

Kristoffer dela Merced. That man is indeed the most short-tempered, merciless, awful, arrogant, annoying—ugh! He’s everything you can enumerate negatively! He is on the top list of the most irritating person I’ve ever met. I won’t even be surprised if he has already ordered someone to get killed. That may sound horrible, but there’s an 80 to 90% possibility that he could do that. Maybe not in his own hands, but his men will do anything that he’ll command.

The words already came from his mouth; even the law fears him. I may not be able to know whom he was or how influential he is because we’re moving in different worlds, but one thing I’m sure of, he’s dangerous.

I sighed deeply as I closed my eyes tightly. With the aching cuts on my arms and hands, I wasn’t able to have a good sleep. I already cleaned my cuts and bruises earlier, but some of it are deep, leaving me in pain. The first aid kit that I found doesn’t have any pain killer medicine on it, which made it harder for me.

As an artist, our hands are one of what we need to protect the most. Nanny Lily and Dad, always reminds me to keep out of danger, especially in the kitchen where I often burn my hands or cut it when cooking. They always take care of me because they know how I love my passion, and how I will still continue my work even with an injured finger, hand, or arm.

If they’ll be able to see what happened to me now, I am absolutely sure that they’ll freak out. But of course, I know how to take care of myself. Not even a single tear will be visible on my face when I am in front of that dela Merced. Breaking out is not on my list now. I need to be strong not just for my dad and for everyone, but also for myself.

I don’t know what time it is now, since I am trying to rest even though my mind is still awake, and not to look at the clock. But what I am sure of is that it has been hours since the mess that I made happened. It’s funny how exhausting my day went, but I wasn’t able to drift into a good sleep like last night. Guess that the second day was rougher than the first night, huh?

As I heard footsteps outside the room, it made a mark on me that it’s almost morning and some are already awake now. I heard the door open and that made me open my eyes in an instant. From the pitch-black sight, I did my best to look on the side and check who it was.

I wasn’t able to catch who it was since he moved too quickly, but what caught my attention were the big paper bags on the side. I even saw an easel on the floor that made my eyes widen in shock.

As I quickly got up from bed, I went near the door and checked everything in the paper bag. I am still in shock while scanning everything here.

All these new sets of clothes that are in my style with, I think a total of ten sets that even have undergarments, which I am so sure that it fits me. New set of hygiene kits including some high-end make-ups. And lastly, what surprises me is the painting set and some art materials from a known brand that I always use.

How the hell did that man know that I paint and make art? I never asked for this last night, and I am also sure that he doesn’t know me since my identity as an artist is always hidden! Is this out of a hunch? Or did he base it on how I look? But nonetheless, this collection is insane! This is a brand from the other country, and it always took me time to line up and order these! I can’t believe that he has this brought to me in just hours!

Giving me what I asked for and adding an extra to what U asked for doesn’t move that much on me, but I am thankful that he still gave me these. Showing some kind of kindness will not make me change on how I look and see him as a person.

But anyway, I know that I heard what he said last night loud and clear. That I am a prisoner here, that’s why I do not have the right to ask for anything. But what are these? A peace offering because of what he has done to me? A token of last wishes since he’ll make me suffer later on?

I shrugged all of those thoughts off and decided to just fix these. No matter what his reason is, what is important is, these things will make my stay here more comfortable and will absolutely kill my time.

How I wish that man would not bother me again asking about my father’s whereabouts, since my answer will remain the same. It’s now on his judgement whether he’ll believe me or what, because absolutely, I am now imprisoned here with no means of communication to the people outside, that’s why no information will reach me, not unless he’ll be the one to mention it.

I won’t mind being locked here all day if that means I won’t see his face. Well, deciding to stay here in the room doesn’t mean that I won’t make a step to figure everything out and help my father. I will still think of a way on how to escape, and unveil the truth, but now, I won’t do anything hilarious that will put me in danger again. Little by little, I know everything will be in the truth’s favor, and what I need to do is to make a discreet move to slowly gain knowledge about everything.

As I knew that I wouldn’t be able to sleep even after not catching any rest since last night, I decided to just take a bath and clean my wounds again. There’s also a new set of medicine kit on the things that they brought me, including some pain killers that why it helped me a lot with the pain. When I was taking a bath, breakfast was also served on the table near the door, that’s why I ate it.

There’s no sense if I’ll self-torture here. I should eat well to gain energy to make my mind function well, and I also need to clean my cuts and bruises, so this won’t be a bother to me for the next few days.

As I finished organizing everything, I just decided to do what I love. I set up a big canvas that was included in what they gave me, as well as the paints and brushes near the window. I found this location a good side to do my art since this is the only place that illuminates the sunrays going in, even though the window is locked.

Instead of pitying myself and throwing myself into a pit of deep thoughts, I put my everything on the masterpiece that I am doing. To be honest, I do not have any specific subject in mind now. I just stroke my brush depending on my hand’s will and will let everything be detailed in the end.

Even outside the situation I am now, doing some paintings always eases my mind and my tiredness. This is what makes me feel at ease and this lessens all the heaviness that I am feeling. The chaos occurring in my mind descends, as a bright light is slowly showing up to guide my way to calmness.

For the twenty-four years of my existence, art has already part of my life. Yes, it was surprising and does bother me knowing that Kristoffer dela Merced knows that I do arts. But there is a big chance that only that part is what he knows about me, since only a few know who I am as an artist. He might have his thorough research done since my father is his target, but I am convinced that he doesn’t know me that much.

As time passed by, I got hooked on what I am doing that made my whole attention focused on my artwork. The knock on the door didn’t even bother me even after hearing footsteps inside. It was probably the guards who would bring my lunch. Based on my last glance on the clock, it’s almost lunchtime.

“Mari…” My focused on what I am doing was embroiled by what I heard. Someone said Mari… or am I just hallucinating? Only a specific person calls me that way and no one from this place knows it. The person who gave that nickname to me isn’t here.

“Mari!” In a clueless expression, I looked back at the person who entered the room to check on who it was, and I wasn’t able to contain my shock that made the palette I was holding lose from my grip.

With the worried expression, Kristiane ran towards my direction and hugged me as tight as he could.

What is he doing here? And how come he was able to find me? Who let him in? How did he know that I am here?

Questions flooded into my mind that made it hard for me to ask any of those questions.

Kristiane let go of his hug and held my face lightly.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did Kristoffer do something to you?” he worriedly ask, but I am still in a state of shock that made it hard for me to answer.

“H-how did you find me?” That was the only words that came out of my mouth. I’m confused! Very confused to the point that all the focus that I tried to gain earlier got messed up again!

With my fiancé being here and with all these questions in my mind, it was very hard to think straight!

Kristiane heaves a deep sigh and smiles sadly at me.

“I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to tell you the truth even though we promised each other to be honest and transparent,” he said out of the blue that made me more confused.

“What are you talking about?”

“I am an illegitimate dela Merced, Mari. When the news reached me about my brother capturing you, it took me a day to convince our dad to give me the location of this place. And being a dela Merced made it easy for me to be here.”