
Chapter 36: I Want You

|| Arabella ||

"What are you jealous of?" Theo asked after I blurted out the truth behind my worries.

I kept my head down on the table as I mumbled quietly, "Of you being with other girls."

"I'm not with any other girl," he said calmly.

"I-I know." Tears stung my eyes as my emotions started coming out all at once. "But I just get jealous when I see you with other girls. I-I can't help but want to keep you away from them. I feel like they-they are going to take y-you away from me and that you will leave me. I mean, that would make more sense because they are so much prettier than me, and you deserve to have that."

I continued, "At the same time, I also know that you won't do that. In the end, that just makes me an insecure, jealous, controlling girlfriend who wants all the girls out of your life. I'm horrible."

There was a long silence after my outburst until Theo raised my head and made me meet his eyes.