAY FROM FISHERMAN ISLAND!! CAMIE THE MERMAID!! " Said the Auction announcer hyping the people even more when suddenly a Celestial Dragon immediately Bid

" I'LL PAY!! 500 MILLION!!! " Said the Celestial Dragon Shocking everyone in the auction That everyone that was hoping to bid immediately gave up bidding


" 600 Million " Said Tec while Crossing his Legs like he's some Mob Boss... once again the Crowd are shocked that someone actually willing to bet 600 Million a hundred Million higher than the last Bid!!


" WHA- 600 MILLION FOR THIS YOUNG GENTLEMAN!!! THOSE ANYONE WANT TO BID HIGHER?!?! " Said the Auction announcer as he's freaking out since he's not expecting someone will actually bid more less against a Celestial Dragon

" 700 MILLION!!! " Screamed the Celestial dragon when suddenly Tec spoke again

" 1 Billion " Said Tec this Time completely making the entire Auction house Silent that The auction announcer forget to announce it

" YOU!! STOP OVER BIDDING ME!! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?! " Said the Celestial Dragon as he stood up and pointed a finger over Tec who's now alone in his whole row of seat as people around got scared and moved seat

" If you have no money don't bid simple as that... and No I don't know nor i give a fuck about you... " Said Tec making the Celestial Dragon Pissed that he pulled out a Gun and Shoot a Bullet towards Tec Making people Scream but Tec using his Observations Haki Just caught the bullet with his bare hands...

" !!! "

" How childish... " Said Tec as he flicked the Bullet back to the Celestial Dragon only to slightly gaze him and the celestial Dragon didn't even noticed it due to how fast the bullet travelled

" NANI?! YOU! YOU! INFERIOR BEING!!! HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU!! HOW DARE YOU HUMILIATE ME LIKE THIS!!! I WILL HAVE YOU KIL- " Before the Celestial Dragon finished his words the door through the auction house suddenly got blown up as Luffy and His Other Crew arrived

" WH-WHAT'S HAPPENING?! " Said The Auction announcer

" WhAT THE HELL IS THAT?! CANT YOU LAND BETTER?! " Screamed Luffy as they crash landed in the auction house


" Man... I got in because you guys told me to... I was heading back to sunny when you guys grabbed me out of nowhere... Where are we anyway... " Said Zoro while Scratching his head

" AHHH!!! CAMIE!!! " Said Luffy as he saw Camie down in the auction platform

" CAMIE, WE CAME LOOKING FOR YOU!! THANK GOODNESS!! " Said Luffy as he quickly tried to run over to camie while Hatchan tried to stopping him


" What do you mean?! Camie is over there!! " Said Luffy as he tried to get away from Hatchan Octopus grips

" Yes, But still she still have that exploding collar on her neck!! We can't just take her and a Celestial Dragon is involved!! " Said Hatchan When suddenly The Humans in the auction house specially the Human Woman started Screaming

" KYAAA!! It's a Fisherman!! How Disgusting!!! " Screaming by an ugly woman making Hatchan Lose his hold over luffy

" eh-Eh?! "

" I'LL SAVE YOU CAMIE!!! " Said Luffy as he sprinted full speed after getting away from Hatchan only to get stopped again by the auction house security When suddenly the same Gun that fired at Tec shot Hatchan In the chest


"!!!" this made the whole Auction house silent again as luffy stopped and looked back only to see Hatchan Lying down with a bullet on his chest

" MUFUFUFFUFUFUFUF~ I HIT HIM!! I FINISHED OFF THAT FISHERMAN!! " said the same Celestial Dragon that Tried to shoot Tec


" Haaaaah, I'm Glad that they shot that fisherman!! I was worried i would get some kind of disease from that thing! " Said a random Audience

" he must have been up to something! He have a brain of a fish after all!! " Said random audience 2 Hearing all of this made Luffy very angry as he started walking up to the Celestial Dragon

" FATHER!!! MOTHER!!! LOOK!! I CAUGHT A FISHERMAN!! I CAUGHT HIM SO HE'S FREE RIGHT?! LETS TAKE HIM AWAY!!! I GOT A FISHERMAN SLAVE FOR FREE!! FREE OCTOPUS FREE OCTOPUS!! " Said the Celestial Dragon as he started dancing to show his victory meanwhile Hatchan Once again Tried to stop luffy from what ever he's think by grabbing his arms while still lying at the floor with blood flowing out

" W-Wait! S-Strawhat! Y-You cant!!! Haaa... You cant!! D-Dont get mad! I-it's my fault!! *Cough* " Said Hatchan while coughing out blood

" Y-You promised that even if someone got shot right before you eyes you wouldn't go against the Celestial Dragons! *Cough* Haaa... i-I'm a Pirate anyway!!! i've done bad things so this is my punishment!! " Said Hatchan while trying his best to speak

" I-I'm Sorry! I-I-I didn't mean for this to happened!!!! N-Nami!! I just wanted to make it up to nami even if it's little... I-I just wanted to help you Guys!!... E-Everything that I've ever done it's a mistake!! I'M REALLY USELESS!!! BUT IN THE END I JUST CAUSED TROUBLES!! I-I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY!! " Screamed Hatchan as tears Falls through his eyes

" YOU DAMN FISH!!! I SHOT YOU ALREAY BUT YOU'RE STILL TALKING!! YOU PISS ME OFF!! " Said the Celestial Dragon as he tried to Fire another shot towards Hatchan only to get confronted by Enraged Luffy who slowly stood up and walked towards the Celestial Dragon with the intention to punch him

" !!! "

" S-STRAWHAT!! STOP OR YOU WONT ABLE TO GET AWAY!!! " Said The starfish companion they have but Luffy didn't stopped as he slowly approaches the celestial dragon who started firing shots at luffy but Luffy easily dodge the bullets but not like it can hurt him

" YOU PISS ME OFF TOOO!!! " Said the Celestial Dragon as he stated firing even more shots Only for luffy to dodge them again and When luffy arrived at the Celestial Dragon he delivered a Powerful Punch towards the Celestial's Dragon Face as Luffy sends him flying!!! this caused People to Freak out

" Wow~ that's quiet satisfying... " Said Tec as he watches the whole ordeal

" Sorry Guys... I heard that if i hit that guy a Marine admiral will be called... " Said Luffy casually

" Thanks to you sending him flying I didn't have a chance to cut him... " Said Zoro as he sheathed back his swords

After that Luffy and Crew and the other Celestial Dragons Started Fighting as People flea the Auction house since one of the Celestial Dragon threatened to call a Marine admiral to kill them all... When suddenly Tec Felt Rayleigh Conqueror's Haki knocking the last Celestial Drain that's about to kill Camie...

" You see? My dear Giant? This place is completely messed up... " Said Rayleigh as he walked in the stage

" The auction is over and I've stolen all their money! Looks like time to do more gambling! " Said Rayleigh when a giant suddenly came out of the stage

" You're pretty sneaky old man we're you just here to get some money? " Asked the Giant

" Well i was hoping to get some more from whoever brought me! " Said Rayleigh when Tec sudden called him out

" I'll Buy you for 5 Billion rayleigh-san how about it? " Asked Tec making Rayleigh Look over him

" No thank you! I rather be sold to another person... " Said rayleigh Swiftly rejecting Tec's Offer

" Mmm~ I've been giving you money but you still choose to come here to steal? Just how much did you gamble this time? " Asked Tec

" Hahahahaha! Just couple hundred millions! " Siad the laughing Rayleigh when suddenly felt gazes towards him

" Hm? Looks like were gathering attention... " Said Rayleigh

" Ra-Rayleigh!! " Called out hatchan who's getting treated by Chopper

" Rayleigh?! Eh? The Coating Craftsman Guy?! " Asked Chopper

" OOHH!!! HACHI!! Hey! It's been a while haven't it?! What are you doing here?! And where did you get that wound?! " Asked Rayleigh but when Hatchan about to answer rayleigh cut him off

" Ah- No need to say it... " Said Rayleigh as he looked over the place seeing three bloodied and unconscious Celestial dragons he already knew why

" Hmm... I see... in other words you've gotten yourself in a real mess Hachi... " Said Rayleigh as he looked over Luffy and Crew

" You guys helped him out..? " Asked Rayleigh

" ..? "

" Well then... " As soon as Rayleigh said that he used his Conqueror's Hali again Knocking Every auction house guards

" !!? "

" Eh?! eh?! What the hell did he do?! " Said the confused Ussop as Man that he's just fighting started to fall down one by one

" who the hell is this old man... " Said Sanji


" That Straw hat suits a fearless man... I've been waiting for you... Monkey D. Luffy... " Said Rayleigh as he looked at Luffy's fearless Eyes


" You're such a troubled child Luffy~ i was about to brought Camie back when you bragged in~ " Said Tec as he appeared beside camie and removed the explosive collar in her neck like it was nothing

" Eh!? You are?! " Asked luffy

" Yes he did! That guy bid A billion Beli! But you just came in and Punched a Celestial dragon!! " Said Nami

" WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!!! " Said Luffy as he just regretted doing all what he did...


" Oh..."

" My Bad... are you pirates who just hang around to watch? " Asked Rayleigh as he looked over Law and Kidd group

" if you withstood that easily then you guys aren't lightweight either..." Said Rayleigh


" I never Knew I would meet someone Like you in this place... " Said Law one of the super rookies Shakky's talking about

" The Lord of the underworld Silver Rayleigh... There's no mistaking it... Why a Legendary man Like you doing in a place like this... " Said Kidd

" on this Island i'm just an Old man who owns a Coating shop named Ray... So don't just go calling me by that name... I'm already an old man I'd like to live peacefully " Said Rayleigh as he slowly walked over Hatchan

" ... "

" Don't go dying on me now Hachi... I always told you to not go walking around this island... " Said Rayleigh as he checks Hatchan

" Nyu~ I'm Sorry " Replied Hatchan

" Thank you guys, You saved my friend here... " Said Rayleigh

" So what do you want to meet me Pops? " Asked Luffy

" hmm... Well talk later we need to get out of here firt... " Said Rayleigh as they begun earing Marines outside the auction house circling them


" I'll Get rid the people outside since i need to release some steam... " Said Tec

" Don't go killing everyone now! " Said Rayleigh

" Hey! I'm not gonna do that! Yet! " Said Tec as as soon as he got out he was greeted by hundreds of Marine


" That's a lot of people... " Said Tec

" Now go to sleep! " Said Tec as He Used his own Conqueror's Haki Knocking Every single marine Except for one

" Got a Camera? " Asked Tec to the Remaining marine

" Eh?! EH?! W-What's happening?! " said the confused marine

" ... Anyway here my Picture~ be sure to give a high bounty since i pretty much defeated everyone here~ " Said Tec as he gave the confused marine his picture who soon run away due to fear...


" Rayleigh I'm done! Let's go now before more of them comes " Said Tec Rayleigh left building along with Kidd pirates and Law Pirates who's in shock to see hundred of knocked out marines and Tec didn't even take more than 1 Minutes to do it all...

" come let's go... " Said Rayleigh as they went back to shakky's bar while Kidd Pirates and Law Pirates part way but not before getting stopped by a Shichibukai

After awhile at Shakky's Bar where Pengo and Shakky's waiting

" Hey Shakky-san Were Back~ and I brought back Rayleigh~ " Said Tec as he opened the Bar's Door

" Oh Welcome Back~ that was quiet fast! Good job finding Ray-san Monkey-Chan~ " Said Shakky

" Sup captain! " Greet Pengo

" Already got no money? Told you to stop gambling like Rayleigh since you two don't know how to win... " Said Tec as he sat beside Pengo on Shakky sofa...

" I-I didn't gamble today! I just Bought this gloves! " Said Pengo as he showed Tec his newly purchased Gloves

" What now? You tryna become a boxer? " Asked Pengo

" Well not really but it just looked cool so I brought it... " Said Pengo

" Well go buy another sofa around that Furniture shop there since were not gonna fit here... " Said Tec as he magically give Pengo stacks of cash

" Okay! I'll be right back! " Said pengo

" Wait! Go buy some food too! The stack on Shakky's Friged is low since Luffy kept eating them just like now... " Said Tec as Luffy just begun hunting food in Shakky's Refrigerator

" Okay! Anything else? " Asked Pengo

" No that's all " Said Tec

" Then I'll be right back! " Said Pengo as he quickly left along with The cash...

" You're really stacked huh... " Said nami

" Well not really since I mainly raid Pirates crew to get their money as i still need to pay Rayleigh A Billion Beli for training Pengo...

" Oh... That's a lot of money... " Said Nami

" Guess so but then again there's ton of pirates that have Millions if not billions of Beli just hanging around their ship so ran sacking couple pirates can give you couple billion... " Said Tec

" ... "

Minutes later Pengo Came Back with a Brand new Sofa with a Week worth of food on his bag making it hard to move everything inside but they eventually did as they started feasting over the food and Rayleigh begun talking with Luffy telling him his old story...


" Yeah... I was the Vice captain! The names Silver Rayleigh Nice to meet you~ " Said Rayleigh as he drink his beer

" Hachan you didn't told them? " Said Shakky as she didn't think luffy and his crew would be this Shocked

" Nyuu~ we just need Rayleigh for coating so there's no need to... " Said Hatchan laying down on a table

""" V-VICE CAPTAIN?! """ Screamed Luffy Crew

" Oh my, you didn't noticed? " Said Robin casually

" I know that name too well!! " Said Ussop

" it's in so many Books! " Said Nami who's suddenly begun tearing up

" it's definitely a name that everyone heard once in their life... " Said Sanji


" Gold Roger... I remember a rookie by that name or not... " said Brook while eating beans with his chopsticks

" Why does a octopus knows a legend like you? " Asked Zoro while Eating meat and drinking Beer

" Over twenty years ago Hachi saved me when i was shipped-wreck Since then we become friends up until he joins the Sun Pirates " replied Rayleigh

" Then about this guy? " Said Zoro as he pointed towards Tec

" Ah that Guy just randomly appeared one day and demanded me to train his Crew mate for a billion Beli and of course I accepted since a billion beli is a lot after all... " Said Rayleigh

" Tec-chan has been living with us quite a while now~ he have a lot of money so he can stay for how he wants~ " Said Shakky


" But Didn't Gold Roger got executed 22 Years ago? They didn't got you the vice captain? " Asked Ussop

" And the Crew was captured by the marines right? " Followed up by Sanji

" We weren't Caught... Roger Gave himself in... " Said Rayleigh shocking everyone excluding Tec and Hatchan

" The Government as a show of power may have acted like this captured him... " Said Rayleigh

" The Pirate King Gave Himself Up?! Why?! " Asked Nami

"... Because he could see the end of our Journey... " Replied Rayleigh

" ... "

" About Four Years before the public Execution Roger... Came down with a Terminal Disease... A Disease nobody can cure, that Nobody could do anything about... Even roger was suffering At that time the most famous Doctor who's also a Lighthouse keeper, was a man named Crocus From the twin capes he was the only man who could ease Roger's pain... We asked him to come with us on our 'Last Voyage' as the ship Doctor "


" Three Years later Roger Life would come to stop... We were told it was impossible Our conquest over Grand Line is finally over... " Explained Rayleigh when suddenly Brook begun tearing up

" C-Crocus?!? From

The twin Capes?! H-How nostalgic " Said Brook

" EHHHHH?! wasn't that the man on that cape for 50 Years?! And he was on the Pirate King Crew?! " Said Ussop as he just remembered the old man they met

" Now that you mentioned it did he say he's a ship doctor for a few years? So for those Three years he was a Pirate!! " Said Nami

" You all met him that must mean he's doing well! He was taking care of a whale after all... Crocus more that than came with us looking for a certain pirate Crew... " Said Rayleigh as he continues to drink his beer

" Brook!! He must be looking for you guys!!! " Said Ussop

" C-Crocus went that Far!!? " Said Brook while tearing up

" Though Crocus was only with us for 3 Years But make no Mistake. He was our Nakama! And At this age i still wanna see him again... " Said Rayleigh

" So after you conquered the sea..? " Asked Sanji

" That's where it really started... The world begun Calling Roger the Pirate King it's not he was always been The Pirate king But Titles doesn't mean anything to a dying man But Roger Was Happy... He was a man who liked doing things in the flashiest way possible That's how he Parties and Fight... He didn't have future but he didn't seems to care he looked like he was enjoying it But before long, Under the Order of the Captain the Roger Pirates Secretly Disbanded... The Entire Crew Splits and One by one they disappear... I put my life with those Men but now I don't even know where they are or what they are doing and then about a year we disbanded Roger Gave himself up and was arrested on his hometown... Logue Town in the east Blue where he's Publicly executed... On that Day, In the square i hear that lots of men who would become famous Pirates today showed their faces While the World Watches as the Pirate King Get executed... I didn't Go... These were the last words Roger left to me... The world Government and the Marines Must've been shocked as they intended the Execution to be a warning to all the Pirates but with One Word Before his death Roger set off the Great Pirate Age!! in the Last Few seconds of his Life he set the entire world Ablaze! I've never Laughed more... I've never Cried more... and I've never Drank more either!! He was my Captain and he lived an Magnificent life! " Said Rayleigh as he started reminiscing about the past


" It's i shame i never met him~ he sounds like a Fun guy~ " Said Tec

" I feel like i just heard something amazing! It's totally different hearing it from who lived through it... " Said Nami

" It's almost Like Roger planned and made the Era!! " Said Ussop

" ... Well I don't know about that... Roger is Dead and The Only people who can create an Era Are the People Living Through it! " Said Rayleigh as he drink more of that Beer

" I'm sure people from that Plaza that Day received something from Roger that day... " Said Rayleigh as he looked over Luffy who's mouth is full of food

" You know one of them, Shanks Pretty well... " Said Rayleigh

" Eh?! You know Shanks, Old man? " Asked Luffy as he continues stuffing his mouth with food

" If you're from East Blue then maybe you know a Pirate Called Buggy " Said Rayleigh Making Zoro and Nami remember Buggy

" those two were cabin boys in our Ship " Said Rayleigh shocking Luffy who almost choke due to over stuffing his mouth

" What? You didn't know? Just ten years ago I ran into him in this island He was missing his Trademark Strawhat and an Arm... When i asked it about him he looked happy talking about you... " Said Rayleigh as Shakky Gave Luffy something to Drink meanwhile Tec begun sensing some powerful people on par if not stronger than Rayleigh

" ... a Troublesome person have arrived... " Said Tec to Himself

" Now Now I can't run my mouth on things shanks haven't talked with you about but Anyways you've done well coming this far and i'm sure he's waiting for you in the new world... " Said Rayleigh as he also senses the Newcomer that came into the island

" I see!! Okay!! I wanted to meet him to anyways!! " Said Luffy

" Well then! What's the situation? You want me to coat your ship, right? I'll get on that now..." Asked Rayleigh

" Nyuu~ now that you mention it coating is really expensive... " Said Hatchan

" No it's fine Hachi, I won't take money from Hachi friends " Said Rayleigh he stood up and Looked Over Tec

" That's Great! Thanks Rayleigh! " Said Hatchan

" Mmm? Want me to fix the Outside? " Asked Tec to Rayleigh confusing everyone... "

" No it's alright... " Said Rayleigh and as he's about to leave Robin stopped him


" Rayleigh! I have a Question..." Said Robin as she stood up

" ..? "

" Just what is the Will of D? " Asked Robin

" Roger's name is Carved on the Poneglyph i saw on the sky Island in an Ancient Language. How did he know that language..!? " Said Robin


"... Do you know anything that happened 900 Years ago during the Void Century?! " Followed up robin

" ...Yeah... I know... We... We know all History... " Replied Rayleigh


" But Little Lady you can't rush things just go forward one step at the time... On your ship maybe we... Maybe Ohara too... Maybe we all Tried to go Too fast... Even if i told you everything i know about the history as you are right now you won't be able to do anything about it... Take your time and After you see the world perhaps you'll find a different answer... But if you must ask I can tell you everything about the world... " Said Rayleigh


" ... No I'll stop asking here and continue my Journey " Replied Robin While Tec Take His leave to see what's Happening outside...


" So they sent Kizaru Huh~ using all my speed right now i can barely pass Lights speed but more than that will be really pushing it but... The higher the bounty the better! " Said Tec as he Went where Kizaru is currently beating some Super Rookies


" Admiral-san~ care to give me higher bounty? " Said Tec as he appeared out of nowhere and Kicked Kizaru Head Which of course didn't work as Tec didn't infused any haki but it still made Kizaru sense Danger as his Observation Haki didn't even picked up Tec

" Eh~? Who are you~? " Asked Kizaru

" Just a Guy Hoping to fight an Admiral~ " Said Tec as this Time He used his Advance Armament Haki to Coat his Entire Leg and Tried to Kick Kizaru who Barely Dodges Tec's kick

" Woah There~ you're quite fast~ " Said Kizaru as he started Fighting Back Doing his Light speed Kick Which Tec already Predicted using Advance Observation Haki which Let him Peek into Future for several Seconds

" So-So! You better take this seriously or you'll lose a head here... " Said Tec as he unsheathed his sword while Kizaru make his own sword made of Light as Tec and Kizaru begun to clash making Shock waves knocking back people away from them

" ... I definitely overtrained my self if you're just this strong... " Said Tec which Kizaru clearly heard

" I'm Surprised~ people as strong as you Exist in this place~ how about working for the Marines? " Asked Kizaru as their swords Parted ways

" No thank you I planned on becoming a Pirate so better try to kill me off right now~ " Said Tec as he increases his speed making his Swings Faster and Deadlier That Kizaru even started Taking His fight with Tec seriously


" I came here so casually since I didn't think I'll meet people like you... " Said Kizaru as he increases his speed forcing Tec to Make space between them

" Are perhaps here because of those Celestial Pigs? " Asked Tec as he Created Some Distance between them


" I don't understand why people like you listen to those Bubble headed Pigs but then again Not Like I care! " Said Tec as he Dashed Towards Kizaru with all his Might that he Easily Break Through the Light Barrier and Kicked Kizaru right in his head sending Kizaru Flying


" You better give me a large bounty or I'll have to visit the marines~ " Said Tec as he quickly fled the scene leaving Kizaru who just got sent flying alone...


"... My My~ That was Dangerous... " Said Kizaru who barely have any damage on his face since he manage to Use his Advance Armaments Haki before Tec kicked him flying...

Soon Tec Got back in Shakky's Bar only to see Hatchan, Camie, Pengo, Shakky, and the Talking Starfish remaining...

" Oh? Where did the others go? " Asked Tec

" they left to go sightseeing! " Replied Pengo...

" That's not good... I just fought Kizaru down there... " Said Tec Making Pengo and Others expect Shakky Shocked

" W-What?! You fight an Marine Admiral and Got away!?! " Asked The surprised Pengo

" Well He's Not trying that hard so I easily got away seems like i'm not his top priority so After i send him flying i run away... " Said Tec as he sat down and started eating again...

" That's Quite Dangerous Tec-chan~ i'm glad you're okay~ " Said Shakky while Giggling

" Dangerous indeed and i would Probably die if i tried to force the fight even longer... " Said Tec


" Anyway How about Luffy and Others? Want me to save them? " Asked Tec To Shakky

" didn't you see them coming back here? " Asked Shakky

" Well I came here Not really looking at my surroundings but there's a lot of explosions happening outside and plus ain't Rayleigh with them? " Said Tec

" No ray-san probably split with them since he's going to find Monkey-chan Ship... " Said Shakky when Tec suddenly felt Rayleigh and Kizaru energy near the Bar...

" ... Nah it's fine Rayleigh-san is probably protecting them! Anyway I'll take a nap here that fight drained me of energy... " Said Tec as he sleep sitting down


" Pengo-Chan~ clean up after this okay? " Said Shakky

" Leave it to me Boss Ma'am! " Said Pengo