
Tangled and twisted

Two brothers who love eachothers but don't show it. Elder one, careless, bad boy, heartless, selfish and younger one, compassionate, loving, considerate and selfless. What will happen when they fall for the same girl ? Who will back off for the sake of the other ? Or will they fight for her ? What would be the outcome when, they are over possessive for her and can't share her with anyone else ? What would be the magic which will let them at ease even at the thought of sharing the love of their life with their own brother ? How are they gonna survive the tangled and twisted situation ?

Stroyteller_1 · Thành thị
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The cost of wanting to be happy

It's my birthday in a few weeks and I am so excited about it. Mom and granny are doing something and aren't telling me about it. Uncle Steve is giving me teasing looks every time we cross paths and when I ask him, he says I will know it on my birthday !

Uncle Daniel stays all time frustrated since aunt Suzy moved out. He blames Kevin Dad for it and so did Mom but I don't know what happened between them but she forgave Kevin Dad. And uncle Daniel said she betrayed him for his meat !

What the hell ? Mom eats Kevin dad's meat ? Is she a Maneater ? But I have never seen her eating anything weird. Then why did he said like that ? Maybe he lied because Ethan Dad hit him hard because said that infront of me.

Everyone is excited for my birthday. I am excited too but I am nervous as well. I want my Dads to approve of Marcus, aunt Suzy's nephew.

We met at her place and I felt very comfortable and good with him. He doesn't let me feel uncomfortable or weird or anything. He is such a sweetheart.

We met a few months ago and he recently asked me to be his girlfriend. I told him that I am not a normal human being. I didn't told him that I am a witch but I told him I am not like him.

He said he knew that in our second meeting itself. Because I was younger when we first met and grew up within a week when we met for the second time.

He said he is OK with me not being some normal human. He is anyway older than me and I caught up with him within a few months.

I want my Dads to meet him and approve of our relationship. But I am scared to death for him. They shouldn't burst out and kill him for thinking about me that way. I know how possessive they are towards me.

I decided to let him meet first with my mom and granny if, they approve him they will help us get through my Dads.

A few weeks ago I called him in the park where I used to go with uncles and Dads when I was a kid. I took mom and granny there and uncle Steve tagged along.

He brought aunt Suzy with him as well. I told mom and granny that I like Marcus and they were shocked but not aunt Suzy. Marcus didn't told her anything about liking me but she said, she figured it out from our behavior at her place.

" Why do you like her ? "

Mom asked Marcus.

" Because she is lovely. She has a heart of gold and can make anyone smile with just her presence. "

Marcus said holding my hand.

Does he have a death wish ? Why is he holding my hand ? My mom is here, my granny is here and most importantly uncle Steve is here...

I heard him growling low in his throat glaring at Marcus. He needs to stop being with Kevin Dad. He is forgetting that he is a vampire and not a wolf to growl when get angry !

Uncle Steve was almost ready to bare his fangs and hiss at Marcus. I didn't wanted uncle to reveal his identity and so, I pulled my hand away from Marcus's grip.

" Relax uncle. "

I said softly.

" You dare touch my niece in front of me ? Do you have a death wish ? "

Uncle Steve said threatening Marcus.

" I am not afraid of anyone. I haven't done anything wrong to be scared of anyone. I love her and will stay by her side always. "

Marcus said firmly and grabbed my hand once again.

I tried to take my hand away but he gripped tightly. I was feeling very good and had butterflies in my stomach but I was afraid for his life as well.

Thank god, it's Uncle STEVE and not Uncle DANIEL, he wouldn't have let him finish his words and would have finished him instead !

" You have got guts young boy. Do you even know who is her father ? "

Uncle Steve asked him coldly.

" I don't care ! I love her and nobody can stop me from loving her. "

Marcus said looking straight into uncle Steve's eyes.

" Brave but stupid ! Haven't you told him about your Kevin Dad ? Or Ethan Dad for that instance ? Don't you know how possessive are they for you, sweetheart ? "

Uncle Steve asked looking at me.

" Uncle I... "

I couldn't think of anything to tell him.

" They may be possessive towards her but don't they love her that much, that they could accept whom she loves ? "

Marcus asked uncle Steve.

Uncle Steve scoffed.

" If you don't know what is the situation in our home, don't say what you feel. You have no idea about her Dads ! "

Uncle Steve said getting up.

" Uncle, I love him. "

I whispered softly.

Uncle Steve turned to me sat back.

" HE isn't aware of them but aren't YOU ? You know the level of their possession for you. They are ready to kill eachothers to get all of your attention to them, then who is he ? What will they do to him ? Just imagine, honey. "

Uncle Steve said placing his hand on mine.

He is right. They can seriously kill him. But does that mean I have no right to love ? To have a partner ? Will I have to stay single forever just because my Dads are possessive for me ?

My face fell and mom cupped my cheeks and made me look at her.

" Baby, don't worry. I know what are you thinking. Mom is with you. "

Mom said cheering me up.

" And so is your granny, my child. "

Granny said kissing my head.

" You two don't give her false hopes ! You know them ! "

Uncle Steve said to Mom and Granny, sadly.

" Yes I know them ! And I won't let them manipulate and control my daughter's life as their wish ! They have played with me enough, I won't let them do the same with my baby ! "

Mom said hugging me.

" Yes, I am with you my child. "

Granny said to Mom.

" But before we do anything or get serious about it, I wanna know does he really loves my child ? I don't wanna support her in false hope and then watch her sad because of it !

Steve ? "

Mom said to uncle Steve.

He understood what Mom was asking for. He compelled Marcus and interrogated him for an hour or two.

When they found him a good and genuine boy who loves their child selflessly and without any dual intentions, they approve of our relationship.

Afterwards uncle Daniel too met Marcus and interrogated him for hours by compelling him to be double sure about him !

I couldn't find any occasion or a perfect time to tell Dads about Marcus so, uncle Daniel suggested me to ask them it as my birthday gift !

Luckily they didn't get me any gift and I took the opportunity. When they said they didn't get me anything I asked for it.

" Can I ask you for something then ? Only you two can give it to me and nobody else ! And you two have to give it to me together. So, please don't get started on who's gift is better ? "

I said trying to keep the atmosphere light.

And as expected, nobody could contain their laughter at my words.

" Ok, we won't ! What do you want ? "

They asked together laughing.

" I want you to meet someone. "

I said looking at Mom and granny.

" Whom do you want us to meet ? "

Ethan Dad asked doubtfully.

" Um...

Can you please just meet the person tomorrow and then decide ? "

I said loosing my confidence at the thought of him getting that I am talking about some boy !

" Tell us who that person is first. "

Kevin Dad asked seriously.

" Mom ! "

I asked for her help.

" She wants you to meet the boy she loves. "

Mom said pulling me closer to her.

" What the fuck ? She loves someone ? She just turned a year old today ! "

Ethan Dad almost yelled his lungs out in disbelief and denial.

" Doesn't look like to me ! "

Mom said eyeing me from top to bottom.

" You stop encouraging her in stupid stuff, Amber ! "

Kevin Dad said growling.

Oh god, he is very angry. I have never heard him calling Mom by her name. He always calls her Love. I guess they are gonna fight because of me. I will be doomed if, that happens !

" Stupid stuff ? Loving someone is stupid stuff ? Then why did you do the same stupid stuff ? Both of you ? "

Mom said raising her voice.

" Our situation was completely different, darling. You can't compare the two of them ! "

Ethan Dad said calmly as Mom rose her voice.

" Yeah, it's completely different ! He didn't stalked me nor did he waited for his brother to leave whom, I loved; and then got with me ! "

I don't know what came to me and I said that.

" Evelyn ! Watch your mouth. You are talking about your parents ! "

Ethan Dad scolded me raising his voice.

" What wrong did she said ? "

Mom said taking my side.

I know I shouldn't have said that. I know mom is hurt listening to my words but she still took my side. I am feeling very bad now. I really shouldn't have said that.

" That isn't even love, sweetheart ! "

Kevin Dad said trying hard not to yell again.

" So, you what you felt for mom was love and what he feels for me is lust ? "

I said.

I couldn't bear him insulting our relationship like that.

" Who the hell is teaching all this stupid stuff to a one year old ? "

Kevin Dad sad frustrated.

" You did ! YOU taught me human feelings and emotions and that's why I know what is what ! It's not lust Dad, it's love.

You can ask mom or granny or both uncles, they have interrogated him after compelling him for hours ! "

I said trying to convince them. But I guess I fucked up !

" What ? All of you guys know about him ? All of you guys met him already ? "

Kevin Dad said feeling betrayed.

" Don't you think it should have been US instead of Daniel and Steve as, WE are her fathers ? "

Ethan Dad said feeling hurt.

" I didn't told you for the same. I knew you two would burst out without even listening to her and that's why we kept it from you. "

Granny said.

" Whatever guys have done, you have broke our trust ! "

Ethan Dad said sadly.

I haven't seen either of them feel hurt and betrayed like this ever. This all is happening because of me !

My family was happy and they loved everyone and respected everyone. And just because of a boy it is ready to get vanished ?

I don't want happiness for myself alone. I want my entire family happy with me. If, my Dads aren't happy with me being with someone, I won't be with him !

I love him. I want to be with him. But at what cost ? At the cost of my family's peace, which they have maintained for so long, I don't want to break it .

" I am so sorry everyone. Because of me all of you are feeling betrayed and sad. I don't want my happiness in exchange of yours ! If possible, please forgive me.

And Dads, I love you the most. If, you aren't happy with what I did, I am sorry. I will never do it again. You don't have to meet anyone.

I am sorry everyone. "

I said and ran to room.