
Tapping Into Elemental power T I E P

When reality hits you before you were born and forces you to become a legendary escapist but slowly transforms you into a real warrior.Liss is a 18 year old girl who has unnatural dreams since she was a child and is trying to understand them.Meum a 22 year old girl who is a genius joined liss school to do some research .Slowly liss and meum find their fate entagling each other as they cross each others way .Will liss and Meum find their answers or would they be trapped in their question

Meosi · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
19 Chs

Begging of the fight

(The Arena )

(Battle Ground).

"Here are the rules ." Said The announcer .

There were three rules displayed on the screen.

"The opponents have to display their powers for 5 mins."

"The opponents will be given gravitational pressure and they have to hold up."

"If someone is injured during the battle it's not the planet's fault ,they cannot claim anything. "

These were the only rules written their ,there were no specific things mentioned and that was the most dangerous thing because if somebody 

Used their energy to attack then there are no rules to stop them.

"Hey, you fake seer .I will show you today who is the real seer." Said the boy grinding his teeth .

Liss was calm, she just clenched her fist but she knew that she can't afford to waste any of her energy recklessly.

The match starts now:

A sound of horn was heard and cheerful voices of young people were heard too ,there was a great deal of excitement. 

Liss's opponent started collecting the power and dispersed it into various directions. It almost grabbed Liss and had it not been just a display match Liss could get injured. 

It took some time for her power to take shape and Liss saw that it was water power.If Liss didn't read that book she would have been clueless because she only thought that people on this planet are dark power users.

However, after reading the manual she found out that 'Dark Power' is just the main power which they attend after mastering their

'Elemental Powers'.

Those were - water,air,fire, earth,wind,poison.

Liss was at disadvantage because her attribute was fire but as she had already awakened her dark powers that's why it will be easy to take the gravitational push .

Liss , calmly collected her power and point it towards the upper and the middle section of the arena 

As soon as she released the fire ,the fire started moving ,forming a Phoenix shape and deeply piercing the water power .Both the elements, when mixed together formed such a beautiful scenery that all of the audience were astonished. 

Liss's opponent was no child; she could calmly direct her power flow ,which Liss is still struggling but she tried to focus on only one point because she knew soon the effect would start.

"Now the pressure will start ." The announcement was made.

Suddenly the space was isolated for only making the opponents feel pressure, not the audience.

A dark ,purple mana surrounded the arena and soon both of the opposition could feel the pressure. 

At first the pressure was bearable as they could hold the pressure and counterattack it through their energy but slowly, slowly the pressure grew tight.

Liss,  who herself was a dark power user, could feel that a huge 'Titanic ship's had landed on her body and is slowly tearing her muscles,joints and tendons.

"What now , I can't even stand ." As she thought that she spitted blood and was almost on her knees ,she could feel that all eyes were looking at her with a mocking glow and even her opponent was looking at her with mockery in his eyes .

It was like she was useless ,and she too felt that she couldn't even take such a little power. How could she face her opponents? 

"Liss, remember that your opponent would know how to resist it and he can easily win but if you can tire down the pressure point then you don't have to hold on and you will win ." The system told her that and suddenly this thought came into her mind.

Liss then slowly stood up and everyone was looking eagerly at what she was going to do .

Liss gritted her teeth and focused on her core to first stabilise her power into a point so that when she could find the 'eye' of the power it would be easy to break it.

"Usually the eye of anything is situated where the power flows starts and then from there it spreads ,this is the basic thing." Though she closed her eyes to think from which point the flow had first started.

She then remembered it started from the southwest direction of the space and she opened her eyes .

Her powers were now fixated into her hands and only a bit of flame was displayed so as to not break the rules .

"What the hell are you doing.?" Asked her opponent in a laughing tune.

He didn't know that his opponent was determined to win and is now making an effort .

Liss then attacked the eye with all her force that she could gather and directed it to the direction. 

She could hear people whispering. 

"HEY HAS she gone mad."

"I told yaa ,she is all talks."

"Poor girl".

All the voices were of mixed tone, some pitying, some angry,some mocking. 

However,  she didn't care, she just knew that by hook or by crook she had to win.

With all her power the point was attacked and she almost fell down .

The point was shaking so violently that it looked like the whole barrier could shattered. 

Within sometime the barrier shattered and both of them fell down but Liss was still holding up but the shattering was so hard that her opponent barely had time to hold on.

All the faces just stopped giving only a reaction of confusion, it was the first time someone did it .

"How can she know that?" The queen uttered it as if she knew something. 

"Hey , you, this is audacious. " the leaders shouted after seeing the scene .

"It's not leaders, she didn't break any rules she just broke the barrier but that was not mentioned in the rules ,and she also displayed her powers and she broke the barrier at the completion of five minutes. "Announced the general on the order of the queen.

Today's competition is finished and the winner is:Liss of a different planet.

All the audience were thrilled but they enjoyed that too and now they knew that She was not someone to mess with.

"Silence ,both the contestants would be treated as Liss is the first to show such a talent so she would be given some magic weapon." Announced the queen.

Everybody was awestruck, the leaders were angry but one thing was sure this Lady was not to be taken lightly….

Hello, guys how far you are liking this .

I started the battle scene today now some chapters will be focused on that.

here's a hint the system you all know who is that.

Thank you for reading

Meosicreators' thoughts