
Parent's Identity

With Zeshion in the middle of the room, acting like a fancy observer, the tension in the air quickly vanished. Vermeil sighed and asked with a frown.

"What are you even doing here, Blue?"

Zeshion quickly turned to her and pointed to himself, saying "Me?" before explaining himself.

"Well, I have matters to discuss with this little man here... So..."

Vermeil snorted before telling Zeshion to get lost in a roundabout manner.

"The Luo family still has things to discuss with him. Come back at a later date."

"Discuss? Is this the atmosphere for a discussion?"

Zeshion tilted his head as he threw a popcorn kernel into his mouth. That popcorn actually looks good; maybe I could get some from him later.

"Sorry, but I can't delay this matter."

Zeshion quickly shook his head, before he smiled and told everyone about a solution.