


After eating breakfast, I began carrying out light mana enhancement for Asher's mana channels and veins, which I've been doing for the last four months.

Mana channels and veins; as one of the most intriguing biological organs present in this world, These vessels are the only organs I've found in a human's body that can conduct mana efficiently. Although I, myself have never analysed dwarfs' and elves' anatomy, I know for a fact that they too possess mana vessels from the textbooks at xyrus academy, not surprising as even mana beasts have these vessels.

Mana vessels are scattered throughout the body, passing through every organ system just like blood vessels. Except they are centred around the mana core instead of the heart.

And unlike blood, the movement of mana in mana vessels is a voluntary action. Additionally, mana is also not necessary for the working of any organ in the body except for the mana core.

Well, that is precisely what I would have interpreted if I didn't know about the existence of light mana which clearly shows involuntary action just like blood, providing certain nourishments to all the tissues throughout the body. While I'm not entirely certain of its necessity for my bodily functions, but without it, my current level of mental strength would likely have overwhelmed me.

Thinking about mental energy brought to my mind a persistent concern that has been bugging me for the last several months.

I've hit a major roadblock in my mental and physical growth and I can't seem to push past it. As for why? After racking my brain for months, I ultimately arrived at a plausible explanation for this stagnation.

As fascinating as it may be, mental energy is present in every living being that has a soul, which is the only source of mental energy to my knowledge. The same applies to the people in my previous world. However, despite this fact, no one ever discovered its existence. Why was that?

Well...I have finally found the answer to this question.

Because on earth, no known human being had ever crossed the threshold to even utilize mental energy, which is precisely to have at least two connections between the soul and the physical body.

However, On Earth, humans had only one soul connection, presumably located within their brains.

Mental energy, which is already highly challenging to detect due to its intangible nature, when provided by a single soul connection would be a lot sparse and less in amount, making it nearly impossible to detect with ordinary means.

The presence of two soul connections - one in the brain and the other in the core - barely enables humans and other lesser civilisations in this world to utilize mental energy.

The most possible explanation for the existence of this peculiar exception is evolution due to the presence of mana and aether in the atmosphere, as the second soul connection is present inside the core.

Long story short, someone with a higher number of soul connections will have more opportunities and outlets to stimulate it, leading to an improvement in both the quantity and quality of their mental energy. Ultimately resulting in an increase in physical attributes as well, due to the equilibrium effect provided by the soul.

Hence, to once again accelerate my now stagnant progress and achieve a major breakthrough, the most plausible way would be to make more soul connections inside my body.

'Hehe,' My lips slightly curved up as I thought about the research I'd been doing for the last few months.

To be honest, deep down I'm kinda aware that I'll overcome my bottleneck soon. As my core progresses to the next stage, the soul connection present within it will widen and strengthen, providing it and me with more mental energy to work with. Furthermore, there's a possibility that I might even transcend beyond the white core if fortune favours me.

However, as a scientist, the concept of probability has been etched too deeply in my mind. Thus, I can't help but acknowledge the numerous uncertainties that lie ahead on this particular path. Relying too much on luck doesn't sit well with me. That's why I've decided to forge my own path, one that I've created for myself, which carries its own risks. maybe even more so than the former, however, even if I fail in the end, the satisfaction of following my own curiosity is worth it. Pursuing my own interests will fulfil my curious science-loving heart, which is ultimately more important to me.

At this point, It's pretty clear that the Asuran civilization has more than two connections to their soul, and you don't need to be a genius to figure that out. How they acquired it - whether through evolution or some other means - remains unclear to me. Regardless, this gives them an extremely significant advantage over other civilizations right from the beginning.

As per the first djinn projection that Arthur encountered in fate visions, Asura's tend to prioritize their physical bodies over their mental faculties, which might seem like a waste of opportunity. Yet, there are several ways to enhance one's cognitive abilities, and the most conventional approach is to allow it to develop over time. Unfortunately, the Asura's have no shortage of time, owing to their robust physical constitution.

[ A/N: I've decided to rename the future memories, which I've been previously referring to as memories or visions, to avoid confusion among my readers. From now on, I'll refer to them as fate visions. Note that they are up to the time when Arthur comes back to the hideout after killing Cadell, as after that point, it was clearly stated by Rinia that the fate remains unclear]

In the end, with this deadly combination, it is only natural that they are far more powerful than any existent civilization in this world.

I'm no stranger to the idea of power, the capacity to sway and direct others.

Whether in my personal or professional life, In my experience, the most practical definition of power that rings true in both worlds I have inhabited is that knowledge, when placed in the hands of the right person, is power.

While I generally pride myself on being an amiable and benevolent individual, However, If anyone attempts to hinder my pursuit of knowledge, The fate of the djinns will seem like a mere joke compared to the suffering and torment I will inflict upon them. regardless of whether they belong to the mightiest civilization or the feeblest one. I will make sure the annihilation of their entire race would be the least of their concerns.

In the scientific community of Earth, there existed a severely overlooked quote, which stated that a nation possessing the most number of deranged scientists holds the most control and dominance. The existence of biological and nuclear weaponry serves as a testament to the accuracy of this quote.

"Bruh what the fuck!" a stiffened shout brought me out of my thoughts as I looked at the flinching asher in from of me.

Before I could ask anything, realization struck me. Unknowingly an evil grin had formed on my face as I was lost in my thoughts.

Asher tried to take a step back, But my hands tightened on his wrist, keeping him still.

Throwing the growing thoughts to the back of my mind, I decided to focus on the task at hand.

Light mana surged out of my hands and seeped into his body, circulating throughout his mana channels and veins - widening and strengthening them, making them more flexible.

Asher relaxed his body as he released a comfort-filled breath from the feeling of warmth spreading throughout his body.

An hour passed just like that as I halted the process.

"Bring me an A tank mana beast from those tables over there before you go out," I said as I released my hold on Asher's hands.

"Are we just gonna ignore that evil grin you had on just an hour ago like you were planning on committing mass murder or something," He said as he stepped back, rubbing his wrist.

"Why do you care? You're an orphan anyway," I said plainly, not caring about my assistant's feelings at all.

Asher's eyes opened wide at my remark, his mouth opened and closed several times but couldn't form words. After nearly ten seconds of repeating the similar motion. He turned around in frustration with a twisted face and accused himself as I looked at his leaving back with a grin.

However, through my light mana-enhanced senses, I was still able to hear the word he murmured under his breath as he walked away, which made my brows furrow.
