

She killed for her Kingdom. She was their executioner until there was a strange attack. And now all the buried bodies she killed were gone, and now she was unsure what would happen next. She knew that she had caused an army to rise and she was a Queen. The Prince forced her to live with him and now she's miserable and she knows that war is coming fast. Her own rising empire isn't the only one rising from the dead, and so is the Prince's. Her army owes their lives to her, but the others owe nothing and they are ready to prepare and go against their own makers. They wanted to rid of the humans.

Ray_Faulen · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


"We will have a burial for the priest," the King said.

"When should I prepare?"

"We will have his body prepared tomorrow. You need a break from these things."

"I do not mind."

"Again, tomorrow will be better."

"Father," the Prince speaks. "Do we know who did it?"

The King looks between me and then gazes at the Prince. "The people started seeing Solomon's body."

I tense up. "What do you mean?"

"What have you done with his corpse, Tanda?" the King asks.

I swallow. "Well, I will bury them."

"Where? We thought you burned them."

I began to feel a panic surge. "I do not. I feel it is disrespectful. Years I have done this in respect of the dead. I am already doomed to hell."

I feel a hand palm on my back. I almost jump from the feeling and learn to calm myself in seconds.

"I understand. How many bodies have you buried?"

I feel the hand press against me again. "Since I have started working for the Kingdom."

"How many bodies do you think that is?"

"3,489 in total. Now 3,490 including the Priest," I whisper.

"How many? Please speak up," the King insists.

"She said 3,000 or more," the Prince replied. I let out a small breath.

"That is many."

"There is no way they could have seen the dead man. I split straight through his throat, father! You saw, the whole city did!" the Prince states.

"We did, you are right. I believe someone is making up lies."

"Perhaps Tanda should have a room in the house just in case she is next?" the Prince suggests. The way he said it made me suspicious of him.

"That is a wonderful idea. Only if Tanda does not mind," the King looks expectedly at me.

"I believe-" I'm interrupted.

"We have already discussed it. She agreed to it. She is the one who suggested it to me."

I shift my foot to be on top of his and press down on it. His fist tightens around the fabric of my black cloak.

"Oh, well that is a good idea for your safety. We should start the move soon. I am sure my son will help. Do you mind?"

"Of course not. She is our guest after all."

The King stands from his desk and his brown eyes crinkle with a smile. "Good. You will be allowed to have dinner with us. My son needs to be around more lady's."

I frown deeply. The King leaves the room and I abruptly lift my foot up before slamming down on the marble. I huff angrily and pull away. He lets go of my cloak and I turn, glaring at him angrily.

"The hell! You manipulator! Your father will believe you. You are his blood. I've no say in this. I do not want to be moved here. They will come for you! Not me, you idiot!" I bellow.

The Prince steps towards me. "What do you mean?"

I glance away from him and try to calm myself. "I must go."

"Where is it you will be leaving?"

"I will be gathering for my move."

"I must help you."

I huff and move towards the exit. The Prince follows me like a goat. It annoys me that he does so.

Once we are in front of my home, I pull out a key and my hand shakes with nervousness. I push the key in and twist it, turning the knob. I push open the door and the light splits the darkness. I stop and turn toward him and realize I'm looking straight up at him. I bow my head down to meet eye level with his chest.

"My house is dark," I state.

"It is fine."

"I do not have lights or candles in my house, my Prince," I explained to him. "I will take my cloak off when I close the door."

"Is there not a single candle?" he asks.

I sigh and shake my head. "I do not. You will not be able to see me." After a long silence between us, I turn away and enter. When he closes the door behind us I quickly shed the cloak and feel the cool air touch my skin. I relax in the comfort of my home and feel the darkness settle. My eyes quickly get used to the darkness.

"How do you see in this house?"

"My eyes are used to it. I can see everything now."

"I cannot," he says. He moves around before I hear something clatter to the floor and smash.

I sigh heavily. "You knocked over my vase."

"I cannot see, Tanda."

"I know. Stay where you are." I move to him, his large frame compared to my tinier one is obvious. The cloak made me look more intimidating and threatening. Now I am a sheep in the wolf's eye. My hands still have the gloves on. I grasp his arm and lead him toward the middle of my living room. "Do you want me to put up the lights?"

"It would be helpful."

"I've got to put the cloak back on, my Prince."

"I wish to see your face, Tanda."

"If you see me, you will perish as the others do. I will feed off your soul."

"I believe you do not know how strong I am."

"I know that I am afraid of you seeing my face. Your father has seen me once."

"My father? Why?"

"I had to for the job. He is a fine man." Another silence stalks and I find my cloak again. I slip it on. There are footsteps and other things that crash to the floor. I huff. Just like a goat getting into items they aren't supposed to.

I find my candle and light it. The room lights up in a warm haze and I let out a shaky breath. Items are everywhere on the walls, pictures of my family, and items that I have bought and found or given to me.

The Prince picks up a frame of my family. I watch him closely as he stares at it before glancing toward me. "Is this your family?"

I walk towards him and take the frame out of his hands and place it downward. "Those questions do not need to be answered. We need to hurry."

I find luggage bags and put my pictures in one bag and then my medicines in the same one. I pull the stack of books into a crate before moving on to the journals.

"Do you really need all of that?"

"I use it every day."

"What is the significant purpose?"

"It keeps me sane, my Prince."

I leave the living room and go into my room. I start to take clothes out of my drawers, my dozens of cloaks. I take my undergarments and normal clothing out too and fold them neatly. I lay them in another luggage bag and leave everything else in the room except my other necessities. I enter the living room again to find him sitting on a chair and taking in everything around him. His eyes land on me before looking at the bag in my hand. He gets up and walks toward me.

"Is there anything else?"

"I do not want to leave everything," I whisper.

"It is for your safety."

"It is not! It is because you are up to something and want me under your nose, you goat!" I say in frustration. "Do you think I want you to step into my house?"

He grabs my arm and pulls me against him. He leans down toward my face. "I have a reason for you staying there. You caught my attention now I cannot have you out of my sight, Tanda. I will know you because you will allow me in."

I pull back but he doesn't let me go. "Get off of me."

"You are stuck with me."

"Let me go," I hissed. He holds onto me tighter. I inhale deeply, the feelings thick in my throat. An arrow burst through the window, barely missing the Prince. I gasp and push him, making him fall to the ground and I am on top. I cover him with my body, shielding him, and calm down in seconds, protecting him.

"May they calm and leave. May they see there is no threat here. We must be safe," I hum to myself quietly.

There are no more arrows except the one. The light bursts in and shines when I lift my head to see around us. I relax but tense back up when I realize the current position I am in. I gaze down and pull my hood around my face tightly.

"My apologies, my Prince. I had not meant to have you under me. Please understand that I am not trying to disrespect you in such ways as this one."

He chuckles quietly, his lips exposing his glistening white teeth. I see his eyes crinkle with happiness and a flick of life flames in his eyes. I watch him closely, staring into his dark orbs and I am entranced, curious, and exposed openly to him all at once. His smile disappears and he is looking into the darkness of my hood.

"Tanda, are you alright?"

I shake out of it and swiftly move off of him. I bow my head for me to adjust my thoughts before gathering up my luggage and placing it beside the door. I leave the Prince laying on the floor and open the door to see people gathered around, whispering amongst themselves.

"What have you seen?" I ask loudly.

"Solomon's alive!" one of the older women shrieked.

"Solomon had it! The arrows and bow!"

I shake my head. "What? A dead man alive?"

"Yes! It is all real! His head was sewn back to his body! His eyes were white!"

I stare at the panicked ladies. Loud hooves hitting the floor are made known. The King and his guards follow suit.

"What has happened? Is my son alright, Tanda?"

"He is fine. Not a knick is seen."

"I am just fine, my father," the Prince speaks from behind me.

I turn to glance up and enter back into the house. I inch up to the arrow and pull it out of the wall, looking at the golden head closely. I look along the dark oak engraved in the wood making my heart beat faster than it has in years. I quickly drop it into one of my bags and close it up.

"Tanda, it is time. My father brought us a wagon to carry your things in."

I frown in sadness at my having to leave my house for another. I feel my sanctuary is being left behind and I'm betraying it for better but I was not trading it for better.

"Of course, my Prince," I answered him. I pick up two bags and go outside and set them on the wagon. I enter back inside but he shakes his head.

"I have got the rest," he says. I look down at his hands I have the three other bags.

"Let me say goodbye, please?" I lift my head to see him looking back at me.

"Yes, you may, Tanda."


I watch him walk away and out the door while I feel like I am being evacuated from my home for other reasons than my safety but I do not think about it for too long. Instead, I enjoy the last comforts of my home. The many items I've collected and been gifted with over the years will be left behind and forgotten. No tears escape my eyes and I make sure they won't.

I blow out the candle that has been flickering before exiting my house. I push the key into the lock and turn it, hearing the click. I glanced at the broken window, the dark cloth that was draped across to keep the sun out, had gone to the floor and the light entered the darkness of my home.

I step further away and I feel sadness breach my core.

"You can always visit," the Prince's voice answers.

The dark maroon door and brown bricked walls stay still as can be. I will visit many times.

I turn to the wagon and hoist myself up to the bench and sit silently, hands overlapping in my lap and staring forward at the people dispersing.

"Witch!" someone screams and comes barreling toward us.

The Prince is already sitting and grabs the reins before clicking his tongue and the horse moves forward quickly. The woman, who I notice is Solomon's wife. Dark bags under her eyes, and her eyes look dazed but angry.

"She is a witch! My husband was a sacrifice to the devil!" she shouts at the top of her lungs.

The people around her gasped. I turn my head away and stare at the moving horse in front of us, not focusing on anything else that will make me feel worse.

"She is crazy, Tanda. Do not listen to her because she has lost her husband."

I ignore the world around me and skim my thumb against the smooth cloth of my cloak.

In no time, we are in front of the main house. I sit there, gazing at it hard for many minutes.

"Ma'am?" a servant man smiles kindly at me and holds out a hand. His striking blue eyes and dark hair show his true handsomeness.

"Get the baggage," the Prince commands impatiently. He is standing beside the wagon now as the servant scurries off to get my things. "Come with me. I need to show you your room."

I refold my cloaks and put the frames up in a new drawer I am not accustomed to. I put the things where I felt they should go best. As I finish up, there is a knock on my door then the door opens. I am not so surprised to feel the presence of the Prince easing my worry.

"It is almost dinner, Tanda. Please join us?" he asks politely.

"I will. It is rude to decline a request from the Prince himself," I answer him with honesty.

"Come. It is time. You unpacked very nicely in a short amount of time."

"Thank you."

We exit my cold, uncomfortable room and move quickly into the hallway that is hung with art and the cold blues and greens contrasting nicely. The floor is rugged with an elegant black rug. The dark colors hugged me like they enjoyed my company of being here.

Once down the stairs and entering a large dining hall filled with very few people in it, the Prince allowed me to follow to the ends of the table where the King already sat. He's waiting patiently for us to get here.

I bend my legs and bow my head forward for a solid few seconds before rising it. "My apologies for keeping you, my King. If I had known you were awaiting our arrival I would have been quicker." I look at his dark orbs that crinkle with kindness for me. I'm unknowing of the reason why he holds this sort of trust within me but something tells me he knows me far better than I wish.

"Tanda, it is a pleasure for you to accept having dinner with us. My son has developed a fair liking for you as he is by your side a lot. He has been distracted from his more important duties," the King looks a bit sharply at his son. "Least I expected since my son only lays whores in his bed as he did last night."

I swallow hard and glance at the Prince whose jaw clenches hard. The information that the King stated is not something that the Prince wanted me to hear.

I simply look away and grab the wooden chair but the Prince lays his hands on top of my own and peels them off. They fall to my sides and he pulls the chair out for me.

"I am sure she will not feel the same way father."

"Any girl would fall for you, my son. Are you too stupor to see that?"

"Tanda is my friend, father. She is not at my feet ready to take me into her as those filthy women out there are lustful for."

"No woman is filthy. They either are broken or grew up in poor households. You must not blame them for such things. All they dream is for your entitlements and coins, my Prince. I wish nothing of it since I found more wealth in love than in coins."

"Tanda, you are not like such women out there or others with my title."

I feel the cloak's softness beneath my fingertips, spreading the fabric. I ran my tongue along my lips, they are soft and a little dry. My eyes fall on the white plate in front of me. "I kill for a living, my Prince. Do you dare think I am of others? Of course not! You've not seen what is under my cloak. I am brittle and once you see, you will realize I am crazy."

"Stop speaking, my son. Now, before I decide to banish you to your room for tonight. Tanda is someone who should not be upset. Let her eat in peace without disturbing her appetite," the King scolds him.

Once the King commands a servant to start bringing the food out, they enter with three to four bowls of things. There is chicken soaking in broth, greens, bread, and cooked carrots in the different bowls.

The King is served first. I wait patiently for the Prince to serve himself. I glance at him when he is not moving whatsoever. His eyes never find my own in the dark hood but they try to seek and fail. I wish they landed on my eyes so I can see just how lifeless they are.

"Tanda," the Prince speaks my name so commandingly that I open my mouth and close it quickly.

I shift and grab my food, filling my plate with as little as possible. I grab the cup of water and pull it towards me, against my lips before tipping the cool metal and in goes the water. I gulp it down before there is none left. I swiftly stand, reach over and grab the pot of water before pouring myself another glass.

"Tanda," the Prince says my name again and this time it catches me off guard. Making me set the pot back onto the table a bit harshly and water splashes out of the side of it, onto the nice silken cloth.

I tense and back up, panic rising within me.

"Tanda!" the Prince yells now.

"Erebus, enough!" the King yells.

I sit back in my chair quickly and stop moving.

"You should have let a servant do it, Tanda."

"Why must I when they are further away and it would take me half the amount of time when I will swallow it all down?"

"Silence, my son. No more speaking to her or anyone. Finish your plate in silence."

I stare at the types of forks and spoons and knives sitting on the napkin for a hard second before I picked up one and stabbed the food with it. I ate at a leisurely pace and finished before the Prince.

"How about you eat more, Tanda?"

"I am full," I lied.

"Fill your plate again, please. It will be wasted."

I exhale quietly and get more. This time, I eat a bit faster before downing my glass of water.

I politely excuse myself and go back to my chambers. I make sure the door is locked before stripping out of my cloak. I brush my hair out and brush my teeth in the bathroom. Then, I strip the rest of my clothes and find a silk nightgown of mine and slip it on. I walk over to my bed and lay down in the darkness, wide awake.