
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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59 Chs

Princess Tessia


Jude was such an idiot. I took a chance and offered him my hand for the dance, but he took it too far. We ended up being the talk of the Grand Ball, and now everyone thinks we're dating. But why aren't we dating? Maybe Brother and Master were right when they teased us about our feelings for each other.

As I walked around the Ball, many of my friends asked me about Jude and me. I couldn't deny the attraction I felt towards him, but I also couldn't confess my love just yet. Then, Brother's question caught me off-guard. Before I could answer, Jude simply shrugged and said no.

I felt my face turn red with anger. How could he say no after everything we've been through? After all the effort I've put into showing him my feelings, does he think it's just a game? I stood up, kicked open the carriage door, and stormed out, leaving Jude behind.

He called out to me with concern, "What are you doing, Kathyln?" but I ignored him. I turned around and gave him the coldest stare I could muster. "It's Princess Kathyln to you," I said before storming away, leaving Jude standing there alone.

As I changed out of my dress, my mind was clouded with anger and disappointment. How could Jude be so oblivious to my feelings after all the effort I had put in? I had spent so much time with him, endured countless moments of embarrassment, and even tried to look my best for him. But it seemed like he thought it was all a game.

The maids outside my door must have sensed my distress, as I heard a soft knock. It was my mother. I let her in, and as she sat beside me, she asked me what had happened. With tears in my eyes, I told her about my unrequited love for Jude.

My mother sighed sympathetically. "It seems that Jude doesn't understand what love is," she said, stroking my hair. "He may be in love with you, but he doesn't realize it or is actively denying it."

I felt a glimmer of hope, but it was quickly overshadowed by my doubts. "But what can I do if he doesn't want to be with me?" I asked, feeling helpless.

"Kathyln, the only way to find out if he feels the same way is to tell him how you feel," my mother said firmly. "Confess to him properly, and then you'll know for sure."

After a fitful night's sleep, I decided to take my mother's advice. I sought out Jude, finding him in the training room with Master Galahad. As their spar ended, I cleared my throat and said, "Excuse me, Master Galahad, but may I borrow Jude for a moment?" He nodded understandingly, and I motioned for Jude to follow me.

After cutting Jude off mid-apology, I led him to the balcony overlooking the breathtaking Crystal Lake. Its crystal-clear waters sparkled under the moonlight, casting a magical aura over the surroundings.

Without hesitation, I confronted him with my true feelings, "Jude, I love you. I fell for you the moment I saw you at the Auction House. Your captivating looks, strength, and demeanor won me over instantly."

Jude's expression was a mix of surprise and contemplation. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke, "Kathy, I've been thinking about what happened last night, and I realized that I've fallen in love with you too," a glimmer of hope sparked in my heart. However, he continued, "But I don't think I'm ready to start a relationship yet."

I felt a mixture of confusion and disappointment. "What do you mean?" I asked, hoping for a clearer answer.

"I'm not saying that I don't want to date you, Kathy, but I feel like I need more time to mature and figure things out," Jude explained. Suddenly, he got down on one knee, and my heart skipped a beat. "So, Princess Kathyln, would you be willing to wait for me for a few years?"

I was taken aback by his proposal. On the one hand, I wanted to play it cool and reject him, but on the other hand, I couldn't deny the feelings that stirred within me. "Yes," I whispered shyly, feeling my cheeks flush crimson.

Jude's face lit up with pure joy, and he gazed at me with a loving smile, causing my heart to skip another beat. I couldn't believe it - I was officially waiting for him, and despite my initial reservations, I couldn't be happier.


After resolving the matter with Kathyln, I resolved to seek training in the art of conjuring under the tutelage of Cynthia Goodsky, the esteemed Director of Xyrus Academy. I had encountered difficulties in harnessing mana, an aspect entirely new to me from my past life, making the prospect all the more challenging.

The journey to the Academy was an arduous one, as its grandeur and size demanded a considerable amount of time to traverse. Despite our arrival, the mere approach to the training grounds stretched on, building anticipation within me.

Stepping out of the carriage, I entered the hall to find myself face to face with an elderly woman accompanied by a young elven girl. The elderly woman commanded an imposing presence, her tall stature accentuated by her grey hair and warm brown eyes. Her gentle countenance resembled that of a caring grandmother, enhanced by the donning of a conjurer's hat, its size reminiscent of a traffic cone. She adorned an elegant navy blue robe, adorned with delicate gold threadings, exuding an air of wisdom and mastery.

Beside her stood the enchanting elven girl, still blossoming into her own beauty. A smile of recognition tugged at the corners of my lips as I realized she was none other than Princess Tessia, the childhood friend of my brother Arthur. Her gunmetal hair shimmered like threads of silver under the sunlight, captivating the eye. Her eyes, shaped like delicate hearts, possessed a mesmerizing turquoise hue, capable of ensnaring the hearts of young boys effortlessly. The slight points of her ears added to her charm, infusing her appearance with an undeniable cuteness.

"Allow me to extend my greetings to Princess Tessia Eralith and Cynthia Goodsky," I spoke, bowing respectfully. "I am Jude Leywin, a disciple under the guidance of Galahad."

Cynthia's gaze bore into me, her eyes scanning my very essence, attempting to discern the depths of my mana core. A confident smile graced my lips as I emitted the aura of my mid silver core, an act that caused Cynthia's eyes to widen in astonishment, her face reflecting the shock that washed over her.

"You are truly an exceptional individual," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief. Even Tessia, standing by Cynthia's side, found herself unable to contain her surprise, muttering something about Arthur's revelations not being mere fabrications.

I couldn't help but wonder if Arthur had divulged information about me to Tessia. Nevertheless, my focus shifted towards the imminent commencement of my training under the esteemed Cynthia Goodsky and Princess Tessia.


Jude Leywin, a name that carried an air of mystery, even surpassing that of his own brother, Arthur. It seemed that exceptional abilities ran in their family, with both brothers demonstrating unparalleled prowess in swordsmanship and magic.

Yet, Jude was in a league of his own, surpassing even Arthur's remarkable achievements. At a mere eleven years old, he had already ascended to the mid silver stage, an accomplishment that left others in awe. He effortlessly grasped the intricate techniques of mana manipulation taught by Master Goodsky, making them appear as mere child's play despite their true complexity.

As I struggled to keep up with his rapid progress, frustration bubbled within me, threatening to overwhelm my determination. After an especially grueling training session, I found solace outside, gazing up at the twinkling stars in the night sky.

"Tessia," Jude's voice broke the silence, "Mind if I join you?"

I nodded, a sense of warmth spreading through me as I realized he had discarded the formalities and approached me as a friend. Despite my occasional envy of his extraordinary talent, our friendship had blossomed quickly during our shared training sessions.

"What's on your mind?" Jude's voice broke the tranquility, pulling me back from my contemplation.

"Just thinking about our training," I replied, a hint of determination in my voice.

He chuckled playfully, teasing me, "You worry too much about training, Princess~"

Letting out a sigh, I confessed, "I have to if I want to catch up to your brother."

"Not to me?" he inquired, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

A smile tugged at my lips as I acknowledged my own limitations, "No, not to you. Catching up to someone like you seems impossible."

Jude hummed thoughtfully before responding, "I believe in the power of hope, but it's important not to let hope consume you. However, I have no doubt that you'll carve out your own path and become remarkably powerful, Tessia."

His words struck a chord within me, and my gaze lingered on him as he leaned back, his arms supporting his weight, his hand reaching upward as if attempting to grasp the stars themselves.

"I've always dreamed of being strong, not to be the strongest," Jude laughed, his eyes gleaming with determination, "Because being the strongest is simply an expectation. My dream is to possess the strength needed to protect those dear to me."

His emerald gaze shifted to me, and he bestowed a genuine smile upon me.

"What about you, Princess?"

My thoughts swirled, and I couldn't help but notice his undeniable charm. Heat rose to my cheeks, but I quickly brushed aside such notions.

'No, no,' I scolded myself internally, 'Arthur is my beloved, and he has Kathyln.'

"I aspire to be someone deserving of standing by Arthur's side," I answered after a moment of reflection.

Jude's hand found its way to my back, a comforting gesture akin to that of a protective older brother, rather than a romantic advance. "And I have every faith that you will achieve that. If Arthur ever causes you pain, don't hesitate to call on your Big Brother Jude to give him a good thrashing," he added, a mischievous glint in his eye.

His playful remark elicited a giggle from me. Jude was truly a remarkable person, and I couldn't help but wonder, in a twist of fate, if circumstances were different, if it were Jude who had fallen from that cliff, would I have fallen in love with him instead?

Fate works in mysterious ways.

Thank you to the reader for sending power stones! Here is an early update!

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