
TBATE | GREY x CAERA - A Fan-fiction

-Fanfic of TBATE- Totally about [Grey x Caera]...slow romance! It starts from the middle of the cannon (cuz one of the chapter from the original came to my mind today so I just wrote from it accordingly!) but I will probably write from the start of Vol 8 when Art met Caera and rewrite all the scenes involving them. And the story will go in parallel with the original work, but in the end Grey would end up with Caera! I’m posting this for my own satisfaction, and to get the feeling of reading it in a proper app (also cuz I’m totally in love with Caera so I can’t stand seeing her end up all alone!). So I won’t care about chapters having uniform character length nor about the other stuff that happens around the two characters (plus Regis) in the cannon. Yeah, I don’t own TBATE and the characters. This is a fanfic! Credit goes to the author. Our beloved TurtleMe! May he live for a thousand years and finish the novel, asap. And write some more! ___________________________________________________________ Warning: AVID BOOK READERS, PLEASE IGNORE THIS BOOK. ITS NOT WRITTEN PROPERLY, it’s just for my personal amusement! PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

Im_a_Tbate_lover · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter 22


My breath shuddered and my core ached as I felt the last bit of my aether reserves finally vanish away into Sylvie's stone.

I was fully drained. My vision blurry and face sweating.

'What? No luck?' Regis asked, as he woke up from his slumber. His eyes were fixated on the stone in my hands.

I let my head hung as my breathing started to slow down to normal. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't frustrated.

'Maybe you should've tried creating a new core, then at le—'

'No, Regis.' I hissed. 'I need every bit of aether I could get, to bring her back. I-I've waited too long and too patient.' I knew Regis was trying to console me...in his own ways, but—

Shaking my head, I stored the incandescent stone back into my storage rune. Much too disappointed to even look at it.

I felt ashamed, angry even, at my own self.

Using all the aether fruits I had gathered from the Djinn hideout, I had two options. With how rich the fruits were, I could have either tried to consume them together to possibly form a third layer on my core. Or use it to wake up Sylvie. I chose the latter.

I tried to bring Sylvie back.

'I'm much closer than ever. I just know it.' With this last bit of boosting, I felt something change within the stone. Previously when I had poured aether, it spiralled for the first layer and then took a sharp-angled geometric path for its second layer.

While, right now I could sense the pathway of absorption being too random and chaotic. As if the previous layers have formed cracks all over as aether got absorbed.

As if something from the inside was trying to push out—come out. Sylvie.

To test this theory, I took out the stone again and reactivated my relic armour to gather some aether for an experimental burst.

My eyes widened in surprise when the aether got devoured in a rapid rate that made me shiver in fear for my core getting sucked out; but what made me even more surprised was when the aether passed through the pathways, the so-called cracks started to further widen. I could even hear faint sounds, something equivalent to a glass cracking under a huge weight.

It was slow and much aether consuming.

But I knew this was the final step that I needed to cross. My final step to bring my bond back to me.

Taking in a deep breath, I stored the stone back inside the storage rune. "How many more ascents do you think we need to go to get the aether needed to crack the egg?" Regis asked as he got up from where he was lying and approached me.

I turned to look at him with a thoughtful gaze. "I'm not sure, really. This final layer seems to need a lot of aether that I cannot comprehend. Atleast not with my current capability." I sighed.

"As long as we have the relictombs we don't have to worry about aether supply."

I stayed silent at my companion's obvious words while pushing down the pessimistic thoughts that started to creep up on me.

My companion shrugged his shoulders and looked into my eyes. "Fine. Let's go. I don't want to see you being all moody like this. Honestly it's taking a toll on me. Let's go blow some steam off."

I opened my mouth to rebuke but a familiar voice cut-in from the side. "I hope you're not talking about going on an ascent without me, because that's cheating." The voice then let out a soft chuckle, that made my previously weighing thoughts crumble and my mind weightless. All in an instant.

Snapping my head to the entrance of the circular training room we were in, I saw the woman standing there with her hands on her hips and her scarlet eyes locked on my direction.

It was Caera.

She walked down the stairs, approaching me. I hadn't seen her since the other day. When I went to check-up on her later, she wasn't there either. And I wasn't sure where she had gone off to.

Her steps came to an halt right in front of me. Our eyes were locked ever since she stepped in. She had a face full of concern that I didn't feel good about. But before I could ask her, she moved.

Kneeling down in front of me she—ruffled my hair. I was in no mood to resist her, as I already started to feel comforted in her presence. Deciding to tease her, I spoke. "You know you're petting the wrong person here. You should do this to Regis, because he's the one who's been dreaming of getting pats from you."


Caera ignored the wolf and gave a chuckle. Her eyes were still on mine as she spoke. "You don't like it?"

I looked thoughtful for a second. It was no more a surprise how much her presence affected me—in a good way. Sucking it up, I spoke. "I never said that." It was a soft mutter but she caught it.

She giggled in return and softly stroked my hair again. "Come now Grey. Cheer up."

My eyes opened wide in surprise at her words. How did she know—

But my thoughts were cut off by her next words.

"It's about the rainbow stone, isn't it?" She asked with a bitter smile as if she already knew the answer and the truth behind it.

"How?" Was all I could ask in return...still too surprised by how—and what she knew.

Was she spying on me? No—she wouldn't! I already know this and I should stop doubting her of all people. Pushing down that frivolous thought, I waited for Caera to answer.

Her hand was still stroking my hair as her finger tips ran across my head, massaging my scalps. Her touch was gentle and soft as it gave me a sense of soothe and sleep.

I wanted to slump down and shut my eyes tight...forgetting everything—every weighing thought that keeps me on edge all the time.

Then, her voice snapped me out of that sensual bliss.

"I-I'm sorry, but you must have imbued aether into the pendant when you were pouring it into the stone." She softly said while her other hand stroked the pendant in her neck.

My eyes lowered down to look at mine. I intuitively reached for it and took it in my palms; It brought me back memories—good memories that I had with Caera. One of the reasons I hadn't taken it off, I thought, before speaking. "I let the aether run through my body unconsciously, to keep the chance of success higher. It-It must've activated the relic pendant." I spoke in a low tone.

Caera kept her silence, no words came out of her. She must know what—how, I had felt while trying to bring back Sylvie. She must know that I wasn't in my usual self right now. So I wasn't surprised that she hesitated to say anything back.

But, she spoke then. "Sorry". Her fingers slowed down as she gently patted my head.

"It's okay. I failed, yet again." I replied with a sigh, my head still lowered in disappointment.

A few seconds passed in silence, before she lifted her free hand to my chin and gently pushed my head up to meet her gaze.

She looked at me with a smile, so radiant and so beautiful. It was equivalent to the warmth of the sun hitting your cold skin early morning. Just looking at it made me feel something from my body melt away instantly.

My worries.

She spoke. "Grey...whatever it is that you're working on—whatever the stone is for...I'm confident that you will be able do it."

I looked at her in surprise, a little taken aback by the confidence she had on me. Her genuine words struck deep inside my heart. And it only dug deeper as she continued. "You're the strongest and the most confident person I've ever met, Grey. And that's including a scythe."

I felt a smile rise up to her words. I no longer felt the need to put on a 'strong front' in front of Caera. Though I hated feeling vulnerable, I naturally knew that Caera wouldn't judge me, or think poorly of me. It made me feel lucky to have her by my side at this crucial time. With this in mind I spoke with a smile. "I didn't know that a lady such as yourself, held me in such a high regard."

She mirrored my smile, yet it's beauty was non-replicable. "You should feel honoured that I do." She teased and ruffled my hair again.

"Thanks Caera, truly. I feel better now. But what are you doing here?" I asked in curiosity. As much as I liked our interactions and her presence, I was surprised to see her today, as it's supposed to be a day-off.

She finally took her hands back away from me and spoke with a firm voice. "I came here to request for a spar. I want to train with you. We have a class trip coming up and as your assistant I have to be capable."

I scoffed. "Train you? But you're already strong. You should work on your Vritra magic, for which you would need Seris's help more than mine."

She shook her head, dismissing my comment. "Okay, first let's spar, and talk." Caera stood up and gave a hand. Taking it, I pulled myself up as we both took our positions.

"Swords?" I asked as I manifested an aether blade in my hand. She shook her head. "This is melee enhancement class. Being your assistant I need to train your style and get used to it. Then when I teach the kids it will be easier for me."

I nodded, knowing she was right about that. "Alright, hands it is. And whenever you are ready."

She gave a nod before sprinting forward.

Just as she reached me, her right leg rose up to kick me at my side. She was fast. Faster than many mages I've fought before. Using my left hand I grabbed her leg and tried to push her to the side. But she quickly brought her left hand to my face as she punched me.

Caught off-guard, I let her leg go and leaned to my side. Letting her fists go past me, I caught her wrist mid-way and pulled her to the front to make her lose her balance.

She toppled but before she could fall on the ground, she twirled her leg around and pushed herself towards me with her palms against the ground.

Her fists came at my shoulders, which I caught with my two palms. She smirked. "Do you want to make a bet?" She asked as she tried to pull her hand back, but my grip was tighter.

I smirked back. "Why not? But tell me about the bet first."

"If I win, I get to learn more about that rainbow stone." She replied as she kneed at my torso with her long legs.

Taking the kick head-on, I grunted slightly while she tried to get away from my grasp. "Why are you so obsessed in knowing my secrets?" I asked with a soft grunt.

She groaned and kept kicking at my side. I felt my ribs start to make odd sounds. Knowing she'd break it soon I let her hand go. With the momentum from her own pull, she was hurled back as she stumbled a few steps.

Her eyes glared at me with a new vigour as she grunted. "It's because, like I said you're interesting." She closed in and threw a series of jabs and cuts at my front, which I simply dodged or defended with my reinforced palms. She continued. "And as your best friend now...it's my job to know everything about you."

"Best friend, huh?" I asked with a chuckle, while she still failed to land a single hit on me.

"I consider you as such." She changed her approach as she threw a right hook that came much faster than her previous punches. Taking a step back, I maintained distance between us. She looked up at me glaringly. "I don't know about you. Do you consider me that too?"

I shrugged. "You know I do." With a smile I continued. "And I must say that I, a mere commoner feels honoured to be considered in such a way by a highblood lady."

She narrowed her eyes before moving forward; her hands moving even faster than before. She was putting her all in. "Oh please. You can deceive the others but not me." She grabbed my left forearm with a grip and pulled me down. My eyes lowered to her level. And our faces only a few inches away. "You're no nameless commoner. If I didn't know any better I'd say you're probably an Asura."

My eyes widened in surprise but only for a second. "Oh? You think?" I asked back with a smirk as I kicked her knees making her buckle to the front. Moving to the side, I let her fall face first on the ground, her own momentum making her fall much harder.

She punched the ground hard and tried to push herself back. While looking up at me defiantly, she replied. "Yes. Or an ancient mage."

I chuckled down at her. "Even better, right?" I teased with a wide grin.

Her hands slightly shook as she almost fell back down. Snapping her head back up, she threw daggers at me with her piercing glare. It made a chill run down my spine...yet oddly attracting!

Those damn eyes!

I snapped out of it when she spoke. "What does that mean?!" She spoke, but it sounded more of a low growl.

I waved my hand in a placating manner. "We both know you have addiction to the relictombs, Caera. So I won't be surprised to see you going to the zones for finding yourself a mate. A Djinn mate, perhaps? So you could stay inside the relictombs forever." I laughed.

She shot up from the ground and moved. Her mana reinforced right hand arched back and pushed forward with a ferocity to break my jaw as she aimed it to my face. Moving my left arm, I tried to redirect it to the side when a stinging pain came from my gut.

My eyes widened and I buckled to the front as I noticed Caera's left fist had landed a blow just above my abdomen. It was a feint. Damn it! How did I miss!?

Caera leaned down, her face next to mine as she shouted. "Do I look that desperate to you?" Her glare made me flinch and take a step back, despite the pain assaulting my lower body.

"Whoa! I was only kidding!!" I spat out gritting my teeth. Why did I ever accept to train her!?

She huffed. "You're talking too much. I'm going to kick your ass and learn the secret of your rock." She smirked and followed up with a swing.

"You're on!" I replied with a cheeky grin before straightening up to defend the incoming fist.


"You ready to give up, yet?" I asked Caera calmly as my hand gripped her throat with just enough pressure to make her submit. But she smiled and lowered her gaze. I followed it to see her knee between my legs, just stopped before hitting me on the spot. "You tell me, Grey. Or should we continue?"

I let out an audible huff and released my grip before moving back.

We both were tired after sparring for more than an hour. While I was fairing better due to my physique, Caera was sweating and her face looked flushed.

"I think your close combat skills are much better. It wouldn't take long for you to learn my movements." I spoke honestly. Caera stopped wiping her face off with the towel and looked up at me. "You should be training your Vritra magic as it will come in handy. By the way, next time use your shield relic in support to your hand-to-handl combats too. You will only be able to control it much better."

Her face softened as she smiled. "Thanks Grey. I should probably use my relic the next time we train together." She paused as her smile vanished. "As for my soul fire, I've been practising exactly that for the past few days."

I was surprised to know this information. "Oh? Is that why you weren't around these days?"

"You noticed?" She quirked her brow at my answer and motioned me to continue our spar.

I chuckled, before getting into stance. Our break was over. "Ofcourse I did. You usually hang out with me after your classes end. But you don't even attend our classes after becoming my assistant." My chuckle turned into a bitter smile before I pushed forward towards her.

She stood her ground and gave a grin. Just as my fists reached her side, she blocked one with her forearm, redirecting it; while grabbing the other with her hand. I pulled my fists back for another punch, only much quicker this time. But to my surprise it was defended. How?!

I noticed that she had activated her relic.

She chuckled at my reaction before grabbing my leaving hand. "Why? Did you miss me that much?" She teased to my previous statement.

My face warmed up at her words. I quickly kicked her back as she let my arm go and stumbled a few steps.

She looked unperturbed by that kick though, as she took a few steps back to gain some distance. Looking at my blushing face she teased. "If you had asked me nicely I'd have stayed..."

"You cheeky—" I grinned before activating my God Step as I disappeared from my spot and reappeared behind Caera.

I grabbed her by the waist in a tight grip and pinched her waist.

She yelped at the sudden twist. "Hey! No cheating!!!" With a shout she tried to swirl around to face me as her hands struck my ribs and torso while her leg tried to coil around mine.

I was surprised by her tenacity as I decided to let her go. But to my dismay she grabbed my arms and twisted herself. Just as she did that, she missed a step and fell on the ground.

I tried to catch her but with my arms still in her grasp I was pulled down with as I ended up falling on the ground too.

My eyes narrowed when I felt no resistance, and my fall, less bumpy. I lowered my eyes as realisation hit me.

That I was now lying on Caera. Her chest against mine. Our faces inches apart.

Caera's face turned red, I noticed, as she bit her lip before a soft moan escaped her throat which she tried hard to control.

My face burned like a candle in response to her cry. And blood pounded against my ears.

We both were breathing heavily, I could tell, as our chests hit each other's in successions at the same time, as if they were completely in sync with each other.

Looking at her close face, I noticed that Caera was calm; her eyes which were fixated on mine, focused as ever.

But I couldn't say the same for myself.

With my ragged breathing, I sensed her intoxicating scent—acting like a pulling force, trying to lure me under its grasp. I wanted to give in to the sensation; to go under its spell... But my mind tried to push-back in resistance, when I realised something.

Caera's hands were holding my shoulders in place.

Yet I wasn't mad at her. Why?

Because it felt so calm and comforting. And not wrong. Well this is a first, I thought in a sudden realisation. My mind sent out orders to back away—get off, this is wrong it said. But, I wanted to follow my heart as it felt the other beating against it. As if it was listening to it, conversing with it, through its own language.

My heart then cheered up as it pounded against my rib cage, as if wanting to leave my body and get to hers.

It felt like the final push my body needed.

Without my own will, my face leaned forward, slowly reaching Caera's. This is my heart's play!

Caera closed her eyes, followed by mine.


Just as I was about to reach the final destination, my face stopped as sounds of loud footsteps rung next to my ears.

With baited breath, we, Caera and I, both, turned to the side to see a figure standing there looking down at us in pure shock.

"I'm sorry, should I come back later?" Brair, the orange haired girl asked in haste as she averted her gaze away from us.

Caera and I looked at each other before she slightly nodded. I didn't know what she wanted to say; I was not in the right mind. Deciding to break the building-up tension, I answered. "We—were just...sparring and I stumbled forward and fell on Caer—"

Briar shook her head and turned away. "Yeah sure. Everyone knows you both are a couple, I don't know who you are trying to fool." She started walking away before speaking her final words that made both of our faces blush hard. "And please don't have sex on this ground. You know kids like us use this right? You damned adults don't have any sense for place or privacy."

"HEY! WE WEREN'T HAVING SEX, AND WE'RE NOT COUPLES!" Caera and I both yelled in sync as if we had rehearsed it beforehand.

Sound of snorting reached our ears before the orange haired woman vanished from our view, leaving only the silence to linger in the air as Caera and I still laid on top of each other.

Soon, a voice came as we both snapped out of our actions.

"So...how long are you going to keep groping each there?" Regis cackled.