
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Chapter 13: The day before tomorrow

Two days have passed and now they are at the final day and tomorrow the dungeon is going to open.

Ryo had been training Aiko with her fireball skill that he gaved after she finally managed to open the rare mystery box giving her +100 stat points in Int and containing an apprentice mage scepter, a green cloak, 10,000 Exp, and 10 gold coins that she put in her ( common )space ring that Ryo also gaved after buying an Epic level ring worth 20,000 Kp and transferring all the stuff from his old ring to the new ring, it was a costly item but it was essential for surviving the dungeon, at least it could store much more items and can also make organic items not rot, but if something like a hot food was put in there in can still go cold since it's set at room temperature.


Item: Apprentice mage scepter( rare )

lvl: 10

Rank: C


+200 Magic damage

20% Reduction to Mana consumption from magic spells

+150 Intelligence

Durability: 2,000/2,000


A magic scepter given to a mage's apprentice for easy access to the Mana flow and easy control for spells, to which they can be easily taught new spells.



Item: Green cloak( rare )

lvl: 5

Rank: D


+100 Agility

20% stealth

Durability: 500/500


A cloak that was made from an elf tailor for forest elves to wear to either hunt unnoticed or be stealthy when guarding their territory, the cloak is more effective in a forest.



Item: Space ring( Epic )

lvl: 10

Rank: A+



Sloths: 50/400

Durability: 4,000/4,000


This ring is made for storing organic materials that typically rot and decay overtime.


Ryo and Aiko were at the river side and Ryo was currently running around the place being a target practice for Aiko while she was trying to hit him with a fireball but it was proving to be difficult because her master was very agile.

Why are they doing this? Well, Ryo had a bright idea to give Aiko a different target besides the trees, those poor, poor, trees. Their doing these because the monster inside the dungeon are not going to sit still and get hit by Aiko's fireball, and Ryo need to at least train to dodge better in both land and mid air since he noticed a pattern to his fighting style to just sit there and tank the enemies attack, the mid air dodge is where he was having a difficult time since there is no solid surface to stand on and shift his body, but overtime he's getting better.

Aiko flopped down breathing hard trying to catch her breath, she tired herself trying to hit Ryo, Ryo saw this and decided for a break so that Aiko's mana is replenished, he walk towards the tired Aiko and give her the water container to which she said thanks and took the water container.

" Not bad Aiko, you almost hit me a bunch of time's, just a couple more practice and you'll hit me. " Ryo then patted her head and her tail was wagging happily.

" Fwa~, thank you master and thanks for the water. " Aiko said while wiping away the water droplet on her mouth then putting the container at her side.

Ryo smiled and walked away towards a tree, he crossed his legs while leaning at the tree trunk and summoned his own water container.

' hmm, even though Aiko is improving by leaps and bounds, she still lacks in Mana capacity even though she can fire ninety-four fireballs which is impressive but those fireballs are just around basketball size and the damage is not that great, she still need to charge it in order to deliver a greater impact and damage but it takes up a lot of mana. ' while Ryo was thinking of a way to improve her Mana capacity, Arya was listening.

[ How about putting the stat points she managed to gather. ] Arya suggested and Ryo thought this over.

' Is that even possible? '

[ Well, yes, there are other ways to add them, but you need a special kind of item, called Mana siphon, it take a large amounts of Mana to activate it but when it's activated just think what do you want to add it to. ]

' think? '

[ Yes, just think if you wanted to increase speed, defense, attack, attack speed, and Mana capacity. ]

' huh? Isn't that just agility, vitality, strength, dexterity and intelligence. ' Ryo asked why it's named differently.

[ That's because they don't have a system and the Mana siphon is just there to help distribute their quote on quote hidden strength. ]

While Ryo and Arya were talking to each other, Aiko was looking at a dazed Ryo curiously.

' Master is dazing again, what is he thinking? Does it have to do with that giant door? Is there something sealed inside it that the master wanted to get? ' Aiko thought to herself still trying to understand her master's behavior, while she was still in her thoughts Ryo suddenly called her, following his orders She stood up and walked towards him, he put his right hand on her head and Aiko's tail started to wag expecting another head pat, but she later stopped when she didn't receive any and tilted her head to the side in a confused way.

" *Chuckles* sorry Aiko but this isn't a headpat. " Ryo admitted and Aiko looked down along with her ears.

" But you'll receive them later, but not now. " Aiko's ears perked up after hearing that and Ryo chuckled again at her cuteness.

Ryo used appraisal on her and she shivered a bit since using appraisal in close range on anyone can make them feel like their exposed with no clothing whatsoever, and because of that information Ryo needed to find a way to conceal it or hide the fact that he was checking someone's stats without their knowledge or permeation, but thankfully he can use it in a mid-range to long-range as long as he have a visual at the target since sudden Mana influx will be hidden at the natural Mana in their surrounding, but he still needed to be careful using this to anyone that have a detection skill because they can still sense him.


Name: Aiko

Race: Mythical Fox Beastmen

Sex: Female

Age: 15

lvl: 22

Exp: 0/1,800

Sp: 220

Hp: 2,200/2,200

Mp: 4,300/4,300

Str: 110

Vit: 220

Agi: 220

Dex: 220

Int: 430

[ Skills ]

{ Fireball lvl: 5

Damage: 50

Cost: 25 Mp }


Wait, you might be asking why she's 15 if she looked like an eight year old in the beginning then suddenly had a growth spurt that turned her into a 14 year old? Well, that's because of her races special biology, a normal baby fox beastmen can still grow much faster than a normal baby humans are but to an extent, while Mythical Fox Beastmen, as the name suggested, are like Mythical being that have a direct lineage to the fox God, Inari Okami.

Because of this they grow much quicker if there is a large Mana Influx in the area, an early born child of the Mythical Fox Beastmen race can grow to a two to three years old in just a year as long as there is a large Mana Influx in the area they are staying.

Arya speculated that Aiko's Mather must have been staying at an area that doesn't have that much Mana influx called a safe spot, it's an area that happy go lucky people stay in and build houses since you need a sufficient amount of Mana for a monster to spawn so this place is perfect for people that retired from being an adventurer.

Aiko's mother must have been too worried about Aiko's well-being because baby Mythical Fox Beastmen don't know how to control their Mana consumption leading to a Mana overload where the Mana coils in the body started to tear apart from to much Mana absorb, then leading to their early death, surviving to adulthood as a Mythical Fox Beastmen that have a prideful and egoistic parents that only cared about their position in the rankings might be proving to be difficult, only the strong that can grow faster than their Mana consumption can survive. Aiko's mother must have cared deeply for Aiko to live in an area that is safe but it stunted her growth.

' *whistled*, she had this much stat points, and her other stats aren't bad at all, besides her strength though. ' Ryo then started to flow Mana into his hand then into Aiko surprising her from the sudden warmth and comfort coming from Ryo's hands, Ryo was concentrating on trying to guide the stat points to the right stats so he needed to flow Mana into Aiko and not knowing what the effects might be.

While Ryo was busy guiding the stat points, Aiko was having a hard time standing and having hazy visions because of the overwhelming pleasure she was having, it felt like she had been given multiple head pats by Ryo at the same time.

Her breathing was ragged and her face was flushed and small tears welled up then suddenly she felt her Mana capacity expanded and a knot feeling in her stomach started to form and tighten. When Ryo was done guiding the stat points he pulled back his hand and had a clear view of a flushed Aiko wobbled, Aiko unsteadily walked towards Ryo and hugged him and rubbed her face on Ryo's chest while muttering 'Master' over and over.

' uhh? Why is she like this? ' Ryo asked, confused and worried.

[ it might be because of the effect of flowing your Mana into her. ]

' effect?! There's effect on trying to flow Mana into her? '

[ Calm down master, it's not harmful in any way. Since Mana differs from person to person and absorbing foreign Mana has this kind of effects, she's just aroused that's all, it usually goes away in just a minute just calm her down and don't do anything to her since she's technically still a child. ]

' I'm not going to do anything to her! ' Ryo sat down and Aiko sat on his lap. He then patted Aiko's head and it seemed to calm her down.

Aiko was now calmed down and had a red face because she embarrassed herself in front of her master. She apologized and tried to stand but her legs seemed to be numb and weak.

" Wah, my legs are not working. " Aiko said while trying to stand again.

" You might still be too sensitive to walk. " Ryo then scooped her up and carried her princess style towards their cave. He left her in the cave to change her sweat drenched clothes and rest.

After going down the cliff Ryo walked towards Axle, the now named horse that was drinking water at the river, Axle raised his head to look at Ryo.


Name: Axle

Race: mudskipper horse

Sex: male

Age: 10

lvl: 13

Exp: 0/1,300

Sp: 130

Hp: 1,300/1,300

Mp: 650/650

Str: 130

Vit: 130

Agi: 195

Int: 65

[ Skills ]

{ Mudrunner lvl: 3

Cost: 1 mp per seconds

This skill is used for mudskipper horses to easily run on mud and not slip. }


" God I hope the effects won't activate. " Ryo was close enough to Axle and put a hand to its neck and did the process again the same with Aiko, but.

[ Notice: Process invalid, you're not a beast tamer nor have any skill for beast taming. ]

" Huh? It didn't work. Needed beast tamer skills? "

[ Yes master, you need to have a beast taming skill to add his stats. ]

" Oh damn, what should I do with you then? Wait, system can you show me the beast taming scroll? "

[ Yes, master. ]

{ Item: beast taming skill-scroll complete edition( Epic )

This version of skill is the completed edition, unlike the normal beast tamer skills that you need to do multiple things, like certain conditions, items and level requirements. With this edition you can just walk towards the beast you want to tame and ask 'will you become my beast summon' the beast will have different ways to accept your request. And there are other skills it contains than the normal skills.

Cost: 50,000 Kp }

" Well, that's costly, but I'll buy it. " Ryo bought the skill and instantly learned it.

" Okay let's try this. " Ryo raised his hand and it started to glow, a magic circle appeared on his palm.

" Axle, will you become my beast summon? " Axle neigh and boop his nose at Ryo's palm indicating that he accepted Ryo's request.

[ Congratulations master for taming your first beast, you have need given 2,000 Exp and Kp. ]

Ryo then added all of Axle's stat points to agility since Aiko will be riding him when they'll enter the dungeon, she might have a lot of stats in agility but her stamina is short and she needs to concentrate a lot on her spells.

Ryo breathed a sigh of relief when the effects didn't seem to activate, because if it did it would be awkward. Ryo then started to gather twigs and dead woods to start a fire so that he can cook dinner and a couple more food for the exploration tomorrow.


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, if you did please leave a star or put it in your library please and thank you. See you in the next chapter.


Blue_robin: dude! Wtf is this.

Me: what's what?

Blue_robin: he's lewding the Loli!

Me: ummm, she's fifteen.

Blue_robin: that is still a God, damn, Loli!

Me: Well, sorry that my age, fifteen, is in the Loli/shota department.

Blue_robin: your fifteen?

Me: 'shit' uhhhhh, ye~es?

Blue: aren't you too young to write r18 scenes?

Me: *smug* yes, yes I am.

Blue_robin: *thinks* welp, that's a valid argument, bye *leaves*

( Now the question, what is my actual age, write it in the comment. )
