
Tangled and twisted

Two brothers who love eachothers but don't show it. Elder one, careless, bad boy, heartless, selfish and younger one, compassionate, loving, considerate and selfless. What will happen when they fall for the same girl ? Who will back off for the sake of the other ? Or will they fight for her ? What would be the outcome when, they are over possessive for her and can't share her with anyone else ? What would be the magic which will let them at ease even at the thought of sharing the love of their life with their own brother ? How are they gonna survive the tangled and twisted situation ?

Stroyteller_1 · Thành thị
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Proving himself the monster

What is wrong with Kevin ? How could he just push Ethan away like, he is some fly in tea ? He is mad at me for inviting Ethan with us and like a little stubborn kid, he didn't talked to us to show he is mad !

We stopped for ice cream and we ran into Isabella and Charlie.

" What are you guys doing here ? And... "

I said scared.

" Where is Travis ? "

Isabella asked glaring at me.

" What ? "

She caught me off guard with her direct question.

" She asked, where is our son ? "

Charlie repeated her question.

" Isabella... "

I said thinking for something to say but nothing came to my mind.

" He told us everything about you, Amber ! "

Isabella said accusing me.

" Told what ? "

I asked confused.

What is that he had told them ? It should have been me to tell them how scoundrel of a man their son was !

" You didn't wanted to marry him, because you love someone else; maybe one of them ! "

Isabella said pointing towards Kevin and Ethan.

" Isabella ! "

I said in disbelief.

How could he tell that to them ? He was the cheating on me and he declared me the guilty ?

" Don't raise your voice at me ! "

Isabella said angrily.

" It's true I didn't wanted to marry him but because, HE loved someone else and I couldn't marry someone who doesn't loves me ! And I caught him... "

I tried to tell her the truth but she wasn't ready to listen to me.

" He told us this as well that, you are gonna blame all this at him ! He told us that, you destroyed your own home and blamed him ! "

Charlie said.

What the hell ? Why in the hell would I destroy my own home ?

" This is completely stupid, Charlie ! This is all his deed and he blamed it all on me ! "

I said irritated at their false and stupid accusations.

" He is our son Amber, he won't lie to us ! He loved you so much, he didn't wanted to let you go, so you...

You threatened him to kill him if, he won't stop convincing you to marry him ! "

Isabella said accusing me.

" Tell us where is our son ? "

Charlie said raising his voice.

" Charlie, this is all rubbish and...

Aahhh ! "

Everything went silent and I couldn't hear anything. What's wrong ?

" Amber ! "

Ethan came to and held me.

After a few moments, I got what happened here !

Isabella slapped me hard in the face ! Travis, you bastard, you told everything wrong to them so they won't blame you !

Before I could find words to explain them what actually happened,

" How dare you, touch her ? "

Kevin growled high and grabbed Isabella's throat.

" Kevin, let her go ! "

I screamed in panick.

" Ethan, don't you let her go. She'll get hurt and you'll be responsible for her getting hurt ! "

Kevin growled.

Ethan grabbed me before I could go to Isabella.

" Ethan, let go of me ! Kevin let her go, stop it ! "

I screamed.

I was struggling hard in Ethan's grasp and Kevin wasn't letting Isabella go.

" You wanna know, where you son is ? He is dead ! You heard me right, he is DEAD ! "

Kevin said coldly to her.

" Kevin ! Stop it ! "

I screamed to get him stop telling them but he didn't listened to me.

" Do you wanna know how I killed him ? I tore his skin with my claws and then, ripped his heart out !

You don't know how it feels, do you ? Why should only your son suffer; why not YOU too ? "

Kevin said growling.

" Kevin ! Don't you dare ! Let her go. Ethan, fucking let me go ! Let me go ! "

I struggled hard to get out of his grasp but failed.

" Let her go, monster ! "

Charlie ran towards Kevin to try to save Isabella !

" No Charlie, stop ! You can't save her... "

I yelled but it was too late, he already reached to Kevin.

Kevin grabbed him as well with his other hand !

" Welcome my dear, Charlie ! I was already mad. I needed someone to take my rage out and you just walked into the den of the monster yourself !

He was your son as well, YOU too deserve to know how your son died ! "

Kevin said growling hard.

" Kevin if, you do anything stupid, I swear I won't ever talk to you ! Let them go. They haven't done anything wrong to you, just let them go ! "

I said trying hard to stop Kevin from hurting them.

" She slapped YOU and he tried to hurt ME; that's more than enough reason to hurt them ! "

Kevin said glaring at them.

" Kevin please, let them go...

Kevin ! "

I gasped in horror.

He ripped both of their throats together ! I forgot how to breath and all the strength left my body, I went numb and Ethan grabbed me hard.

" Amber, be careful ! "

Ethan said.

" Take me back, Ethan. I can't...

I just can't... "

I barely wispered.

He picked me up in his arms and was about to leave when,

" Ethan ! Put her down. Don't you dare get touchy with her ! "

Kevin growled at him.

Ethan put me down. He rushed to us and took me in his arms,

" Leave me ! Don't you dare touch me, you monster ! "

I screamed my lungs out in disgust.

He didn't expected that and put me down on the ground. He was shocked and hurt to listen me calling him a monster.

" Love, you... "

Kevin wispered shocked.

" Don't you call me that, you heartless monster ! You killed my parents; I forgave you. You killed Travis; I again forgave you !

But you killed Isabella and Charlie too ?

They were like my parents and you killed them without thinking for a second !

It's like, you killed my parents twice ! For the first time, I didn't got to see you kill them; so, you made sure to show me the second time ! "

I was so angry, I couldn't think straight and was saying whatever came to mind.

" Amber...

You are... "

Kevin was too stunned to speak anything.

" I don't want to see your face ever, Kevin. Everyone told me you were a monster; but I never believed them !

And you know what the irony is, YOU made me believe they were right about you and I was completely wrong !

How could you be so heartless, Kevin ? I begged you to let them go and you ? You didn't even bothered to listen to me !

This is what my value is in your eyes ? Thank you for letting me know it ! It was nice, meeting you in the beginning; but I'd love to forget you like the worst nightmare of my life ! "

I said glaring at him in fury.

" Love, you are hurting me ! "

Kevin said almost crying at her words.

" And you have bleeded me by hurting again and again ! "

I yelled feeling hurt and crying.

I turned to leave and he stood infront of me,

" Don't you turn your back on me like this ! "

Kevin said clenching his teeth seriously.

" I should have turned my back on you, ages ago ! But what did I do ? I forgave you and gave you another chance; only to break my trust again. And I again gave you chance and everytime you broke my trust, my hope, my heart and broke even ME !

What else do you wanna do more to me ? Do you wanna kill ME as well ? Go ahead, kill me. Anyways you are ok with random killing and it'll end my pain of trusting a wrong person twice ! "

I screamed my lungs out.

The scene infront of my eyes brought back my memories. I started missing my parents, my home, Isabella and Charlie's love and care for me and even Travis; as a friend.

All those memories and things made me unable to breathe. The pain was so intense my heart ached and I couldn't stop crying no matter how hard I tried.

" Don't be so heartless to me love... "

Kevin said crying trying to hold my hand but I pulled away.

" Oh, I have learned it from YOU love ! "

I said sarcastically.

" Don't leave me like this, love. I don't know what will I do if, you will leave me ! "

Kevin said crying helplessly.

" I can't be with you anymore Kevin ! Earlier when I looked at you, I saw a handsome guy with cute dimples !

And now when I look at you, I see a monster having blood of my beloved ones on his hands ! Just...

Don't show me your face !

I am leaving you and your home... "

I said.

I was so mad at him I didn't wanted to look at his face at the moment. Maybe I will forgive him with time but now ? I need him out of my sight.

" You don't need to do that, Amber ! You can stay there, I will stay here. Take care of her for me brother and take care of yourself ! "

Kevin said crying.

He said it in a way as if, he was saying goodbye and won't show me his face in my entire life.

" Kevin, no ! Don't do it brother, please ! "

Ethan said panicked.

What is he talking about ?

" I have no other option left, brother ! I can't live without her and she have asked me not to show her my face. I love her so much, I can't bear it. I can't take her being away from me.

The pain would have killed me; if I was mortal but that's not the case !

So, there's only one option left for me to let my survive make less miserable. Goodbye. "

He said crying and looking very sad.

He took a good look at me and then, closed his eyes for a moment with tears in his eyes and opened them with a smirk on his face !

What just happened here ?

" Have a happy life, my love. I will be staying here with my wolf clan and be their Alpha ! I do have so many important things to do than, waste my time on convincing someone who doesn't trust me that, I am not who she thinks I am ! "

Kevin said shrugging.

" But, it's ok. Your loss ! Who will fuck you senseless and drain you out of energy now ? "

Kevin said winking at me.

What is he talking ? How shameless can he be ?

" Just shut up and leave, Kevin ! "

Ethan said glaring at him.

" Oh, I AM leaving. No need to get all grumpy, BODYGUARD ! "

He said this and left me stunned.

I can't figure out what happened here ? A moment ago, he was almost begging me to not leave him and now ?

In the confusion, I looked at Ethan. He just hugged me.

" He have shut them off ! "

Ethan said sadly.