

Why do I feel life is unfair to that poor girl? That poor boy? That poor woman? That poor man?

Why do people enjoy life while others do not? When you think something great is coming your way, then suddenly it vanishes as if you are not meant for good. As if sweet memories are not ever yours. I most at times feel that I am in a different world. A world that does not have sweet memories. A world which holds bitterness as a normal norm.

Why do I have to shed tears on anything I set my hands on because it doesn't go the way I wanted it to? It is always snatched from me. I do not get to enjoy or have to spend time with the things I get or come in touch with.

Why do I have to lose things that makes me happy?

Why is the whole world against me all the time? Is that the norm? Do you also feel the same way sometimes?

When will my tears stop flowing and dry up? Others will just come your way and console you but they do not know what it takes to survive after they have left your side.

I always give happiness to others but in exchange, I get tears, sorrow and heartbreak. I make them happy. I always want to see them happy. I hide my feelings just to make them happy. But what do I get, betrayal and backstabs. Talking of backstab do they also experience same thing?

I try hard to make people around me happy. I keep smiles on my face always during the day but I always cries my eyes to sleep every night.

"When will I ever be happy?" I always asks herself. I sacrifice a lot. I do not do that just for fun. I do that for the love I have for others. I want them to see how loved they are by me. The mistake i always make is expecting to be loved back the way i do love them. I face a lot of trouble. People intentionally lead me into more troubles just for their happiness. How wicked.

What hurts more is the fact that the people you love more than anything do not love you back the way you expect them to.

My life.... hmmmmm

I was given a name, A sweet name with a sweet meaning. Serena which means, calm and clear. I sometimes think about this name and its supposed to give good and beautiful memories to me.

When will I experience the meaning of my name.

I sometimes gets encouraged that God is so close to me which makes me eager to feel him. I want him to save me.

I am patiently waiting for all my questions to be answered.

I believe that God is right there waiting for the right time to release all my HAPPINESS.

"When! When!! When!!!" I ask myself again.

Have you ever felt the world crushing down on you and you losing everything?

Yes. I have seen that, felt it and its horrible.

Very scary.

But one thing I always remember is that I am not supposed to GIVE UP. Never!!!!!

Never give up no matter the circumstances because there is always light after the tunnel.

Without the tears on my face today, I won't have a story to tell tomorrow.

My story might be someone's turning point so is yours.

I want to go through all my problems with a clean and pure heart and I know for sure that God is going to release all blessings pretty soon.

If everyone was to be born with silver spoons in their mouth, the world will have been a boring place to stay.

Who inspires who? Have you ever thought about that?

Who motivates who?

But these harsh moments teaches me how to depend on our God, how to stay strong and never give up.

The rewards of these harsh moments are great. Something big always comes out of that. I Serena will also have a great moment someday when everything will be alright and that is always my dream. Yes! I dream a lot. I dream of sweet moments which gets disturbed when my wicked aunt,

My tears will dry up soon and so will yours.

My tears are gradually unfolding the coming events of my life that will surprise my and everyone around me

My tears are my strength.

Let your tears be your strength aside your biggest strength which is God.

Never give up

Your blessings are unfolding.

Don't be troubled. Believe in God alone.

He will wipe your tears always.

Worry less.




Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me

hope you are enjoying the story guys. great parts are coming up dearies. thank you all for your support and love.

dont forget to comment and share your love with me.

I love you all. ❤