

A horse could be seen advancing quickly towards a certain direction. The rider was covered from head to toe in a thick cloth and the only visible part of their body were their eyes and pale lips

The rider only stopped occasionally to feed the horse and take a quick rest before continuing.

Soon the rider reached a narrow path that was in between two huge mountains.

The rider looked up at the endless height of the mountain and their lips curved into a smile.

As the rider's head was raised towards the sky, their eyes could now clearly be seen.

It was a deep shade of violet.

Alyssa smiled as she looked at the narrow path that looked to have no end.

"Finally, I'm here!"


In the bustling streets of Venice, Alyssa who had changed to the tattered gown befitting of a servant scanned the area carefully.

She noticed that this kingdom had a warmth that Western Kingdom did not have.