
- TBATE - Godspell

Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the king has a second chance to relive his life. In this story, Arthur never falls off the mountain, so he never meets Sylvia. Without a dragon's will and Sylvie by his side, the story changes in many ways.

Sh1nsoO · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

-Chapter 8- The Agreement

Arthur Leywin P.O.V.

It's peaceful, isn't it? Sleeping, you're in a world of your existence without any stress or worry, It's just you. It was like this until suddenly I felt something crush my stomach knocking the wind out of me. Waking up in a jolt of panic I sat up and looked around to see who did that. I saw to my right my little sister Eleanor, She had thrown a book at me to wake me up. 'How did she get so violent? She is only 4 years old.'

"Good you're awake, Mom and Dad wanted me to wake you up for breakfast." She says returning to her innocent self.

"Did that require you dropping a book on me?!"

"Well you don't wake up to anything else, and to be fair I spent the past 20 minutes trying to wake you up normally."

I sigh realizing she was right. I get up and she then leaves. I change into clean clothes and head out to the dining area.

It had been a little over 3 years since I had started training with Kaspian, I had nearly mastered Anguished Breath and I had progressed far with my mana core. I was approaching the Light Orange stage pretty soon.

These past 3 years have been eventful. My little sister was born in early February, She has our father's hair color and our mother's eyes, practically the opposite of mine. That along with Lilia awakening her mana core last year made things a little chaotic here in the manor. Everyone was so surprised to see her awaken as a conjurer. When I checked on her mana core it looked alright so my concerns with the beast cores had truly seemed pointless.

Meanwhile, I have been training with Kaspian for the past few years, My water element is now on par with my fire and wind elements, just my skill with the earth is lacking. (Arthur is more skilled with the elements he was in canon around this time) I had learned how to use lightning and ice but my use of those is barely worth using in battle as of now. My time limit using lightning is around 6 minutes and ice is even less.

Today is my last lesson with Kaspian before he has to return to the original job he had before taking me on as his student. He said he had a surprise for me in today's lesson. I've been trying to figure out what it could be but there were too many possible options for him. If he so wanted he could very well get something from the royal families themselves.

I arrive at the dining table and sit down with a plate of breakfast food. I happily eat my bacon while still waking up. I overheard my Dad and Uncle Vincent talking about possibly hiring conjurers for the auction house. I ask why they require more recruits for the auction house.

"Oh, didn't we tell you a while back about how we are going to be hosting a big auction event?" Vincent asks.

"I remember now, you guys mentioned it back when you were collecting a large number of expensive items to sell in the auction house."

"Precisely, we are gonna be auctioning off all those expensive items during a big event at the auction house, we even are gonna be graced with the presence of the royal family. That's why I need to make sure this event goes well." Vincent excitedly speaks about the royal family is at his auction.

"When will the event take place?"

Vincent, quick to answer my question, responds, "In a few weeks, in the meantime, I and your father are working together to coordinate the security."

Although it was made out to be such a big event I wasn't too concerned about it, I was mostly worried about what I would do after I no longer had Kaspian as a teacher. Maybe I could go to the famous Xyrus academy Vincent always talked about. Or maybe become an adventurer and fight off mana beasts, would my parents agree to me going though?

I eventually finish breakfast and head outside to train until Kaspian arrives.


When Kaspian arrives he has me sit down while he explains something. I do so and he begins, "Because today is your final day training with me I am going to give you a gift. This gift is meant to signify you finishing your training with me and learning how to use Anguished Breath. I present to you your gift."

He uses his dimension ring and brings out a sheathed rapier, he hands it to me and lets me inspect it.

Just simply glancing over it you can tell it's expensive, the material used for the sheathing is rare and the sword is well crafted. Unsheathing it and swinging it around a few times I can tell it was made to fit my height. I sheathe it again and thank Kaspian for the great gift.

"You earned that sword from your years of training in the art. Hopefully, you can soon grow your skills and become an extremely talented mage." He pauses for a moment then continues. "Although you are not a Bladeheart by blood you are one by title, you must always follow the principles of the Bladeheart name, Humility, Loyalty, Resoluteness, and Courage. I hope you don't let me down in your chosen path.

"I don't think I will, especially now that I know what I plan to do."

He looks at me with curiosity and asks, "And what would that be?"

"I plan to become an adventurer."

Kaspian simply does not respond but rather smiles at my decision.


Later after I had explained my decision to my parent things did not go as smoothly...

"Why would you want to become an adventurer so early?!" My mom yells, she paces the room.

"Yeah son, you only just finished your training. Why try to put yourself at risk like that, we can get you into Xyrus academy thanks to Vincent's help all you need to do is ask." my dad states.

"Yes but I am still very young compared to them, I wouldn't fit in along with all the older students." I had already come up with this response that would probably work to convince my mother to let me. "Becoming an adventurer would be a good way for me to gain some experience."

My mother chimes in with her complaints again, "How long would you be an adventurer for, I don't want you to leave for so long."

"I don't plan to just leave and never return, every few weeks or so I will return home and visit you guys. I want to do this till I'm around the average age to go to Xyrus Academy."

"I don't think this is that bad of an idea, when I first awakened I pretty much became an adventurer as soon as I could." My dad says trying to calm down my mom.

My mom finally calms down and says, "Fine, but I want to make some rules."

"First, you can't leave to become an adventurer until your eighth birthday."

"Second, you will need to have someone with you as a guardian, who that will be is yet to be decided but we can find someone."

"I believe that should be enough." my mother finishes her explanation.

Later that day during dinner Vincent asks about our agreement for me to become an adventurer. My dad explains the deal to him explaining how I can't leave till I am eight years old and have found someone to accompany me as a guard.

Hearing this Lilia stands up and slams her hands against the table exclaiming, "What about me, can I become an adventurer too?"

Hearing her chant this shocks nearly everyone at the table. Vincent responds with a quick 'no.'

"Why not? I am the same age as Arthur and I have also awakened. I am making good progress with using water magic and It will be a good way for me to learn more about magic!"

They continue arguing throughout dinner making it awkward to be there. I sit there slowly eating my dinner.

Eventually, they come to an agreement after it took the combined effort of my dad and mom to stop Vincent from over-reacting. They had decided on similar rules that my parents gave me. One, they can't become an adventurer till I become one and they will travel with me. Two, they will also have a guard so along with me and my guard there will be four of us in the adventuring party.

Both me and Lilia will go under aliases to hide the fact we have mana cores under the age of ten. I had already decided to go under an alias so this doesn't change any of my plans.


Vincent Helstea P.O.V.

Sitting in my office trying to distract myself with paperwork for the auction event, I didn't want to think about how I had agreed to let my daughter become an adventurer. Sure she was the same age as Arthur and had awakened at an early age but it's still different from Arthurs's situation. He had received training from Kaspian Bladeheart himself! I am however relieved that there will be people with her to ensure her safety.

Suddenly there is a knock at my door, "Come in," I let the person enter. I was certainly surprised to see it was Arthur, he walked in and asked to take a seat. I told him it was fine and he shouldn't be so formal, but this presence I feel from him. Why does it feel so heavy, 'That's it, it reminds me of when I had a meeting with the King of Sapin. But why was I feeling this kind of pressure from someone I had viewed as a family?'

Arthur finally speaks in a formal tone, " I would like your help in obtaining a few items that might be hard to find elsewhere."

"Does this have to do with you becoming an adventurer?" I ask him for clarification on the subject at hand.

"Yes it does, it also involves Lilia, I am asking if you could find us some equipment for when we go adventuring."

"Well, I'd happily find any equipment even if it didn't involve my daughter. What would you be looking for?"

"I need a sturdy hooded cloak and two masks that can cover my entire face. It's important they can alter the sound of my and Lilias's voices. These items will be imperative for keeping our identities secret. I would also need a suitable sword, preferably a one-handed longsword."

"Like I said I'd happily get you both these items, It may take some time but I'm sure I can get them before you both leave for adventuring in a couple of months." I am happy he is looking out for my daughter and himself, especially knowing how dangerous the Beast Glades can be.

"And what would you like in this exchange? I don't want to just be asking for this without offering any form of compensation," he asks.

"It's honestly fine, I owe your father a lot and it's not like I wouldn't help you anyway."

"I still feel like I should give something in compensation for this deal," he responds.

I don't want him to think he owes me anything, I genuinely want to help him and his family whatever way I can, but knowing how he is I won't be able to convince him not to so I decide on this "How about this when you're done with adventuring I want one single beast core from each you and Lilia, I'd like to keep them as a memento."

"Fine, but I will still find a better way to make it up to you and your family," he responds.

He gets up and starts to leave, before he leaves he says something, "Thank you."

It was hard to believe he was the same age as Lilia.


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