
Teacher Strict Love

Is it wrong to date you're teacher?, I mean like is it? Is it still wrong if we both fell in love with each other and decide to hide our relationship and dark past behind us- well 'dark' could be used too hard but you get the gist of what I mean.... Right? What I mean is that, is love really just for people who are legal?, don't misunderstand me okay. I'm not saying that you can date a toddler and marry them... Please just don't, don't take what I mean to consideration otherwise you would be seeing yourself behind bars and I don't mean kiddy bars. Oh I mean legit federal prison bars Anyways we're going off track with this. Anyways this is the story of how I fell in love with my teacher, the woman who made me realised what love really is, love isn't formed because you want to fall in love or not, you fall in love- because it's your heart's decision and what you're heart wants is what you desire, no matter how much you deny it. It's still something everyone wants, the word 'love' is a serious matter especially if you're considering to date a minor... Or even someone older then you which is your teacher, love is just like family, support each other in any type of form- and like the saying goes "family comes from all different shapes and sizes" same can be said with love, but it gets more dangerous with that sentence and the word love combine Wanna know what I mean when I said that?, come join this adventure of love and romance between a teacher and a student where their love is strict.

ZikaiStories · Võ hiệp
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23 Chs

Our Strict Love Story Begins

Miku's pov:

The next day I was so hung over after last night drink with Rika-san.

I head downstairs to grab a drink and then get ready for work, it's a Thursday morning so I should probably make some coffee.

I grabbed my bag and head out to work. On my way there I notice Hiyama-kun.

"Goodmorning Hiyama-kun!" I greeted and walk next to him.

"Goodmorning Miku-chan" he says. I then was confused on why he called me by my given name.

"Excuse me but, who gave you permission to call your teacher by their given name?" I scold. He looks at me with a straight face and just says "You did..."

I was confused on what he meant "I... Did? When?" I ask

"Last night" he respond. I was then trying to remember everything about last night.

"I knew alcohol was bad for you... I bet you even forgot about our agreement last night." he said. And then I remembered something

Last night...

We both break the hug and look at each other one more time.

"Those red eyes of yours are so beautiful." I said. And then I notice that he looks worried. "what's wrong?" I ask.

"Oh nothing it's just..." he looks away a bit wondering. "What are we suppose to do about... Everyone?" he said.

I was rather confused on what he means. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well we both know that living in a society with incest is wrong, but..." He looks back at me and says "What would people think about a teacher student relationship, much less an adult and a minor relationship?" he said.

Oh shit... I forgot about that. I look down with my right index and thumb on my chin wondering. "Well we could tell them, but then again... What would people think?" I wondered. "Yeah I would be very worried if people thinks that it's wrong." he said.

I then came up with an idea. "How about we both keep it a secret?" I suggested. Ren looks up thinking that same.

"Yeah that could work, but we need to come up with an agreement." Ren told me.

"What do you mean?" I ask confusingly. "I mean that we should put some lines we shouldn't cross if we ever want to get cought that is.." he said.

I thought some more and got an idea. I simply explained on how we could go out without being suspected, and how we should avoid suspicion in class.

"So basically... We can't flirt in school or infront of my sister, and we can't use our first names in class or anywhere that involves my classmates or the other teachers, seems simple enough to do" he said. Oh how that would last, I thought.

"Basically yeah" I said and continued. "But we need to also keep our roles a secret to the public, you might not know that this person is a federal cop in disguise." I told Ren with my index and thumb on my chin.

Ren nods in agreement. "Right, this should be fair, even though we're playing a very dangerous game together." He said with a smile.

This boy is so carefree with everything that's happening around him. How does he not always feel worried about himself? Like what made him feel so carefree about situations like these. Like today, he didn't even think twice when approaching those men that assaulted me... He just, did it... What made him like this? Is he hiding something from me?

"Hey..." His voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Listen, I know I'm still young, and I may be a bit immature..." he says with a deep and sad tone. "... And I want you to be patient with me cause I'm still a child-" I stop him with a hug. This feels nice, hugging him feels like a huge body pillow.

We hug and I then took a bottle of wine, and drink and chat till near midnight..


My face then began to heat up in remembering last night's event.

"Umm.. Hello? Miku-chan?" he called out. I then snapped back to reality. "Huh.. What?" I said cluelessly.

"Finally, your back. Did you had a nice trip back to memory lane?" he ask jokingly. "Sh-shut up, wait a minute." I then realised something. "How did I even got home if I was so intoxicated? Did I walk home alone?" I questioned myself.

Then Ren said. "No, I was the one who brought you to your house." I was then worried. "Eh!? Your took me home?" I said with a worried expression.

"I'm not a kid Miku-chan, I can perfectly handle myself." he said confidently. He acts so childish and it's really adorable, but still... "Did you had any problem walking home alone?" I ask.

"I didn't run into any problems... Well atleast that's what I thought" he said laughing nervously and rubbing his back head. I gave him a curious glare.

"What do you mean?" I question. "Well..." he explained the story.

Last night... Ren's pov:

It was 11 pm and Rika was already asleep and Miku was at her house.

I was heading home and the town was lit up with alot of adults hanging out and drinking.

"Wow! It's so lively here at night, I wonder if I could do this stuff too once I'm a full grown adult?" I muttered to myself.

Then two older women approached me.

"Ohh~ is that a kid?" the woman in a business attire said. "Yeah... You think he's a high schooler?" the woman in a scarlet dress said.

I turn my attention to them with a confused expression. "Huh?" I said tilting my head.

Then one of them looked at me up and down "Even if he's still a high schooler, he's such an eye-candy." they licked their lips and ask me. "Hey kid~ what are you doing here so late at night?" she ask.

"Oh... Uh.. I was just heading home after sending my drunk girlfriend ho-" I closed my mouth and blushed. "Oh.. You have a, girlfriend?" both looked down.

Then the one in the scarlet dress lit up with a seductive look on me. "Hey.. How about we three have fun?~" Then the other one thought the same. "Yeah... Yeah that could be worth it, how about you dear.. Don't you want to have fun with us?~" she shot me the look of a person with lust in their eyes.

I knew where this was going so I just simply said "I'm good, my girlfriend is enough for me. Plus having two girls on me is just isn't my style." I gave them a wink and tried to hold the urge to barf. I really don't like doing this, but if it's a way to shake them off, then it's golden. I smile more.

Suddenly I was pushed to a wall and got pinned by the girl in a scarlet dress while the other one just stands there. "C'mon baby~ don't play hard to get, we can show you what a real women feels like~" she said while licking her lips. I really wanted to push her off, I mean like why not. I literally have the strength to do so. Soo umm.

I pushed the woman off of me and began to move out of the way." Listen, I don't want to have 'fun' with you and plus I'd rather save my first time with the person I truly love." I said with a calmish anger tone. The woman in the business outfit didn't take my statement to lightly, So she grabbed my arm very hard.

"Oh no your not going anywhere!" She said angerly. "Why are you so persistent. Just leave me alone!" I said in frustration. "Because if I see something what I want, then I'll get it!" she said in a very spoiled way.

Her grip strength is strong. Something is not right, why is her grip on my arm so strong!? "How are you..?" I said while trying to figure out how.

"Heh, your talking to the body gaurd of a yakuza group you know!" she said. What!? YAKUZA?!

"And this woman..." she said while pointing behind her. "Is the leader of our clan Misuzu Hanamura!" She called and smirks.

"That's right.." Misuzu continued. "... And this is my body guard named Anna Aizawa. Despite her looks shes actually pretty strong" Misuzu said while walking up to me. "And like what Aizawa-san told you, whatever she wants is whatever I want" she stops and looks deep into my eyes. She made a giggle and said "Your quite cute, but your eyes shows no fear in knowing my identity as a yakuza. I wonder why? Normally people would be shaking their boots after knowing the truth of who I truly am, but you don't." she then smirks and continued. "That just makes you even more interesting! I still wonder." she then reach into her wrist and pulls out her wrist watch, she taps it twice and 5 blinking lights flashed.

"What was that?!" I ask.

Suddenly 5 guys entered the scene from behind me and infront of me.

"Don't rough em up too hard boys, we still need him for our little play later~" Anna said while winking.

"You got it ma'am!" The man to the right gave a thumbs up.

"You can knock him out, just don't hurt his face!" Misuzu said with a serious expression. Everyone nearby was looking at us and started to put bets.

"Hey c'mon now, I'm just a kid. And I have school tomorrow and-" I was cut off and nearly got hit in the head by a spin kick.

"That was close, I was so close to being hit there!" then another attack tried to connect, but I simply dodge it by evading the punch. Then he continues that left and right jab punches but I just block them, and while I block them I ask "Can't we just talk this through like civilised people!" I shout. Then the man punching me said "Huh!? Did you just ask a yakuza member to try and be civilised?" he simply laughs and continued. "What a joke! Did you really think that negotiating with us is gonna work! We talk with our fist!" he then throws a very hard punch. I had enough and just grabbed his arm, lift them up in the air and just snapped it with my shoulder making breaking sounds of a broken bone. "AHH!" the man yelled in pain.

"Well then.. If fighting is your way of speaking, then I guess I should speak the same way too then!" I get ready my fist and get into a fighting stance.

After 30 minutes of fighting... It was brutal everyone had their faces covered in blood, the guys were in so much pain. Screams of pain could be heard by everyone nearby.

I was the only one still standing over the 5 guys that assaulted me. "Are you satisfied now?" I said with a serious expression.

"That... That was.." Anna said with a shock expression on her face. Next to her, Misuzu wasn't that all fazed, but just amazed.

"That was some beautiful moves there kid, looks like your trained." She said then started to think and come up with an idea. "How about you join us and fight along side us as a new member of my clan?" She said with a seductive look.

"What!? Why would I join a group of thugs who aren't anything but trouble." I complained.

"Perhaps this would change your mind?" She said before pulling out a briefcase full of cash. My eyes widen due to the sight of Yens in that briefcase. "80 million yen, how about it? Would you join me and be mine forever?" She looks back at Anna and rephrase. "... I mean, be ours forever?"

"No thanks, lady. I already have a beautiful girlfriend, why would I want someone like you?!" I shouted.

"There's no need for you to make a desicion now, we still have time for you to decide..." She face backwards and walks away. "C'mon, let's go Aizawa-san, let's go home and let him think about it" she said while still walking. "Yes ma'am!" Anna said then just leaves.

I was left there to think for myself. What could they possibly gain for having me into their ranks?

Present time

".. Then after that I went home and just sleep it off." I finished. But just then I felt a sharp pain hit my head. I turn and see that the source of the pain receiver is Miku. She gave me the death stare glare.

"Miku-" I was interrupted by her.

"You got into a fight with a yakuza clan!?" she scold.

"What would happend if you were to be in their target list?!" She mentioned.

I laugh nervously and... "Well they kinda are targeting me. Not that I think they are" I was again hit in the head by her.

"Geez, your lucky that your my boyfriend..." She said looking down happily and continues. "But still your my student and you need to be punished for assault!" she scold.

"What assault? Their the ones that started it! So it's basically self defence..." I was then stop in my sentance because Miku was laughing at my reaction.

"hahaha, I'm kidding. You don't need to be punished for something you didn't mean to do." She said with a smile.

"And here I thought your actually gonna punish me" I smile too.

We continued to discuss about yesterday's event and make our way to school. Today marks the day of our first day together, or was it yesterday? But even though we just got together we're already comfortable with each other. I really hope that people wouldn't take her away from me. I smile again. I just want to be happy with her, and I want nothing to do with you again anymore.... Aiko.