
Chapter 25: Only Him

|| Arabella ||

The silence in the car was suffocating.

Wyatt decided to walk Coral home on foot after our dinner at McDonald's, leaving me and Theo to drive home alone.

I didn't know why it was so awkward, but it seemed like Theo had a lot going on in his head. Not to mention, he had seemed bothered ever since I agreed to go on the date with Jack.

Ah, the date with Jack. My worst date ever.

No, not because he was bad. He was nice. Maybe the flowers were a bit… Well, let's not go there.

Though he was good, I couldn't help but feel guilty towards him because my attention was fully on Theo. And it felt morally wrong to go on a date with someone else when I have a particular guy in mind.

Maybe a part of me wanted to prove what Wyatt said to me wrong. But a bigger part of me wanted to confirm my feelings.

The bottom line was, I wasn't interested in other guys at all, and Theo was the only person I had in mind.