
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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59 Chs



Inside the opulent ballroom of Helstea Manor, vibrant tapestries adorned the walls, their colors cascading like ribbons in harmony with the exquisite table settings and the grand stage. The resplendent chandelier, composed of intricately arranged orbs, cast a serene glow, creating an atmosphere of enchantment as the guests began to grace the scene, entering through the towering front doors.

Dressed in my finest attire for this momentous occasion, a birthday celebration we had orchestrated for Ellie, I marveled at the elegance of the venue. Though the formal wear of this world resembled the tuxedos from my past, it held its own unique charm, characterized by the absence of ties and the fashionable arrangement of handkerchiefs beneath the collars.

Unbeknownst to Ellie, the ballroom, located in a secluded wing, had been transformed into a magical haven. She believed that our families were merely going to a fancy restaurant, unaware of the surprise awaiting her. With our mother and Lilia, who returned for this special event, preparing her, she was brimming with anticipation.

"Welcome, please come in," I greeted Ellie's friends, donning a gentlemanly smile, a duty assigned to me by my mother in Jude's absence, one I fulfilled with mixed feelings. As giggles and blushes accompanied their shy greetings, I maintained a gentle countenance, welcoming more guests as they trickled in from their carriages, accompanied by drivers and chaperones.

The attendees of my sister's celebration encompassed her female friends, accompanied by their older chaperones, and a mix of my parents' acquaintances and Vincent and Tabitha's friends. By eight in the evening, most of the invitees had arrived, prompting my mother to inform the maid that she and Ellie would be descending shortly.

I sighed in frustration, feeling the weight of the responsibility on my shoulders, when a familiar figure caught my eye. A boy with jet-black hair and the unmistakable fair countenance, his emerald eyes shimmering, entered the room, teasingly remarking, "Brother, are you sighing at the sight of me?"

I nodded, grinning, "Of course I would."

We both laughed, rekindling the easy camaraderie between us.

"Everyone, get ready! Lady Alice and Eleanor will be joining us soon!" the maid announced, signaling for the lights to be dimmed.

"...Mama, I thought we were going out for dinner? Where are we..."

"SURPRISE!" a harmonized chorus of voices erupted.

The chandelier burst to life, casting a cascade of shimmering light, and an array of mesmerizing artifacts sprang to vibrant illumination. Ellie's initial confusion gave way to unadulterated joy as her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed crimson. Overwhelmed, her hands instinctively flew to cover her astonished mouth.

Before she could fully absorb the splendor, her school friends rushed towards her, enveloping her in warm embraces, almost lifting her off her feet. Lilia joined the joyful fray, disappearing into the spirited throng, leaving Ellie to revel in this magical moment of celebration.

"Ahem! Before we officially commence the festivities, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for gracing us with your presence tonight," my father's voice resonated through the room. I caught a glimpse of my sister, blushing in delightful embarrassment, as her friends erupted in giggles and applause, adding to the joyous atmosphere of the occasion.

"Let the music begin!" My father gestured towards the back of the stage, where five musicians emerged, their instruments in hand. To my surprise, the instruments bore a striking resemblance to the string family instruments of my world—two violins, a viola, and a cello—accompanied by a skilled pianist. The piano itself had a unique shape, and as they began playing, its resonant tones filled the air, imbuing the room with a deep, rich melody.

"It would bring me immense joy to witness my beloved son and daughter share the first dance," my father declared, raising his glass with a slightly tipsy grin, oblivious to the potential disaster that could ensue. I turned to my mother, who wore a panicked expression, realizing that neither of them had ever given us dancing lessons.

I locked eyes with my sister, her face etched with horror at the thought of stumbling through an embarrassing dance on her birthday. Composed, I took determined strides toward where she stood with her friends.

Dad is quite the prankster, isn't he? A surprise dance. Looks like I'll have to take the lead for now. I approached my sister swiftly, "Would you honor me with this dance?" I bowed gracefully, removing my gloves and extending a hand before me, ignoring the ensuing squeals and giggles from her friends.

Ellie, still apprehensive, found herself at a loss for words, so she simply nodded, accepting my hand and eliciting a round of applause.

Once she was in my embrace, a crowd gathered around us, their applause fading into the background as the mellifluous strains of music swelled, enveloping the room. The rhythm was slow and measured, easy to follow. Gradually, the panic subsided on my sister's face as she realized she merely needed to trust in my guidance.

My right hand clasped hers, while my left rested gently on her delicate waist, and we glided across the floor, her ethereal coral dress billowing gracefully. Each step she took mirrored mine as we waltzed, the enchanted crowd forming a small dance floor around us. Poised and serene, I moved with grace and ease, for dance had been a necessary skill for any noble attending formal occasions.

My sister's countenance transitioned from tranquil calmness to pure delight as she began to relish our dance. Her smile radiated warmth, her skin aglow with a mixture of perspiration and happiness, captivating the onlookers. Spinning her around as if we had rehearsed for a grand performance, the musicians played in harmony with our movements, seemingly drawing inspiration from our seamless partnership. As the final verse of the song approached its end, she followed my lead flawlessly, culminating in a beautiful, synchronized pause, perfectly in tune with the musicians.

Applause and cheers erupted from the audience, accompanied by the occasional whistle from more jubilant guests, enveloping the soft panting of my sister as we bowed, hand in hand.

"That was enchanting!" "Absolutely splendid!" "A remarkable performance!" Compliments and praises echoed from all sides, further illuminating my sister's radiant smile as we basked in the spotlight.

I gently set my sister back on her feet, giving her a playful pat on the head. "Happy Birthday, Princess," I said, accompanied by a wink, before our slightly intoxicated father swooped in to lift her up.

"Haha! My beautiful princess and my dashing son! What a splendid performance!" My father's face was flushed, likely from the drinks he had indulged in.

"Owowowow!" A howl of pain escaped my father as my mother swiftly brought him back to reality, gripping his earlobe firmly. "Do you realize the potential disaster this could have been if Jude hadn't known how to dance?" she whispered sternly.

"I actually learned dancing from Jasmine," I fibbed, attempting to defuse the situation with a little white lie.


"Your brothers are so handsome. I'm so jealous! I wish my brother was like them; they seem so nice!" My school friends showered Brother and me with compliments after the dance.

"Hehe! I told you they were amazing!" I couldn't help but beam with pride, basking in the admiration.

"Yeah, he's awesome! I bet the both of you practiced a lot for that dance! It looked SUPER difficult." Nicole, my best friend, was brimming with excitement.

"U-Umm yeah! We did practice quite a bit, but we had an incredible teacher who helped us master it quickly!" I lied, avoiding eye contact as a wave of guilt washed over me. It felt strange that only Brother knew how to dance, not me, when it should have been the other way around.

My heart was still racing from the exhilaration of the dance. It was both tiring and immensely enjoyable because Brother guided me with such grace that I felt like a professional dancer on the floor.


As I sensed Tessia's mana signature, I couldn't help but wonder if she had gotten cold feet. Had she arrived at the ballroom and then decided to leave a gift instead? Determined not to let her slip away like that, I quietly made my way outside.

"Tessia, it's been a long time," I greeted her as I appeared in front of the royal elven carriage. Both Tessia and her bodyguard seemed startled by my sudden presence, their instincts causing them to flinch.

"Jude!" Her expression brightened, and her bodyguard eased up, lowering her weapon.

"Not coming inside?" I inquired, gesturing towards the festivities happening within.

"No, I don't want to draw attention away from Ellie," she replied, shaking her head.

"Well, aren't you a saint," I teased, a mischievous grin spreading across my face. "Getting cold feet about meeting Arthur after all these years, huh?"

A deep blush colored her pale cheeks, and Tessia remained silent, unable to respond to my playful remark.

"Come, Tessia," I said, adopting a more serious tone.

"But I'm an elf..." she hesitated, her voice filled with uncertainty.

I let out a sigh and took a step closer, locking my emerald gaze with hers. "Do you want to come inside?" I asked, searching for a genuine answer.

After a moment's hesitation, she nodded, her shy demeanor betraying her hidden desire.

I smiled warmly, extending my hand towards her. "Then follow me. Don't worry about anything else," I reassured her.

Tessia, still slightly embarrassed about the impending reunion with Arthur, tentatively reached out and took my hand. With a wide smile, I led her towards the manor, our footsteps carrying us towards a new chapter of the evening.

As we stepped into the ballroom, my eyes scanned the crowd. Suddenly my inebriated father's slurred voice rang out, searching for me.

"Now where is my son, Jude? He should be dancing with someone too..." his words trailed off as his gaze landed on me, and he exclaimed, "There he is! And he's already found a dancing partner!"

My attention turned to Tessia, standing beside me in her stunning platinum dress. It would be a shame for her to miss out on the dance. Even though I wasn't the partner she had envisioned, I couldn't let her be left out.

"You're truly dressed for the occasion, princess," I teased, offering her my hand. "May I have this dance?"

Whispers began to circulate among the attendees, some commenting on Tessia's elven heritage. I could see her growing uneasy, worried about the judgmental gazes.

"Pay no mind to them, Tessia," I whispered, utilizing sound magic to ensure only she could hear me. "Focus only on me and Arthur. The opinions of others hold no importance."

She nodded, finding solace in my words, and placed her delicate hand in mine.

As the music swelled and enveloped the ballroom, Tessia and I began to move in perfect harmony. The attention of the crowd shifted towards us, their eyes captivated by our graceful steps and seamless coordination.

With each twirl and spin, I led Tessia across the dance floor, effortlessly guiding her through intricate patterns. The elegant movements of the waltz seemed to come naturally to us, as if we were meant to dance together.

As the onlookers watched in awe, I couldn't resist the opportunity to inject some lighthearted banter into the moment. "Not a bad dancer now am I?" I asked playfully, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "I have quite the experience dancing with princesses."

She stifled a laugh, her cheeks flushing slightly.

With every graceful turn and dip, we continued to draw the attention of the crowd. The music swirled around us, matching the rhythm of our steps, as if it were composed solely for this enchanting dance.

As we effortlessly glided across the floor, I couldn't resist one more quip. "I think Arthur needs to step up his game if he wishes to keep up with you."

Tessia at my quip as I spun her around.

In that moment, as we continued our captivating dance, it felt as if time stood still. The entire ballroom was transfixed by our performance, caught in the magic of the music and the undeniable connection between Tessia and me.

And as the song reached its crescendo, we gracefully came to a stop, our final pose punctuated by thunderous applause and cheers from the delighted audience.

Together, we bowed, savouring the shared triumph and the bond we had forged on the dance floor, knowing that this moment would forever be etched in our memories.


"You dance quite well," I said to Jude, attempting to hide my true feelings behind a forced smile.

"Aww, are you jealous?" he exclaimed, his eyes widening in mock surprise.

"No, not at all," I replied, feeling my face flush with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, Arthur. Tessia is all yours for the rest of your life, starting tonight. I only had the honor of being her dance partner for this special occasion," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But be warned, you better step up your dancing game."

As the party began winding down and the midnight bell tolled, signaling the end of my sister's birthday, the guests gradually started to depart, leaving the ballroom to be tidied by the maids.

I caught up with Tessia after years of being apart. She eagerly filled me in on her training and shared stories of her experiences since I left Elenoir.

In the midst of the celebrations, my parents presented my sister with a pair of exquisite hair ties adorned with silver bells that shimmered with iridescent colors under the light. Ellie's excitement was palpable as she urged our mother to style her hair into twin ponytails.

Despite the disappointment of the Twin Horns' absence, my sister's spirits were quickly lifted as I handed her the gift I had brought. Tessia also presented her own gift, which she had carried from afar.

The package Tessia handed Ellie was adorned with intricate decorations, exuding regal elegance. With excitement, my sister tore open the wrapping, revealing a stunning bow. The design showcased a gradient of brown shades, accented by vibrant verdant tips.

Gasps of awe escaped the lips of everyone in the room as they beheld the bow's beauty and craftsmanship.

"We wanted to give you something unique, something that stands out among the dresses and tea sets," Tessia explained, her smile radiating warmth.

My sister couldn't contain her joy and leaped into Tessia's embrace, the bond between them growing stronger.

"Happy birthday, little sister," I whispered, presenting her with my own gift. I then turned to our mother, handing her the less ornately wrapped box.

"It's absolutely stunning!" Ellie exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with delight as she admired the precious necklace, unaware of its true value.

My mother's reaction was even more profound, her gaze locked on the light pink gem nestled in the white gold chain.

"It's... It's gorgeous," she murmured, her voice filled with awe.

"Promise me you'll always keep it close," I said directly to my sister, but I glanced at our mother, conveying a silent message.

"Where did you manage to find something like this, Son?" My father, still slightly under the influence, managed to string together a coherent sentence. "I must personally thank Mr. Gideon for taking care of you. And to think, my boys will soon attend Xyrus Academy! You're going to kick some butt out there, right? Ow!" His words were cut short by a playful smack from my mother, followed by a warm embrace from both her and my sister.

"I have a rather remarkable gift as well," Jude declared, his eyes sparkling with excitement. From his pocket, he produced two small black matte boxes and presented them to our mother and Ellie.

As the boxes were opened, gasps of astonishment filled the air. Inside each box lay a stunning ring, crafted with black diamonds and platinum. The rings exuded an air of elegance, but there was something more. I could sense the presence of mana infused within them.

"These rings possess a powerful defensive function," Jude explained, his voice filled with a touch of pride. "They activate whenever your life is in peril, serving as a protective shield. Additionally, they send out an alert to me, enabling me to come to your aid."

Tears welled up in my mother's eyes as she tightly embraced Jude. "Thank you, Jude," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and affection. Ellie, too, joined in the embrace, expressing her heartfelt appreciation.

Laughter resonated throughout the room as we reveled in the joyous moment, our bonds as a family growing even stronger. The enchanting melodies of the night lingered in our hearts, a testament to the love and warmth shared on this memorable birthday celebration.