
Teacher's Coffee

Emily Chloe, A teacher at Silver Creek High School has recently went through a breakup. Coincidentally, she meets an old friend of hers.

EthEn · LGBT+
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14 Chs

Chapter 2 - A childhood friend

"Are you okay?" A girl with long brown hair and eyes looked at the crying girl.

Emily couldn't respond as tears continued falling from her eyes. Taking the initiative, the shorter, unknown girl hugged the lady in front of her and patted her back.

"Everything is gonna be okay. Deep breaths… deep breaths"

Emily recognised that mannerism of speech from long ago. During high school, she only had one friend as she would usually focus on her studies. That friend is Anna Lucia. A girl who had a bubbly personality and was always cheerful. When Emily had those moments of sadness, Anna would always be there to comfort her and vice versa. Even through their contrasting personalities, they were quite close friends.

She reached her hands forward and brought her old friend's head closer. She sniffled a bit and pulled back her tears before letting go of the head.

Anna took her hand and dragged her to her house… or well, a shop. The shop had two stories, the bottom one being the cafe, and the second one being her house. She turned on the lights and dragged her friend's body up the stairs towards the sofa. She made her sit down and sat next to her.

"What happened?" She asked whilst caressing Emily's back.

Emily remained silent and couldn't speak. She looked at her friends before tears started falling down abruptly.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here now. Everything is gonna be alright" Anna pulled her friend into a hug once again and comforted her. A couple of minutes passed before the girl calmed down

"You can sleep over at my place alright?"

Emily nodded slightly before placing her head on the pillow. Anna ran over to the other room, grabbed a blanket and covered the now sleeping girl

"What happened to you, Emily…" She said whilst looking at her.

The next day arrived rather quickly as the teacher woke up from the sofa. It was quite early as the sun hasn't risen yet. Emily opened the curtains and just stared outside for a bit as she recounted yesterday's events.

"Emily, are you alright after yesterday." Anna suddenly appeared behind her and asked.

"Hn~" Emily replied. And sat back down on the sofa

"If you mind me asking, what happened?" concern laced in her voice as she asked the question.

"My boyfriend broke up with me." she stated with a straight voice, hiding all her emotions.

Anna's eyes widened with shock as she looked at her long-lost friend. "Why did he break up with you?"

"He found someone else he liked. I had been dating him for about 4 years." She said. Tears threatened to come down once again.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"Can I have some water?"


Anna quickly ran downstairs, opened the tap and poured a bit of water into a glass. She returned back up and gave the water to Emily

"It's been 6… 7 years since we've last talked. How have you been?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

"I've been alright. I graduated from uni with a physics degree and work as a teacher now. How have you been, Anna?"

"I have been alright. I went and became a policeman after school. After a couple of years, I quit and opened my own business."

"Your own business?"

"Yeah! I opened my own cafe. I think it looks pretty snazzy if I say so myself."


"Do you still play any instruments? I remember when you used to play the piano whenever I went over to your place."

"I do play some guitar, violin and piano sometimes, not much tho. Do you still sing"

"Not really, but whenever I have time, I can't help but belt out to a random Adele song."

"That's nice…"


An awkward silence permeated through the air as neither party knew what to say.

"You can stay over for today." Anna suddenly said

"Wha-" Before she could continue, Emily was rudely cut off by anna once again.

"You don't seem to be in the right mindset to go back. By the way, I'm not taking no for an answer."

A slight chuckle escaped Emily's lips as she recalled past events. "You didn't change, did you Anna"

"You're as quiet as always. Emily" she too chuckled slightly. "I'll cook som-"

"No." Emily interrupted the conversation monotonously.


"If my memory is anything to go by, your cooking is a weapon of mass destruction" Emily stated as if it were a fact.

"HEY!! I-I got better at cooking."

Emily stared daggers at the young lady, clearly doubting whatever she was saying. Anna was never a good liar. A stutter or two would give it away rapidly.

Anna finally relented after the staring contest

"Fine. What I cook is edible at least. But I do make great drinks though"

"That, you do." she smiled slightly as she replied.

A slight rumbling was heard and Anna immediately started blushing. Emily simply stared at her.

"W-What. I'm hungry okay."

"I'll make breakfast."

"Emily, it's already 12…"

"Oh… I'll make lunch I guess"