
Chapter 16: The Ouija Board

|| Arabella ||

'... so if you place your hand on that ouija board, all sorts of misfortune will befall on you according to its predictions. Chances are that you might not even make it out alive if it spells out ‘death'—"

'Theo, stop creeping me out!" I pressed my palms on my ears to block out Theo's creepy voice as he followed me around the living room.

'I'm only saying it for your own good. You shouldn't go wandering around the campus. Who knows where the ouija board might appear under your hand and—"

'Wyatt, tell Theo to shut up!" I hollered.

'Will you two shut up and let me get ready in peace?" Wyatt hollered back from his room.

'But Theo is disturbing me!" I complained.

'No, I'm being a good person who is warning his roommate about the upcoming dangers," he protested.

'No one wants your goodness." I puffed my cheeks and plopped down on the beanbag.

'Alright, don't say I didn't warn you later."
