
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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59 Chs

Xyrus City


The burning sensation in my mana core was unbearable. It felt as if my life force was being drained away, consumed by the relentless fire within. I struggled to endure the pain, reminding myself to persevere despite the dire circumstances. The forceful infusion of mana, combined with the opening of the third gate, had taken its toll on me. Death seemed like an imminent possibility.

Just as despair threatened to consume me, a soothing green light washed over my body, offering respite to my tortured mana core. Although it couldn't mend the splintered fragments of my core, it alleviated the agony and allowed me to breathe again. Darkness descended, enveloping my senses.

With great effort, I fought to pry my eyelids open. Weakness permeated my body, making it difficult to move. "Mama..." I whispered, my vision blurred as I glimpsed my mother by my side. Her presence gave me solace, even in my weakened state.

My mother groggily stirred, her voice filled with concern. "Jude?"

Summoning the last vestiges of my strength, I managed to utter, "Mama, I'm awake!"

Elation flooded my mother's expression, and she let out a cry of joy, "Jude, you're awake!" She enveloped me in a tight embrace, and though it made it hard to catch my breath, I welcomed her embrace wholeheartedly.

Suddenly, my father burst into the room, his eyes wide with astonishment. "Oh, God, Jude, you're awake!" he exclaimed, joining in the embrace with my mother and me.

After the initial excitement subsided, I mustered the strength to ask, "What happened to me?" Their gazes met, silently deliberating on how best to respond.

My father took a deep breath and began, "You were unconscious for six months. During that time, we arrived at Xyrus City and sought refuge with a noble friend's family. They provided us with magical doctors and experts for your care."

He paused, collecting his thoughts. "The forceful infusion of mana had severely injured your core, causing it to break. Although the doctors couldn't repair it, they managed to stabilize your condition and bring you out of the coma. As for Arthur, he ended up in Elenoir after surviving the fall. He saved the elven princess from slave traders and is currently receiving treatment with the elven royalty."

"Treatment?" I inquired, curiosity piqued.

"Yes, treatment," my father confirmed. "It appears that both of you awakened before your bodies were fully prepared. Your mana cores were inherently less stable and weaker as a result. Elves possess stronger bodies and mana channels, allowing them to awaken at a younger age. This might explain the fracture in your core." He let out a sigh of remorse.

Then, unexpectedly, my father dropped to his knees. "This is all our fault," he confessed with profound remorse. "We failed to protect both of you from the yellow stage swordsman, and now you're unable to use magic."

A smile graced my lips, surprising both my parents. "But I can still use magic," I assured them, mustering my remaining energy. Concentrating, I conjured a small whirlwind around my finger, leaving them both awestruck.

"Incredible!" I heard a young man's voice exclaim as it drifted in from the doorway. I turned my gaze to find a bespectacled man standing beside a beautiful young woman, likely his wife. It became apparent that he was the noble who owned this magnificent mansion.

"To possess the ability to use magic even with a fractured core... Could it be that the shattered fragments are still functional?" he murmured, his mind consumed by deep contemplation.

Both of my parents seemed to grasp the implications. I offered a slight nod of acknowledgment and introduced myself, mustering what little strength I had left. "I am Jude Leywin, and I am deeply grateful to you for providing us with shelter and arranging my treatment." With a modest bow, I expressed my gratitude.

The man shook his head, dismissing the need for thanks. "No need to express your gratitude. Your father once saved my life, and I am merely repaying my debt. Furthermore, I apologize for not being more effective in assisting with the treatment of your mana core."

Introducing himself, he continued, "My name is Vincent Helstea, and this is my wife, Tabitha Helstea. And this young lady is our daughter, Lilia Helstea." My gaze shifted to a petite girl with brown hair, who appeared to be around my age. I couldn't help but notice the sparkle of beauty that would undoubtedly flourish as she grew older. She was indeed their daughter. Though I lacked the strength to rise, I greeted them with a courteous nod, acknowledging their presence.

Throughout the night, my mother remained faithfully by my side, recounting the events that transpired after Arthur unexpectedly contacted them during their meal. As our conversation progressed, I noticed a slight bulge in my mother's stomach. Curiosity getting the better of me, I inquired, "Mother, what is that bulge?"

She responded with a warm smile, "It's your soon-to-arrive sibling." It took a moment for the realization to sink in, and a broad smile spread across my face. The desire for a younger sibling had long occupied my thoughts, and it seemed that my wish was on the verge of becoming a reality.

In the following months, my recovery progressed steadily, allowing me to regain my mobility and even resume combat training. Although my strength seemed to have regressed to the red stage level, I was grateful that I could still harness mana without having an undamaged mana core. I spent quality time with Lilia, eagerly anticipating the arrival of my younger sibling. To facilitate my recovery, I dedicated most of my time to meditation and refrained from intense physical training.

Several months later, my little sister came into this world, and I found myself holding her delicate form in my equally small hands. Witnessing the tears of joy streaming down my father's face only amplified my own happiness. My sister was undeniably adorable, possessing the finest qualities of my mother. It wasn't just my familial bias; she truly radiated a captivating charm.

A year passed, and I was once again ready to resume my training. Despite my shattered mana core, it remained stable enough for me to channel mana effectively, and my physical condition had significantly improved. I dedicated my efforts to purifying the fragments within, striving to unlock additional gates of the Nine Heaven's Nine Doors. Although sparing with my father provided little challenge, I assisted him in his training endeavors.

Time flowed steadily, and soon I celebrated my eighth birthday. My mother wanted to make it truly special, so she surprised me with a grand cake. The room was filled with laughter and presents, but the most intriguing gift was yet to come from Vincent. He promised that something extraordinary awaited me in due course.

Regarding my mana core, or what remained of it, the mana fragments had progressed to the dark yellow stage. My father, on the other hand, had successfully advanced to the orange stage, harnessing the power of fire mana. He decided to pursue the role of a captain within the Guards Order instead of continuing his adventuring endeavors, prioritizing our family's safety. Meanwhile, I had managed to open the third gate, further augmenting my strength.

At this stage, I felt a sense of accomplishment and contentment with my progress. If I were to encounter that wretched yellow stage swordsman again, he would stand no chance against me. Though I still had a long way to go to master the Twelve Thunderbolt Steps, reaching the fifth gate was my immediate goal. However, with the ability to employ Black Wind's Advent, I felt well-prepared. In terms of strength, only silver stage mages posed a considerable threat, and even then, they would struggle to match my power.

Nevertheless, I couldn't ignore the predicament that accompanied my newfound strength—the attention of the royal family. An eight-year-old capable of challenging silver stage mages would surely be a desirable asset. I set aside my concerns for the time being, having already devised a contingency plan should such a situation arise.

My thoughts turned to Arthur, and I eagerly anticipated our reunion. Though we communicated telepathically on numerous occasions, I longed to see him in person. Two years remained until his arrival, and yet, restlessness gnawed at me. It was my own folly for failing to see through the bandit leader's ruse. Simultaneously, I couldn't help but wonder about the adventures that awaited Arthur in Elenoir. The land held a mysterious allure, particularly the enigmatic elves and their cities. Not that I was particularly intrigued by the elves' beauty; after all, Cordelia surpassed them all. Instead, it was the historical conflict between humans and elves that piqued my curiosity. Furthermore, I found myself wondering about the existence of the Dicathen sword saint, Galahad. Having memories of the true sword saint Galahad from my past life in the Argon Empire, I yearned to learn more about this enigmatic figure and whether they, too, were a reincarnation like me.

With my restless mind, I made a conscious effort to calm down and surrender to sleep. As I closed my eyes, images of my past life and the adventures that awaited me in this one intertwined in my dreams. I knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges and mysteries to unravel, but I was ready to face them head-on.

Little did I know that destiny had already set its course, weaving together the threads of my past and present, guiding me toward a future brimming with both triumphs and tribulations. The journey to uncover the truth behind the ancient conflicts, the secrets of my own existence, and the path to fulfilling my potential as a mage had only just begun.

As I drifted deeper into slumber, I embraced the unknown, trusting that the answers to my questions and the fulfillment of my aspirations would gradually reveal themselves. The journey to uncover my true purpose and unleash my hidden potential awaited, and I was prepared to embrace it with unwavering determination.

In the realm of dreams, where possibilities were infinite, I found solace and anticipation. It was here that I would continue my exploration of magic, forge unbreakable bonds, and embark on a quest that would reshape the course of my life. The echoes of my past life and the dreams of my present existence intertwined, propelling me toward a future where I would unravel the mysteries of the world and forge my own destiny.

And so, as the night embraced me, I surrendered myself to the realm of dreams, eager for the adventures that awaited me and the revelations that would shape my path as Jude Leywin.


The anticipation and nervousness that filled me as I stood at the doorstep of my family's new residence were almost overwhelming. I took a deep breath, my faithful companion Sylvie perched on my head, mirroring my excitement.

The clanging of metal from inside was soon followed by the sound of light footsteps, accompanied by a childish voice. "Coming~!"

The door opened, revealing a maid who seemed surprised to find an eight-year-old boy standing there. Behind her, I caught a glimpse of a little girl who immediately hid behind the maid upon seeing me.

Taking the initiative, I introduced myself with a slight bow. "Ahem, nice to meet you. My name is Arthur Leywin. I was informed that my family is currently residing in this manor. Do you mind if I speak to them?" I tried to maintain a composed demeanor, despite the unusual circumstances. Sylvie remained perched on my head, a small beacon of support.

Before the confused maid could respond, a familiar voice echoed from inside the house. "Eleanor Leywin! There you are! You have got to stop running to the front door every time someone..." My mother's voice trailed off as she caught sight of me, dropping a small bowl of food intended for my sister.

My gaze shifted downward, and my heart skipped a beat as I beheld the little girl with dazzling brown eyes, looking at me with innocent curiosity. Her light ash brown hair was tied into adorable pigtails on the sides of her head, and I couldn't help but be captivated by her sweet appearance.

Struggling to tear my eyes away from my precious sister, I turned to face my mother. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I managed to speak the words I knew she had been longing to hear. "H-hi Mom. I'm home." With a small, awkward wave, I hoped she would recognize me. Fortunately, my fears were unfounded as she raced towards me, faster than even Grandpa Virion, her arms enveloping me in a tight embrace as if afraid I might vanish if she let go.

"Oh, my baby! Arthur!!" My mother dropped to her knees, holding onto me with all her strength, her emotions overwhelming her. "You're alive! The Voice... I knew it was you! You're back now! Yes, you're home now, Arthur, my baby!" Her words came out in a flurry, punctuated by her tears.

Unable to form a coherent sentence, I buried my head in my mother's shoulder, my own sobs muffled. In that moment, I realized that no matter how powerful or immortal one might become, when faced with loved ones, emotions had a way of breaking through any façade of control.

Amidst my tearful murmurs of reassurance that I was indeed alive and home, I could sense the whirlwind of emotions within my mother. She was overjoyed that I had returned, angry that I had been away for so long, and sad for the hardships I must have endured—all simultaneously.

Eleanor, my little sister, approached us and began patting our mother's back, attempting to comfort her. "Mama, there, there. Don't cry." However, her own attempts were in vain, and she soon found herself joining in the tears. It was in that moment that I noticed Father sprinting towards us from outside, drenched in sweat. The maid must have informed him of my return.

He skidded to a stop, dropping to one knee and joining in the embrace, enveloping all of us in his strong arms. From the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Jude leaning against the wall, wearing a smirk on his face. 'How could you leave me alone to struggle like this, Jude?' I thought, a playful glare directed at my older brother.

Jude sighed and spoke up, breaking the emotional atmosphere. "Alright, alright, let's not suffocate the poor kid. Dad, Mom, I think he needs some air." His words brought a sense of reality to the situation, and reluctantly, they released their grip on me.

We settled onto a nearby couch, with my mother seated right beside me, Eleanor on her lap. My father pulled up a chair and positioned himself in front of me, leaning forward with a mix of awe and concern in his eyes. Jude remained standing, leaning casually against the wall, a smile still playing on his lips.

Looking at my surroundings, I couldn't help but feel a wave of familiarity and nostalgia wash over me. It was the same living room where we used to spend countless evenings together as a family, sharing stories, laughter, and love. The memories came flooding back, almost as if time had stood still during my absence.

My mother held my hands tightly, her eyes welling up with tears as she stared at my face, trying to memorize every detail. She managed a smile, though her voice trembled with emotion. "Are you okay now, Arthur? Did you eat properly? Did you stay warm and take care of yourself? Oh, my baby, look how much you've grown." Tears escaped her eyes, but they were tears of overwhelming joy.

Her fingers gently brushed through my hair, and she planted a soft kiss on the crown of my head. "Thank God you're back. I'm so happy," she whispered, her voice still quivering. Eleanor observed the scene with curiosity, her innocent gaze shifting between Sylvie and me, while the baby dragon sat beside me, observing the unfamiliar humans with keen interest.

My father's attention turned to Sylvie, his eyes filled with curiosity. However, he chose not to mention her for the moment, focusing his gaze back on me. His expression softened, and he continued to shake his head in disbelief. "You've grown so much, Arthur. I can hardly believe it." It must have been bittersweet for him, witnessing how much I had matured without being there to witness every step of my journey.

"Ellie, say hello to your big brother. He's your big brother, just like Jude. He was away for a while, but now he's here to live with us." My mother gently nudged Eleanor, urging her to greet me.

With a wide grin on her face, Eleanor beamed and waved both of her little hands. "Hai, Brother~!" Her innocent voice filled the room, and my heart swelled with love and warmth.

"Hello, Eleanor. It's nice to meet you, sister," I replied, unable to contain my joy. I reached out and gently patted her head, cherishing this precious moment of being reunited with my family.

Father spoke up now. "Arthur, we were devastated after that incident, and we barely believed it when you communicated to us through our heads. Tell me, how'd you survive the fall?"

My father's question broke the emotional silence, and I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding. "Father, it's a long story, but I'll do my best to explain it all." And so, I began recounting my journey, starting from the moment I fell from the cliff.

I described how, through sheer instinct, I had surrounded myself with a protective layer of mana that helped cushion my fall. The branches on the cliff slowed my descent, and I landed in a stream that softened the impact. From there, I explained how I had encountered Tess, a girl who was almost kidnapped, and how we formed a bond. She led me to her Kingdom, where I stayed for a while.

As I continued my tale, my mother's concern grew evident. She interrupted me, asking about the illness I had mentioned earlier. I could see the worry etched on her face as she questioned whether I was now cured. I reassured her, shaking my head. "You don't need to worry anymore. The instability in my mana core caused episodes of pain, but I received treatment from an elder who assured me it wasn't life-threatening if managed consistently. I'm much better now."

Jude interjected with a remark, catching me off guard. "Interesting," he said with a smirk. His comment raised my suspicions, wondering if he had noticed something about my beast will. My parents seemed puzzled, prompting Jude to clarify his statement. "No, I meant it's interesting that Arthur is still at the light red stage even after four years. He must have slacked off quite a bit."

I gritted my teeth, frustrated by his words. Jude always had a way of getting under my skin. I took a moment to observe him fully. He had grown even taller, nearing 140 cm, and stood significantly taller than me. His features had become more defined, with striking emerald-colored eyes that stood out against his pale skin. His jet-black hair perfectly complemented his appearance.

'Why is he so good-looking?' I couldn't help but think, my annoyance momentarily forgotten. However, my parents seemed to disregard Jude's comment and shifted the conversation to Sylvie.

I smiled and gently picked up Sylvie, her small body fitting comfortably in my hands. "Haha, during my travels, I stumbled upon a mana beast's den. The mother was badly injured and eventually passed away. As I was exploring, I discovered she had been guarding an egg, which I unknowingly took. A few months ago, it hatched, and Sylvie emerged. She's still just a baby. Say hello, Sylvie."

Sylvie responded with a contented purr, as if greeting everyone in her own way.

Though what I said about Sylvie wasn't a complete lie, I had made a promise to myself to disclose everything to my family when I was older and better equipped to handle the consequences.

Jude's curiosity was piqued, and he moved closer, attempting to place his hand on Sylvie's head. However, she turned away from him, a clear indication of fear. Awkwardly retracting his hand, Jude returned to his previous position against the wall.

Curiosity burned within me, eager to know what had transpired in my family's life during our separation. I requested that they update me on everything that had happened since we last saw each other. My glimpses of them through the water divination were limited, revealing only that they resided in Xyrus.

Dad took the lead in recounting the events, sharing the challenges they faced and the changes that had taken place. As he spoke, my mother interjected with excitement, revealing that the Helstea family, whom we had once known, were returning today. Their surprise upon seeing me again was sure to be memorable.

Turning my attention to my mother, I couldn't help but notice the toll that my absence had taken on her. She appeared slightly paler and had lost weight, undoubtedly a result of the stress and depression she experienced in my absence. My heart ached, and a renewed determination to protect and support them welled up inside me.

Meanwhile, my father's physique had noticeably changed. He had become more muscular, complemented by a rugged beard that gave him a rustic look. His role as an instructor for the Helstea Auction House guards had evidently contributed to his physical transformation.

Curiosity about their current mana stages bubbled up, and I posed the question to both my father and Jude. Sylvie settled back on top of my head, her tail swaying contentedly.

With a confident grin, my father responded first. "Your old man broke through the light red stage a couple of years ago and is now a light orange mage."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, genuinely impressed by my father's progress. It was no small feat for an average mage to advance beyond the light red stage, often reaching only the dark orange stage at best without attending a prestigious school. My father had done remarkably well for himself, considering the circumstances.

Jude chimed in, wanting credit for his achievements. "Dad, don't forget to mention my help. I've reached the dark yellow stage." My eyes widened in astonishment. Dark yellow stage? Even among elites, reaching the yellow stage required considerable effort and talent.

Inquisitively, my father leaned closer and asked, "I bet you only asked to hear ours so you could brag about your own. Well, let's hear it. What stage are you at now?"

Jude rolled his eyes, as if to say, 'Didn't you hear me?'

Bashfully scratching my cheek, I mumbled my response, "...light red."

"Hmmm..." My father nodded, his lack of surprise understandable considering my brother's exceptional talent.

Jude's proposal caught both my father's and my attention. "How about the two of you spar against me?" he challenged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "To level the playing field, Father, restrict your core to the dark orange stage, and I will do the same."

My father raised an eyebrow, contemplating the idea. "A 2v1 battle with our mana cores restricted? That could prove challenging, even for you, Jude."

Jude laughed confidently, dismissing any concerns. "Don't worry, you two won't be able to land a single hit on me!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his boastful statement, but deep down, I felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of facing him alongside my father. It would be an opportunity to gauge our growth and test our skills against one another.

However, before we could proceed, Mother intervened, pulling me back. "Dear, he just got home. Let him rest," she pleaded, concern etched on her face.

I gently placed my hand on top of hers, giving her a reassuring smile. "It's fine, Mom. I could use a little exercise after my journey."

Reluctantly, she relented, realizing that my determination wouldn't be swayed. With her support, we all made our way to the backyard, anticipating the friendly match.

Just as we were about to step outside, the sound of the door opening caught our attention, causing us to pause.