
The lake

Shawn bashed the sled into the thick bushed. He led the way as the others marched behind. Joni slacked off at the end of the line with the lot carrying the chest of locks and chains. Ruben, right next to Shawn cautioned with a halt. He heard a critter squealing.

 "Why the wait?" Polo grunted behind him. "You want to take a piss already?" he teased.

Shawn turns around to face Ruben. He was clearly disturbed by the abrupt fall short in their march. Ruben had the keenest sense of hearing in the Deltas. He heard a metal snap.

 "There are booby traps" Ruben raised a brow at Shawn.

 "What?" Shawn gripped the sled of his hammer with tenacity. 

 "I know what I heard," Ruben said convincingly. "This whole area had been marked as a hunting ground."

 "You think the betas set us up for this?" Polo grimaced. 

 "Aw shit," a delta next to Polo smacked a palm to his face. "The mudslides and now this all of a sudden."