

Walter Raymond the CEO of Rays Global and the world chronic heart breaker. Clara Perry a girl with a heartbreaking past , trying to meet ends needs who does everything just to survive living with her stepmother and a step sister who thinks the world revolves around her When this two people from opposite worlds meet. with a rollercoaster of emotions and they trying to fight it.what will happen?will they be able to overcome and conquer this emotions?? Let's find out together......

zonzee_mereche · Thành thị
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Clara's POV:

The strong wind from the window made Clara shiver slightly jolting her up from her beauty sleep, as she looked at the sky she noticed it had turned dark and in no less than a minute the downpour of a heavy rain began.

She closed her eyes trying to inhale the weather as it really gave her a sense of peace and always made her relaxed, that was a weird hubby of hers she wasn't ready to stop. But in a fleeting second the memory of last night flashed through her mind making the once peaceful atmosphere glommy

The sound of items crashing and breaking startled Clara bringing her back to reality. She shivered thinking it was the same people from last night, God help her because she didn't know what to do.

With a frown furrowing her brows, she stared out at the window looking at the heavy downpour once again which wasn't looking like it was going to stop anytime soon and that wasn't helping matter. Clara sighed, running her hands through her hair hoping to God it wasn't those people.

However, before Clara could decide on what to do, she heard a loud bang on her room door making her take a step back. It wasn't just a loud bang she also heard a voice which sounded familiar.

"Where is that crazy bitch!"....

Her eyes widened, something was not right. That was the voice of her step mother, her nemesis. For her to sound panicked and angry means something wasn't right. Although she was always angry, she hasn't heard her sound panicked before... God help her because she wasn't ready for her drama today.

"Mother!". She opened the door at once, " what's happening? I hear noises" ....She said trying to sound calm.

"Who is your mother?do I look like the cheap slut that gave birth to you?....her step mother yelled angrily

Her fist clenched as she heard that statement and her teeth gnashing as she tried to remain calm

"You daughter of jezebel, look at the mess you have created!!!how are we supposed to face the public"....she heard her say again, already dragging her roughly out of her room before she could think of a response.

They covered the flights of stairs in a hurry, rushing down the spiral staircase with her stepmother dragging her in anger. With each step she took, the noise from downstairs became louder and her heart leaped in her throat as she stared down in confusion. What the hell was happening?

Clara didn't have to think for long because as soon as she made it downstairs she saw it. That was when she discovered that the noises were coming from the television. A look to the left showed her father and step sister sitting at a corner angrily staring at her. As she wondered what was going on a resounding slap from her stepmother landed on her face making her collapse on the floor.

Although she was very angry, Clara took a deep breath and got up. As much as she would love to fight back, she wasn't in the mood for that right now, she had to find out what was going on.

"Why are you staring at me that way? You bastard child!! Do you want to beat me? Come now,beat me!!! Fool"....her stepmother angrily exclaimed.

However before she could talk back, she heard the voice of her father saying;

"Clara, I'm soo disappointed in you".....

An that was the last straw of it all....She scoffed,rage flowed through her veins like molten lava and she spoke louder than intended.

"I don't give a fuck about what you think of me dear father.....her words dripping with sacarm. "You are nothing but a cheat, a loser , a coward at that ....fuck you and what you think of me.....son of a bitch". She said angrily this time not caring if it was a father she was speaking to.

She saw the anger on the face of her father and she smirked, giving her intense joy for making him angry...his anger was her happiness. She wasn't going to tolerate them anymore, enough is enough, who was he to be disappointed in her?had he ever done anything for her to warrant the disappointment?when she was being turned to a slave by her stepmother and her evil daughter were was he? What did he do?

As she thought about this angry tears flowed from her eyes.

Suddenly, her step sister stood up from where she was sitting, slowly making her way towards her with a mocking smirk tilting her lips which could be seen by only her.

"Sister, please don't get angry at father and mother"....she said with a pleading voice, which Clara knew was fake... Desperate bitch!!! Always wanting to be seen and heard!¡!

Clara angrily stared at her, she knew this her step sister was the root of all the problem she was having in this house, a white lotus. Unfortunately her father couldn't see through her act. Such a pity!

"It's my fault, you can scold me but please leave mother and father out of this...they are truly innocent" .she heard her say again with a shaking voice, making her lip tremble slightly and in the next second the white lotus started crying which infuriated Clara.

"My baby please don't waste your tears on this godforsaken witch looking for whom to devour, it's never your fault"....She watched her father console her step sister while staring angrily at her and she smiled sadly.what was she expecting!!!

What had she done to deserve this kind of family? What was her crime? Wouldn't it had been better if they killed her at birth?or sold her out? Clara looked up and thought about all this as tears clouded in her eyes which were threatening to fall as she tried to swallow it down.

However,no one was there to give her answers. The moment she looked down again something in Clara changed making her determined never to waste her tears on them ever again and she ran upstairs not responding to whatever her stepmother was angrily saying

As she reached her room, she heard the beeping of her phone which made her alert as she hardly receive phone calls except it was related to work and she wasn't suppose to work today. Moving towards her phone, Clara unlocked it clicking the message that was sent and what she saw next made her scream. God help her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

zonzee_merechecreators' thoughts