
Tangled and twisted

Two brothers who love eachothers but don't show it. Elder one, careless, bad boy, heartless, selfish and younger one, compassionate, loving, considerate and selfless. What will happen when they fall for the same girl ? Who will back off for the sake of the other ? Or will they fight for her ? What would be the outcome when, they are over possessive for her and can't share her with anyone else ? What would be the magic which will let them at ease even at the thought of sharing the love of their life with their own brother ? How are they gonna survive the tangled and twisted situation ?

Stroyteller_1 · Thành thị
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Fucked up relationship

<p>" Come on, Travis ! I want to celebrate your birthday... " <br/>I almost pleaded him. <br/>" Babe, my friends have planned a trip out of Newyork, it's huge ! I can't deny it. I could never get out of the country and now that, my friends are taking me out; you want me to cancel on THEM and spend the week with YOU and think about what would I'd be doing if, I was with them and not stuck with you here ? Sorry babe,I don't think so ! " <br/>Ouch ! That hurts. How could he say that ?<br/>" Come on Travis, it's been SIX months we last met ! How is it gonna work out between us if, we won't spend time together at all ? " <br/>I said almost irritated with his behavior. <br/>" Listen babe, I gota go. Let's meet next month. Bye. " <br/>Travis said hurriedly. <br/>" Hey ! Hey listen... " <br/>Beep ! <br/>He hung up on me ! How could he ? <br/>This might sound like a forced relationship at his side from the conversation we just had, but it isn't like that !<br/><br/>I am Amber Goodwill. And that was my would be husband, Travis Lockwood. I love him and he too loves me, but lately we have been facing a few differences. <br/>Actually, he is my family friend. When we were kids our parents promised us for eachothers. We were best of friends until we found out about the promise. Few years ago my family died in a car accident. I thought his family would break the promise; but they didn't !<br/><br/>I don't know if, Travis loves me as much as I do anymore, but I guess he isn't ready to get married yet. All I was asking from him was his time and he ? He wants to spend it all with his friends ! <br/><br/>It was six months ago when, we last met and he talks to me on call for less than 5 minutes a day !<br/>Deep down I know he doesn't loves me, but my heart isn't ready to accept it and give up on him. I have hope that, someday he'll love me the same he did when, we started dating and didn't know about the marriage promise.<br/><br/>I do everything possible to get his attention, but he doesn't respond as I wish. I wanted to take him to his favourite resort and spend the weekend with him, but he wants to spend the entire week with his friends out of the country ! <br/><br/>Let it be. I got used to his rejection to everything I plan for us. Anyways I am getting late for my work. I don't want to be late and get a pay cut for being late for this stupid boy ! I'll visit his parents on the way back.<br/><br/><br/>" Hey, Amber ! " <br/>Suzy, my best friend called cheerfully. <br/>" Hey, Suzy ! How's your day today ? " <br/>I responded without any enthusiasm. <br/>" I am absolutely fine, but someone is looking off today ! " <br/>Suzy she said.<br/>" Ugh ! You are right. It's Travis. " <br/>I said sadly.<br/>" Again ? Why don't you just dump him already ? He is being your headache for more than 3 years now ! " <br/>Suzy said irritated. She knows he ghosts me always and she curses me every now and then for enduring him.<br/>" That's the problem, Suzy ! I can't dump him. I am promised to him. " <br/>I said.<br/>" But his behaviour screams he doesn't give a fuck about you, what about that ? " <br/>Suzy said more irritated than me.<br/>" Don't say that... " <br/>I said trying to cover up for him.<br/>" Tell me, when was the last time he kissed you ? " Suzy asked crossing her arms.<br/>" Suzy... " <br/>I stopped her from going that way, because I know the answer is gonna hurt me.<br/>" I know you met him 6 months ago in person ! Isn't it the proof that, he isn't interested in you anymore ? " <br/>Suzy said highlighting the time span passed after we last met.<br/>" I know. But his parents are so sweet and kind and... " <br/>I said telling her about his sweet parents. <br/>" You aren't gonna marry his parents, stupid girl ! You are spoiling your life by doing this ! And it's not even worth it. " <br/>Suzy said almost yelling in frustration. <br/>" Ugh ! I know but... " <br/>I said trying to defend myself. <br/>" No buts ! Go talk to his parents. You always say they are very nice to you and treat you as their own daughter, then they won't ruin their daughter's life like this ! " <br/>Suzy said finally almost calming down.<br/>" I guess you are right. I am visiting them today, I will talk to Isabella about it. " <br/>I said making up my mind.<br/>" That's my brave girl. For now, just focus on your work. " <br/>Suzy said caressing my head.<br/>" Yeah. See you in the break. " <br/>I said and she left for her cabinet. <br/><br/>Suzy is right. I should talk to his parents and tell them that it's not working between us anymore and we should call off the wedding and not ruin our lives knowingly. I will talk to them today.</p>