"Gra... grandfather!"
Baghi muttered, trying to hold in his sobs.
"My precious child, we left a huge burden on your shoulders, I hope you can forgive your grandfather."
This old man was the infamous tamer of the Tea family, a Star King tamer before he died, protecting Abran.
"No, no... don't say that grandfather. I... I'm just happy to see you again!"
Baghi said as he covered his face with his hand while weeping before another figure appeared and pinched Baghi's ear. Baghi flinched and turned in that direction to check who it was, only to realize it was his father, wearing a grey suit, and beside him stood a woman.
"Father... mother!"
"You lazy kid, still running away from your responsibilities?"
Baghi's father asked while his mother came closer and pushed away his father.
"Stop it, can't you see how weak our son has become. Come here Baghi, give your mother a hug."