
Tangled and twisted

Two brothers who love eachothers but don't show it. Elder one, careless, bad boy, heartless, selfish and younger one, compassionate, loving, considerate and selfless. What will happen when they fall for the same girl ? Who will back off for the sake of the other ? Or will they fight for her ? What would be the outcome when, they are over possessive for her and can't share her with anyone else ? What would be the magic which will let them at ease even at the thought of sharing the love of their life with their own brother ? How are they gonna survive the tangled and twisted situation ?

Stroyteller_1 · Thành thị
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Not a myth

I am so tired today. We returned home and Kevin made me my favorite sandwiches. I ate them and went to sleep. After a few moments I woke up to some noises from outside and then couldn't sleep again.

I looked for Kevin but he wasn't in the room. I got up and went downstairs to look for him. I heard his voice in the living room and went there. He was talking with Steve and I waited outside the room and listened them talking.

What ? He killed Travis ? He didn't told me anything about it ! Though, I am not his big fan, yet I didn't wanted him dead. But it's ok. I am not mad at him for he...

What the hell ? He killed my parents as well ? He didn't told me that either ! I couldn't wait anymore I went inside,

" Is...

Is it true ? "

I couldn't help the tears flowing out my eyes.

" Listen to me love... "

Kevin said trying to save his ass.

" You killed my parents ! "

I said in disbelief.

" Love, that's not true. "

Kevin said denying it.

" You confessed it yourself ! "

I screamed my lungs out.

" You... they were beyond saving and they were... Bleeding ! "

Kevin said justifying his act.

I just can't believe he is using the BLOOD as his excuse for killing them ? What kind of monster is he ? If, he wanted the blood he could have had a bit and let them go. But he preferred to kill them for his thirst !

" So ? You made them your snack ? "

I yelled in disgust.

" Love, stop being ridiculous ! "

Kevin said.

I didn't said a word and left the room crying ! He followed me but I closed the door at his face and cried for so long on the bed.

I don't wanna see his face. How could he kill them ? I can't stay here after knowing that !

I called Ethan and told him everything. He agreed to help me. He checked if, Kevin was in the way when I leave. He was out somewhere and I took the chance and got out. If, he was there he would never have let me go !

When I was leaving, Daniel and Steve saw and asked me,

" Where are you going like you are hiding from someone ? Are you playing hide and seek ? Let us play as well ! "

Daniel chimed.

" Get out of her way, Daniel ! "

Ethan growled.

" Well, someone is seeking out ! "

Steve smirking.

This will take a lot of time,

" I am going to my friend. Please don't tell this to Kevin I am mad at him. "

I told them.

Steve already knew that because he was present when, I screamed my lungs out at Kevin. And I am sure he had told Daniel by now.

" On one condition. "

Daniel said crossing his arms.

" What ? "

I asked irritated.

" Tell us the location ! "

Daniel said rubbing his palms together.

" Why are you interested in it ? And why should she tell you ? So that, Kevin can take it out by compelling you guys, huh ? "

Ethan answered for me.

" Firstly, we too live under the same roof as you guys. And secondly, remember we fed on a dead witch, thinking we will gain her magic ! Sadly, we didn't gained her magical powers; but it made us resistant to compulsion !

We still have that witch's blood in our system. So, rest assured, he can't compell us ! Now, where are you going ? "

Steve said calmly.

" But she isn't... "

Ethan interrupted.

" Street number 27, North villa, house number 23. Is that ok or are you guys coming to drop me there ? "

I said in irritation and both guys backed off.

I left with Ethan and he dropped me at Suzy's place; the exact address I just mentioned !

She welcomed me and offered Ethan some wine but he had to leave early so that, Kevin wouldn't get suspicious.

I told Suzy what happened and she was as mad at him as I was ! She tried to console me and we ordered some pizza and some cold drinks and enjoyed.

I took holidays from office for a week as, Kevin knows the address and I didn't wanted him to spot me and take me back with him.

He didn't knew this place and so, I am safe here; if, Steve and Daniel kept their mouths closed !

After two days Daniel came storming and started calling; no no, yelling my name !

" Amber ? Amber, where the hell are you ? Come out. Amber ! "

Daniel screamed.

We were in her room and after listening to his urgent and loud voice, Suzy and I ran downstairs.

" What the hell do you want ? Why are you yelling like some psyco ? "

I yelled back at him.

" I need you to come with me. "

Daniel said urgently.

" Where ? "

I asked confused.

" To Kevin ! "

Daniel said.

" She won't ! "

Suzy told him firmly.

" Well, I don't remember asking it to you, little notorious human ! "

Daniel said.

" Mind your tongue, Daniel ! "

I said getting mad at him.

" Ok, I am sorry. But I need you to come with me like, right now ! "

Daniel yelled frustrated.

" And why the hell would I do that ? "

I asked more frustrated.

" Because your hybrid of a boyfriend bited my brother and he needs Kevin's blood to recover or he'll die in a week; as you know !

And I don't want my brother to die ! Is that enough or shall I tell anything anymore ? "

Daniel said sarcastically.

" What ? Kevin bit Steve ? "

I gasped in disbelief.

" Yes ! Now, can we skip to you helping me ? "

Daniel said.

" 'I' can't save Steve only... "

I said.

" KEVIN can ! Don't you think I already know that much about your hybrid ? "

Daniel again said sarcastically.

" Then, what the hell you want from me ? "

I yelled fade up of his sarcasm.

" I don't, KEVIN does ! "

Daniel said.

" What ? "

I asked.

" You ! "

Daniel said pointing a finger at me.

" What ? "

I said.

" Yes ! He said, unless I bring you to him, he won't feed his blood to Steve...

I am done talking, now shall we ? "

Daniel yelled irritated.

" What ? No ! I am not coming with you anywhere. He needs to learn a lesson. He just can't start killing people who hurt me ! I need to stop him from being the monster he is becoming and that's why... "

I said.

" BECOMING ? Amber, he IS a monster ! "

Daniel said rolling his eyes.

" Shut up ! "

I yelled.

" Don't shut me down. I am not ASKING you, I am TELLING you. You ARE coming with me ! "

Daniel said crossing his arms.

" And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do, my mother ? "

I asked.

" Listen... "

He yelled and then breathed deep and then said softy,

" Look Amber, Steve have done nothing wrong to you. He is a good person, you should help him ! "

Daniel said helplessly.

" If I could I definitely would have ! But I can't ! "

I said feeling bad knowing and feeling his helplessness.

" You wanted to become our little sister remember ? Now's the chance ! "

Daniel said remembering suddenly what I said to them when, I wanted them to find Kevin.

" And YOU didn't wanted a little sister, remember ? Just leave Daniel, I can't help you ! "

I said remembering what had they replied to my words.

" Is it your final decision ? Think once again Amber. If, you won't come with me willingly; I'll lift you up on my shoulder and take you... "

Daniel said threatening me but was interrupted.

" She WON'T go if, she doesn't WANT to ! "

Ethan said entering the house.

" Aah !

And I was starting to think you vanished form the earth itself !

You took more than, I thought you would take to come here ! "

Daniel said sarcastically.

" Are you done talking ? She is saying NO then, she won't go ! "

Ethan told him crossing his arms.

" I won't fucking let my brother die for your stupid stubbornness ! "

Daniel said clenching his teeth, determined to take me with him.

" Though, I am the GOOD one; don't forget you are challenging an original, Daniel ! "

Ethan said baring his fangs and Daniel backed off putting his hands forward accepting his defeat !

" Ok, ok ! I am leaving. Don't need to bring up your originality ! "

Daniel said moking Ethan.

He said and vanished. I was about to go hug Ethan for, he saved me from Daniel when, Daniel returned from behind of Ethan and broke his neck !

" Ethan ! Daniel ? What the hell...


Killed... "

I screamed in shock and panick.

" I wish it was this easy to kill an original ! Don't worry, he is not dead, he is just passed out. By the time I take you to Kevin and he feeds my brother his blood, boom; he'll be back ! Don't worry about him.

Now, getting back to important thing, are you coming willingly or I need to throw you over my shoulder and carry you ? "

Daniel asked raising his eyebrows.

" She ISN'T coming with you, didn't you listened to her ? Leave her alone ! "

Suzy said getting mad at him.

" Ugh !

These useless and fragile humans ! Why don't you understand, I am way powerful than you both together !

Now, you will sit here and won't utter a single word, till I leave with her, understood ? "

Daniel compelled her.

Great ! That's the exact thing I was waiting for !

" There you go ! Well, I will respect her courage to dare ordering me what to do. I won't throw you over my shoulder; just as she wanted !

I will change it. How about you deciding her fate ? Choose between, coming with me willingly just like a good girl or do you want me to break her neck as well; just like his ? "

Daniel said nodding at where Ethan was laying.

" Only he is a vampire and he'll wake up; but she ? Tsk tsk, I don't think so ! So, your answer my sweetheart ? "

Daniel said with a smirk.

He is such an evil ! I unwillingly went with him to Kevin. He was waiting for us when we returned.

" Oh, you are back already ? So, soon. I didn't expected her to come with you just like that ! "

Kevin said amused.

How dare he ? He is finding it amusing ? Let me show him who is the boss !

" Yeah ! You know I am famous among women, they like to listen to me and obey me ! Now, give your fucking blood to Steve ! "

Daniel said replying Kevin in his style.

" Are you by any chance ORDERING the original hybrid, my dear Daniel ? "

Kevin asked his eyebrows.

" Ugh !

Why are you both brothers so used to use your originality to threaten others ? "

Daniel said irritated.

" Well, shouldn't you utilize what you have ? "

Kevin said smirking.

" Good. Now, go feed my brother or...

Your love dies here ! "

Daniel said choking my throat !

Oh god, is he really gonna kill me ?

" Daniel ! "

Kevin growled at him furiously.

" Don't Daniel me ! It's not like only YOU can threaten people. Now, go feed my brother your blood ! "

Daniel said tightening his grip on my throat.

Kevin hissed at Daniel and he tightened his grip on my throat even more. I can't breathe !

" Ahh... "

I gasped and moaned at the high pressure and inability of breathing.

" I am feeding him ! Just stop choking her ! "

Kevin growled furiously.

Kevin went to Steve and Daniel let go of my throat; but he didn't let me go out of his grip.

Steve drank Kevin's blood and he healed immediately !

So, it is true and not a mere myth just like Victor thought !

After Kevin fed Steve his blood, Daniel ran to his brother to check if, he was ok.

" Now, wasn't it STUPID of you Daniel, to threaten my love ? I will rip your throat out ! "

Kevin growled.

" And I will rip your heart out ! "

Ethan said calmly entering the room.

I was so happy to see him alive...


Whatever, I was very happy to see him again !

I ran to him and hugged him tight. Kevin was approaching Daniel to hurt him...

" Don't you even dare, Kevin ! "

I yelled.

" But he THREATENED you ! "

Kevin tried to make his point.

" What do you expect him to do after you bit his brother ? And I don't care what HE did, I won't let YOU do anything stupid anymore. You can't become a killer because of me or for me ! "

I said getting angry.

" But, darling... "

Ethan said softly taking Kevin's side.

" Let them go, Ethan. They don't deserve it !"

I said looking into his eyes.

" As you wish. "

Ethan said nodding.

I glared at Kevin.

" And you ! If, YOU lied to me about letting them go and hurt them behind my back; I swear to god I won't see your face in my next seven lives ! "

I said coldly to Kevin and went to my room.

Kevin followed me.

" Love ! Love, listen to me ! "

I closed the door of my room.

He started banging on the door.

" Please, love. Open the got damn door ! Let me at least explain it to you. Please, love. "

Kevin said begging me.

" Get the hell out of here, Kevin ! I am in no mood to listen to you. "

I yelled.

" Please, love ! Do you want me to kneel before you and apologize ? "

Kevin said helplessly.

" Well, someone is begging, how amusing ! Shouldn't I wait here to see the epic scene ? "

Daniel said amused.

I don't want him to see Kevin helpless and on his knees, begging to me. He is an alpha afterall !

I opened the door and let Kevin inside.

" Thank you, love... "

Kevin said chiming happily.

Kevin was about to hug me as if, I've forgiven him ! Not this easy !

He've killed my parents, he'll pay for it !

" Don't you dare come close to me. "

I said angrily.

" But, love... "

Kevin said confused.

" I haven't forgiven you ! I just didn't wanted anyone to see you kneeling and begging.

Now that he is gone, get out of here !


And send Ethan. "

I said coldly.

He was surprised to listen the coldness in my voice and got out of the room defeated.