
Tangled and twisted

Two brothers who love eachothers but don't show it. Elder one, careless, bad boy, heartless, selfish and younger one, compassionate, loving, considerate and selfless. What will happen when they fall for the same girl ? Who will back off for the sake of the other ? Or will they fight for her ? What would be the outcome when, they are over possessive for her and can't share her with anyone else ? What would be the magic which will let them at ease even at the thought of sharing the love of their life with their own brother ? How are they gonna survive the tangled and twisted situation ?

Stroyteller_1 · Thành thị
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Things done for brother

We returned home and I brought Mother's coffin with me and put it into my room. I didn't wanted to abandon her after meeting her after almost an eternity !

Thanks to Amber, she gave me the idea of bringing her home or else I was gonna stay there with her.

I am so happy to finally find her after looking for her for so long !

Amber opened the coffin.

She was as beautiful as I remember her to be. She haven't aged a day ! I am so happy when, she finally wakes up; she'll stay with me forever.

I brought her here but I have no idea what to do now ?

I found a girl wandering outside our home. I brought her in and compelled her to give Mother a sponge bath and change her clothes; I asked Amber to spare one dress for today and I'll go shopping for her and bring new ones.

She agreed happily. I guess she is happy as well that I found her !

The girl gave her sponge bath and changed her clothes and she was looking fresh as, just plucked flower !

I compelled that girl to come here daily and do the same work and I'll pay her with a free hand.

I wouldn't have needed to compell her if, my Mother wasn't looking like dead body to humans !

I was in my room talking to her about the time she missed the things happened in my life when she was gone when, Amber called me in her room.

She was crying. She told me that she heard Kevin telling Steve that, he killed her parents and Travis as well and she didn't wanted to be here for some time and asked me to sneak her out without Kevin noticing her.

I didn't told her I already knew what she discovered and helped her to get out.

But before we could get out, Daniel and Steve were in the living room and they saw her and started asking so many questions.

She didn't wanted to get caught by Kevin so, she told them where she was going and I dropped her at Suzy's place.

When Kevin returned, he searched for her everywhere but when, he didn't found her he got super mad.

" Where is she ? "

Kevin growled furiously.

" We don't know. "

I said calmly.

" Talk for yourself, brother ! I am asking to all of you, WHERE IS SHE ? "

Kevin growled menacingly.

" No body knows ! "

Daniel said carelessly.

" I am asking for the last time ! Tell me, where is she ? You'll face consequences of keeping it from me; don't whine afterwards that, I didn't warned you guys ! "

Kevin said coldly.

" She isn't a prisoner, brother ! Might have went for shopping or something. "

I said casually.

" She DOESN'T leaves this place, all alone ! "

Kevin yelled.

" We don't know. "

Steve said shrugging.

Kevin got furious. He grabbed Steve by his throat and pressed him on the wall,

" YOU are the reason she discovered the secret I have been hiding from her for so long and YOU are the reason she is mad at me !

I had already warned you about being aware of me if, something went wrong, now didn't I ?

I'll make you pay for it ! "

Kevin said coldly gripping his throat tightly.

Steve was struggling to get out of his grip. He turned to look at Daniel,

" You don't know where she is, right ? "

Kevin asked narrowing his eyes.

" Right ! And so doesn't he, let him go. "

Daniel said panicked watching his eyes changing color.

" I don't think so... "

Kevin said narrowing his eyes.

He bared his fangs and bit Steve !

" Aahhh... "

Steve screamed in pain.

" Kevin ! "

I yelled.

" Kevin ! Are you out of your mind ? Why did you bit him ? "

Daniel said getting mad.

" He got what he deserved ! If, he haven't brought up my past, she'd never known about her parents and wouldn't have got mad at me ! "

Kevin said letting Steve go.

" I'll tell you where she is, just feed him with your blood and heal him ! "

Daniel said impatiently.

" I don't think so ! Just a few seconds ago you said you don't know where she is and now you know ? What shall I believe ? "

Kevin said shrugging.

" Kevin, don't be a fool. He'll die ! "

I said seriously.

" Oh, I am aware of that ! But he asked for it. Firstly, he brought up the past and then, he lied about her location. He deserved it ! "

Kevin said licking the blood off his lips.

" Kevin ! Feed him your blood, Amber is at... "

Daniel almost gave her location.

" I don't care where she is ! "

Kevin said licking his thumb clean.

" Kevin ? "

I said in disbelief.

" Then, why did you bit him ? "

Daniel asked confused.

" I DO care about her, Ethan ! And I don't wanna know her location. Bring her to me and I'll give my blood to your brother, deal ? "

Kevin said smirking.

" Kevin, that's not fair ! "

I said getting mad.

" Like I care about what is fair ! Huh !

I want what I want; at any cost ! "

Kevin said coldly.

" And why are you STILL here ? Your brother have little time before he starts hallucinating ! Go move your butt and bring her here ! "

Kevin said smirking at Daniel.

" Kevin she doesn't wants to be here ! Don't force her to do she doesn't wants. "

I said trying to make him understand.

He rolled his eyes at my words.

" Tick tok. Tick tok.

The clock is ticking, Daniel ! "

Kevin said looking at Steve.

" Daniel, don't do this ! She haven't done anything wrong to you guys. Don't misuse the trust she put on you and told you where she'd be ! "

I said to Daniel trying to stop him from bringing her back here.

" I know she is such a sweetheart Ethan ! But it's my brother's life we are talking about. I am sorry, I have to do this. "

Daniel said unwillingly, looking at Steve.

" I won't let you do this ! "

I said seriously.

" I little help here, Kevin ? "

Daniel said asking Kevin to stop me from stopping him leaving the house.

Kevin smirked and held me tight before I could grab Daniel.

Daniel rushed and I fought with Kevin and after some time I reached to Amber as soon as I could.

Daniel left the place after I threatened him; only to come from behind and break my neck !

When I woke up, I rushed to Kevin. We were about to kill Daniel for threatening Amber and breaking my neck; but Amber stepped in we stopped.

Amber didn't wanted to see his face and so, she went to her room.

Kevin screwed up again !

He just doesn't know how to keep his belongings. He is like this since childhood. He just wants things and when he gets them; he forgets to take their care !

He followed her and she yelled at him and he went back to his room without creating any scene.

Kevin !

THE original hybrid !

THE most fearsome creature in the world !

Who doesn't likes being told what to do, does exactly what she told him to !

If, it was someone else; he'd dead by now !

The next day when, I went downstairs, I only saw Daniel and Steve. Kevin or Amber weren't there !

" Leave me alone, for god's sake ! And send Ethan I wanna talk to him. "

Amber screamed her lungs out.

She screamed so loudly, I had to cover my ears !

We can already hear all the things amplified 10 times and her screaming made me deaf temporarily !

When I took a glance at Daniel and Steve they did the same thing.

After sometime he came downstairs hopeless and sad. I did heard she called for me but I wanted to hear it from him so that, he shouldn't blame me for anything at all !

" Go, she is calling for you. "

Kevin said without looking into my eyes.

" You... "

I was about to say something to him but he didn't let me.

" Save your lecture, Ethan. I am in no mood to listen to you talk after listening to her ! Just go. "

Kevin said coldly.

I went to her room and knocked at her door,

" Who is it ? "

Amber asked.

" Open up Amber, it's me. "

I said softly.

" Is he with you ? I don't even want to see his face ! "

Amber asked.

" No. It's just me. "

I said.

She opened the door and hugged me tight and started crying. I wrapped my arms around her and caressed her back.

I pushed her inside the room and she closed the door behind me so that, Kevin won't come !

" Stop crying Amber, please. "

I said caressing her head.

After few moments she stopped crying and I wiped her tears. She didn't loosened her arms around me.

" Amber, what is this childish behavior ? Why haven't you ate since last morning ? You'll become weak like this darling ! "

Ethan said scolding her lovingly.

" What ? I just discovered that, Kevin killed my parents and you... "

Amber said in disbelief as how could I ask her eat after discovering her boyfriend killed her parents.

" Look... he didn't killed them on purpose ! "

I said taking his side.

" YOU are saying this ? He himself accepted he did it and you are saying that... "

Amber said raising her voice in disbelief.

" Listen darling, I know it sounds weird but try to understand his side of the situation ! "

I said softly.

" He KILLED my parents, what's in it to understand something else ? "

Amber said irritated.

" Amber ! Darling he didn't know they were your parents ! "

I said something nonsense to calm her down.

" That's not even the question, who they were ? He shouldn't have killed them ! "

Amber said irritated.

" Ok. For a moment, forget they were your parents ! The people were almost dead and profusely bleeding. And most importantly; don't forget his nature. His entire existence depends on blood !

Remember the day, he sank his fangs into YOUR neck for the first time ? He was IN LOVE with you and yet he couldn't control himself; then how would he have stopped himself from drinking from unknown dying people ?

Just think about it for a moment and then tell me, what do you think ? "

I used the incidence of him drinking from her to justify his behavior of killing her parents ! What else I am going do to save his ass ?

She thought for sometime and started to realize that I wasn't completely wrong afterall. She stopped crying and hugged me again.

" I hate you, Ethan ! Why do you always have to be right and logical ? "

Amber said giving up on her rage against him.

I kissed her head and hugged her back.

" It's ok to be mad at things, you think the way they are; but knowing exactly what it is, is what's important everytime !"

I said caressing her head.

I am feeling bad for her. I always cover up for Kevin when, he messes up the situation. I had already told him to tell her himself but he denied then and now I had to manipulate her thinking into, it wasn't his fault; when it clearly was !

What else do I have to do in future to save him from heartbreak ? When will he take responsibility for his deeds and control the situation before it is out of control ?

The worst situation is, I have to make it believe he isn't a bad guy and didn't killed her parents knowingly to the girl I love; so that she won't leave him and love him wholeheartedly !

She forgave Kevin but wanted to pretend she haven't; so, she didn't talked to him at dinner nor let him in her room that night.