
Taming the billionaire wolf prince

Esmeralda's mother, the enchantress, forces her to work with the wolf prince in order to destroy the prince's bloodline. Against her will, she accepts the job offer her mother secures for her at the royal fashion house. Prince Kain is relentless, he will stop at nothing to lift the curse placed on him. The animal in him is growing impatient, having been forced to hide for so long and he promises himself he will make the enchantress have a taste of her own medicine. But the game changes when he discovers she is the daughter of the enchantress. He should hate her, but now new feelings start to spring up from a heart once frozen.

Douglas_6610 · Kỳ huyễn
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97 Chs

A kisscapade

For a few weeks, the prince continued to push her with work. His rudeness escalated to gear one and as tantrummy as he was, his dummy spits always had her running and hiding. As she walked down the hallway that led to their office, she wondered what the day held in store for her.

As it was, she was sleep-deprived, love and attention-deprived. She needed a break. She had been working for almost four months now, and neither of her plans were forthcoming. She opened her office and stood at the door for a moment. The now familiar wide view of the highway faced her. She could just stand there forever and pretend that all was well. But pretending wasn't something she knew how to do. She wasn't a realist, but she liked dealing with things the way they were.

She was no nominalist either. Or maybe she was? She stopped short in her reverie when her eyes went to rest on a file with urgent written in bold letters on it. She dropped her bag on the table. They wouldn't even let her rest for a second before saddling her with these things. 

She opened the file and dared to look. Reviews of fashion shows from five years ago? She rose from her chair, ready to ask the prince what it was all about. He knew she didn't know how to do things like this on her own, and yet he would ask her to do it. 

His door was half open, but she knocked still. As of recently, he started sleeping over in the executive suite. He didn't answer, so she just went in halfway and stuck her head in. His tuxedo was swung over the arm of his swivel chair. His shoes were under his desk and his shiny cufflinks lay on top of his desk. 

She walked inside, wondering if he was inside the executive suite. She heard the sound of the shower and stopped in her tracks. She imagined bumping into him, naked and wet from the shower.

"Take your mind out of the gutter!" She whispered to herself. The shower stopped running. He was probably coming out to check who was in his office. She went in and stood behind the door. 

"You went home early yesterday." The prince said as he came into view. Esmeralda held her tongue. The towel was wrapped just below his V-line. His strides were too confident for a man in a towel. He smelt like musk and of manliness. His taut abs flexed as he walked. He was a walking temptation. 

"I went home early because you left without telling me. I had nothing else to do. I completed setting this week's schedule for you early enough." Her voice was shaky. She hated that he was affecting her this way.

"You didn't bother to ring me at least? I can't bite you over the phone." 

"I…I…." She trailed off. When he raised his left arm to ruffle his hair, his biceps moved with him. Wasn't he just the greatest showman?

"You what?" He asked her cockily.

"You left with that woman and didn't come back to the office. I finished early so I left early."

"Well, are you jealous of that woman?" He teased.

"Jealous? I don't even know her. You should ask if I care." Esmeralda's confidence was coming back to life, and she fought to grab it like someone drowning would grab a life jacket. The prince walked to the glass panes overlooking the expressway that led to the fashion house itself. Didn't he ever stop to think that someone might be watching? 

"You don't care that I might have taken her to bed and fucked her real hard?" Esmeralda frowned.

"Why should that bother me, sir?" She cringed, however, at his crude vulgar language.

"Should I be pissed about the fact that you only call me sir when we're in an argument? You're not bothered about the fact that I might have screwed that woman to the point where she screamed my name over and over again?" He asked in return. 

"Why would I be bothered when I'm just your personal assistant? Your sex life doesn't bother me." He stared at her from the glass panes. He turned to face her.

"It doesn't? The receptionist said, ``You were really bothered that I had gone out with another woman." 

"You misunderstood her, Prince Kain. I was just bothered about your whereabouts." 

"Wasn't that what I asked? If you were bothered? Should we argue about verbs today?" He lifted a suit bag from the reading table. Esmeralda had not even seen it before now.

"You asked if I was bothered about the fact that you might have screwed another woman. I was only bothered about your whereabouts. You didn't tell me you were going out on a date." 

The prince picked the tie from a hanger in the suit bag and threw it at her. 

Next he brought out a black shirt and wine suit trousers. Esmeralda averted her gaze as he dressed up. She even moved back, pretending to be captivated by the paintings.

"The tie." The prince muttered huskily. Esmeralda walked up to him, careful enough to maintain some inches apart.

"Move closer." Esmeralda moved stiffly, still fighting to retain at least one inch apart. She raised his collars and wrapped the tie around his neck.

Esmeralda felt him nudge her closer to him. Her breath hitched.

"I saw a book about the Mondes war on your table some days ago." Esmeralda's fingers froze on the tie.

"I…I like history." She rapped out. The prince nudged her again until their middle touched.

"Do you hate body contact? You're standing like a statue." 


"Prove it then." He was daring her.

Esmeralda looked up at him.

"What?" She asked, ignoring the butterflies jumping in her belly as a result of their proximity.

"Prove that you don't hate body contact."

Esmeralda gulped and swallowed dryly. She was practically hugging him. What else did he mean by body contact? She pressed herself softly against him and he smiled.

He reached behind her and pressed her hard to himself. She gasped.

"You're not done with the tie, Esmeralda." There was something about the way her name rolled off his tongue that she liked. She forced her eyes to focus on the tie and not on his muscles pressed against her stomach.

"You smell of raspberry and lavender oil." Was this really the prince speaking? 

"My…my body wash." She told him. She gave the tie one last pat and tried to move away from him.

"We're not done here, Esmeralda." His blue eyes stared down at her. The difference in their height was obvious now. Her head barely touched his shoulders.

"You bought a book about the war because of the fits I threw when you mentioned the curse?" His voice sent her insides melting into a puddle. Her traitorous body parts were tingling with unnecessary anticipation.

"No. I bought it because I wanted to satisfy my curiosity." She wanted to move away from him more than anything else. She hated to admit that she liked whatever was going on at the moment. But she was supposed to be seducing him, and not the other way round.

"Why do I think you're lying, Esmeralda?" Where was he heading with this?

"You're free to think whatever you like, but it doesn't have to be true." 

"I also think you were jealous of that woman." He whispered this time around.

"It doesn't matter."

"Well, it does."

"At least not to you." 

He leaned in, close enough to steal the space Esmeralda fought to retain. Any more movement from him would bring their faces closer. Close enough for their noses to touch.

He bent, and she wondered for a second if they were going to kiss. Kiss? She would hang herself. It was never going to happen, that was the point.

"A lot more is going to change if I don't keep my eyes off you." With that, his lips crashed down on hers. Esmeralda's eyes widened in shock. She pushed him, but he didn't budge. 

She grabbed his tie, and he took hostage of her arms, pinning her arms between them. 

She thinned her lips, refusing him entry.

He sucked on her upper lip, and that was when her senses dulled, melting into a watery goo. She seized that chance to talk.

"Kain, let go-"

He took all of her upper lip completely. Sucking, biting and licking. She shut her eyes, her traitorous hormones going into overdrive and taking control of the situation. When he realized she was giving in, he let go of her arms and put them around his neck.

He trailed kisses down her jaw, her neck and when he proceeded to her chest, she arched her back to give him better access. He took his mouth back up and kissed her ravenously. He wasn't asking, he was taking. A need she never knew existed was building up inside of her. His hands roamed up and down her body, lingering on her thighs. 

He pressed himself into her until she could feel him growing. A soft moan escaped her lips and he growled in appreciation. All of a sudden, he grabbed her by the thighs and lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

The position pressed him even closer to her. His hard erection was pressed against her exposed thighs. Her skirt had ridden up her thighs in the process. He grabbed and pressed her butt. She moaned again, humping him to get some sort of friction to calm her pulsating middle.

The cursed prince versus the daughter of the enchantress. This wasn't going to end well, at all. Now she was really going to hang herself, because this could not possibly be happening. She had to be sick or hallucinating. Or even being delusional.

She was really going to hang herself, because it was happening.