
Tapping Into Elemental power T I E P

When reality hits you before you were born and forces you to become a legendary escapist but slowly transforms you into a real warrior.Liss is a 18 year old girl who has unnatural dreams since she was a child and is trying to understand them.Meum a 22 year old girl who is a genius joined liss school to do some research .Slowly liss and meum find their fate entagling each other as they cross each others way .Will liss and Meum find their answers or would they be trapped in their question

Meosi · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Tapping into the unknown

As Liss was walking down the corridor to go to her class she was thinking about the chats of those girls.

"Rumour , what kind of rumour and what does meum has to do with it"thought Liss .

Then suddenly as she was walking unconsciously she bumped into sonebody.

"Ah I am sorry "said the other person.

and Liss at the same time.

Then they both looked up to each other and while looking they understand that they both thought it was their fault as they were walking absent mimndedly.

Liss looked up at the person and found out she was a girl but it took her sometime to realise it as the girl was wearing boys uniform and looked like a boy but as Liss bumped into her she could feel her chest and they were no boys chest.

"oh! I think we both are at fault so no need to apologise "said that girl with a smile.

Liss knew she was a girl but didn't revealed that to her because she thought that the girl has her reasons to do this and moreover its non of her buisness because she has a lot more to do and she will pass from this school within ten months.

"Hey my name is Ryan "said the girl suddenly.

Liss knew that she was lying because she is a girl and this is a fake name but she said "I am Liss nice to meet you"

and with a quick bow she passed on from her.

"There there aren't you the new girl you are already bewitching a boy " said Monica the girl who sat behind liss.

"O ' my you are trying to flirt with Ryan he is the most popular boy who never gives a shit to other girls" said renli Monica's freind.

Liss knew that they were just jealous and framing their own story so she without paying any attention to them went ahead ti her sit. When she reached their she saw that meum has already left .Liss was a little disappointed because meum left without saying anything.

2 hours later the bell rang and it was time for their dispersal .

"hey girl are you ok want me to drop you home"said the english teacher.

Liss turned back and said"Miss neon its you no no I can go back on my own and thank you for asking."

"Dont say that girl it's my duty let me drop you home" Miss neon insisted.

Liss could feel that something is not right she has heard that Miss neon barely talk to others but she is giving her too much attention. She actually wanted to go with her in order to find some information but she choose not to go because it might be some trap hence she directly told her that she doesn't want strangers to drop her and she apologises if that sound rude but she doesn't allow people in house who she doesn't know.

"Oh my bad I should have been more considerate ,you are doing the right rhing"said Miss neon laughingly.

Liss quickly went out after wishing her good bye.

"Hmm girl I am ready to place my bet upon you and I think master is not wrong about you"She said in a quite tone.

Liss returned home and she was feeling exhausted so many things happened today and she talked to so many different people it weard he r out.Hence she laid down in the bed.She was informed by her mother that she couldn't come home tommorow because her grandpa has been released and they went to his hometown located in Harden

Liss knew about her hometown but she has only visited her hometown twice so she was not so much accustomed with the village as she lived in Bradford town.Though they are located very near.

Liss thought about that for a long time whether to go and meet her grandpa or not and she decided to go tomorrow.

As she woke up from the bed to change clothes she was surprised and panicked.

"oh my God where is my necklace. I remember wearing it at school" she murmured.

Then she remember that it must have fallen when she was going to fall from the stairs as that necklace was loosely tied.So she thought of going back to school and get it .

"Oh no it's already dark and the school is already closed down so how would I get it" she thought hurriedly.

She was feeling uncomfortable without having it but it was the first time that she was feeling that because she remembered earlier she didn't use to wear it and forgot about it but nothing happened but today because of meum s touch and that dream a lot has changed and she continuously feeling a void In her heart.

"Ok i will get it back today and i will see what is happening. Theirs no other way i cant ignore this now"

Liss then call a cab and came towards a ice cream shop which was only 5 minutes away from her school .She knew that if she ask the cab to drop her in front of school it would look suspicious.

Liss breathed a sigh and went inside the school and to the second floor.After searching for half an hour she was finally able to find it out .

She happily grabbed it and then she said to it softly "Now I will examine you and find out what's happening "

When she was staring to go .She heard some footsteps .

"Oh know it's the guard he is patrolling here" said she"He must not find out me"

she then started running after climbing the stairs.She didn't knew where she was going all she knew was that she has to escape.

Then she found a room it was unlocked and without thinking she went in.

She locked the door and breathed a sigh of relief. After that she looked at the room to see where she was and found out it was the last room located in the third floor and she has heard about this place and how this is a haunted place where no one comes.But here she is

because at that moment nothing mattered to her.She then started walking around the room with her mobile light and after gathering some courage. Their her leg cracked into the wooden floor and she fall down .After some time she stood

up and found theirs another hidden room here with some characters written at the door hanging.It was a differnt language but strangely Liss could understand it and she read out the letters it was written"Ma oma shi daro" which Liss interpret as only the chosen one and her love can open this as soon as she read those letters the door opened and she found herself in a place no rather a universe with stars coloured purple and the surrounding a glittering rainbow colour.

She could not believe her eyes and as she was going to touch the portal.

She heard a voice whispered "Its not yet time you should go back"in a lovely melodical tone the voice rang and Liss loss subconsciousness...

Sometimes we should just answer our soul calling and tap into the unknown because maybe theirs where our destiny lies

Meosicreators' thoughts