
Taming The General's Daughter

Yohan Lim was demoted from his position for insubordination and it led him astray. He quit the army and left everything behind in the barren country of Iraq. Where life and death was like a passing wind. He returned to his roots and maybe to find something that interests him. When the plane safely landed at the airport, authorities came in and detained him. “What? Is there some kind of misunderstanding here? Hey! I’m a law abiding citizen in this country! I’ve done nothing but for the good of our country!! At least I deserve some kind of explanation!” he said as he tried to reason out to the officers that detained him. *** “Lt. Yohan Lim of Special Operations!” said the angry voice behind him. “Sir! Yes sir! Lt. Yohan Lim reporting. The young madam skipped classes again today by jumping off from the fence. She went to her ‘club’ and after that she has beaten this subordinate until this subordinate passed out. This subordinate woke up in her bed... U-un.. der her... N-na...ked... Young madam slapped this subordinate hard enough for this subordinate to pass out. End of report sir.” it was the very first report in his entire life that was in shortcut because he was utterly embarrassed. *** “I want him.” she said while pointing her fingers on the screen. The man who was in military uniform, but he had that carefree profile. Messy hair like of birds nest, prominent but lifeless eyes, that nose that she wanted to nuzzle and those slutty lips that she wanted to nibble. His face like of ideal men in romance novels. She can’t believe that she will be instantly find her fated! Wait, how come the roles are reversed?

Army_21704 · Tổng hợp
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13 Chs

Hello There, Boyfriend


Is only one of her many not-so-good traits. She will be unreasonable enough just to make things bend in her way. Jin Lei is so excited meeting her 'fated one' which is currently detained at the airport.

Jin Lei and General Jin rode in a black Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe car from the military base. She began to fidget her fingers and pout more her lips as they traverse the roads of the capital. And from time to time, she will ask her father a question.

"Dad, are we there yet?" she asked of who knows how many times ever since they've ridden the car.

"Not yet Lei. Sit straight." he said. He replied the same question over and over again as Lei asks him. He did not lost his patience in her behavior.

Jin Lei sat straight as she notice the tense atmosphere inside the car. She will behave as long as she can meet the man.

General Jin sat right up and proud with his cane between his strong legs, he stared at the road ahead. He got a plan in him but he can't let Lei know.

It was just a 10 minute drive from the military base to the airport. Lei and General Jin entered on a VIP entrance for the convenience. They also don't want to attract the media and the public. What they are doing right now is against the law.

Lei cannot wait any longer. The more minutes passed, the more anxious she became.

As soon as the airport authorities and his private men saw them, they immediately guided the father and daughter to where Yohan Lim is currently detained.


Yohan was dead tired from the plane ride and the mental stress he's having now, is equivalent of a week's scouting and tailing terrorists. It was obviously night time now and the people who detained him seemed no plan of explaining things. He guessed that he just have to wait for the right person to appear.

Sitting inside the white room along with his luggage and a tray of food provided by them are the only things he have.

His mobile was confiscated by them and his any form of communication from the outside world. He maybe tired but it did not show in his face. He calmly sat there and listened to the chattering from the outside. His room is located at the most remote place on the airport and the room he's currently in is near to the FA's lounge area.

The silence in the room is disturbed by the incessant chattering of women on the other side of the wall. It made him entertained for the time being.

Yohan propped his hands under his chin and closed his eyes while waiting. He don't know what is the true intention of the man who's behind of his detention.

There's a commotion outside the door and Yohan tried to listen it carefully. He could not listen it clearly but he put the pieces of words he heard and he assessed that the man came is the main person.

Now, he has someone to ask why he was detained.

He stared straight to the closed door and after a little while, it was opened by a woman. Her hair is in crew cut, ash blond. She had that light green orbs and her body was clad in tattoo. Her ears were full of piercings and there's also one on the side of her nose.

She had that wide smile upon seeing him which made him puzzled.

'Do I know her?' he thought. He wrinkled his brows while thinking where he met the woman but he really could not recall.

The woman continued to stare at him with a hungry stare. She looked like a horse that was deprived with water in the desert.

He stared at the woman's face and actually found her attractive. She had that cute face and a pointed nose with a pouty lips. She actually looked like Angelina Jolie but an Asian version. She's not a Caucasian and not that tall. She on the other hand have an average height of five feet and four inches.

After of long silence and staring the woman, smiled at him once more and said, "Hey there, boyfriend. Nice to meet you. I'm Lei." she tried to look cute but her tattoo and her outfit gave him an awkward feeling.

He was processing what Lei had said.

'What did she say?.... Boyfriend????' he exasperatedly thought the words Lei had said.

Here's an update. Thanks for reading and adding it to your libraries.. Leave some comment and review if you have time.. Thanks once again. :)

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