
Taming my Fierce wife

Witness the twist in this love story. Yang Feng + Xiu Mei. Wang Hu + Yang Ruoxi. Wu Xiang + Wang Xinyi. This book cover doesn't belong to me. All credit goes to the original owner.

Ruby_pinky · Thành thị
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41 Chs

CHAPTER 24: Does It Look Like A Toy.

Xiu Mei came out wearing a free knee-length dress with kitten heels, while Wang Xinyi came out wearing an A-line knee-length dress with short sandal heels. Both Xiu Mei and Wang Xinyi put on a thigh holster that has a fully loaded gun.

"Why are the both of you wearing gowns, did you both team up against me, I am wearing trousers here". Ruoxi said pouting as the elders left for the garden.

" We have our reasons," Xiu Mei said with a blank face.

"What are they?tell me". Ruoxi pleaded.

" You want to know?" Xiu Mei asked again and when she saw that Ruoxi nodded her head she brought out a pistol and immediately place it in her hands. Seeing the weapon Yang Ruoxi screamed her lungs out while the others apart from Wang Xinyi just look at the weapon with a flabbergasted expression.

"Meimei, is this real?". Ruoxi asked shocked.

"Does it look like a toy?". Xiu Mei asked sarcastically with a grin.

" So you c-carry this with you all the time?". Ruoxi asked still shaking.

"Tsk, stop trembling like you caught a fever, it won't kill you and no I don't take it with me at all times". Xiu Mei replied while clicking her tongue.

" Since you don't take it out at all times then why today". Wang Hu asked with a calm voice.

"Oh, I can protect myself but the gun is for protecting your girlfriend". Xiu Mei replied.

" What do you mean".

"Don't panic about what am about to say" Xiu Mei said then she paused for a while before folding her hand and said" As we all know I am part of the underworld and getting rid of me won't be easy, so if they want that to happen they have to look for my weak point. Wang Hu were you informed about your sister visiting London at a time 2 years ago?".

"Yes, she wanted to tour London". Wang Hu said and that made Xiu Mei chuckle.

" You were given the wrong information".

"What do you mean?". Wang Hu asked curiously.

" She wasn't in London, instead she was fighting for her dear life in the hospital. Wang Xinyi was poisoned".

"What!". apart from Xinyi and Xiu Mei, the others exclaimed.

" Shocked, aren't you. I had to suppress the information because Xinyi insisted". That being said she walked closer to Ruoxi and said " You have accepted me into your life so you have to be very careful Xixi. As my friend I can't watch you die so you have become my weakness, Ruoxi and I will do everything we can to protect you but please you also have to protect yourself".

"Instead of giving her a gun, just get some guards for her". Yang Feng suggested.

"Tsk, my future king should not be this dumb". Xiu Mei said and Yang Feng's eyelid twitched while Wang Hu and Yang Ruoxi threw him mocking smiles which Xiu Mei noticed and she threw them a deadly glare.

Feeling the gaze a chill ran down their spine and Ruoxi trembled while Wang Hu acted calm and Yang Feng smiled warmly. He was so happy that his fiancee stood up for him.

" Ruoxi, don't be scared she won't do anything". Wang Hu said.

"Hehehe, Xiu Mei's methods are brutal you know, just because Ruoxi is her friend she will pamper her but she can also be punished". Wang Xinyi said while Laughing.

" it is not called brutal, I am just being honest with my feelings. Come on let's go shopping". After that, the girls left...

Some minutes later Wu Xiang came rushing to the Xiu mansion.

"Where is she?" He asked immediately after he saw both Yang Feng and Wang Hu.

"Where is who?" Wang Hu asked with a raised eyebrow.

" You said Xiu Mei fainted". Wu Xiang replied.

"Oh that, we... lied". Yang Feng replied hesitantly.

" What the heck, I was in the middle of an important meeting and you made me leave everything and run here".

"We have a reason". Wang Hu explained.

" Speak". Wu Xiang said with a glare.

"Look, the girls has left us to have a girls night, and the people who could tell us the code to Xiu Mei's smart house said they do not want us to go there and become romantic leaving Wang Xinyi a third-wheel. So since you, an Xixi are dating let's go to them so that they can tell us the code. And behave, don't let Xiu Mei's grandfather find out because he is very cunning for his age". After discussing the matter they walked to the garden to meet with the elders.

(On the girls side).

It has been an hour now and they were already done shopping and they headed to Xiu Mei's home as planned.

Opening the door Yang Ruoxi exclaimed, " I am exhausted and hungry. When will the delivery man arrive". with a yawn.A while later they heard the door bell and they went to receive their order.

"Same here, I will go to my room to freshen up. You can use Xinyi's room".

" How did Xinyi get a room?".

"There is a guest room but it turned to Xinyi's room since she was the only one who always visits". Xiu Mei answered Ruoxi. After saying that they all went to freshen up but Wang Xinyi and Yang Ruoxi took turns.

Coming out of the room, Xiu Mei wore a cropped sleeveless top with shorts. When she got to the living room she saw Yang Ruoxi unpacking the stuff they just brought while Wang Xinyi was happily preparing the dinner table. Both Yang Ruoxi and Wang Xinyi wore their lingerie with robe on top.

" Come on let's have dinner first then after that we can check the clothes". Wang Xinyi called put to them.

They went shopping and was tired so the ordered for a whole fried chicken. As soon as Wang Xinyi served the food they immediately dug in.

When they were done Wang Xinyi took her pad and few minutes later she was very focused, she seem to be designing a new jewellery, While Ruoxi was checking for models she could use to launch her new brand. Although she has her personal models, the best once were occupied. And Xiu Mei on the other hand sat on the sofa with her legs stretched on the fluffy bean bag chair as a laptop was place on her laps.