
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Tranh châm biếm
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" TSK! I was about to have my Fun little game but he ruined it! I was expecting him to give me his wive's and system But he actually gives want to give his life to me! What a Basic ass Bitch! " Said Tec as he calms down retracting his aura as well resealing his power back while The Sect Master and Officials, as well as Little Jiao, Let a sigh of relief as they almost saw the destruction of the world...

" well Anyway! what you just saw right now is a being that's capable of at least destroying this world with his power in Cultivation means he's at least an Emperor God or something and there are a lot of people like him roaming around the outside world! So if you're thinking you're strong! then your Wrong! even you the sect master who has a cultivation realm of the Mystic realm is just a speck of dust in the realm of Gods!! " Said Tec making the Sect Master Gulp his saliva as well imagining just how big is the universe and just how strong Tec is to be able to scare away an Emperor God being that's supposed to be the ruler of all!

" Tsk! I was hoping something interesting happens but I think I fucked it up again!... Well, whatever you can all go back now I'm gonna go out to eat some worlds to ease my FUCKING WRATH!! " Said Tec as he waves his hand teleporting The Sect master and officials also Little jiao back to the Sect while Tec Teleported to another Universe to Eat dead worlds and if you're asking why Tec only eat Dead worlds the answer is simple An a Live planet have people living in it and Tec once tried Eating one and regret it as Mortal Souls Doesn't suit his taste he describes it as if he's eating a lump of rotten meat! meanwhile eating a dead world taste like a delicious piece of candy that explodes in your mouth like Literary Explode in your mouth and Tec Became Addicted to that Fealing so Dead worlds became his favorite snack!

Meanwhile on Liz Side

" Mom! Where did dad go? and What's happening? " Asked Melissa as they're experiencing The World quake

" I'm sure your dad is just doing some business don't worry about him and wash your hands we're about to eat and you to Baron Wash your hands... " Said Liz While Preparing a healthy Dish for the family...

" What do you mean by business mom!? do we even have one? and besides from what I see dad isn't doing business " asked Baron

" you're too young for you to know anything about your Dad I'll show you when you became a little older okay? " Said, Liz, making Baron give up asking Liz about his Dad as Melissa and Baron washed their hands...

Meanwhile on Tec side who just finished eating his Dead words finally realize which universe he ended up

" Ahh, Fuck... what a troublesome Universe did I've come to? " Said Tec as he teleports to the nearest planet with civilization... As Tec arrived at a familiar planet several Beings already sensed His arrival and currently monitoring him...

" Tch! already watching me huh! This planet Doesn't even have a God Monitoring it! What a Troublesome Place this is! but it's too Familiar that I want to Destroy it already! " Said Tec as he remembers His Old Homeplanet Earth but of Course this Earth doesn't go into extinction and the current population is still manageable by the planet...

" Ugh... isn't this Earth? why would an almost Perfect Reality Earth would be in the lower realm? Who The Fuck manages this Universe?? Where's it's Creation God Or Reality God! and why am I getting angry all of the sudden? " Said Tec as he remembers his time on earth which is not good... meanwhile a bald woman from afar is quietly Observing Tec suddenly lost Tec from her tracks

" Oh, it isn't The Ancient One... " Said Tec as he Teleports behind the Bald woman who still has her Calm...

" And You're? " Asked The Ancient One to Tec who's Currently sitting on Air

" If Were using our Ailias Then I'm The Lord Of Chaos," Said Tec

" well, Then Mr. Lord of Chaos what can I help you with? " Asked The Ancient One

" Nothing Much I'm just here because you suddenly start peeking at me... don't get me wrong I get that I'm Handsome and all but you need to ask for the permission of you're gonna peek at me! " Said Tec making The Ancient one Speechless

" I Apologize for " Peeking " without your permission but I'm just doing my job protecting my planet... From beings like you... " Said The Ancient one

" Job Huh... But how can you protect your planet with a being like me? as you already know I can destroy your universe with just a thought and using your mystic arts and time stone ain't gonna stop me so tell me how can you save your planet against me? " Asked Tec while The Ancient one is still calm as ever and even serve Tec some Tea

" Well I certainly can't protect my planet from you but I do believe you wouldn't just attack it without any reason... " Said The Ancient one while giving Tec some Tea...

" Fair enough! and by the way Good Tea!... " Said Tec as he continues to Sip his Tea while the Ancient one just watch him with Curiosity

" So Tell me Yao Did Dr. Stephen Strange visited yet? " asked Tec

" I'm afraid you're 5 years early, " Said The Ancient One

" Hmm, so it's 2012 huh... Well anyway, It was nice seeing you! and do me a favor I'm going to send my kids here for a couple of years for them to learn how to live with their selves and just give them a place to stay... " Said Tec as he stopped sitting on air

" I can do that but what's in for me? " asked The Ancient one

" Hmm... how about I don't destroy your universe? sounds pretty good to me right? but you can always say no as there's countless Universe similar to yours and, to be honest, I already destroyed a couple of them on accident... " Said Tec as he disappeared into the void leaving the Calm Ancient one alone again...

" What a Terrifying being That Lord of Chaos is... " Said The Ancient one as she continues to drink her Tea...