
Tangled and twisted

Two brothers who love eachothers but don't show it. Elder one, careless, bad boy, heartless, selfish and younger one, compassionate, loving, considerate and selfless. What will happen when they fall for the same girl ? Who will back off for the sake of the other ? Or will they fight for her ? What would be the outcome when, they are over possessive for her and can't share her with anyone else ? What would be the magic which will let them at ease even at the thought of sharing the love of their life with their own brother ? How are they gonna survive the tangled and twisted situation ?

Stroyteller_1 · Thành thị
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103 Chs

The Miracle

I did everything in my power to wake my mom up but nothing worked. But Amber never lost the hope and kept me going on.

I am very happy and lucky to have her as my partner. I am never gonna loose her or let her go anywhere ! I was very happy having her to me and I hope she is happy with me too !

One day Kevin came to get his moon pendant back. He once told me, he can loose anything in the world but his pendant !

Mother made that pendant to kept him sane and helped returning him in his human form and so, it was very necessary for him.

Amber threw it after he switched off his emotions and she saw him shoving his tongue in some girl's throat. He found it in the garden and left afterwards.

The cooking ingredients were about to finish and I needed to fill them up and so, after he left, I went for shopping.

When I returned, something was wrong. Whole house was reeking of his smell ! That is impossible. It shouldn't happen, as he didn't wandered in the entire home.

And that smell...

I know it ! It's the sex smell of Amber and Kevin's smell in heat !

So, they fucked !

How dare he do that to her ? And how could she do that to me ?

I didn't wanted to hurt Amber in my rage and so, I decided not to ask her, unless she confesses it herself !

I was taking things out of the bag to store them in their places when, Amber came downstairs. She was reeking of Kevin !

My decision stared to fade with the smell ! I need answers ! But I didn't said anything if, I said something I am definitely gonna burst and hurt her.

But I have to so something. When she came downstairs, I inhaled sharply and she gasped !

So, she got it. I confronted her and wanted her to tell me everything that happened. She was crying and hurt and everything !

I was so mad, I needed nothing but having his fucking smell off her body. And there's only one way to do that !

She told me if, I was so mad and needed her to leave, I can tell her directly rather than, making her confess what she did !

Needed her to leave ? I'd rather die than, wanting her to do that !

I kissed her hard and fucked her so hard she was crying and almost begging me to stop as it was hurting her.

But nothing was on my mind other than, taking his smell off her and leave mine !

When she was smelling of me, my mind started working and I stopped fucking and hurting her. I lovingly made love to her and when, I tried to kiss her, she turned her face away !

I know, I have hurted her. I made her look at me and kissed her slowly and she kissed me back after a few moments of anger !

She forgave me for my animalistic behavior with her. She was afraid that I'd leave her for she being with him !

How could I ? She was in love with him for a long time and they didn't had a major fight ! He turned his emotions off and so, they got separated !

I am afraid of the same thing ! When he'll turn on his emotions; which I desperately want him to; what will happen to me and Amber then ?

I threw those nasty thoughts out of my mind and went to check the toiletries she'd be needing. I opened her drawer and...

" Amber ? Amber ! "

I called for her desperately.

I needed her here. She came running to me.

" What happened ? Why are you screaming my name like this ? "

She asked panicked.

" You are late ! "

I said showing her a packet.

She looked at the unopened pack of the sanitary napkins from last month and started thinking.

" Oh my god, yes. I am four WEEKS late ! "

Amber said shocked.

" Baby you are never late even a day ! "

I said.

" That's why it's really shocking ! What might have happened ? I had no stress or anything. "

Amber said thinking about the possible reasons for her being late.

Something impossible crossed my mind and I kneeled infront of her and kept my ear on her stomach and it shocked me so much, I gasped and flinched away.

" What happened ? Why are you so shocked ? "

Amber asked panicked.

" I heard a heart beating ! "

I said shocked.

" Don't be ridiculous and scare me. It's MY heart who is beating fast ! "

Amber said slapping me on shoulder for joking like that.

" Baby, I can hear TWO different hearts beating ! "

I explained.

" Ethan, that's impossible ! It can't be ! "

Amber exclaimed in disbelief.

" I know, that's why I am so shocked ! But darling you are... pregnant ! WE are pregnant ! "

I said pleasantly surprised.

" Oh my god ! "

Amber chimed.

She was so happy to hear that and so was I ! We are pregnant ! The impossible had happened and we were so happy about it !

" I am so happy, darling ! If, Kevin was here he would have been... "

She said remembering what he had said about him being sad about not being able to become a father.

And the same thing gave me another sad possibility.

" Baby, I am a VAMPIRE ! I am froze at same age for like centuries now. I can't get you pregnant ! And on the other hand, Kevin is a wolf as well; he has warm blood unlike me and... "

I tried to frame a sentence telling her that, the baby was Kevin's and not mine !

" YOU are the father Ethan ! I am FOUR weeks late and he was here just last week ! It's impossible ! "

Amber said shaking that terrible thought off my mind.

Yes, she has a point. But...

Oh yes !

That terrible though gave me an incredible idea !

We have a chance of getting Kevin's emotions back !

" Darling we can get Kevin back ! "

I said excited.

" What are you talking about ? "

Amber asked confused.

" You might have forgot, but I remember very well. He had cried when, you asked him what was his biggest regret of being a vampire and he said that, he couldn't be a father and have his own family.

He said, he'd do anything to make it happen ! We can tell him that, it's his child and he'll... "

I said excited at the thought of getting him back with us.

" Stop right there, Ethan ! It's OUR baby and you want to tell him that it's HIS baby so, that he'd turn on his emotions ? "

Amber said in disbelief.

" Exactly ! "

I said.

" How could you say it so easily, Ethan ? Don't YOU want to be a father too ? Do you want your own flesh and blood call you UNCLE ? "

Amber said shocked.

" It's my brother, darling we are talking about ! "

I said softly.

" Are you out of your fucking mind ? "

Amber yelled.

" Why are you being so hard on me baby ? "

I said trying to hold her hand. But she moved them away.

" Ok. Fine. Let's consider your point. We'll tell him it's HIS baby I am carrying. Then what will happen ? He'll turn on his emotions for his, so called child.

And what about ME ? Won't he want me too back with him ? I told him not to show me his face and he didn't !

He still loves me like crazy as hell ! He killed Travis and his family; whom I considered my own, infront of my eyes, just because they confronted and slapped me !

Won't he want ME; the mother of his child back with him ? Then, what will you do ? Then again we will be talking about your brother !

Then what ? Then what will you do ? If, you are considering something, consider it from all sides not only from his point of view ! "

Amber said angrily and went to her room.