

As the battling he noticed the dizzy rat not running to him but to the torch that on the ground that he leaves during the start of the battle.

'This rats rather specialist to smell but after hit by the smoke bomb their sense of smell is turning mess' think him.

Advert saw the rat rushing like a moth to the flame as their small body is burning by the fire of the torch. He immediately got an idea as he took out his spare clothes inside the bag and throws to the torch.

The fire becomes bigger as the dizzy rat rushing to it to their deaths.

Squeak! Squeak!

He saw this felt his burden is lessened and continue to strike other small rats. 'Although this will make me lose the reward because the chance of their body got cremate is high but still my gun quest made a progress' thought Advert with a happy smile that hidden under the mask.

As he strikes them,he also took a chance to collect back the arrows on the ground and put to the bags. He suddenly felt something dangerous rushed to his back. Advert immediately let go of both of his daggers as his pair of hand caught the corpse of the rat on the ground and throw to the direction he felt danger.

He immediately rolls to the side and felt something huge fall to his before position.


Crack! (Sound of glass break)

'Appraisal' thought him.

Rat Cannibal Lv 15

Skill: Disease lv 20, Bite lv 35, Scratch Lv 10, Sneak Lv 15, Smelling Lv 40 ,Darkness sight Lv 3

'Rat Cannibal Lv 15?!' think him in stunned. From his understanding there shouldn't be a beast exceed level 10 in the city area.

"Did this guy ran from his habitat" murmured him as he saw the smoke dissipate.

He retreats his distance from the Rat Cannibal because the beast is still showing itself still in good condition. Actually when he throws the corpse he already stuck a vial of the smoke bomb into the small rat body.

'This beast intelligent is exceeded normal rats but at least it easily got tricked' thought Advert. He calculates this when he felt the sneak attack. The beast that can make that kind of attack have intelligent higher than the normal beast that why he throws the rat corpse rather than his dagger but his sacrifice is useless because the beast not showing abnormalities.

Advert saw the Rat Cannibal gobbling the two corpse without a care before staring to him. Its body size is half of the Advert but it's power exceed himself so he didn't dare to tangle in close combat.

Pulled out the arrows that he got chance to collect and start to shooting the Rat Cannibal. He dipping each arrow to the alcohol solution before releasing each arrow to it. His action is slowing down his movement but it actually increased his chance to survive because each arrow he strikes will stick to his target. This happens because he can focus his accuracy on the important part of rat that is it nose.

Each arrow that stuck to its nose can be made the dizziness chance to rise.


'Like the someone said the strength of someone also can be his weakness. You smell sense is exceptional keen but it also can bring your downfall' thought Advert with smirked plastered on his face.

The Rat Cannibal is tried to rush to him but he messes with it movement with the arrows strike. Although it tries to avoid those flying projectile the uneven ground has added the problem because of the hundred of small rat corpse.

"Look like my arrows about to out again and smoke bomb only left three vials" uttering him.

'Look like it only left this way' think Advert as he splashed himself with the one of vial solution.

He slowly walks to a direction and he saw the rat didn't hinder by his strike rushing in speed that he shocked for a while. Fortunately his already covered his trace after splashed the liquid because he saw the Rat Cannibal is smelled his before position.

But he found something weird after a few minutes and noticed the change appeared in the Rat Cannibal eyes.

'Appraisal!' think him.

Rat Cannibal Lv 16

Skill: Disease lv 20, Bite lv 37, Scratch Lv 10, Sneak Lv 15,Smelling Lv 45, Darkness sight Lv 7

The Cannibal Rat turn its head to Advert direction and he felt his back sweating. The rat eyes are staring to him and he knows this because he can feel an intense gaze from it.

'I'm just fighting a rat and it already hard and this rat already level up after kill the small rat. Also it's eyesight level is increasing. Next time I should buy a slave for this kinda thing' thinking him as he running to the torch place that about to extinguish because the small rat corpse is piling up.

He kicked the small rat corpse around and took up the torch before turn his head to Cannibal Rat that rushed to him. Advert moved the torch to his front trying to scare the big rat but it didn't show a hint of fear and walking around him in circles like playing with him.

He took another smoke bomb before throws to the rat but it didn't dodge it maybe it already confident with its level up.

'Fool!' think him in mind before throwing the torch after he saw the Cannibal Rat inside the smoke.

The sound of the crackling of fire heard as the smoke burning and the sound of squeaking of a rat in pains is heard. After a few seconds a rat with burned skin show after the smoke dissipated.

Advert already calculate this situation and he already rushed to get back his dagger but the speed of the rat is faster than him. Before he can dodge the claw of the rat hit his left side rib. He flew to the side and hit the ground.

He groaned in pain because the attack and he tried to stand up but a claw is placed to his chest making him held down on the ground. And the rat size of his half body moving its mouth to his head before showing its teeth to bite him.

[Quest complete]

A sudden notification appeared to his sight just before his head get lose.

[Anti-Hero Gunners class is activated]

[Status showing]

Advert Snipe

Class: Gunner Anti-Hero Lv. 6

Equipment: Magic Flare Pistol (Legendary??? Weapon), Leather Pants, White Plain Shirt, Black Sunglasses, Leather Armor, Twin Daggers × 2, Leather Boots.

Skill: Martial Art, Shooting,Appraisal

Magic: None

It all happened in a second and only he can see his status so the Cannibal Rat is still tried to kill him.

"Died" coldly he spoke as a red pistol gripped on his hand.


A burst of flame appeared after the sound and the Cannibal Rat fell down where it's head completely burned out.

Short chapter for today. Thanks for reading from me→ HELLINE

Devil_HELLINEcreators' thoughts