
Tapping Into Elemental power T I E P

When reality hits you before you were born and forces you to become a legendary escapist but slowly transforms you into a real warrior.Liss is a 18 year old girl who has unnatural dreams since she was a child and is trying to understand them.Meum a 22 year old girl who is a genius joined liss school to do some research .Slowly liss and meum find their fate entagling each other as they cross each others way .Will liss and Meum find their answers or would they be trapped in their question

Meosi · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Unraveling Destiny

"Ah not again ..ah my head its hurting again ".Complained Liss with a sigh in her face.

"Wait I think something's different. "thought she with a confused expression

"This place is not my home nor is it my school"Cries Liss opening her eyes.

Liss was sitting on a bed which has a round shape and is bigger then a king size bed.A big chandelier was hanging

from the ceiling it was not ordinary rather it was emitting a sikinish purple colour with a radiant sparkle that litted the whole room and by which light everything in the room seem like a dreamy beautiful surface . Their was a silver carpet engulfing the whole bed area but the rest of the floor was seen and it was made of beautiful marble stone .No to be exact it was something like marble but was something different because it seemed like it actually was emitting an aura .

"Ok I guess I have finally reached the place that I used to see in my dream "thought she while doubting whether she has gone crazy or has she found her destination at last which will yield to her answers and see can finally unravel her fate .

"Knock, Knock " a sound tapped the door.

"My lady are you awake may I come in pls" called a sweet and deep voice.

Liss was surprised at first but then she thought that this much could really be expected because she read a lots of novel where the fl or mc had transmigrated to a different place like some kind of emperor and had became the main character, but this was a bit new because she has intentionally come here and most importantly it did not look like she is on earth but was rather in some other alien planet or magical realm.

"My lady are you alright shall I call a doctor "said the voice.

"Ah yes do come in and no I am ok no need to call a doctor"said Liss after coming out from her deep thought.

That lady came in and with her some other ladies came in they all wore the same clothes a white top looking like some kind of long grown but rather the lower half was bifurcated into two parts showing the legs and long boots with daggers placed in the side of the boots ,their hair was all tied up in a tight pony tell leaving two hair falling at the face with whitish purple hairband having some kind of antainaes and robotic earrings but the lady who called wore a purple grown and she wore bluish purple hairband .Their hairs were of differnt shreds white,pink,brown ,black and that lad's hair was blue giving her a beautiful but rare looking complexion.

"My lady you must have a lot of questions, but..." The lady was going to proceed when Liss inturepted her .

Liss said "I know you are gonna tell that we are just underlings and we are not allowed to say anything and we are here to just take care of needs"

All the ladies were surprised and stared at each other because it was their first time seeing a person who is actually not afraid and rather know a lot.

The blue head lady grinned a smile and said"My lady now I know you are the right choice and master was right "

Liss laughed internally because she knew they would never tell her anything directly but if she tell them that she is not scared but rather she know their rules would make them spill at least something .Now at least Liss knew that their boss or so has intentionally summoned her and she holds something special and that she would not meet their master very soon but it would rather take some time and she would first be watched.

"Ok enough so anyway you cant say anything but I would at least like to know what's the name of this planet and whether this realm or planet is connected with earth"

My lady actually we cant tell anything but we can tell you that this is not a 3 dimensional planet like earth and that this planet has connection with earth but only we know about the connection and the Earthlings are unaware of that connection.

Liss eyes sparkled and she instantly thought that this planet is like a parallel universe existing planet and that those beings are rather advanced than us.

She immediately said "So that means that we dont know about you but rather some of us feel you and maybe you use those energy to get connection "

At this all of them knelt down and told that they are ashamed that they doubted her because she really is the princess and that they will never doubt her again.

"Bingo" Liss thought and now she knew that she is some kind of princess of their master and that she is widely respected here at least her previous birth.

Liss was happy and confused at them same time and on top of that she was hungry and needed a shower .She asked them whether she can take a shower and eat something. To that all of their face litted and that blue headed girl asked her to follow her.

"Wow such a big bathtub. I didnt knew that it would feel so good to really leave a fantasy live"thought she.

"My lady my name is maya and I am your personal subordinate from now on and they will assist your basic needs"said the blue headed girl.

"Oh maya then if I am right you are at a high level than them and you must know magic or fighting whatever your planet prefer"

Maya smiled and she was not surprised this time because this much is expected from liss.She bowed to Liss and told her that after her meal she would meet Maya again and she disappeared.

Liss knew that she has gone to report their master and take further order but it was clear that Maya is loyal and if Liss can make her pay her loyalty to liss than she can really know a lot.

"Ah but that i would think later and now let me just relax in this bath".

Liss brown hair and her fair skin glisterd as she soak herself in the bath and the rest of the ladies started attending to her.

"My domain princess is alright and as you expected she is really guessed everything "Said maya kneeling in front of a big throne room .

"who told you to suspect her you should know your place"said that mysterious voice.

"I understood I will take my punishment " said Maya kneeling down and left .

"Liss ,love welcome my wait is finally over and soon I will meet you and my question will be answered and this time you are not going anywhere...." Trimmed that mysterious voice holding a glass of wine and looking at a portrait hanging on the beautiful wall....

Sometimes fantasy becomes real world and we find out we actually imagine those because of some spiritual connections

Meosicreators' thoughts