
TBATE | GREY x CAERA - A Fan-fiction

-Fanfic of TBATE- Totally about [Grey x Caera]...slow romance! It starts from the middle of the cannon (cuz one of the chapter from the original came to my mind today so I just wrote from it accordingly!) but I will probably write from the start of Vol 8 when Art met Caera and rewrite all the scenes involving them. And the story will go in parallel with the original work, but in the end Grey would end up with Caera! I’m posting this for my own satisfaction, and to get the feeling of reading it in a proper app (also cuz I’m totally in love with Caera so I can’t stand seeing her end up all alone!). So I won’t care about chapters having uniform character length nor about the other stuff that happens around the two characters (plus Regis) in the cannon. Yeah, I don’t own TBATE and the characters. This is a fanfic! Credit goes to the author. Our beloved TurtleMe! May he live for a thousand years and finish the novel, asap. And write some more! ___________________________________________________________ Warning: AVID BOOK READERS, PLEASE IGNORE THIS BOOK. ITS NOT WRITTEN PROPERLY, it’s just for my personal amusement! PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

Im_a_Tbate_lover · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter 24


"Regis! Can you activate the relic portal?" I asked the shadow wolf, my tone urgent, as I tried to pull Grey who was unconscious, away from the deteriorating zone.

"No, ma'am!" Regis shouted out, trying to activate the relic he had gotten from the Djinn child.

"Are you seriously trying to activate that thing right now?" I hissed, my eyes glaring at the stupid wolf.

Regis flinched back, his steps coming to an halt. "Why? Do you have something else that we can do now?" He asked in a sarcastic tone, despite the danger we were in.

I grunted loudly, my mind muddled with endless thoughts and possibilities, to try and get out of this zone. But there wasn't much I can do by myself.

Grey had brought us into this specific zone, from the relic-map he had obtained, to utilise the aether-rich atmosphere.

The things he does for that stone...I couldn't help but be amazed at his decisiveness.

After he had initially absorbed the atmospheric aether, we had found an even better source, or rather, Grey found it. An aether source. But little did we knew that the very thing he had absorbed, had kept this zone intact. Stable.

Once Grey finished absorbing the aether from the stone dais that contained the aether source, the zone started to tremble violently and soon the landscape, the very reality, started to crumble away, and turn into motes of purple light—aether.

Coming back to reality, I slapped Grey's cheeks hard enough to turn it red. Yet, he showed no movement. "Why isn't he waking up?!" I asked in desperation, my eyes scanning the clouds of aether dust as they slowly kept nearing our position, eating away everything in its path. Above me, the once pinky sky, shattered like a glass canvas, into a million pieces not falling down but turning into motes of purple, carried away by the nonexistent wind.

Anything and everything that the purple particles touched, broke. Withered. Reality became dull and lifeless. My breath constricted, while my mind spun around to find a way, a solution to escape this deathly hollow.

We were at the final leg, nowhere else to go. Between us and the portal stood a wide lake made of some substance that is definitely not water. Thus, my hesitation to bring myself and the unconscious Grey across to reach the portal.

If Grey was awake we could God Step. I thought in despair.

"Relax, will you? Your boyfriend is just knocked out. He's going to be alright!" Regis commented.

"W-What...b-but—can't you give him your aether to wake him up?" I asked back, keeping my face from turning red at his words.

Regis shook his vulpine head, too relaxed to even be here. "That's not the problem. Princess here has created a new layer in his aether core. Its impact to his aether veins and channels are too big for a change, hence he's...well, let's just say that he's rebooting. Best thing we can do is wait!"

My brows furrowed at his words. "If we wait even for five minutes, we'll be dead, Regis. Maybe you don't understand that since you can just float away. But—what about Grey and me!?"

Regis rolled his eyes, not caring even a bit about what I said. He kept using his relic to try and transform into his new humanoid form. "Tch. If I can get a human body maybe I can use the relic—"

Ignoring his useless grumbling, I looked at the portal on the opposite side, and then back at the approaching doom. Gritting my teeth, I spoke. "Fine! If you won't do anything useful then I will."

"I'm sorry Grey, but I need you." I muttered, while a ball of black flames manifested on my palm. The soulfire floated wistfully, ready to devour, eat away anything it could latch on. "Please wake up my love". Grabbing his unconscious hand inside mine, I let the soulfire touch his skin; the dark flames leapt off of my palms, latching onto Grey's hand. His body shook, my heart fluttered as I caressed his soft skin and tightened my hold. Controlling the flames, my fingers trembled in fear—too afraid to let anything bad happen to him.

My body shook, heart ached at the act that I was doing, but—I kept telling myself that it's for our good. For Grey and I. We need to survive.

Soon, his pristine milky white skin started to turn dry and black, revealing red lines as blood seeped from the injury caused by my soulfire. "G-Grey!" I stuttered, holding his cheek inside my palm. Slightly shaking him, my tears started to roll down making my vision blurry.

No reaction.

"Get up!" I cried, my head lowered to rest on Grey's heaving chest—the only sign that he is still alive. Too unfocused and emotional, I tried to focus on the man—the one whom I have come to love—his heart beat, when a cold hand grabbed my shoulder from behind.

"Caera". A familiar voice rung next to my ear, making me jerk back; snapping my head back in anger, I saw something that made my eyes bulge out in surprise.

A young man—in his early twenties—with purple hair and skin, glowing like a glass statue against the bright light. His deep set of purple eyes looked at me with intelligence and—pride. "R-Regis!? H-How?" I sputtered, unable to muster up the sight I saw seeing.

My hand gripping Grey's, unconsciously tightened as I looked at the shadow wolf—no, can I even call him a wolf anymore? I shook my head. Just as I was about to open my mouth to ask him, a bright light enveloped the surroundings, taking away my sight.

Panic overlook me, as I supported myself on my knees, trying to feel the ground, if intact or about to break. Instinctively, I pulled Grey close to me, hugging him tightly, waiting for the inevitable. Our death.

Seconds passed....but nothing came.

I blinked away my eyes, trying to spot anything as the bright light started to slowly fade away, when Regis's voice broke into the eerie silence of the dying land. "Ah shit! Guess I have to control it better. I'm going to need a lot more aether for that!" His voice came, as my eyes focused on the figure—Regis, but he wasn't in his humanoid form anymore. But back to his wolf form.

"W-What hap—"

My voice died down my throat when I heard a deep grunt from my chest—from Grey, who was in my arms.


His body shook slightly before he groaned and touched his injured arm. "I-I'm sorry Grey. Are you okay?" I asked, squeezing his cheeks. His eyes fluttered open, still unfocused as it swept around, before his golden pupils landed on me.

"C-Caera? What happened? How did I—"

"No time for that! I'll explain everything later" I cut him off, my voice urgent. "You need to activate the relic portal. This zone—its failing. We will die. Please—"

His eyes gained a sudden clarity, and his body stiffened. He shook his hand which was still held in mine. "S-Sorry, please do it" I said, releasing his hand and letting him sit up on the ground.

Grunting a few times, he looked at his injured arm, though no traces of black fire were seen as I had kept it controlled, his injury wasn't healing quickly. He glanced at me with a questioning gaze but shook his head, before his palm covered in a bright light. Soon, the portal relic came into his hand.

"L-Let's go." He said, trying to push himself up. The zone was almost gone, the aether particles only a few meters away from our position. I grabbed Grey's hand before Regis leapt into his body. Taking one final look at me, Grey activated the portal relic as it floated down to manifest a bright door.

The other side looked familiar. Our room back at the academy. I walked forward, but my hand stayed back. Turning my head in confusion, I noticed Grey was holding onto his sternum as he buckled forward. My eyes shook in sudden concern. "Grey! What's wrong!?"

He gritted his teeth, his face in obvious pain. "It's nothing. Regis—my core. It's—" before he could finish, his legs gave out as he crumbled down.

My eyes widened in surprise as I tried to move forward and support his fall. Quickly grabbing him by the arms, I dragged him towards the portal. The aether particles had finally reached our position as it slowly started to eat away the ground I was standing in.

Air around me rippled and the atmospheric mana fluctuated, as if it's very structure is being undone—broken apart into pieces.

Then, my skin numbed, and senses dulled as I felt the atmospheric mana fade away—burn out—as if they aren't worthy of their existence anymore.

My heart started to beat faster, as I tried to keep myself and Grey stable. But the ground shook violently and caved in. My eyes widened in shock when my footing crunched down the ground as it started to turn into purple dust.

"Almost there!!" I grunted, as I pushed the unconscious Grey into the portal, safely. But before I could follow up, the final ground below my legs faded into dust as I slipped inside.

Then, I was falling.

Endless abyss waiting for me on the downside. A sharp yelp escaped my throat as I tried to hold onto to something, anything, to keep myself alive. My falling hand went through the motes of purple dust and light, before touching something solid.

The portal relic! I exclaimed.

My hands grabbed the floating semi-sphere, tightly, it's frame starting to disappear due to the lack of a stable aether feed. Regis came next to the portal, his form switching to his wisp mode. He tried to enter the portal, but it was useless. It's the descension portal—it works only one way, we both realised.

"Argh!" I grunted, trying to push myself up from the dangling. Looking around, my heart dropped to my stomach at the sight. My vision was now covered with a canvas of darkness. No light, no purple, nor white. Simply black. Only light coming from the other side of the portal. Grey's body lying unconscious on the floor.

His face full of discomfort, I noticed, even from this distance, yet my focus was on him. My heart ached, looking at him this way, despite the direness I seem to be in.

A sudden thought entered my mind. A sense of resolve. My eyes on Grey.

Not today. I'm not going to leave you alone. Not after I promised you that I will always stay by your side. I thought to myself, my conviction rose.

Using what's left of mana from my core, which was very little, I reinforced my arms.

Ignoring the pain and discomfort—with one final push, I tried to enter through the disappearing portal. My body half-and-half on either side, the pain and discomfort growing inside me as the portal started to glitch and rebound.

"Arghhhhh!" a pained cry escaped my throat as I scurried myself fully into the portal. My eyes squeezed tight in fear, my insides a whirling mess. Tears started to roll down my cheeks, making my face turn cold due to the change in weather.

A loud pop hit my eardrums, almost making me to lose my conciousness as I felt the mana around me contract and expand at the same time. It was the portal disappearing, I realised in horror—before my eyes shot open.

I gritted my teeth, ready to see myself be cut in half and feel the pain as I lowered my head to see my body...but relief washed over me when I realised that I was fully in.

I was safe.

All the energy and the strength left my body, as I crumbled back to the floor. My head titled to the side, to see Grey lying in the same position next to me. A soft smile appeared on my face as I felt my cheeks turn hot at everything we had just gone through.

I'll never lose you, I thought as I looked at the man I had fallen in love with. The man who was oblivious to all of it. Yet. I can't let you die. I won't. Not before I tell you how I feel.

My hand reached out to his face as I touched him, feeling his soft skin—so warm and comforting—my fingers ran through his silky blond hair as I pushed myself close to him.

Sense of disarray and exhaustion overtook me at the final breath as my hand rested on his cheeks.

The last thing I saw was his lips twitch as they curved into a peaceful smile, mirroring mine—before my vision went dark.


"Caera darling. It's me—Grey. Wake up and give me a kiss...come on", a familiar voice said.

I fluttered my eyes open in confusion at the context of the voice, as the realisation slowly settled in. "GREY!?"

My eyes scanned around to spot the man who had spoken t-those words...but—Grey was still unconscious, I noticed?

Suddenly, a loud laughter erupted from the side, startling me, as I snapped my head to the source. It was Regis, and he was rolling on the floor laughing.

"It was you!" I spoke in a deep voice, despite the pain clawing at my insides every time I moved something in my body.

Regis kept laughing, completely ignoring my piercing gaze. My face was getting warm, I realised. "Who else? Did you think it was that guy?"—He pointed at Grey with his paw.—"You're insane." He cackled.

Gritting my teeth, I turned my focus to Grey. Reaching close to him, my eyes scanned his body before I placed my ear next to his chest. He was still unconscious, his rhythmic beating of heart slowly calmed down my previous tension.

Lifting my head back up, I sat next to his lying figure, as I laid my back against the bed. I noticed that we were in my bedroom and not Grey's. It was a moment of realisation which I couldn't fully understand.

Shaking away those thoughts, I looked down at Grey's peaceful-smiling face, as a soft smile appeared on mine. Lifting his head up, I placed him on my lap gently. My fingers ran through his locks, as I ruffled his hair.

"When will he wake up?" I asked out loud. Few seconds later, an answer came. "His core is slowly stabilising. Unlike normal mana cores, aether core tend to grow in size...imagine that happening inside your adult body, eh? So it's obviously painful and physically straining. But hopefully princess will wake up within a few hours." Regis spoke, while my hand kept caressing Grey's hair and his cheeks.

My smile never faded away. "That's very long." I said, absentmindedly. Regis laughed. "If you don't think you can wait that long, why don't you try giving him a kiss? Maybe the princess will wake up—y'know the sleeping beauty style". My smile faltered at his words, while my face burned hot. Snapping my head at him, I was mostly confused. "The sleeping—what?"

"Ah nothing. Nothing. Don't mind me. I'm just speaking non-sense." Regis said, his paws rubbing his relic as he looked at it intently. I remembered how Regis had transformed earlier—I wanted to ask him about it, but I held back. His voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Well, I'm going to try and practice with this baby. I'll be back when princess wakes up. Toodles." With that, he transformed into his wisp form and floated out of the window, disappearing from my sight. Though, his final words lingered in the air. "Can't wait to get back those thumbs. Man it felt good to have those!"

Shaking my head, I laid my head back, focusing on the peaceful silence. With the silence came the swirling thoughts as several previous memories resurfaced and replayed inside my mind.

Our near-death; seeing Grey fall unconscious; then, my resolve to do everything to stay by his side, my promise to him...

It also brought back the memory of my conversation with my mentor, Scythe Seris.

Before I was made Grey's assistant, Scythe Seris had requested to meet with her.


[ "Scythe Seris", I greeted my mentor, not bothering to bow. My heart was fluttering in joy at the news that I will be able to stay much closer to Grey. Be his assistant. I tried to stop myself from smiling, but I just couldn't.

Scythe Seris raised a brow, while her dark eyes studied me with suspicion. After several seconds of examining me, she spoke. "Are you that happy to see me, my disciple? Or is it because of your mystery man—"

"Yes!... No! I mean—I'm happy to see you again, Scythe Seris. It has been a while, so..." I trailed off, already regretting my foolish answer. My face started to blush, which I hoped the scythe wouldn't notice.

My mentor laughed, making me look back at her. She then smiled at me, before gesturing for me to sit. I followed her to the couch as we both sat down... She took a glass and poured herself some drink; her face looked thoughtful, as if processing some information. I tried to keep myself calm despite the fast beating of my heart.

"Are you two close now?" She asked suddenly.

My eyes widened at her question, as my breathing came to an halt. "N-No, I mean—we are just friends..." I panicked, lowering my head to hide the blush that had just formed on my face. My mentor chuckled. "Dear, I haven't even mentioned who the other person was...yet you seem to catch on pretty good." She smiled coyly.

I nervously hummed, not lifting my head up. By now, I could feel the tip of my ears growing hot by the second. I tried not to think about Grey, but it was a futile attempt.

Then, I heard a soft gasp from my mentor. Lifting up head to see her dark eyes, wide in surprise. "Great Vritra! I didn't think things would get to this stage. I clearly have underestimated that man's charm. To make my disciple blush and act like this..." a smirk appeared on her face as her gaze looked distant, as if she was thinking about some old memory.

"What did I do deserve such teasing from you Scythe Seris?" I asked, trying to keep my tone levelled, despite the hard lump that was forming in my throat.

She let out a melodic laugh. "Jokes aside, let's go to the main topic—as to why you're here. I have few questions for you and you should answer me, honestly".

I nodded my head, looking at her dark eyes curiously.

"What is your relationship with grey?" My mentor asked, swirling the drink in her hand, casually. I tried to organised what I wanted to say. But it didn't take me long to come with an answer. "He-he's someone I have come to trust greatly. And there aren't many in my life, that I could say the same..."

"...And what about him? Does he trust you?" She asked, leaning back on her seat.

"I-I think so." I answered with slight hesitation. Even I didn't know what kind of relationship we seem to have. To put it simply, it's complicated. And it probably will be, until...I know who he truly is. Shaking my head, I continued my answer. "He has been opening up to me, quite a lot lately. Which was very surprising, even if I think about it now. Like I said, we've gotten quite closer...lately. I was able to see his emotional side at times, even though he tries hard to keep it masked underneath his cold exterior." I answered honestly.

My mentor nodded her head, taking in everything I had just told her. She slid forward, her index finger tapping against her pink lips. "What is your goal, Caera? What are you trying to achieve from being with Grey?"

I shook my head in confusion. "M-My goal? I don't understand."

"You must understand that being with Grey—will turn your life completely. More than you already think." She said looking at me intently, as if she was studying me. I closed my mouth, my lips pursed as no answers came.

"Do you have any allegiance to Alacrya?" She finally asked an unexpected question, making my mouth snap open wide.

"W-Why are you asking this?" My tone was deep, laced with curiosity and confusion. She gave a smile in response. "Just answer me. Will you go against the continent you were born in?"

"W-What!?" I stuttered, unable to digest her question.

"Answer me." She pressed, her tone firm.

"I don't know what to say. This is quite unexpected, Scythe Seris. You have taught me better than to trust the words of the sovereigns and the deities... You kept telling me that there's a reason for you in participating in the war against the other lesser continent." I paused, taking a deep breath. It wasn't a secret to my mentor that I held no kinship with any of the blood, even my own—be it adopted. They never deserved my trust and loyalty, for the way I was treated—used.

I never favoured the war, and the motives behind it. Which is also why I felt no reason to fight for something that I didn't believe in...that I didn't love or care about. It is also why I was left alone—lonely, with no purpose—until a certain person came into my life. Just thinking about this person, the answer that I was looking for came. "My allegiance...is to the people who I care of—and...love. Despite the blood...or the race they belong to". I answered honestly, my heart beating so fast and loud.

It felt so good to say it out loud. To say that I trusted Grey.

Scythe Seris looked at me with interest, clearly surprised by my answer. "I see who you have in mind while answering that." She chuckled. Her pearl-coloured hair danced around as she shook her head in amusement. She then looked back at me, her eyes unusually sharp and her previous smile, a distant past. "But, what if Grey becomes your enemy?"

"What—why would he do that?!" I was taken aback by this question. My brows furrowed in confusion as I answered her question with my own.

"Just answer me, dear disciple". A subtle smile tugged at the Scythe's lips as she pressed for an answer.

Thinking deeply, I could only come up with one answer. "I promised Grey that I won't leave him. And that I will stand by his side, no matter what." I paused, when I saw that my mentor was nodding her head in approval. So, I confidently continued. "Even if he somehow becomes an enemy—as much as ridiculous as that sounds—I will stand by his side, I'm sure about that."

"Even if he rejects you? Will you put your own feelings away and stand by his side?" She asked coldly. My body tensed up, but I resisted to let my belief—my conviction—fade away. I was confident, convinced even, that things will work out.

After all everything that had happened between Grey and me...it couldn't be a just written off as coincidence.

Meeting him in the Relictombs, when I took pity of what I thought to be a dying girl, and then, against all odds we met in the convergence zone—while he was carrying my long lost brother's dagger and cloak. Not to forget, his mysterious connection with my mentor... All these occurrences have reinforced the fact that there was a reason why things have been happening the way they have. With that in mind, I answered. "Yes. No matter what, I'll be by his side. You must already know that whatever Grey is thinking of doing...its scale is much more bigger than anything I could be a part of. I believe my future is with Grey—to be by his side, to see him achieve things that we may think not possible or incapable of. But also...most importantly...he makes me feel happy, and I don't have to hide myself, my true self, in front of him." I spoke as a smile appeared on my face. Hopefully, I can make him happy as well—to see his face smile. I thought inwardly.

Few seconds passed in silence as my mentor pondered at my words.

"I'm proud of you, Caera. Of what you've become. You have a good judgement."—she gave a warm smile, unlike anything I've seen from her in all these years. Yet suddenly, her face turned cold.—"But, always keep in mind that...not all people are bad.

Circumstances pushes people to do things, that they might not do otherwise. Trust is both your friend and foe. Only difference is to know who and why.

The rulers of this land have failed their people. But know that—it's not all by choices.

Some have ruled with kindness and love, with no disparity in blood. Yet what did they get in return? A sword to their neck, and erased from the people's heart.

So I must ask you not to be blinded by what you simply see. As there are many who still remember, and will not adhere to the tyrant's rule.

You, Caera Denoir, must be able to make the right decision...when the time comes. As your mentor, I believe you will make the right decision when the time comes." She spoke, her tone laced with longing and melancholy.

My mind whirled around with everything I had just heard. But I couldn't make anything out of it. "I-I don't understand what you mean." I said in desperation to know more—to understand what her words mean.

She shook her head to dismiss my question. Placing the cup down, she stood up and straightened her cloth. Though her words were filled with mystery and suspense, I knew better than to question my mentor when she isn't offering any answer.

Taking a deep breath and pushing down the disappointment, I stood up and bowed. "Thank you, Scythe Seris. For helping me once again."

"It's alright, dear. Just remember to keep yourself safe. You're much more important than you think, not just to me and your friend. You will know the reason why, when the time comes. But for now, take this advice to heart: If you ever wish stand by his side then you must be strong enough." She spoke her final piece, before turning back to leave.

My body stiffened at her words, as final resolution rose up.

"I will—get stronger..." ]


The memories suddenly dispersed away, when I felt movement in my lap. Looking down, Grey was stirring awake, I noticed. Then his eyes fluttered open, as he looked around.

"GREY! You're awake!" I exclaimed, making him flinch.

He looked up at me, with wide eyes...probably from realising where he was sleeping all along. Wincing lightly, he pushed himself up and sat back, facing me. "How long was I—"

Before he could finish his words, I pulled him into a hug.

His face inside my chest, as I wrapped my arms around his head. His body shuddered visibly, as my fingers gripped onto his hair. Placing my chin on top of his head, I softly caressed his hair, holding him tightly. "I thought I lost you!"

The emotions I had felt when we almost died earlier—when I thought I won't see him again—flooded my mind, making a mess.

Tears welled up in my eyes, unknowingly, as my chest heaved. I felt Grey's hand holding my waist, his tone muffled as his fade was pressed against my chest. Suddenly, he pushed his head to the side as his voice came out. "C-Caera, I can't breathe!"

My body tensed up at his words, as I let him go off my embrace. "S-Sorry!" I muttered, feeling a bit embarrassed at getting carried away like that.

Grey looked at me. His cheeks wore a tint of red, I noticed.

Just when my scarlet eyes met his golden ones, he quickly turned away. "I should be the one asking for your forgiveness. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been in danger. I'm sorry that I pulled you into that mess."

I shook my head. "It's alright, Grey, really. If you think about it, you never asked me to go with you. It was my decision, so I can't let you take the blame."

But...he kept defending my actions, saying that we were partners and it wasn't fair for me to think that way. All these words coming from him...yet I couldn't focus on anything else other than his face. The emotions I felt when looking at his peaceful smile before passing out...it came back up melting my insides.

"That's not true. Not anymore. You've saved my life as much as I've saved yours. If you weren't there to wake me up, I don't k—"

Before he could continue further, I placed my finger on top of his lips, to cut him off. His voice suddenly broke and he looked at me wide eyed. His lips started to slightly trembled against my touch.

They were soft and tender, I realised.

"Shhh. Don't talk." I said in a sudden confidence. And he obeyed. Keeping his silence, he stayed unmovingly.

We were only a few inches away from each other. Kneeling on the floor, in front of him, I leaned in. His eyes followed my movement, as I placed my head on top of his shoulder...and properly hugged him. "I'm glad we both are alive." I said softly, next to his ear.

His body moved, then I felt his arm wrapping around me. His grip was gentle, but strong enough to see his intentions. "Me too." He replied.

Seconds passed as we embraced each other; his heart beating against mine, loud and fast. He was nervous, so was I. What should I do now? I asked myself. Should I tell him?

But, a sudden knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. Grey jerked at the sound, following which his embrace loosened. We finally broke it as I stood up to go check just who had managed to ruin our moment.

Opening the door, a man greeted me with a bow. "Lady Caera of highblood Denoir. I come here to deliver this letter from the Denoir Estate. Please, accept it."

Furrowing my brows, I took the letter, and sent the man away before opening it. Reading the contents, my brows furrowed even more.

"What is it? Your parents miss you already?" Grey's voice made me look away the letter. His lips were curved up in a smirk. I gave him an apologetic smile, as I looked at him coyly. "Now I'm more curious. What does the letter say?" Looking at my reaction, he asked again.

I crumpled the paper into a ball, before burning it away with my soulfire. Grey looked at me in shock. "My adoptive parents wants to meet and have a discussion. Some urgent matter, it says."

"Oh? So when are you leaving? Should I wait for you, till I go back to Relictombs?" He questioned, his gaze thoughtful.

I shook my head and spoke with the same smile. "No, that won't be necessary. Because, my adoptive parents wants to talk to both of us."