
Taming my Fierce wife

Witness the twist in this love story. Yang Feng + Xiu Mei. Wang Hu + Yang Ruoxi. Wu Xiang + Wang Xinyi. This book cover doesn't belong to me. All credit goes to the original owner.

Ruby_pinky · Thành thị
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41 Chs

CHAPTER 39: Brats.

Entering the Xiu mansion with her family while holding her 4 month old baby boy to her chest. Mia hugged Huang Yihan tightly as she said " Mom, I missed you so much".

" Me too my daughter, I miss you so much mia". Huang Yihan said as she turned to face Li Peng (Mia's husband), she gave him a hug too and then squat to the floor and hugged the five year old boy.

Mia and her family went to Mia's old room that is in the Xiu mansion and the four of them went to freshen up while Huang Yihan made dinner for them and Wang Xinyi who didn't utter a word stood up and bid goodnight to them as she left.

The five year old boy came out running with his mom (Mia) chasing him to help him wear his pajamas shirt.

Mia is Xiu Mei's sister, though not biologically.

Mia was born into a rich family, but with all the wealth and riches her parents were never satisfied and instead they just looked for nannies to take care of her and go to the office at early morning then come back late at night. it happens to be that time when disaster struck Xiu Mei and her mom. Even though they had the support of Xiu Mie's paternal grandparents Huang Yihan still had to go through struggles, and she worked as a maid in the Cai mansion. And as Mia grew she became close to Huang Yihan and started calling her mom. She tried her best to understand her parents but it came to an end the day they as her to get married to a stranger, she plead to them telling them that she has fallen in love with another boy (Li Peng) but the turned deaf ears and as from that day on she disowned them and took Huang Yihan as her mother, even though Xiu Mei feeling insecure gave her a hard time before finally accepting her.

(Xiu mansion, Dining Room).

" Mom, I haven't seen the demon today. Is she still at the office?" Mia asked as she fed the three boys that stared at her ( Li Peng and her two sons).

" She won't be coming anytime soon". Hang Yihan whispered.

" Huh?, but why?. She even promised to come pick me up". Mia said with a pout which made the cold and reputed Li Peng kiss his wife's lips and it brought a smile to Huang Yihan to see Mia blush.

" Uh... I don't know". Huang Yihan mumbled.

"Mom, is something the problem?, you look stressed". Mia asked worriedly.

" N-no, i-its nothing". Yihan stammered making Mia walk over to her side then she asked Li Peng to take her sons to bed. When they left she sat close to Yihan and hugged her as tears spilled from Huang Yihan's eyes as she told Mia everything that happened hours ago.

" So.... Xiu Mei is pregnant". Mia squealed excitedly, she calmed Yihan down and told her that she will go see Meimei tomorrow as for it is late already and that gave Yihan a little hope then they all went to bed.

(Yang Mansion).

" Dammit, that girl is fucking stubborn, I swear if anything happens to that child....". Yang Feng has almost break everything in the Yangs living room with everyone just watching. It would be risky to get close to him at the moment.

As he was about to throw the flower vase his mom held his hand and hugged him.

" Mom, Xiu Mei's promises are always fulfilled. She doesn't listen to anyone except herself". Yang Feng said. He felt broken, even though he loves Xiu Mei he knew that his fiance is arrogant and prideful and now he has to try his best so as to convince her.

" She won't do anything to the baby". Wang Xinyi who suddenly popped in said.

" How sure are you". Wu Xiang asked with a raised eyebrow, everyone knew how stubborn Xiu Mei can be.

" Because I know it, she might get her hand bloody but not with a loved one. Don't worry she will come around. Especially since her elder sister is back". Xinyi replied.

" Xiu Mei has an elder sister???". Yang Feng asked shocked.

" What?, she can't have a sister?". Xinyi asked with a frown.

" No what he meant was, she still a brat with a an elder sister?".

" Oh yeah... about that, don't tell her when you meet Mia but Mia is also a brat, aunt Yihan spoiled them both. They might come tomorrow but that's if Yihan asked her to. She will go to meet Meimei tomorrow. Come on mom and dad let's go". Saying that the Wang family left to their home, same as the Wu and the Yangs went to bed.

(Next Morning In Xiu Mei's Apartment).

Standing with arms folded beneath her breasts, she coldly looked at the people standing in front of her, looking around she suddenly meet eyes with a red eyed Yang Feng and they saw a slight glint of emotion in her eyes but she gulped and looked away as she went to sit on the sofa.

Looking at her Yang Feng notice that she changed her make up today, she had on maroon color lipstick and her hair was braided into two. She wore a white tube top with dark jacket and leggings with sneakers with holster around her two thighs.

By her dressing they already know where she was heading to.

" Where are you going baby sis". Mia asked as she returned the same cold look.

" Don't ask the obvious question". Xiu Mei answered rudely, even though they were already close Xiu Mei already knows that they have told her what had happened and she came here to scold her.

" You guys should leave me alone, I need space okay". Xiu Mei snapped and Mj who was sitting on the couch suddenly started crying making Xiu Mei turn to him.

" My jewel what happened". Xiu Mei asked worriedly as she wiped his tears and kissed him on the forehead.

" Mommy you scared me". Xiu Mei has never yell in front of him before, she only gives him a look that he understands when he is doing something wrong.

" Hey mommy was just angry okay, have I ever yelled at you before?". She asked and he shook his head then she said " No right, then don't be scared". I nodded.

Sorry for wasting so much time, I was facing a lot of procedures for my admission to the university. LOVE YOU READERS❤

Ruby_pinkycreators' thoughts