
Her Tears

Everyone was shocked yet "Yeong" was still not paying attention so she did hear. The king then said what do you think of this "Kang-Dae"

He bows and thanks to the king. "Yeong" saw everyone was looking at her she looked at "Meara" and ask if there something in my face "Meara," said no.

then one of her sisters said, congratulations sister. "Yeong" confusingly asks for what.

The king then said I have given "Kang-Dae" your hand in marriage as a reward.

Yeong got up so fast she spiled wine over her cloth she then said what papa. it the first time she has called the king father.

she then said no tears rolling down her cheek the king got mad and said my decision is finale "Yeong".

Yeong then ran out of the feast hall crying. she flew back to her mountain she was not crying because of the wedding but because she was given away as a reward. the mountain fairies and spirit animals were all sad for it was the first time seeing their keeper crying.